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ISA-11:9 ...for the earth shall be
full of the knowledge of the LORD,
as the waters cover the sea.
t as <EC179.TXT 1 20>
t be too caught up <EC218.TXT 49 16>
t clark <EC173.TXT 10 1>
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TXT 10 16>
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1 13>
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20 15>
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TXT 2 20>
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th century <EC191.TXT 8 3>
th century <EC196.TXT 8 20>
th century <EC199.TXT 4 15>
th century <EC201.TXT 3 9>
th century <EC201.TXT 3 9>
th century <EC203.TXT 1 10>
th century <EC218.TXT 5 17>
th century <EC218.TXT 5 1>
th century about <EC131.TXT 4 14>
th century b <EC131.TXT 2 15>
th century b <EC195.TXT 1 16>
th century b <EC195.TXT 3 5>
th century men <EC81.TXT 1 22>
th century philosopher immanuel kant <EC180.TXT 2 0>
th century which we might call <EC155.TXT 2 21>
th chapter <EC155.TXT 6 7>
th ed <EC134.TXT 4 4>
th ed <EC139.TXT 4 14>
th ed <EC160.TXT 3 17>
th ed <EC190.TXT 8 20>
th ed <EC207.TXT 16 11>
th ed <EC218.TXT 57 1>
th ed <EC31.TXT 9 22>
th ed <EC32.TXT 1 15>
th ed <EC34.TXT 1 9>
th edition <EC33.TXT 2 6>
th power <EC12.TXT 1 20>
th power <EC172.TXT 2 17>
th power <EC172.TXT 3 5>
th power <EC197.TXT 6 9>
th power <EC197.TXT 7 3>
th power <EC197.TXT 8 1>
th power <EC218.TXT 9 19>
th power <EC31.TXT 8 18>
th power <EC41.TXT 3 17>
th power bits <EC172.TXT 3 11>
th power computations per second <EC172.TXT 3 18>
th power meter <EC172.TXT 2 11>
th power signals or computations every second <EC172.TXT 3 16>
th psalm <EC180.TXT 7 10>
th research n e author <EC209.TXT 3 3>
th st <EC84.TXT 6 20>
thales <EC23.TXT 3 15>
thales <EC79.TXT 11 23>
than <EC128.TXT 2 6>
than <EC128.TXT 3 1>
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than <EC185.TXT 4 20>
than <EC189.TXT 2 23>
than <EC189.TXT 4 1>
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than <EC218.TXT 22 23>
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than can be found among different human tribes today <EC189.TXT
6 23>
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than normal rain water <EC207.TXT 7 18>
than other people <EC218.TXT 47 5>
than other people <EC218.TXT 6 11>
than those which would be supplied while <EC145.TXT 6 2>
than those who program them <EC18.TXT 10 18>
thank gwen krivi <EC133.TXT 17 22>
thank you <EC106.TXT 4 1>
thank you <EC18.TXT 5 11>
thank you <EC18.TXT 5 2>
thank you for forgiving me <EC106.TXT 4 5>
thank you jesus <EC81.TXT 7 17>
thanks <EC210.TXT 4 13>
thanks <EC32.TXT 1 18>
thanks <EC34.TXT 1 19>
thanks <EC78.TXT 2 14>
that's all <EC10.TXT 2 15>
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that's how life began <EC80.TXT 1 23>
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that's still where most <EC104.TXT 3 1>
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their active mountain belts <EC146.TXT 2 16>
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their actual occurrence <EC145.TXT 3 21>
their age was greater than or equal <EC193.TXT 4 20>
their ancestry from triassic pseudosuchian archosaurs <EC112.
