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ISA-11:9 ...for the earth shall be
full of the knowledge of the LORD,
as the waters cover the sea.
Ephesians 1:1 Paul <3972-Paulos->, an apostle <0652-
apostolos-> of Jesus
<2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos-> by the will <2307-
thelema-> of God
<2316-theos->, to the saints <0040-hagios-> which <3588-ho-
> are at
<1722-en-> Ephesus <2181-Ephesos->, and to the faithful
<4103-pistos-> in
Christ <5547-Christos-> Jesus <2424-Iesous->:-
* 1,2 After the salutation
3 and thanksgiving for the Ephesians
4,5 he treats of our election
6-10 and adoption by grace
11,12 which is the true and proper fountain of man's
13-15 And because the height of this mystery cannot be
attained unto
16-23 he prays that they may come to the full knowledge
possession thereof in Christ
* an
# ro 1:1 1co 1:1 ga 1:1
* to the saints
# ro 1:7 1co 1:2 2co 1:1
* which
# ep 6:21 nu 12:7 lu 16:10 ac 16:15 1co 4:12,17 ga 3:9
col 1:2
# re 2:10,13 17:14
* faithful
# ac 19:1-20:38
Ephesians 1:2 Grace <5485-charis-> [be] to you, and peace
from God <2316-theos-> our Father <3962-pater->, and [from]
the Lord
<2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos->:
# ro 1:7 2co 1:2 ga 1:3 tit 1:4
Ephesians 1:3 Blessed <2128-eulogetos-> [be] the God <2316-
theos-> and
Father <3962-pater-> of our Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-
Christ <5547-Christos->, who <3588-ho-> hath blessed <2127-
eulogeo-> us
with all <3956-pas-> spiritual <4152-pneumatikos-> blessings
<2129-eulogia-> in heavenly <2032-epouranios-> [places] in
* Blessed
# ge 14:20 1ch 29:20 ne 9:5 ps 72:19 da 4:34 lu 2:28 2co
# 1pe 1:3 re 4:9-11 5:9-14
* God
# ep 1:17 jno 10:29,30 20:17 ro 15:6 2co 1:3 11:31 phi 2:
* who
# ge 12:2,3 22:18 1ch 4:10 ps 72:17 134:3 is 61:9 ga 3:9
* heavenly
# ep 1:20 2:6 3:10 6:12 he 8:5 9:23
* places: or, things
# ep 6:12
* in Christ
# ep 1:10 jno 14:20 15:2-5 17:21 ro 12:5 1co 1:30 12:12
2co 5:17,21
Ephesians 1:4 According <2531-kathos-> as he hath chosen
<1586-eklegomai-> us in him before <4253-pro-> the
<2602-katabole-> of the world <2889-kosmos->, that we
should be holy
<0040-hagios-> and without <0299-amomos-> blame <0299-
amomos-> before
<2714-katenopion-> him in love <0026-agape->:-
* as
# de 7:6,7 ps 135:4 is 41:8,9 42:1 65:8-10 mat 11:25,26
# jno 10:16 ac 13:48 18:10 ro 8:28,30,33 9:23,24 11:5,6
2th 2:13,14
# 2ti 2:10 tit 1:1,2 ja 2:5 1pe 1:2 2:9
* before
# mat 25:34 jno 17:24 ac 15:18 1pe 1:20 re 13:8 17:8
* that
# ep 2:10 lu 1:74,75 jno 15:16 ro 8:28,29 col 3:12 1th 4:
# 2ti 1:9 2:19 tit 2:11,12 2pe 1:5-10
* without
# ep 5:27 1co 1:8 phi 2:15 col 1:22 2pe 3:14
* love
# ep 3:17 4:2,15,16 5:2 ga 5:6,13,22 col 2:2 1th 3:12
1jno 4:16
Ephesians 1:5 Having predestinated <4309-proorizo-> us
unto the adoption
<5206-huiothesia-> of children <5206-huiothesia-> by Jesus
Christ <5547-Christos-> to himself <0848-hautou->,
according <2596-kata->
to the good pleasure <2107-eudokia-> of his will <2307-
* predestinated
# ep 1:11 ro 8:29,30
* unto
# je 3:4,19 ho 1:10 jno 1:12 11:52 ro 8:14-17,23 2co 6:
18 ga 4:5,6
# he 12:5-9 1jno 3:1 re 21:7
* by
# jno 20:17 ga 3:26 he 2:10-15
* according
# ep 1:9,11 da 4:35 mat 1:25 11:26 lu 10:21 11:32 ro 9:
# 1co 1:1,21 phi 2:13 2th 1:11
Ephesians 1:6 To the praise <1868-epainos-> of the glory
<1391-doxa-> of
his grace <5485-charis->, wherein <3757-hou-> he hath made
<5487-charitoo-> us accepted <5487-charitoo-> in the beloved
* praise
# ep 1:7,8,12,14,18 2:7 3:10,11 pr 16:4 is 43:21 61:3,11
je 33:9
# lu 2:14 ro 9:23,24 2co 4:15 phi 1:1 4:19 2th 1:8-10
1ti 1:14-16
# 1pe 2:9 4:11
* he
# is 45:24,25 je 23:6 ro 3:22-26 5:15-19 8:1 2co 5:21
phi 3:9
# 1pe 2:5
* in
# ps 22:20 60:5 pr 8:30,31 is 42:1 49:1-3 zec 13:7 mat 3:
17 17:5
# jno 3:35 10:17 col 1:13
Ephesians 1:7 In whom <3739-hos-> we have <2192-echo->
<0629-apolutrosis-> through <1223-dia-> his blood <0129-
haima->, the
forgiveness <0859-aphesis-> of sins <3900-paraptoma->,
<2596-kata-> to the riches <4149-ploutos-> of his grace
* whom
# job 33:24 ps 130:7 da 9:24-26 zec 9:11 13:1,7 mat 20:
28 26:28
# mar 14:24 ac 20:28 ro 3:24 1co 1:30 col 1:14 1ti 2:6
tit 2:14
# he 9:12-15,22 10:4-12 1pe 1:18,19 2:24 3:18 1jno 2:2 4:
10 re 5:9
# re 14:4
* the forgiveness
# ex 34:7 ps 32:1,2 86:5 130:4 is 43:25 55:6,7 je 31:34
da 9:9,19
# jon 4:2 mi 7:18 lu 1:77 7:40-42,47-50 24:47 jno 20:23
ac 2:38 3:19
# 10:43 13:38,39 ro 4:6-9 col 2:13 he 10:17 1jno 1:7-9 2:
* to
# ep 1:6 2:4,7 3:8,16 ro 2:4 3:24 9:23 2co 8:9 phi 4:19
col 1:27
# 2:2 tit 3:6
Ephesians 1:8 Wherein <3757-hou-> he hath abounded <4052-
toward <1519-eis-> us in all <3956-pas-> wisdom <4678-
sophia-> and
prudence <5428-phronesis->;-
* he
# ro 5:15,20,21
* in
# ep 1:11 3:10 ps 104:24 pr 8:12 is 52:13 da 2:20,21 mat
# ro 11:33 1co 1:19-24 2:7 col 2:3 jude 25 re 5:12
Ephesians 1:9 Having made <1107-gnorizo-> known <1107-
gnorizo-> unto us
the mystery <3466-musterion-> of his will <2307-thelema->,
<2596-kata-> to his good pleasure <2107-eudokia-> which
<3739-hos-> he
hath purposed <4388-protithemai-> in himself <0848-hautou->:
* made
# ep 1:17,18 3:3-9 mat 13:11 ro 16:25-27 1co 2:10-12 ga
# col 1:26-28 1ti 3:16
* according
# ep 1:5
* purposed
# ep 1:11 3:11 job 23:13,14 ps 33:11 is 14:24-27 46:10,
11 je 2:29
# la 3:37,38 ac 2:23 4:28 13:48 ro 8:28 2ti 1:9
Ephesians 1:10 That in the dispensation <3622-oikonomia->
of the fulness
<4138-pleroma-> of times <2540-kairos-> he might gather
<0346-anakephalaiomai-> together <0346-anakephalaiomai-> in
one all
<3956-pas-> things in Christ <5547-Christos->, both <5037-
te-> which
<3588-ho-> are in heaven <3772-ouranos->, and which <3588-
ho-> are on
<1909-epi-> earth <1093-ge->; [even] in him:-
* in the
# is 2:2-4 da 2:44 9:24-27 am 9:11 mi 4:1,2 mal 3:1 1co
10:11 ga 4:4
# he 1:2 9:10 11:40 1pe 1:20
* he
# ep 1:22 2:15 3:15 ge 49:10 mat 25:32 1co 3:22,23 11:3
phi 2:9,10
# col 1:20 3:11 he 12:22-24 re 5:9 7:4-12 19:4-6
* heaven Gr: the heavens
Ephesians 1:11 In whom <3739-hos-> also <2532-kai-> we
have obtained
<2820-kleroo-> an inheritance <2820-kleroo->, being
<4309-proorizo-> according <2596-kata-> to the purpose
of him who worketh <1754-energeo-> all <3956-pas-> things
<2596-kata-> the counsel <1012-boule-> of his own <0848-
hautou-> will
* we
# ep 1:14 ps 37:18 ac 20:32 26:18 ro 8:17 ga 3:18 col 1:
12 3:24
# tit 3:7 ja 2:5 1pe 1:4 3:9
* being
# ep 1:5
* according
# is 46:10,11
* the purpose
# ep 1:9
* the counsel
# ep 1:8 job 12:13 pr 8:14 is 5:19 28:29 40:13,14 je 23:
18 32:19
# zec 6:13 ac 2:23 4:28 20:27 ro 11:34 he 6:17
Ephesians 1:12 That we should be to the praise <1868-
epainos-> of his
glory <1391-doxa->, who <3588-ho-> first <4276-proelpizo->
<4276-proelpizo-> in Christ <5547-Christos->:-
* be
# ep 1:6,14 2:7 3:21 2th 2:13
* who
# ep 1:13 ps 2:12 146:3-5 is 11:10 12:2 32:1,2 42:1-4 45:
# je 17:5-7 23:6 mat 12:18-21 jno 14:1 ro 15:12,13 2ti 1:
# ja 1:18 1pe 1:21
* trusted: or, hoped
Ephesians 1:13 In whom <3739-hos-> ye also <2532-kai->
[trusted], after
that ye heard <0191-akouo-> the word <4487-rhema-> of truth
<0225-aletheia->, the gospel <2098-euaggelion-> of your
salvation <4991-soteria->: in whom <3739-hos-> also <2532-
kai-> after that
ye believed <4100-pisteuo->, ye were sealed <4972-sphragizo-
