BIBLESOFT COMPANY BOX 308 Greenleaf Id. 83626
Dear Sir :
We have enclosed some information that you may be
interested in about
the exciting world of computer Bible study. At this time
we are able
to offer you over 3500 disks of Bible, and Bible study
including all of our different packages of single book
studies. We
are offering many new products that have never been in
printed or
electronic form before. As a ministry tool we are offering
you a
report Titled :
How to Start a Computer Software Ministry for $100.00.
Helping you reach the world with electronic Bible tools
for the 1990s.
We feel that every disk has much potential as a tool in
helping you
to learn the Word of God and to use the Word of God to
help others.
All software is for use on the IBM-PC or compatible
computers. All
of the software is in text files like a book and is based
on the
King James Version of the Bible.
We also have the N.I.V. Bible ready for shipment at this
time for our
low price of $75.00.
If you will take the time to research out and see what we
have to
offer you for your study of God's word. You will see there
are many
benefits of using the Bible in electronic form. One fact
for sure the
time spent in researching out what we have to offer you
could save
you many hours of manual searching and studying of the
Bible. We are
offering Bible studies in Hypertext at this time also.
Hurry Hurry is the way life is most of the time so take a
today and enter the exciting world of electronic Bible
study. All
orders will be processed within 30 days so send in your
order now and
see what you can do with your computer and a Bible for who
knows all
the possibilities of computer Bible study. We offer a full
30 day
money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with our
Thank you
Raymond K. Hamilton