TXT 1 18>
their animal ancestors have always been carnivorous <EC173.TXT
3 5>
their anticreationist tract <EC135.TXT 4 5>
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their creator <EC206.TXT 2 6>
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their environment until they ultimately annihilate themselves
<EC19.TXT 12 17>
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their fossil <EC116.TXT 1 7>
their fossilization or <EC179.TXT 2 0>
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their geophysical environment <EC157.TXT 2 2>
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their german address <EC72.TXT 13 9>
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their humanisticevolutionistic religion <EC218.TXT 52 20>
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27 22>
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their improving rather than harming organisms <EC187.TXT 1 15>
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their mind <EC170.TXT 5 12>
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their model cdn supplement ideas presented here <EC207.TXT 18 8>
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their mouth when they speak <EC18.TXT 8 18>
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links <EC190.TXT 6 5>
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links <EC31.TXT 7 2>
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their opinion as you do <EC104.TXT 4 7>
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their own scientific fields <EC175.TXT 6 13>
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their peers <EC192.TXT 8 18>
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their present condition but are considered <EC64.TXT 1 7>
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their report <EC112.TXT 2 0>
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TXT 4 9>
their research <EC218.TXT 52 21>
their research into <EC218.TXT 44 21>
their respective cultures from <EC72.TXT 17 9>
their respective views <EC204.TXT 6 21>
their results being greater or less aaccording <EC51.TXT 1 13>
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their science textbooks <EC122.TXT 3 5>
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their usefulness <EC218.TXT 12 18>
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thel <EC211.TXT 2 15>
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them <EC175.TXT 1 23>
them <EC176.TXT 6 2>
them <EC176.TXT 8 21>
them <EC176.TXT 8 22>
them <EC178.TXT 9 11>
them <EC185.TXT 9 6>
them <EC190.TXT 4 21>
them <EC194.TXT 7 6>
them <EC195.TXT 5 9>
them <EC197.TXT 5 0>
them <EC197.TXT 7 17>
them <EC199.TXT 2 18>
them <EC204.TXT 3 18>
them <EC206.TXT 6 10>
them <EC218.TXT 30 16>
them <EC218.TXT 45 15>
them <EC218.TXT 45 16>
them <EC218.TXT 49 16>
them <EC218.TXT 8 14>
them <EC31.TXT 5 13>
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<EC07.TXT 1 16>
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then <EC218.TXT 37 7>
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then <EC28.TXT 2 10>
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then christianity <EC173.TXT 9 5>
then christianity <EC204.TXT 7 21>
then christianity <EC204.TXT 7 9>
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then fry their asses good <EC218.TXT 31 12>
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then god should allow death <EC173.TXT 7 13>
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then left him at <EC121.TXT 1 10>
then left him at <EC218.TXT 35 4>
then let our countenances be looked upon before thee <EC199.TXT
2 11>
then look at <EC159.TXT 4 11>
then lose <EC121.TXT 1 21>
then lose <EC218.TXT 35 14>
then maybe i'll send my kid down there <EC218.TXT 31 9>
then men <EC170.TXT 4 20>
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7 7>
then more questions arise <EC122.TXT 6 17>
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15 18>
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then said they came from an ape <EC73.TXT 4 3>
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then select those with appropriate radiocarbon age for
incorporation into <EC193.TXT 6 20>
then seriously consider <EC120.TXT 2 5>
then settled down <EC19.TXT 8 12>
then she must be disqualified as an evolutionary ancestor <EC74.
TXT 4 20>
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then splicing <EC137.TXT 4 20>
then stick around for about two million years or more with no
essential change <EC189.TXT 6 11>
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species <EC120.TXT 7 7>
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then through noah's family <EC171.TXT 2 13>
then told <EC170.TXT 2 23>
then translated into <EC133.TXT 6 1>
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then what education practices <EC202.TXT 4 17>
then when no fossil evidence supports transitional forms they
jump <EC59.TXT 3 13>
then who <EC218.TXT 19 2>
then why are they specialized for different activities <EC172.
TXT 6 23>
then why are they specialized for different activities <EC198.
TXT 6 23>
then why should we bother <EC103.TXT 4 2>
then wrote zeros after <EC41.TXT 3 9>
then your moral standards are ultimately based on <EC104.TXT 3
theo retical grounding <EC203.TXT 8 22>
theodosius dobzhansky <EC185.TXT 2 8>
theodosius dobzhansky <EC185.TXT 9 14>
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TXT 5 16>
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<EC102.TXT 6 9>
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TXT 2 4>
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11 15>
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<EC107.TXT 2 20>
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<EC107.TXT 3 0>
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1 22>
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facts as such <EC180.TXT 5 4>