> with that
holy <0040-hagios-> Spirit <4151-pneuma-> of promise <1860-
* ye also
# ep 2:11 col 1:21-23 1pe 2:10
* after that ye heard
# ep 4:21 jno 1:17 ro 6:17 10:14-17 col 1:4-6,23 1th 2:13
* the word
# ps 119:43 2co 6:7 2ti 2:15 ja 1:18
* the gospel
# mar 16:15,16 ac 13:26 ro 1:16 2ti 3:15 tit 2:11 he 2:3
* we were
# ep 4:30 jno 6:27 ro 4:11 2co 1:22 2ti 2:19 re 7:2
* holy
# joel 2:28 lu 11:13 24:49 jno 14:16,17,26 15:26 16:7-15
ac 1:4
# 2:16-22,33 ga 3:14
Ephesians 1:14 Which <3739-hos-> is the earnest <0728-
arrhabon-> of our
inheritance <2817-kleronomia-> until <1519-eis-> the
<0629-apolutrosis-> of the purchased <4047-peripoiesis->
<4047-peripoiesis->, unto the praise <1868-epainos-> of his
* the earnest
# ro 8:15-17,23 2co 1:22 5:5 ga 4:6
* the redemption
# ep 4:30 le 25:24 ps 74:2 78:54 je 32:7,8 lu 21:28 ac
# ro 8:23 1pe 2:9
* into
# ep 1:6,12
Ephesians 1:15 Wherefore <5124-touto-> I also <2504-kago->,
after I heard
<0191-akouo-> of your <5209-humas-> faith <4102-pistis-> in
the Lord
<2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-Iesous->, and love <0026-agape->
unto all
<3956-pas-> the saints <0040-hagios->,-
* after
# col 1:3,4 phile 5
* faith
# ga 5:6 1th 1:3 2th 1:3 1ti 1:5,14
* love
# ps 16:3 col 1:4 1th 4: 9 he 6:10 1pe 1:22 1jno 3:17 4:
Ephesians 1:16 Cease <3973-pauo-> not to give thanks <2168-
for you, making <4160-poieo-> mention <3417-mneia-> of you
in my prayers
* Cease
# ro 1:8,9 1sa 7:8 12:23 phi 1:3,4 col 1:3 1th 5:17 2th
* making
# ge 40:14 is 62:6 1th 1:2
Ephesians 1:17 That the God <2316-theos-> of our Lord
Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos->, the Father
<3962-pater-> of
glory <1391-doxa->, may give <1325-didomi-> unto you the
<4151-pneuma-> of wisdom <4678-sophia-> and revelation
in the knowledge <1922-epignosis-> of him:-
* the God
# ep 1:3 jno 20:17
* the Father
# 1ch 29:11 ps 24:7,10 29:3 je 2:11 mat 6:13 lu 2:14 ac
7:2 1co 2:8
# ja 2:1 re 7:12
* the spirit
# Ge 41:38,39 is 11:2 da 5:11 lu 12:12 21:15 jno 14:17,
26 ac 6:10
# 1co 12:8 14:6 col 1:9 2:3 ja 3:17,18
* revelation
# ep 3:5 da 2:28-30 10:1 mat 11:25 16:7 1co 2:10 2co 12:1
* in the knowledge: or, for the acknowledgement
# ep 3:18,19 pr 2:5 je 9:24 24:7 31:34 mat 11:27 jno 8:
54,56 16:3
# 17:3,25,26 ro 1:28 col 1:10 2:2 2ti 2:25 tit 1:1 2pe 1:
3 3:18
# 1jno 2:3,4
Ephesians 1:18 The eyes <3788-ophthalmos-> of your <5216-
understanding <1271-dianoia-> being enlightened <5461-
photizo->; that ye
may know <1492-eido-> what <5101-tis-> is the hope <1680-
elpis-> of his
calling <2821-klesis->, and what <5101-tis-> the riches
<4149-ploutos-> of
the glory <1391-doxa-> of his inheritance <2817-kleronomia-
> in the saints
* eyes
# ep 5:9 ps 119:18 is 6:10 29:10,18 32:3 42:7 mat 13:15
lu 24:45
# ac 16:14 26:18 2co 4:4,6 he 10:32
* is
# ep 2:12 4:4 ro 5:4,5 8:24,25 ga 5:5 col 1:5,23 1th 5:8
2th 2:16
# tit 2:13 3:7 1pe 1:3 1jno 3:1-3
* his calling
# ep 4:1 ro 8:28-30 phi 3:14 col 3:15 1th 2:12 2th 1:11
1ti 6:12
# 1pe 3:9 5:10
* the riches
# ep 1:7,11 3:8,16
Ephesians 1:19 And what <5101-tis-> [is] the exceeding
greatness <3174-megethos-> of his power <1411-dunamis-> to
<2248-hemas-> who <3588-ho-> believe <4100-pisteuo->,
<2596-kata-> to the working <1753-energeia-> of his mighty
power <2904-kratos->,-
* exceeding
# ep 2:10 3:7,20 ps 110:2,3 is 53:1 jno 3:6 ac 26:18 ro
# 2co 4:7 5:17 phi 2:13 col 1:29 2:12 1th 1:5 2th 1:11
ja 1:18
* his mighty: Gr: the might of his
Ephesians 1:20 Which <3739-hos-> he wrought <1754-energeo-
> in Christ
<5547-Christos->, when he raised <1453-egeiro-> him from
the dead
<3498-nekros->, and set <2523-kathizo-> [him] at <1722-en->
his own
<0848-hautou-> right <1188-dexios-> hand in the heavenly
<2032-epouranios-> [places],-
* he wrought
# ep 2:5,6 ro 6:5-11 phi 3:10 1pe 1:3
* when
# ps 16:9-11 jno 10:18,30 ac 2:24-33 4:10 10:40 26:8 ro
1:4 he 13:20
* and set
# ep 4:8-10 ps 110:1 mat 22:43-45 26:64 28:18 mar 14:62
# jno 17:1-5 ac 2:34-36 5:31 7:55,56 ro 8:34 col 3:1 he
1:3 2:9
# 10:12 re 1:17 5:11-14
* heavenly
# ep 1:3
Ephesians 1:21 Far <5231-huperano-> above <5231-huperano->
<3956-pas-> principality <0746-arche->, and power <1849-
exousia->, and
might <1411-dunamis->, and dominion <2963-kuriotes->, and
<3956-pas-> name <3686-onoma-> that is named <3687-onomazo-
>, not only
<3440-monon-> in this <3588-ho-> world <0165-aion->, but
also <2532-kai->
in that which is to come <3195-mello->:-
* above
# phi 2:9,10 col 2:10 he 1:4
* principality
# ep 3:10 6:12 da 7:27 ro 8:38,39 col 1:15,16 2:15 he 4:
14 1pe 3:22
* every
# mat 28:19 ac 4:12 phi 2:9-11 re 19:12,13
* in that
# mat 25:31-36 28:18 jno 5:25-29 he 2:5 re 20:10-15
Ephesians 1:22 And hath put <5293-hupotasso-> all <3956-
pas-> [things]
under <5259-hupo-> his feet <4228-pous->, and gave <1325-
didomi-> him [to
be] the head <2776-kephale-> over <5228-huper-> all <3956-
pas-> [things]
to the church <1577-ekklesia->,-
* put
# ge 3:15 ps 8:6-8 91:13 1co 15:25-27 he 2:8
* gave
# ep 4:15,16 1co 11:3 col 1:8 2:10,19
* to the
# ep 3:21 mat 16:18 ac 20:28 1ti 3:15 he 12:22-24
Ephesians 1:23 Which <3748-hostis-> is his body <4983-soma-
>, the fulness
<4138-pleroma-> of him that filleth <4137-pleroo-> all
<3956-pas-> in all
* his
# ep 2:16 4:4,12 5:23-32 ro 13:5 1co 12:12-27 col 1:18,
24 3:15
* fulness
# ep 3:19 4:10 jno 1:16 1co 12:6 15:28 col 1:19 2:9,10 3:
Ephesians 2:1 And you [hath he quickened], who were dead
in trespasses <3900-paraptoma-> and sins <0266-hamartia->;-
* 1-9 By comparing what we were by nature, with what we
are by
10-22 he declares that we are made for good works: and
being - brought
near by Christ, should not live as Gentiles and
foreigners, as in time
past, but as citizens with the saints, and the family of
* you
# ep 2:5,6 1:19,20 jno 5:25 10:10 11:25,26 14:6 ro 8:2
1co 15:45
# col 2:13 3:1-4
* dead
# ep 2:5 4:18 5:14 mat 8:22 lu 15:24,32 jno 5:21 2co 5:
14 1ti 5:6
# 1jno 3:14 re 3:1
Ephesians 2:2 Wherein <3757-hou-> in time <4218-pote->
past ye walked
<4043-peripateo-> according <2596-kata-> to the course
<0165-aion-> of
this <5127-toutou-> world <2889-kosmos->, according <2596-
kata-> to the
prince <0758-archon-> of the power <1849-exousia-> of the
air <0109-aer->,
the spirit <4151-pneuma-> that now <3568-nun-> worketh
<1754-energeo-> in
the children <5207-huios-> of disobedience <0543-apeitheia-
* in time
# ep 2:3 4:22 job 31:7 ac 19:35 1co 6:11 col 1:21 3:7
1pe 4:3 1jno 5:19
* walked according
# ps 17:14 je 23:10 lu 16:8 jno 7:7 8:23 15:19 ro 12:2
1co 5:10
# ga 1:4 2ti 4:10 ja 1:7 4:4 1jno 2:15-17 5:4
* the prince
# ep 6:12 jno 8:44 12:31 14:30 16:11 1jno 5:19 re 12:9
13:8,14 20:2
* of the air
# job 1:7,16,19 re 16:17
* the spirit
# Mat 12:43-45 lu 11:21-26 22:2,3,31 jno 13:2,27 ac 5:3
2co 4:4
# 1jno 3:8 4:4
* the children
# ep 2:3 5:6 is 30:1 57:4 ho 10:9 mat 11:19 13:38 col 3:
6 1pe 1:14
# 2pe 2:14 1jno 3:10
Ephesians 2:3 Among <1722-en-> whom <3739-hos-> also <2532-
kai-> we all
<3956-pas-> had our conversation <0390-anastrepho-> in
times <4218-pote->
past in the lusts <1939-epithumia-> of our flesh <4561-sarx-
>, fulfilling
<4160-poieo-> the desires <2307-thelema-> of the flesh
<4561-sarx-> and of
the mind <1271-dianoia->; and were by nature <5449-phusis->
the children
<5043-teknon-> of wrath <3709-orge->, even <2532-kai-> as
* we
# is 53:6 64:6,7 da 9:5-9 ro 3:9-19 1co 6:9-11 ga 2:15,
16 3:22
# tit 3:3 1pe 4:3 1jno 1:8-10
* in times
# ep 4:17-19 ac 14:16 17:30,31 ro 11:30 1pe 2:10 1jno 2:8
* in the
# ep 4:22 mar 4:19 jno 8:44 ro 1:24 6:12 13:14 ga 5:16-
24 1ti 6:9
# ja 4:1-3 1pe 1:14 2:11 4:2 2pe 2:18 1jno 2:16 jude 16-
* fulfilling
# ro 8:7,8 2co 7:1 ga 5:19-21
* desires: Gr: wills
# jno 1:13
* by
# ge 5:3 6:5 8:21 job 14:4 15:14-16 25:4 ps 51:5 mar 7:
21,22 jno 3:1-6
# ro 5:12-19 7:18 ge 2:15,16
* children
# ep 2:2 ro 9:22
* even
# ro 3:9,22,23 1co 4:7
Ephesians 2:4 But God <2316-theos->, who is rich <4145-
plousios-> in
mercy <1656-eleos->, for his great <4183-polus-> love <0026-
wherewith <3739-hos-> he loved <0025-agapao-> us,-
* who
# ep 2:7 1:7 3:8 ex 33:19 34:6,7 ne 9:17 ps 51:1 86:5,15
# 145:8 is 55:6-8 da 9:9 jon 4:2 mi 7:18-20 lu 1:78 ro 2:
4 5:20,21
# 9:23 10:12 1ti 1:14 1pe 1:3
* his
# de 7:7,8 9:5,6 je 31:3 eze 16:6-8 jno 3:14-17 ro 5:8 9:
# 2th 2:13 2ti 1:9 tit 3:4-7 1jno 4:10-19
Ephesians 2:5 Even <2532-kai-> when we were dead <3498-
nekros-> in sins
<3900-paraptoma->, hath quickened <4806-suzoopoieo-> us
<4806-suzoopoieo-> with Christ <5547-Christos->, (by grace
ye are saved <4982-sozo->;)-
* dead
# ep 2:1 ro 5:6,8,10
* quickened
# ep 2:1 5:14 jno 5:21 6:63 ro 8:2
* grace ye: Gr: whose grace ye
# ep 2:8 ac 15:11 ro 3:24 4:16 11:5,6 16:20 2co 13:14
tit 2:11
# 3:5 re 22:21
Ephesians 2:6 And hath raised <4891-sunegeiro-> [us] up
<4891-sunegeiro->, and made <4776-sugkathizo-> [us] sit
together <4776-sugkathizo-> in heavenly <2032-epouranios->
[places] in
Christ <5547-Christos-> Jesus <2424-Iesous->:-
* hath
# ep 1:19,20 ro 6:4,5 col 1:18 2:12,13 3:1-3
* sit
# mat 26:29 lu 12:37 22:29,30 jno 12:26 14:3 17:21-26 re
* in
# ep 1:3
Ephesians 2:7 That in the ages <0165-aion-> to come <1904-
eperchomai-> he
might shew <1731-endeiknumi-> the exceeding <5235-
huperballo-> riches
<4149-ploutos-> of his grace <5485-charis-> in [his]
<5544-chrestotes-> toward <1909-epi-> us through <1722-en->
<5547-Christos-> Jesus <2424-Iesous->:-
* in the
# ep 3:5,21 ps 41:13 106:48 is 60:15 1ti 1:17
* shew
# ep 2:4 2th 1:12 1ti 1:16 1pe 1:12 re 5:9-14
* in his
# tit 3:4
Eohesians 2:8 For by grace <5485-charis-> are ye saved
through <1223-dia-> faith <4102-pistis->; and that not of
<5216-humon->: [it is] the gift <1435-doron-> of God <2316-
* by
# ep 2:5 ro 3:24 2th 1:9
* through
# mar 16:16 lu 7:50 jno 3:14-18,36 5:24 6:27-29,35,40 ac
# 15:7-9 16:31 ro 3:22-26 4:5,16 10:9,10 ga 3:14,22 1jno
* that
# ep 2:10 1:19 mat 16:17 jno 1:12,13 6:37,44,65 ac 14:27
# ro 10:14,17 phi 1:29 col 2:12 ja 1:16-18
Ephesians 2:9 Not of works <2041-ergon->, lest <3361-me->
any <5100-tis->
man should boast <2744-kauchaomai->:-
# ro 3:20,27,28 4:2 9:11,16 11:6 1co 1:29-31 2ti 1:9 tit
Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship <4161-poiema->,
<2936-ktizo-> in Christ <5547-Christos-> Jesus <2424-Iesous-
> unto good
<0018-agathos-> works <2041-ergon->, which <3739-hos-> God
hath before <4282-proetoimazo-> ordained <4282-proetoimazo-
> that we
should walk <4043-peripateo-> in them:-
* we are
# de 32:6 ps 100:3 138:8 is 19:25 29:23 43:21 44:21 60:
21 61:3
# je 31:33 32:39,40 jno 3:3-6,21 1co 3:9 2co 5:5,17 phi
1:6 2:13
# he 13:21
* created
# ep 4:24 ps 51:10 2co 5:17 ga 6:15 col 3:10
* good
# mat 5:16 ac 9:36 2co 9:8 col 1:10 2th 2:17 1ti 2:10 5:
10,25 6:18
# 2ti 2:21 3:17 tit 2:7,14 3:1,8,14 he 10:24 13:21 1pe 2:
* which
# ep 1:4 ro 8:29
* ordained: or, prepared
* walk
# ep 2:2 4:1 de 5:33 ps 81:13 119:3 is 2:3-5 ac 9:31 ro
8:1 1jno 1:7
# 2:6
Ephesians 2:11 Wherefore <1352-dio-> remember <3421-
mnemoneuo->, that ye
[being] in time <4218-pote-> past Gentiles <1484-ethnos->
in the flesh
<4561-sarx->, who <3588-ho-> are called <3004-lego->
<0203-akrobustia-> by that which <3588-ho-> is called <3004-
lego-> the
Circumcision <4061-peritome-> in the flesh <4561-sarx-> made
<5499-cheiropoietos-> by hands <5499-cheiropoietos->;-
* remember
# ep 5:8 de 5:15 8:2 9:7 15:15 16:12 is 51:1,2 eze 16:61-
63 20:43
# 36:31 1co 6:11 12:2 ga 4:8,9
* Gentiles
# ro 2:29 ga 2:15 6:12 col 1:21 2:13
* uncircumcision
# 1sa 17:26,36 je 9:25,26 phi 3:3 col 3:11
* made
# col 2:11
Ephesians 2:12 That at <1722-en-> that time <2540-kairos->
ye were
without <5565-choris-> Christ <5547-Christos->, being aliens
<0526-apallotrioo-> from the commonwealth <4174-politeia->
of Israel
<2474-Israel->, and strangers <3581-xenos-> from the
<1242-diatheke-> of promise <1860-epaggelia->, having <2192-
echo-> no
<3361-me-> hope <1680-elpis->, and without <0112-atheos->
<0112-atheos-> in the world <2889-kosmos->:-
* without
# jno 10:16 15:5 col 1:21
* aliens
# ep 4:18 ezr 4:3 is 61:5 eze 13:9 he 11:34
* the covenants
# ge 15:18 17:7-9 ex 24:3-11 nu 18:19 ps 89:3 je 31:31-
34 33:20-26
# eze 37:26 lu 1:72 ac 3:25 ro 9:4,5,8 ga 3:16,17
* having
# je 14:8 17:13 jno 4:22 ac 28:20 col 1:5,27 1th 4:13
2th 2:16
# 1ti 1:1 he 6:18 1pe 1:3,21 3:15 1jno 3:3
* without
# 2ch 15:3 is 44:6 45:20 ho 3:4 ac 14:15,16 ro 1:28-32
1co 8:4-6
# 10:19,20 ga 4:8 1th 4:5
Ephesians 2:13 But now <3570-nuni-> in Christ <5547-
Christos-> Jesus
<2424-Iesous-> ye who <3739-hos-> sometimes <4218-pote->
were far
<3112-makran-> off <3112-makran-> are made <1096-ginomai->
<1451-eggus-> by the blood <0129-haima-> of Christ <5547-
* in
# ro 8:1 1co 1:30 2co 5:17 ga 3:28
* were
# ep 2:12,17,19-22 3:5-8 ps 22:7 73:27 is 11:10 24:15,16
43:6 49:12
# 57:19 60:4,9 66:19 je 16:19 ac 2:39 15:14 22:21 26:18
ro 15:8-12
* are
# ep 2:16 1:7 ro 3:23-30 5:9,10 1co 6:11 2co 5:20,21 col
# he 9:18 1pe 1:18,19 3:18 re 5:9
Ephesians 2:14 For he is our peace <1515-eirene->, who
<3739-hos-> hath
made <4160-poieo-> both <0297-amphoteros-> one <1520-heis->,
and hath
broken <3089-luo-> down the middle <3320-mesotoichon-> wall
of partition
<5418-phragmos-> [between us];-
* our
# is 9:6,7 eze 34:24,25 mi 5:5 zec 6:13 lu 1:79 2:14 jno
# ac 10:36 ro 5:1 col 1:20 he 7:2 13:20
* both
# ep 2:15 3:15 4:16 is 19:24,25 eze 37:19,20 jno 10:16
# 1co 12:12 ga 3:28 col 3:11
* the middle
Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished <2673-katargeo-> in his
<4561-sarx-> the enmity <2189-echthra->, [even] the law
<3551-nomos-> of
commandments <1785-entole-> [contained] in ordinances <1378-
dogma->; for
to make <2936-ktizo-> in himself <1438-heautou-> of twain
<1417-duo-> one
<1520-heis-> new <2537-kainos-> man <0444-anthropos->, [so]
<4160-poieo-> peace <1515-eirene->;-
* in his
# col 1:22 he 10:19-22
* the law
# ga 3:10 col 2:14,20 he 7:16 8:13 9:9,10,23 10:1-10
* one
# ep 4:16 2co 5:17 ga 6:15 col 3:10
Ephesians 2:16 And that he might reconcile <0604-
apokatallasso-> both
<0297-amphoteros-> unto God <2316-theos-> in one <1520-heis-
> body
<4983-soma-> by the cross <4716-stauros->, having slain
the enmity <2189-echthra-> thereby <0846-autos->:-
* reconcile
# ro 5:10 2co 5:18-21 col 1:21-22
* having
# ep 2:15 ro 6:6 8:3,7 ga 2:20 col 2:14 1pe 4:1,2
* thereby: or, in himself
Ephesians 2:17 And came <2064-erchomai-> and preached
peace <1515-eirene-> to you which <3588-ho-> were afar
<3112-makran-> off,
and to them that were nigh <1451-eggus->:-
* and preached