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before adam <EC176.TXT 5 9>
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TXT 4 0>
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<EC125.TXT 3 1>
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there were active volcanoes nearby <EC153.TXT 3 0>
there were at least two ways <EC134.TXT 2 2>
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<EC110.TXT 2 10>
there were deep personal beliefs <EC218.TXT 1 19>
there were essentially two schools <EC155.TXT 2 21>
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there were many fly <EC72.TXT 1 18>
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there were no human observers <EC99.TXT 7 7>
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there were so many spinning nuclei <EC162.TXT 4 19>
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there will be at least one universe where all properties are
ideal <EC182.TXT 6 22>
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there will likely be another <EC72.TXT 16 18>
there will now be two science sections <EC128.TXT 1 21>
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there would be an apocalypse <EC19.TXT 13 10>
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there would be no evidence for <EC94.TXT 2 8>
there would be no need for this discussion today because their
evidence <EC80.TXT 4 15>
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there would certainly be no detriment <EC77.TXT 9 12>
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there would not be enough land or sea <EC96.TXT 1 19>
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there's an even more important reason <EC103.TXT 3 7>
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there's not much found <EC167.TXT 1 14>
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thereby connecting each verse sequentially <EC176.TXT 9 20>
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thereby decreasing their surface area <EC115.TXT 4 15>
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therefore <EC180.TXT 5 21>
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therefore <EC181.TXT 5 13>
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therefore <EC188.TXT 7 3>
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therefore <EC19.TXT 9 2>
therefore <EC191.TXT 3 15>
therefore <EC191.TXT 7 6>
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therefore <EC203.TXT 4 11>
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therefore <EC207.TXT 6 6>
therefore <EC207.TXT 9 15>
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therefore <EC218.TXT 53 6>
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therefore <EC29.TXT 2 13>
therefore <EC29.TXT 3 6>
therefore <EC36.TXT 4 6>
therefore <EC37.TXT 3 22>
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therefore <EC58.TXT 2 14>
therefore <EC70.TXT 6 6>
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therefore <EC81.TXT 6 11>
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therefore <EC91.TXT 1 6>
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therefore <EC93.TXT 1 15>
therefore <EC94.TXT 3 14>
therefore <EC99.TXT 1 1>
therefore <EC99.TXT 4 10>
therefore called night <EC19.TXT 10 0>
therefore claim <EC176.TXT 1 12>
therefore easily erodable chemicals should be most abundant
<EC145.TXT 1 10>
therefore hastily relegated <EC195.TXT 6 1>
therefore have taken place <EC48.TXT 3 3>
therefore he requested <EC199.TXT 2 7>
therefore if stars <EC19.TXT 7 9>
therefore implies <EC120.TXT 16 9>
therefore its name was called babel <EC57.TXT 3 11>
therefore living beings cannot be grasped by natural science
<EC164.TXT 4 14>
therefore no <EC209.TXT 6 16>
therefore not as decisive as <EC116.TXT 6 15>
therefore obliged <EC185.TXT 8 7>
therefore ones choice finally boils down <EC16.TXT 3 5>
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therefore satisfied <EC123.TXT 7 23>
therefore scientists have supposed <EC144.TXT 2 7>
therefore they should be read by all who want <EC218.TXT 2 10>
therefore we cannot talk about any <EC19.TXT 4 7>
therein <EC120.TXT 11 18>
thereupon <EC218.TXT 45 8>
thereupon these wretched <EC218.TXT 45 12>
therfore <EC29.TXT 2 1>
thermal wind equation <EC188.TXT 4 3>
thermodyn <FILES.BBS 2 6>
thermodyn <START.TXT 1 14>
thermodynamic arrow <EC06.TXT 1 19>
thermodynamic arrows <EC06.TXT 1 7>
thermodynamics <EC05.TXT 1 15>
thermodynamics <EC05.TXT 1 2>
thermodynamics <EC07.TXT 1 12>
thermodynamics <EC07.TXT 1 16>
thermodynamics <EC120.TXT 16 4>
thermodynamics <EC120.TXT 16 8>
thermodynamics <EC125.TXT 8 1>
thermodynamics <EC126.TXT 2 0>
thermodynamics <EC126.TXT 2 17>
thermodynamics <EC126.TXT 2 9>
thermodynamics <EC126.TXT 3 6>
thermodynamics <EC126.TXT 5 0>
thermodynamics <EC13.TXT 1 3>
thermodynamics <EC138.TXT 3 17>
thermodynamics <EC156.TXT 10 22>
thermodynamics <EC156.TXT 10 3>
thermodynamics <EC156.TXT 11 1>
thermodynamics <EC156.TXT 9 22>
thermodynamics <EC16.TXT 1 18>
thermodynamics <EC160.TXT 3 19>
thermodynamics <EC178.TXT 5 18>
thermodynamics <EC184.TXT 5 16>
thermodynamics <EC184.TXT 7 17>
thermodynamics <EC184.TXT 7 8>
thermodynamics <EC184.TXT 8 21>
thermodynamics <EC184.TXT 9 14>
thermodynamics <EC187.TXT 1 16>
thermodynamics <EC19.TXT 12 12>
thermodynamics <EC19.TXT 12 9>
thermodynamics <EC197.TXT 6 8>
thermodynamics <EC212.TXT 5 21>
thermodynamics <EC212.TXT 6 12>
thermodynamics <EC218.TXT 46 11>
thermodynamics <EC218.TXT 48 5>
thermodynamics <EC26.TXT 2 7>
thermodynamics <EC28.TXT 2 15>
thermodynamics <EC36.TXT 3 20>
thermodynamics <EC39.TXT 1 11>
thermodynamics <EC42.TXT 1 2>
thermodynamics <EC42.TXT 3 19>
thermodynamics <EC46.TXT 1 14>
thermodynamics <EC79.TXT 16 17>
thermodynamics <EC92.TXT 3 12>
thermodynamics <EC92.TXT 3 13>
thermodynamics <EC92.TXT 3 16>
thermodynamics <EC98.TXT 1 2>
thermodynamics <EC98.TXT 1 4>