# ps 85:10 is 27:5 52:7 57:19-21 zec 9:10 mat 10:13 lu 2:
14 15:5,6
# ac 2:39 10:36 ro 5:1 2co 5:20
* that
# ep 2:13,14 de 4:7 ps 75:1 76:1,2 147:19,20 148:14 lu 9-
Ephesians 2:18 For through <1223-dia-> him we both <0297-
have <2192-echo-> access <4318-prosagoge-> by one <1520-
heis-> Spirit
<4151-pneuma-> unto the Father <3962-pater->:-
* through
# ep 3:12 jno 10:7,9 14:6 ro 5:2 he 4:15,16 7:19 10:19,
20 1pe 1:21
# 3:18 1jno 2:1,2
* by
# ep 4:4 6:18 zec 12:10 ro 8:15,26,27 1co 12:3 jude 20
* the
# ep 3:14 mat 28:19 jno 4:21-23 1co 8:6 ga 4:6 ja 3:9
1pe 1:17
Ephesians 2:19 Now <3767-oun-> therefore <0686-ara-> ye
are no
<3765-ouketi-> more <3765-ouketi-> strangers <3581-xenos->
and foreigners
<3941-paroikos->, but fellowcitizens <4847-sumpolites->
with the saints
<0040-hagios->, and of the household <3609-oikeios-> of God
* strangers
# ep 2:12
* but
# ep 3:6 ga 3:26-28 4:26-31 phi 3:20 he 12:22-24 re 21:
* household
# ep 3:15 mat 10:25 ga 6:10,1jno 3:1
Ephesians 2:20 And are built <2026-epoikodomeo-> upon the
<2310-themelios-> of the apostles <0652-apostolos-> and
<4396-prophetes->, Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-
Christos-> himself
<0848-hautou-> being <5607-on-> the chief <0204-
akrogoniaios-> corner
<0204-akrogoniaios-> [stone];-
* built
# ep 4:12 1pe 2:4,5
* the foundation
# ep 4:11-13 is 28:16 mat 16:18 1co 3:9-11 12:28 ga 2:9
re 21:14
* Jesus
# ps 118:22 is 28:16 mat 21:42 mar 12:10,11 lu 20:17,18
ac 4:11,12
# 1pe 2:7,8
Ephesians 2:21 In whom <3739-hos-> all <3956-pas-> the
<3619-oikodome-> fitly <4883-sunarmologeo-> framed <4883-
together <4883-sunarmologeo-> groweth <0837-auzano-> unto
an holy
<0040-hagios-> temple <3485-naos-> in the Lord <2962-kurios-
* all
# ep 4:13-16 eze 40:1-42:20 1co 3:9 he 3:3
* fitly
# ex 26:1-37 1ki 6:7
* an
# ps 93:5 eze 42:12 1co 3:17 2co 6:16
Ephesians 2:22 In whom <3739-hos-> ye also <2532-kai-> are
<4925-sunoikodomeo-> together <4925-sunoikodomeo-> for an
<2732-katoiketerion-> of God <2316-theos-> through <1722-en-
> the Spirit
* an
# jno 14:17-23 17:21-23 ro 8:9-11 1co 3:16 6:19 1pe 2:4,5
# 1jno 3:2 4:13,16
Ephesians 3:1 For this <5127-toutou-> cause <5484-charin->
I Paul
<3972-Paulos->, the prisoner <1198-desmios-> of Jesus <2424-
Christ <5547-Christos-> for you Gentiles <1484-ethnos->,-
* 1-7 The hidden mystery that the Gentiles should be
saved was
known to Paul by revelation
8-12 and to him was that grace given, that he should
preach it
13 He desires them not to faint for his tribulation
14-21 and prays that they may perceive the great love
of Christ
toward them
* I
# 2co 10:1 ga 5:2
* the
# ep 4:1 6:20 lu 21:12 ac 21:33 26:29 28:17-20 2co 11:23
phi 1:7,13-16
# 2co 11:23 phi 1:7,13-16 col 1:24 4:3,18 2ti 1:8,16 2:9
phile 1,9
# re 2:10
* for
# ga 5:11 col 1:24 1th 2:15,16 2ti 2:10
Ephesians 3:2 If <1489-eige-> ye have heard <0191-akouo->
of the
dispensation <3622-oikonomia-> of the grace <5485-charis->
of God
<2316-theos-> which <3588-ho-> is given <1325-didomi-> me
to you-ward
* ye
# ep 4:21 ga 1:13 col 1:4,6 2ti 1:1
* the dispensation
# ep 3:8 4:7 ac 9:15 13:2,46 22:21 26:17,18 ro 1:5 11:13
12:3 15:15,16
# 1co 4:1 9:17-22 ga 1:15,16 2:8,9 col 1:25-27 1ti 1:11
2:7 2ti 1:11
Ephesians 3:3 How that by revelation <0602-apokalupsis->
he made
<1107-gnorizo-> known <1107-gnorizo-> unto me the mystery
<3466-musterion->; (as I wrote <4270-prographo-> afore
in few <3641-oligos-> words,-
* by
# ep 1:17 ac 22:17,21 23:9 26:15-19 1co 2:9,10 ga 1:12,
* the mystery
# ep 3:9 ro 11:25 16:25 col 1:26,27
* as I
# ep 1:9-11 2:11-22
* afore: or, a little before
Epehisans 3:4 Whereby <3739-hos->, when ye read <0314-
anaginosko->, ye
may <1410-dunamai-> understand <3539-noieo-> my knowledge
in the mystery <3466-musterion-> of Christ <5547-Christos-
* ye may
# mat 13:11 1co 2:6,7 13:2 2co 11:6
* the mystery
# ep 1:9 5:32 6:19 lu 2:10,11 8:10 1co 4:1 col 2:2 4:3
1ti 3:9,16
Ephesians 3:5 Which <3739-hos-> in other <2087-heteros->
<1074-genea-> was not made <1107-gnorizo-> known <1107-
gnorizo-> unto the
sons <5207-huios-> of men <0444-anthropos->, as it is now
revealed <0601-apokalupto-> unto his holy <0040-hagios->
<0652-apostolos-> and prophets <4396-prophetes-> by the
* in other
# ep 3:9 mat 13:17 lu 10:24 ac 10:28 ro 16:25 2ti 1:10,
11 tit 1:1-3
# he 11:39,40 1pe 1:10-12
* as it
# ep 2:20 4:11,12 mat 23:34 lu 11:49 1co 12:28,29 2pe 3:
2 jude 17
* by
# lu 2:26,27 jno 14:26 16:13 ac 10:19,20,28 1co 12:8-10
Ephesians 3:6 That the Gentiles <1484-ethnos-> should be
<4789-sugkleronomos->, and of the same <4954-sussomos-> body
<4954-sussomos->, and partakers <4830-summetochos-> of his
<1860-epaggelia-> in Christ <5547-Christos-> by the gospel
* the Gentiles
# ep 2:13-22 ro 8:15-17 ga 3:26-29 4:5-7
* the same
# ep 4:15,16 5:30 ro 12:4,5 1co 12:12,27 col 2:19
* partakers
# ga 3:14 1jno 1:3 2:5
Ephesians 3:7 Whereof <3739-hos-> I was made <1096-ginomai-
> a minister
<1249-diakonos->, according <2596-kata-> to the gift <1431-
dorea-> of the
grace <5485-charis-> of God <2316-theos-> given <1325-
didomi-> unto me by
the effectual <1753-energeia-> working <1753-energeia-> of
his power
* I
# ep 3:2 ro 15:16 2co 3:6 4:1 col 1:23-25
* according
# ep 3:8 ro 1:5 1co 15:10 1ti 1:14,15
* by
# ep 3:20 1:19 4:16 is 43:13 ro 15:18,19 2co 10:4,5 ga 2:
# col 1:29 1th 2:13 he 13:21
Ephesians 3:8 Unto me, who am less <1647-elachistoteros->
than the least
<1647-elachistoteros-> of all <3956-pas-> saints <0040-
hagios->, is this
<3778-houtos-> grace <5485-charis-> given <1325-didomi->,
that I should
preach <2097-euaggelizo-> among <1722-en-> the Gentiles
<1484-ethnos-> the
unsearchable <0421-anexichniastos-> riches <4149-ploutos->
of Christ
* who am
# pr 30:2,3 ro 12:10 1co 15:9 phi 2:3 1ti 1:13,15 1pe 5:
5,6 1ch 17:16
# 29:14,15 ac 5:41 ro 15:15-17
* I
# ep 3:2 ga 1:16 2:8 1ti 2:7 2ti 1:11
* unsearchable
# ep 3:16,19 1:7,8 2:7 ps 31:19 jno 1:16 ro 11:33
# 1co 1:30 2:9 phi 4:19 col 1:27 2:1-3 re 3:18
Ephesians 3:9 And to make <5461-photizo-> all <3956-pas->
[men] see
<5461-photizo-> what <5101-tis-> [is] the fellowship <2842-
koinonia-> of
the mystery <3466-musterion->, which <3588-ho-> from the
beginning of the
world <0165-aion-> hath been hid <0613-apokrupto-> in God
who <3588-ho-> created <2936-ktizo-> all <3956-pas-> things
by Jesus
<2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos->:-
* to
# mat 10:27 28:19 mar 16:15,16 lu 24:47 ro 16:26 col 1:
23 2ti 4:17
# re 14:6
* fellowship
# ep 3:3-5 1:9,10 1ti 3:16
* beginning
# ep 1:4 mat 13:35 25:34 ac 15:18 ro 16:25 1co 2:7 2th
# 2ti 1:9 tit 1:2 1pe 1:20 re 13:8 17:8
* hid
# col 1:26 3:3
* created
# ps 33:6 is 44:24 jno 1:1-3 5:17,19 10:3 col 1:16,17 he
1:2,3 3:3,4
Ephesians 3:10 To the intent <2443-hina-> that now <3568-
nun-> unto the
principalities <0746-arche-> and powers <1849-exousia-> in
<2032-epouranios-> [places] might be known <1107-gnorizo->
by the church
<1577-ekklesia-> the manifold <4182-polupoikilos-> wisdom
of God <2316-theos->,-
* intent
# ex 25:17-22 ps 103:20 148:1,2 is 6:2-4 eze 3:12 1pe 1:
# re 5:9-14
* principalities
# ep 1:21 ro 8:38 col 1:16 1pe 3:22
* in
# ep 1:3
* minifold
# ep 1:8 ps 104:24 mat 11:25-27 ro 11:33 1co 1:24 2:7
1ti 3:16 re 5:12
Ephesians 3:11 According <2596-kata-> to the eternal <0165-
aion-> purpose
<4286-prothesis-> which <3739-hos-> he purposed <4160-poieo-
> in Christ
<5547-Christos-> Jesus <2424-Iesous-> our Lord <2962-kurios-
# ep 1:4,9,11 is 14:24-27 46:10,11 je 51:29 ro 8:28-30 9:
11 2ti 1:9
Ephesians 3:12 In whom <3739-hos-> we have <2192-echo->
<3954-parrhesia-> and access <4318-prosagoge-> with
<4006-pepoithesis-> by the faith <4102-pistis-> of him:-
# ep 2:18 jno 14:6 ro 5:2 he 4:14-16 10:19-22
Ephesians 3:13 Wherefore <1352-dio-> I desire <0154-aiteo-
> that ye faint
<1573-ekkakeo-> not at <1722-en-> my tribulations <2347-
thlipsis-> for
you, which <3748-hostis-> is your glory <1391-doxa->:-
* ye
# de 20:3 is 40:30,31 zep 3:16 ac 14:22 ga 6:9 2th 3:13
he 12:3-5
* at
# ep 3:1 2co 1:6 phi 1:12-14 col 1:24 1th 3:2-4
Ephesians 3:14 For this <5127-toutou-> cause <5484-charin-
> I bow
<2578-kampto-> my knees <1119-gonu-> unto the Father <3962-
pater-> of our
Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-
* I
# ep 1:16-19 1ki 8:54 19:18 2ch 6:13 ezr 9:5 ps 95:6 is
45:23 da 6:10
# lu 22:41 ac 7:60 9:40 20:36 21:5
* the Father
# ep 1:3
Ephesians 3:15 Of whom <3739-hos-> the whole <3956-pas->
<3965-patria-> in heaven <3772-ouranos-> and earth <1093-ge-
> is named
* the whole
# ep 1:10,21 phi 2:9-11 col 1:20 re 5:8-14 7:4-12
* is
# is 65:15 je 33:16 ac 11:26 re 2:17 3:12
Ephesians 3:16
* according
# ep 3:8 1:7,18 2:7 ro 9:23 phi 4:19 col 1:27
* to be
# ep 6:10 job 23:6 ps 28:8 138:3 is 40:29-31 41:10 zec
# mat 6:13 2co 12:9 phi 4:13 col 1:11 2ti 4:17 he 11:34
* the inner
# je 31:33 ro 2:29 7:22 2co 4:16 1pe 3:4
Ephesians 3:17 That Christ <5547-Christos-> may dwell
<2730-katoikeo-> in
your <5216-humon-> hearts <2588-kardia-> by faith <4102-
pistis->; that ye,
being rooted <4492-rhizoo-> and grounded <2311-themelioo->
in love
* Christ
# ep 2:21 is 57:15 jno 6:56 14:17,23 17:23 ro 8:9-11 2co
6:16 ga 2:20
# col 1:27 1jno 4:4,16 re 3:20
* being
# mat 13:6 ro 5:5 1co 8:1 2co 5:14,15 ga 5:6 col 1:23 2:7
* grounded
# mat 7:24,25 lu 6:48
Ephesians 3:18 May be able <1840-exischuo-> to comprehend
<2638-katalambano-> with all <3956-pas-> saints <0040-
hagios-> what
<5101-tis-> [is] the breadth <4114-platos->, and length
<3372-mekos->, and
depth <0899-bathos->, and height <5311-hupsos->;-
* able
# ep 3:19 1:18-23 job 11:7-9 ps 103:11,12,17 139:6 is 55:
# jno 15:13 ga 2:20 3:13 phi 2:5-8 3:8-10 1ti 1:14-16 3:
16 tit 2:13
# tit 2:14 re 3:21
* with
# ep 1:10,15 de 33:2,3 2ch 6:41 ps 116:15 132:9 145:10
zec 14:5
# 2co 13:13 col 1:4
* what
# ro 10:3,11,12
Ephesians 3:19 And to know <1097-ginosko-> the love <0026-
agape-> of
Christ <5547-Christos->, which passeth <5235-huperballo->
<1108-gnosis->, that ye might be filled <4137-pleroo-> with
<3956-pas-> the fulness <4138-pleroma-> of God <2316-theos-
* to know
# ep 3:18 5:2,25 jno 17:3 2co 5:14 ga 2:20 phi 2:5-12
col 1:10
# 2pe 3:18 1jno 4:9-14
* passeth
# phi 1:7
* that ye
# ep 1:23 ps 17:15 43:4 mat 5:6 jno 1:16 col 2:9,10 re 7:
# 21:22-24 22:3-5
Ephesians 3:20 Now <1161-de-> unto him that is able <1410-
dunamai-> to do
<4160-poieo-> exceeding <5228-huper-> abundantly <4053-
perissos-> above
<5228-huper-> all <3956-pas-> that we ask <0154-aiteo-> or
<2228-e-> think
<3539-noieo->, according <2596-kata-> to the power <1411-
dunamis-> that
worketh <1754-energeo-> in us,-
* able
# ge 17:1 18:4 2ch 25:9 je 32:17,27 da 3:17 6:20 mat 3:9
# jno 10:29,30 ro 4:21 16:25 he 7:25 11:19 13:20,21 ja 4:
12 jude 24
* exceeding
# ex 34:6 2sa 7:19 1ki 3:13 ps 36:8,9 ca 5:1 is 35:2 55:
7 jno 10:10
# 1co 2:9 1ti 1:14 2pe 1:1
* according
# ep 3:7 1:19 col 1:29
Ephesians 3:21 Unto him [be] glory <1391-doxa-> in the
<1577-ekklesia-> by Christ <5547-Christos-> Jesus <2424-
throughout <1519-eis-> all <3956-pas-> ages <1074-genea->,
<0165-aion-> without end <0165-aion->: Amen <0281-amen->:-
* be
# ep 1:6 1ch 29:11 ps 29:1,2 72:19 115:1 is 6:3 42:12
mat 6:13 lu 2:14
# ro 11:36 16:27 ga 1:5 phi 2:11 4:20 2ti 4:18 he 13:21
1pe 5:11
# re 4:9-11 5:9-14 7:12
* by
# phi 1:11 he 13:15,16 1pe 2:5
* throughout
# ep 2:7 1pe 5: 11 2pe 3:18 jude 25
Ephesians 4:1 I therefore <3767-oun->, the prisoner <1198-
desmios-> of
the Lord <2962-kurios->, beseech <3870-parakaleo-> you that
ye walk
<4043-peripateo-> worthy <0516-axios-> of the vocation
wherewith <3739-hos-> ye are called <2564-kaleo->,-
* 1-6 He exhorts unity
7-10 and declares that God gives divers gifts unto men
11-15 that his church might be edified
16,17 and grow up in Christ
18-23 He calls them from the impurity of the Gentiles
24 to put on the new man
25-28 to cast off lying
29-32 and corrupt communication
* prisoner
# ep 3:1
* of the Lord: or, in the Lord
* beseech
# je 38:20 ro 12:1 1co 4:16 2co 5:20 6:1 10:1 ga 4:12
phile 1:9,10
# 1pe 2:11 2jno 5
* walk
# ep 4:17 5:2 ge 5:24 17:1 ac 9:31 phi 1:27 3:17,18 col
1:10 4:12
# 1th 2:12 4:1,2 tit 2:10 he 13:21
* vocation
# ep 4:4 ro 8:28-30 phi 3:14 2th 1:11 2ti 1:9 he 3:1 1pe
3:9 5:10
# 2pe 1:3
Ephesians 4:2 With all <3956-pas-> lowliness <5012-
tapeinophrosune-> and
meekness <4236-praiotes->, with longsuffering <3115-
forbearing <0430-anechomai-> one <0240-allelon-> another
in love <0026-agape->;-
* lowliness
# nu 12:3 ps 45:4 138:6 pr 3:34 16:19 is 57:15 61:1-3
zep 2:3
# zec 9:9 mat 5:3-5 11:29 ac 20:19 1co 13:4,5 ga 5:22,23
# col 3:12,13 1ti 6:11 2ti 2:25 ja 1:21 3:15-18 1pe 3:15
* forbearing
# mar 9:19 ro 15:1 1co 13:7 ga 6:2
Ephesians 4:3 Endeavouring <4704-spoudazo-> to keep <5083-
tereo-> the
unity <1775-henotes-> of the Spirit <4151-pneuma-> in the
<4886-sundesmos-> of peace <1515-eirene->:-
# ep 4:4 jno 13:34 17:21-23 ro 14:17-19 1co 1:10 12:12,
13 2co 13:11
# col 3:13-15 1th 5:13 he 12:14 ja 3:17,18
Ephesians 4:4 There is] one <1520-heis-> body <4983-soma->,
and one
<1520-heis-> Spirit <4151-pneuma->, even <2532-kai-> as ye
are called
<2564-kaleo-> in one <3391-mia-> hope <1680-elpis-> of your
calling <2821-klesis->;-
* one body
# ep 2:16 5:30 ro 12:4,5 1co 10:17 12:12,13,20 col 3:15
* one Spirit
# ep 2:18,22 mat 28:19 1co 12:4-11 2co 11:4
* as
# ep 4:1 1:18 je 14:8 17:7 ac 15:11 col 1:5 2th 2:16 1ti
# tit 1:2,2 2:13 3:7 he 6:18,19 1pe 1:3,4,21 1jno 3:3
Ephesians 4:5 One <1520-heis-> Lord <2962-kurios->, one
faith <4102-pistis->, one <3391-mia-> baptism <0908-
* One Lord
# ac 2:36 10:36 10:36 ro 14:8,9 1co 1:2,13 8:6 12:5 phi
2:11 3:8
* one faith
# ep 4:13 ro 3:30 2co 11:4 ga 1:6,7 5:6 tit 1:1,4 he 13:
7 ja 2:18
* 2pe 1:1 jude 3,20
* one baptism
# mat 28:19 ro 6:3,4 1co 12:13 ga 3:26-28 he 6:6 1pe 3:21
Ephesians 4:6 One <1520-heis-> God <2316-theos-> and
Father <3962-pater->
of all <3956-pas->, who <3588-ho-> [is] above <1909-epi->
all <3956-pas->,
and through <1223-dia-> all <3956-pas->, and in you all
* God
# ep 6:23 nu 16:22 is 63:16 mal 2:10 mat 6:9 jno 20:17
1co 8:6 12:6
# ga 3:26-28 4:3-7 1jno 3:1-3
* who
# ep 1:21 ge 14:19 1ch 29:11,12 ps 95:3 is 40:11-17,21-
23 je 10:10-13
# da 4:34,35 5:18-23 mat 6:13 ro 11:36 re 4:8-11
* and in
# ep 2:22 3:17 jno 14:23 17:26 2co 6:16 1jno 3:24 4:12-15
Ephesians 4:7 But unto every <1538-hekastos-> one <1520-
heis-> of us is
given <1325-didomi-> grace <5485-charis-> according <2596-
kata-> to the
measure <3358-metron-> of the gift <1431-dorea-> of Christ
* unto
# ep 4:8-14 mat 25:15 ro 12:6-8 1co 12:8-11,28-30
* grace