thermodynamics <FILES.BBS 4 6>
thermodynamics <START.TXT 3 14>
thermodynamics <START.TXT 6 7>
thermodynamics are science <EC05.TXT 2 12>
thermodynamics as man's description <EC06.TXT 2 11>
thermodynamics but <EC126.TXT 4 13>
thermodynamics contradict this prediction <EC93.TXT 1 9>
thermodynamics could well be stated as follows <EC98.TXT 1 11>
thermodynamics does indeed conflict with <EC212.TXT 7 5>
thermodynamics operates with two master concepts or constructs
<EC126.TXT 1 21>
thermodynamics point away from evolution <EC07.TXT 1 21>
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<EC05.TXT 1 20>
thermodynamics states <EC13.TXT 1 5>
thermodynamics states <EC184.TXT 4 8>
thermodynamics states <EC42.TXT 1 4>
thermodynamis <EC126.TXT 1 15>
theropods <EC118.TXT 6 19>
theropods possess only digits <EC118.TXT 6 22>
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these <EC129.TXT 2 17>
these <EC178.TXT 3 0>
these <EC180.TXT 3 4>
these <EC182.TXT 4 15>
these <EC182.TXT 5 20>
these <EC218.TXT 49 18>
these <EC26.TXT 1 3>
these <EC35.TXT 2 20>
these <EC79.TXT 15 17>
these <EC82.TXT 1 7>
these accounts <EC195.TXT 5 3>
these advocates include steven jay gould <EC157.TXT 1 9>
these advocates include steven jay gould <EC218.TXT 65 23>
these alleged two million years <EC189.TXT 5 23>
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these alternate views <EC108.TXT 1 11>
these amino acids <EC218.TXT 19 2>
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human measurements <EC182.TXT 6 9>
these are not contradictory systems <EC209.TXT 1 20>
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these areas <EC108.TXT 2 9>
these arguments have now fallen into disfavor among many
darwinian geologists <EC179.TXT 2 1>
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these at his disposal <EC72.TXT 7 8>
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these basic substances <EC80.TXT 4 2>
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these believe <EC125.TXT 6 5>
these beneficial changes which have never been observed <EC03.
TXT 1 20>
these billions <EC28.TXT 1 20>
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these catholic educators share these beliefs <EC82.TXT 7 5>
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these complex forms gradually developing from <EC09.TXT 1 4>
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<EC120.TXT 15 17>
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these concepts are also false <EC191.TXT 8 23>
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these conditions all being met together provides excellent
evidence against evolution <EC187.TXT 2 2>
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these differences can be quantified exactly <EC31.TXT 4 12>
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these drastic changes were caused by systemic mutations which
affected early embryonic stages <EC179.TXT 2 17>
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these efforts <EC218.TXT 55 7>
these efforts <EC37.TXT 8 15>
these eleven major processes <EC194.TXT 2 12>
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these events under present <EC48.TXT 3 2>
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these facts will invariably be ignored <EC218.TXT 27 3>
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<EC183.TXT 3 19>
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TXT 5 6>
these gaps <EC179.TXT 4 13>
these geochemical fossils <EC183.TXT 5 12>
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these last days by steven <EC196.TXT 1 1>
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these laws or processes by their creator <EC209.TXT 7 3>
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<EC215.TXT 1 16>
these mere fragments provide sufficient information from which
<EC73.TXT 3 16>
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these minute photoreceptor cells <EC47.TXT 2 19>
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these mirror <EC198.TXT 6 9>
these mistakes would be improvements <EC137.TXT 7 8>
these models require tremendous amounts <EC201.TXT 4 13>
these modern developments <EC185.TXT 5 1>
these modifications are not performed by e <EC133.TXT 4 15>
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these rocks contain life forms such as corals <EC54.TXT 2 6>
these same discoveries hove only magnified problems <EC210.TXT
9 23>
these same individuals <EC174.TXT 2 14>
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these scientists were abel <EC109.TXT 1 17>
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these signals <EC198.TXT 2 12>
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random <EC218.TXT 18 22>
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these teachers <EC78.TXT 1 8>
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these technologies with techniques for protein crystallization
<EC133.TXT 17 15>
these ten scientists <EC175.TXT 6 10>
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these three purposes <EC196.TXT 8 17>
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TXT 1 12>
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these two men <EC171.TXT 2 7>
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thesis <EC72.TXT 20 21>
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TXT 1 13>
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<EC17.TXT 1 14>
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TXT 6 23>
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6 1>
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9 1>
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2 16>
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<EC197.TXT 4 14>
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1 14>
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<EC159.TXT 3 3>
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