# ep 3:8 2co 6:1 1pe 4:10
* the measure
# ep 3:2 jno 3:34 ro 12:3 2co 10:13-15
Ephesians 4:8 Wherefore <1352-dio-> he saith <3004-lego->,
When he
ascended <0305-anabaino-> up on <5311-hupsos-> high <5311-
hupsos->, he led
<0162-aichmaloteuo-> captivity <0161-aichmalosia-> captive
<0162-aichmaloteuo->, and gave <1325-didomi-> gifts <1390-
doma-> unto men
* When
# ps 68:18
* he led
# ju 5:12 col 2:15
* captivity: or, a multitude of captives
* and
# 1sa 30:26 es 2:18
Ephesians 4:9 Now that he ascended <0305-anabaino->, what
<5101-tis-> is
it but that he also <2532-kai-> descended <2597-katabaino->
<4412-proton-> into <1519-eis-> the lower <2737-katoteros->
<3313-meros-> of the earth <1093-ge->?-
* he ascended
# pr 30:4 jno 3:13 6:33,62 20:17 ac 2:34-36
* he also
# ge 11:5 ex 19:20 jno 6:33,38,41,51,58 8:14 16:27,28
* the lower
# ps 8:5 63:9 139:15 mat 12:40 he 2:7,9
Ephesians 4:10 He that descended <2597-katabaino-> is the
same also
<2532-kai-> that ascended <0305-anabaino-> up far <5231-
huperano-> above
<5231-huperano-> all <3956-pas-> heavens <3772-ouranos->,
that he might
fill <4137-pleroo-> all <3956-pas-> things:)-
* ascended
# ep 1:20-23 ac 1:9,11 1ti 3:16 he 4:14 7:26 8:1 9:23,24
* that he
# ep 3:19 jno 1:16 ac 2:33 col 1:19 2:9
* fill: or, fulfil
# mat 24:34 lu 24:44 jno 19:24,28,36 ac 3:18 13:32,33 ro
# 15:9-13 16:25,26
Ephesians 4:11 And he gave <1325-didomi-> some <3588-ho->,
<0652-apostolos->; and some <3588-ho->, prophets <4396-
prophetes->; and
some <3588-ho->, evangelists <2099-euaggelistes->; and some
pastors <4166-poimen-> and teachers <1320-didaskalos->;-
* he
# ep 4:8 2:20 3:5 ro 10:14,15 1co 12:28 jude 17 re 18:20
* evangelists
# ac 21:8 2ti 4:5
* pastors
# 2ch 15:3 je 3:15 mat 28:20 ac 13:1 ro 12:7 1co 12:29
he 5:12
# 1pe 5:1-3
Ephesians 4:12 For the perfecting <2677-katartismos-> of
the saints
<0040-hagios->, for the work <2041-ergon-> of the ministry
<1248-diakonia->, for the edifying <3619-oikodome-> of the
<4983-soma-> of Christ <5547-Christos->:-
* perfection
# lu 22:32 jno 21:15-17 ac 9:31 11:23 14:22,23 20:28 ro
# 1co 12:7 2co 7:1 phi 1:25,26 3:12-18 col 1:28 1th 5:11-
# he 6:1 13:17
* the work
# ac 1:17,25 20:24 ro 12:7 1co 4:1,2 2co 3:8 4:1 5:18 6:
3 col 4:17
# 1ti 1:12 2ti 4:5,11
* the edifying
# ep 4:16,29 ro 14:19 15:2 1co 14:4,5,12,14,26 2co 12:19
1th 5:11
* the body
# ep 4:4 1:23 col 1:24
Ephesians 4:13 Till <3360-mechri-> we all <3956-pas-> come
<2658-katantao-> in the unity <1775-henotes-> of the faith
and of the knowledge <1922-epignosis-> of the Son <5207-
huios-> of God
<2316-theos->, unto a perfect <5046-teleios-> man <0435-
aner->, unto the
measure <3358-metron-> of the stature <2244-helikia-> of
the fulness
<4138-pleroma-> of Christ <5547-Christos->:-
* we all
# ep 4:3,5 je 32:38,39 eze 37:21,22 zep 3:9 zec 14:9 jno
# ac 4:32 1co 1:10 phi 2:1-3
* in the unity: or, into the unity
* the knowledge
# is 53:11 mat 11:27 jno 16:3 17:3,25,26 2co 4:6 phi 3:8
col 2:2
# 2pe 1:1-3 3:18 1jno 5:20
* unto
# ep 4:12 2:15 1co 14:20 col 1:28
* stature: or, age
* fulness
# ep 1:23
Ephesians 4:14 That we [henceforth <3063-loipon->] be no
more <2001-episucho-> children <3516-nepios->, tossed <2831-
to and fro <2831-kludonizomai->, and carried <4064-
periphero-> about
<4064-periphero-> with every <3596-hodoiporeo-> wind <0417-
anemos-> of
doctrine <1319-didaskalia->, by the sleight <2940-kubeia->
of men
<0444-anthropos->, [and] cunning craftiness <3834-panourgia-
>, whereby
<4314-pros-> they lie <3180-methodeia-> in wait <3180-
methodeia-> to
deceive <4106-plane->;-
* no more
# is 28:9 mat 18:3,4 1co 3:1,2 14:20 he 5:12-14
* tossed
# ac 20:30,31 ro 16:17,18 2co 11:3,4 ga 1:6,7 3:1 col 2:
# 2th 2:2-5 1ti 3:6 4:6,7 2ti 1:15 2:17,18 3:6-9,13 4:3
he 13:9
# 2pe 2:1-3 1jno 2:19,26 4:1
* carried
# mat 11:7 1co 12:2 ja 1:6 3:4
* by the
# mat 24:11,24 2co 2:17 4:2 11:13-15 2th 2:9,10 2pe 2:18
re 13:11-14
# 19:20
* lie
# ps 10:9 59:3 mi 7:2 ac 23:21
Ephesians 4:15 But speaking <0226-aletheuo-> the truth
in love <0026-agape->, may grow <0837-auzano-> up into
<1519-eis-> him in
all <3956-pas-> things, which <3739-hos-> is the head <2776-
[even] Christ <5547-Christos->:-
* But
# ep 4:25 zec 8:16 2co 4:2 8:8
* speaking the truth: or, being sincere
# ju 16:15 ps 32:2 jno 1:47 ro 12:9 ja 2:15,16 1pe 1:22
1jno 3:18
* may
# ep 2:21 ho 14:5-7 mal 4:2 1pe 2:2 2pe 3:18
* which
# ep 1:22 5:23 col 1:18,19
Ephesians 4:16 From whom <3739-hos-> the whole <3956-pas->
<4983-soma-> fitly <4883-sunarmologeo-> joined <4883-
together <4883-sunarmologeo-> and compacted <4822-sumbibazo-
> by that
which every <3596-hodoiporeo-> joint <0860-haphe-> supplieth
<2024-epichoregia->, according <2596-kata-> to the effectual
<1753-energeia-> working <1753-energeia-> in the measure
<3358-metron-> of
every <1538-hekastos-> part <3313-meros->, maketh <4160-
poieo-> increase
<0838-auxesis-> of the body <4983-soma-> unto the edifying
<3619-oikodome-> of itself <1438-heautou-> in love <0026-
* whom
# ep 4:12 jno 15:5
* fitly
# job 10:10,11 ps 139:15,16 1co 12:12-28 col 2:19
* the effectual
# ep 3:7 1th 2:13
* edifying
# ep 4:15 1:4 3:17 1co 8:1 13:4-9,13 14:1 ga 5:6,13,14,
22 phi 1:9
# col 2:2 1th 1:3 3:12 4:9,10 2th 1:3 1ti 1:5 1pe 1:22
1jno 4:16
Ephesians 4:17 This <5124-touto-> I say <3004-lego->
<3767-oun->, and testify <3143-marturomai-> in the Lord
that ye henceforth <3371-meketi-> walk <4043-peripateo->
not as other
<3062-loipoy-> Gentiles <1484-ethnos-> walk <4043-peripateo-
>, in the
vanity <3153-mataiotes-> of their mind <3563-nous->,-
* I say
# 1co 1:12 15:50 2co 9:6 ga 3:17 col 2:4
* testify
# ne 9:29,30 13:15 je 42:19 ac 2:40 18:5 20:21 ga 5:3
1th 4:6
* in the
# 1th 4:1,2 1ti 5:21 6:13 2ti 4:1
* that ye
# ep 1:22 2:1-3 5:3-8 ro 1:23-32 1co 6:9-11 ga 5:19-21
col 3:5-8
# 1pe 4:3,4
* in the
# ps 94:8-11 ac 14:15
Ephesians 4:18 Having the understanding <1271-dianoia->
<4654-skotizo->, being <5607-on-> alienated <0526-
apallotrioo-> from the
life <2222-zoe-> of God <2316-theos-> through <1223-dia->
the ignorance
<0052-agnoia-> that is in them, because <1223-dia-> of the
<4457-porosis-> of their heart <2588-kardia->:-
* the understanding
# ps 74:20 115:4-8 is 44:18-20 46:5-8 ac 17:30 26:17,18
# ro 1:21-23,28 1co 1:21 2co 4:4 ga 4:8 1th 4:5
* alienated
# ep 2:12 ro 8:7,8 ga 4:8 col 1:2 1th 4:5 ja 4:4
* because
# ro 1:21 2:19 1jno 2:11
* blindness: or, hardness
# da 5:20 mat 13:15 jno 12:40 ro 11:25
Ephesians 4:19 Who <3748-hostis-> being past <0524-apalgeo-
> feeling
<0524-apalgeo-> have given <3860-paradidomi-> themselves
over <3860-paradidomi-> unto lasciviousness <0766-aselgeia-
>, to work
<2039-ergasia-> all <3956-pas-> uncleanness <0167-
akatharsia-> with
greediness <4124-pleonexia->:-
* past
# 1ti 4:2
* given
# ep 4:17 ro 1:24-26 1pe 4:3
* with
# job 15:16 is 56:11 2pe 2:12-14,22 jude 11 re 17: 1-6
Ephesians 4:20 But ye have not so <3779-houto-> learned
Christ <5547-Christos->;-
# lu 24:47 jno 6:45 ro 6:1,2 2co 5:14,15 tit 2:11-14
1jno 2:27
Ephesians 4:21 If <1489-eige-> so <3779-houto-> be that ye
have heard
<0191-akouo-> him, and have been taught <1321-didasko-> by
him, as the
truth <0225-aletheia-> is in Jesus <2424-Iesous->:-
* heard
# mat 17:5 lu 10:16 jno 10:27 ac 3:22,23 he 3:7,8
* as
# ep 1:13 ps 45:4 85:10,11 jno 1:17 14:6,17 2co 1:20 11:
Ephesians 4:22 That ye put <0659-apotithemi-> off <0659-
concerning <2596-kata-> the former <4387-proteros->
<0391-anastrophe-> the old <3820-palaios-> man <0444-
anthropos->, which
<3588-ho-> is corrupt <5351-phtheiro-> according <2596-kata-
> to the
deceitful <0539-apate-> lusts <1939-epithumia->;-
* ye
# ep 4:25 1sa 1:14 job 22:23 eze 18:30-32 col 2:11 3:8,9
he 12:1
# ja 1:21 1pe 2:1,2
* former
# ep 4:17 2:3 ga 1:13 col 3:7 1pe 1:18 4:3 2pe 2:7
* the old
# ro 6:6 col 3:9
* deceitful
# pr 11:18 je 49:16 ob 3 ro 7:11 tit 3:3 he 3:13 ja 1:26
2pe 2:13
Ephesians 4:23 And be renewed <0365-ananeoo-> in the spirit
<4151-pneuma-> of your <5216-humon-> mind <3563-nous->;-
* be
# ep 2:10 ps 51:10 eze 11:19 18:31 36:26 ro 12:2 col 3:
10 tit 3:5
* spirit
# ro 8:6 1pe 1:13
Ephesians 4:24 And that ye put <1746-enduo-> on <1746-
enduo-> the new
<2537-kainos-> man <0444-anthropos->, which <3588-ho->
after <2596-kata->
God <2316-theos-> is created <2936-ktizo-> in righteousness
<1343-dikaiosune-> and true <0225-aletheia-> holiness <3742-
* put
# ep 6:11 job 29:14 is 52:1 59:17 ro 13:12,14 1co 15:53
ga 3:27
# col 3:10-14
* new
# ep 2:15 ro 6:4 2co 4:16 5:17 1pe 2:2
* after
# ge 1:26,27 2co 3:18 col 3:10 1jno 3:2
* created
# ep 2:10 ga 6:15
* righteousness
# ps 45:6,7 ro 8:29 tit 2:14 he 1:8 12:14 1jno 3:3
* true holiness: or, holiness of truth
# jno 17:17
Ephesians 4:25 Wherefore <1352-dio-> putting <0659-
apotithemi-> away
<0659-apotithemi-> lying <5579-pseudos->, speak <2980-laleo-
> every
<1538-hekastos-> man truth <0226-aletheuo-> with his
<4139-plesion->: for we are members <3196-melos-> one <0240-
allelon-> of
another <0240-allelon->:-
* putting
# le 19:11 1ki 13:18 ps 52:3 119:29 pr 6:17 12:19,22 21:
6 is 9:15
# 59:3,4 63:8 je 9:3-5 ho 4:2 jno 8:44 ac 5:3,4 col 3:9
1ti 1:10 4:2
# tit 1:2,12 re 21:8 22:15
* speak
# ep 4:15 pr 8:7 12:17 zec 8:16,19 2co 7:14 col 3:9
* for
# ep 5:30 ro 12:5 1co 10:17 12:12-27
Ephesians 4:26 Be ye angry <3710-orgizo->, and sin <0264-
hamartano-> not:
let not the sun <2246-helios-> go <1931-epiduo-> down <1931-
epiduo-> upon
your <5216-humon-> wrath <3950-parorgismos->:-
* ye
# ep 4:31,32 ex 11:8 32:21,22 nu 20:10-13,24 25:7-11 ne
# ps 4:4 37:8 106:30-33 pr 14:29 19:11 25:23 ec 7:9 mat
# mar 3:5 10:14 ro 12:19-21 ja 1:19
* let
# de 24:15
Ephesians 4:27 Neither <3383-mete-> give <1325-didomi->
<5117-topos-> to the devil <1228-diabolos->:-
# ep 6:11,16 ac 5:3 2co 2:10,11 ja 4:7 1pe 5:8
Ephesians 4:28 Let him that stole <2813-klepto-> steal
<2813-klepto-> no
<3371-meketi-> more <2001-episucho->: but rather <3123-
mallon-> let him
labour <2872-kopiao->, working <2038-ergazomai-> with [his]
<5495-cheir-> the thing which is good <0018-agathos->, that
he may have
<2192-echo-> to give <3330-metadidomi-> to him that needeth
* him that
# ex 20:15,17 21,16 pr 30:9 je 7:9 ho 4:2 zec 5:2 jno 12:
# 1co 6:10,11
* steal no more
# job 34:32 pr 28:13 lu 3:8,10-14 19:8
* labour
# pr 13:11 14:23 ac 20:34,35 1th 4:11,12 2th 3:6-8,11,12
* that he
# lu 3:11 21:1-4 jno 13:29 2co 8:2,12
* give: or, distribute
# ro 12:13 2co 9:12-15 1ti 6:18
Ephesians 4:29 Let no <3361-me-> corrupt <4550-sapros->
<3056-logos-> proceed <1607-ekporeuomai-> out of your <5216-
humon-> mouth
<4750-stoma->, but that which <1536-ei tis-> is good <0018-
agathos-> to
the use <5532-chreia-> of edifying <3619-oikodome->, that
it may minister
<1325-didomi-> grace <5485-charis-> unto the hearers <0191-
* no
# ep 5:3,4 ps 5:9 52:2 73:7-9 mat 12:34-37 ro 3:13,14
1co 15:32,33
# col 3:8,9 4:6 ja 3:2-8 2pe 2:18 jude 13-16 re 13:5,6
* that which
# de 6:6-9 ps 37:30,31 45:2 71:17,18,24 78:4,5 pr 10:31,
32 12:13
# 15:2-4,7,23 16:21 25:11,12 is 50:4 mal 3:16-18 lu 4:22
1co 14:19
# col 3:16,17 4:6 1th 5:11
* to the use of edifying: or, to edify profitably
# ep 4:12,16
* minister
# mat 5:16 1pe 2: 12 3:1
Ephesians 4:30 And grieve <3076-lupeo-> not the holy <0040-
Spirit <4151-pneuma-> of God <2316-theos->, whereby <3739-
hos-> ye are
sealed <4972-sphragizo-> unto the day <2250-hemera-> of
* grieve
# ge 6:3,6 ju 10:16 ps 78:40 95:10 is 7:13 43:24 63:10
eze 16:43
# mar 3:5 ac 7:51 1th 5:19 he 3:10,17
* whereby
# ep 1:13
* the day
# ep 1:14 ho 13:14 lu 21:28 ro 8:11,23 1co 1:30 15:54
Ephesians 4:31 Let all <3956-pas-> bitterness <4088-pikria-
>, and wrath
<2372-thumos->, and anger <3709-orge->, and clamour <2906-
krauge->, and
evil <0988-blasphemia-> speaking <0988-blasphemia->, be put
away from you, with all <3956-pas-> malice <2549-kakia->:-
* bitterness
# ps 64:3 ro 3:14 col 3:8,19 ja 3:14,15
* wrath
# ep 4:26 pr 14:17 19:12 ec 7:9 2co 12:20 ga 5:20 col 3:
8 2ti 2:23
# tit 1:7 ja 1:19 3:14-18 4:1,2
* clamour
# 2sa 19:43 20:1,2 pr 29:9,22 ac 19:28,29 21:30 22:22,23
1ti 3:3
# 6:4,5
* evil speaking
# le 19:16 2sa 19:27 ps 15:3 50:20 101:5 140:11 pr 6:19
10:18 18:8
# 25:23 26:20 je 6:28 9:4 ro 1:29,30 1ti 3:11 5:13 2ti 3:
3 tit 2:3
# 3:2 ja 4:11 1pe 2:1 2pe 2:10,11 jude 8-10 re 12:10
* with
# ge 4:8 27:41 37:4,21 le 19:17,18 2sa 13:22 pr 10:12 26:
# ec 7:9 ro 1:29 1co 5:8 14:20 col 3:8 tit 3:3 1jno 3:12,
Ephesians 4:32 And be ye kind <5543-chrestos-> one <0240-
allelon-> to
another <0240-allelon->, tenderhearted <2155-eusplagchnos->,
<5483-charizomai-> one <1438-heautou-> another <1438-
heautou->, even
<2532-kai-> as God <2316-theos-> for Christs <5547-Christos-
> sake
<1722-en-> hath forgiven <5483-charizomai-> you:-
* kind
# Ru 2:20 ps 112:4,5,9 pr 19:22 is 57:1 lu 6:35 ac 28:2
ro 12:10
# 1co 13:4 2co 2:10 6:6 col 3:12,13 2pe 1:7
* tender hearted
# ps 145:9 pr 12:10 lu 1:78 ja 5:11
* forgiving
# ep 5:1 ge 50:17,18 mat 6:12,14,15 18:21-35 mar 11:25,
26 lu 6:37
# 11:4 17:4 ro 12:20,21 2co 2:7,10 col 3:12,13 1pe 3:8,9
# 1jno 1:9 2:12
Ephesians 5:1 Be ye therefore <3767-oun-> followers <3402-
mimetes-> of
God <2316-theos->, as dear <0027-agapetos-> children <5043-
* 1,2 After general exhortations to love
3 to flee fornication
4-6 and all uncleanness
7-14 not to converse with the wicked
15-17 to walk warily
18-21 and to be filled with the Spirit
22-24 he descends to the particular duties, how wives
ought to obey
their husbands
25-31 and husbands ought to love their wives
32,33 even as Christ does his church
* followers
# ep 4:32 le 11:45 mat 5:45,48 lu 6:35,36 1pe 1:15,16
1jno 4:11
* as
# je 31:20 ho 1:10 jno 1:12 col 3:12 1jno 3:1,2
Ephesians 5:2 And walk <4043-peripateo-> in love <0026-
agape->, as Christ
<5547-Christos-> also <2532-kai-> hath loved <0026-agape->
us, and hath
given <3860-paradidomi-> himself <1438-heautou-> for us an
<4376-prosphora-> and a sacrifice <2378-thusia-> to God
<2316-theos-> for
a sweetsmelling <2175-euodia-> savour <3744-osme->:-
* walk
# ep 3:17 4:2,15 jno 13:34 ro 14:16 1co 16:14 col 3:14
1th 4:9
# 1ti 4:12 1pe 4:8 1jno 3:11,12,23 4:20,21
* as
# ep 5:25 ep 3:19 mat 20:28 jno 15:12,13 2co 5:14,15 8:9
ga 1:4
# 2:20 1ti 2:6 tit 2:14 he 7:25-27 9:14,26 10:10,11 1pe
# 1jno 3:16 re 1:5 5:9
* a sacrifice
# ro 8:3 1co 5:7 he 9:23 10:12
* for a
# ge 8:21 le 1:9,13,17 3:16 am 5:21 2co 2:15
Ephesians 5:3 But fornication <4202-porneia->, and all
uncleanness <0167-akatharsia->, or <2228-e-> covetousness
<4124-pleonexia->, let it not be once <3366-mede-> named
among <1722-en-> you, as becometh <4241-prepo-> saints
* fornication
# ep 5:5 4:19,20 nu 25:1 de 23:17,18 mat 15:19 mar 7:21
ac 15:20
# ro 1:29 6:13 1co 5:10,11 6:9,13,18 10:8 2co 12:21 ga 5:
# col 3:5 1th 4:3,7 he 12:16 13:4 2pe 2:10 re 2:14,21 9:
21 21:8
# 22:15
* covetousness
# ep 5:5 ex 18:21 20:17 jos 7:21 1sa 8:3 ps 10:3 119:36
pr 28:16
# je 6:13 8: 10 22:17 eze 33:31 mi 2:2 mar 7:22 lu 12:15
# ac 20:33 1co 6:10 col 3:5 1ti 3:3 6:10 2ti 3:2 tit 1:7,
11 he 13:5
# 1pe 5:2 2pe 2:3,14
* named
# ep 5:12 ex 23:13 1co 5:1
* as
# ro 16:2 phi 1:27 1ti 2:10 tit 2:3
Ephesians 5:4 Neither <3756-ou-> filthiness <0151-
aischrotes->, nor
<2532-kai-> foolish <3473-morologia-> talking <3473-
morologia->, nor
<2228-e-> jesting <2160-eutrapelia->, which <3588-ho-> are
not convenient
<0433-aneko->: but rather <3123-mallon-> giving of thanks
* filtiness
# ep 4:29 pr 12:23 15:2 ec 10:13 mat 12:34-37 mar 7:22
col 3:8
# ja 3:4-8 2pe 2:7,18 jude 10,13
* convenient
# ro 1:28 phile 8
* but
# ep 5:19,20 1:16 ps 33:1 92:1 107:21,22 da 6:10 jno 6:
23 2co 1:11
# 9:15 phi 4:6 col 3:15-17 1th 3:9 5:18 he 13:15
Ephesians 5:5 For this <5124-touto-> ye know <1097-ginosko-
>, that no
<3756-ou-> whoremonger <4205-pornos->, nor <2228-e-> unclean
<0169-akathartos-> person, nor <2228-e-> covetous <4123-
pleonektes-> man,
who <3739-hos-> is an idolater <1496-eidololatres->, hath
<2192-echo-> any
inheritance <2817-kleronomia-> in the kingdom <0932-
basileia-> of Christ
<5547-Christos-> and of God <2316-theos->:-
* this
# 1co 6:9,10
* that no
# ep 5:3 he 13:4
* who is
# ga 5:21 col 3:5 1ti 6:10,17 re 21:8 22:15
Ephesians 5:6 Let no <3367-medeis-> man <3367-medeis->
<0538-apatao-> you with vain <2756-kenos-> words <3056-
logos->: for
because <1223-dia-> of these <5023-tauta-> things cometh
the wrath <3709-orge-> of God <2316-theos-> upon the
<5207-huios-> of disobedience <0543-apeitheia->:-
* no
# je 29:8,9,31 eze 13:10-16 mi 3:5 mat 24:4,24 mar 13:5,
22 ga 6:7,8
# col 2:4,8,18 2th 2:3,10-12 1jno 4:1
* vain
# 2ki 18:20 je 23:14-16
* cometh
# nu 32:13,14 jos 22:17,18 ps 78:31 ro 1:18 col 3:6
* children
# ep 2:2,3
* disobedience: or, unbelief
# He 3:19 1pe 2:8
Ephesians 5:7 Be not ye therefore <3767-oun-> partakers
<4830-summetochos-> with them:-
# ep 5:7 nu 11:26 ps 50:18 pr 1:10-17 9:6 13:20 1ti 5:22
re 18:4
Ephesians 5:8 For ye were sometimes <4218-pote-> darkness
but now <3568-nun-> [are ye] light <5457-phos-> in the Lord
<2962-kurios->: walk <4043-peripateo-> as children <5043-
teknon-> of light
* ye were
# ep 2:11,12 4:18 6:12 ps 74:20 is 9:2 42:16 60:2 je 13:
16 mat 4:16
# lu 1:79 ac 17:30 26:18 ro 1:21 2:19 2:19 2co 6:14 col
# tit 3:3 1pe 2:9 1jno 2:8
* but
# is 42:6,7 49:6,9 60:1,3,19,20 jno 1:4,5,9 8:12 12:46
1co 1:30
# 2co 3:18 4:6 1th 5:4-8 1jno 2:9-11
* walk
# ep 5:2 is 2:5 lu 16:8 jno 12:36 ga 5:25 1pe 2:9-11
1jno 1:7
Ephesians 5:9 For the fruit <2590-karpos-> of the Spirit
[is] in all <3956-pas-> goodness <0019-agathosune-> and
<1343-dikaiosune-> and truth <0226-aletheuo->;)-
* the fruit
# ga 5:22,23
* goodness
# ps 16:2,3 ro 2:4 15:14 3jno 11
* righteousness
# phi 1:11 1ti 6:11 he 1:8 11:33 1pe 2:24 1jno 2:29 3:9,
* truth
# ep 4:15,25 6:14 jno 1:47
Ephesians 5:10 Proving <1381-dokimazo-> what <5101-tis->
is acceptable
<2101-euarestos-> unto the Lord <2962-kurios->:-
* Proving
# 1sa 17:39 ro 12:1,2 phi 1:10 1th 5:21
* acceptable
# ps 19:14 pr 21:3 is 58:5 je 6:20 ro 14:18 phi 4:18 1ti
2:3 5:4
# he 12:28 1pe 2:5,20
Ephesians 5:11 And have no <3361-me-> fellowship <4790-
sugkoinoneo-> with
the unfruitful <0175-akarpos-> works <2041-ergon-> of
<4655-skotos->, but rather <3123-mallon-> reprove <1651-
elegcho-> [them]:-
* no
# ep 5:7 ge 49:5-7 ps 1:1,2 26:4,5 94:20,21 pr 4:14,15 9:
6 je 15:17
# ro 16:17 1co 5:9-11 10:20,21 2co 6:14-18 2th 3:6,14
1ti 6:5
# 2ti 3:5 2jno 10,11 re 18:4
* unfruitful
# pr 1:31 is 3:10,11 ro 6:21 ga 6:8
* works
# ep 4:22 job 24:13-17 jno 3:19-21 ro 1:22-32 13:12 1th
* but
# ge 20:16 le 19:17 ps 141:5 pr 9:7,8 13:18 15:12 19:25
25:12 29:1
# is 29:21 mat 18:15 lu 3:19 1ti 5:20 2ti 4:2 tit 2:15
Ephesians 5:12 For it is a shame <0149-aischron-> even
<2532-kai-> to
speak <3004-lego-> of those <3588-ho-> things which are done
<1096-ginomai-> of them in secret <2931-kruphe->:-
* it
# ep 5:3 ro 1:24-27 1pe 4:3
* in
# 2sa 12:12 pr 9:17 ec 12:14 je 23:24 lu 12:1,2 ro 2:16
re 20:12
Ephesians 5:13 But all <3956-pas-> things that are reproved
<1651-elegcho-> are made <5319-phaneroo-> manifest <5319-
phaneroo-> by the
light <5457-phos->: for whatsoever <3956-pas-> doth make
manifest <5319-phaneroo-> is light <5457-phos->:-
* reproved: or, discovered
# la 2:14 ho 2:10 7:1
* for
# mi 7:9 jno 3:20,21 1co 4:5 he 1:13
Ephesians 5:14 Wherefore <1352-dio-> he saith <3004-lego->,
<1453-egeiro-> thou that sleepest <2518-katheudo->, and
<0450-anistemi-> from the dead <3498-nekros->, and Christ
shall give thee light <2017-epiphauo->:-
* he: or, it
* Awake
# is 51:17 52:1 60:1 ro 13:11,12 1co 15:34 1th 5:6 2ti 2:
* arise
# ep 2:5 is 26:19 eze 37:4-10 jno 5:25-29 11:43,44 ro 6:
# col 3:1
* Christ
# jno 8:12 9:5 ac 13:47 2co 4:6 2ti 1:10
Ephesians 5:15 See <0991-blepo-> then <3767-oun-> that ye
<4043-peripateo-> circumspectly <0199-akribos->, not as
<0781-asophos->, but as wise <4680-sophos--oneidismos->,-
* See
# ep 5:33 mat 8:4 27:4,24 1th 5:15 he 12:25 1pe 1:22 re
* walk
# ex 23:13 mat 10:16 1co 14:20 phi 1:27 col 1:9 4:5
* not
# 2sa 24:10 job 24:10 job 2:10 ps 73:22 pr 14:8 mat 25:2
lu 24:25
# ga 3:1,3 1ti 6:9 ja 3:13
Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming <1805-exagorazo-> the time <2540-
because <3754-hoti-> the days <2250-hemera-> are evil <4190-
* Redeeming
# ec 9:10 ro 13:11 ga 6:10 col 4:5
* the days
# ep 6:13,15 ps 37:19 ec 11:2 12:1 am 5:13 jno 12:35 ac
# 1co 7:26,29-31
Ephesians 5:17 Wherefore <5124-touto-> be ye not unwise
but understanding <4920-suniemi-> what <5101-tis-> the will
<2307-thelema-> of the Lord <2962-kurios-> [is]:-
* be
# ep 5:15 col 4:5
* understanding
# de 4:6 1ki 3:9-12 job 28:28 ps 111:10 119:27 pr 2:5 14:
8 23:23
# je 4:22 jno 7:17 ro 12:2 col 1:9 1th 4:1-3 5:18 1pe 4:2
Ephesians 5:18 And be not drunk <3182-methusko-> with wine
wherein <3757-hou-> is excess <0810-asotia->; but be filled
with the Spirit <4151-pneuma->;-
* be not
# ge 9:21 19:32-35 de 21:20 ps 69:12 pr 20:1 23:20,21,29-
# is 5:11-13,22 mat 24:49 lu 12:45 21:34 ro 13:13 1co 5:
11 6:10
# 11:21 ga 5:21 1th 5:7
* excess
# mat 23:25 1pe 4:3,4
* but
# ps 63:3-5 ca 1:4 7:9 is 25:6 55:1 zec 9:15-17 lu 11:13
ac 2:13-18
# 11:24 ga 5:22-25
Ephesians 5:19 Speaking <2980-laleo-> to yourselves <1438-
heautou-> in
psalms <5568> and hymns <5215-humnos-> and spiritual <4152-
songs <5603-oide->, singing <0103-aido-> and making <5567-
psallo-> melody
<5567-psallo-> in your <5216-humon-> heart <2588-kardia->
to the Lord
* to yourselves
# ac 16:25 1co 14:26 col 3:16 ja 5:13
* psalms: Psalms, [] from [] to touch or play on a
instrument, properly denotes such sacred songs or
poems as are
sung to stringed instruments, and may here refer to
those of
David; [] from [] to sing, celebrate, praise,
signifies songs
in honour of God; and songs [] from [] to sing,
denotes any
regular poetic composition adapted to singing, and is
restricted to those which are spiritual:
# ps 95:2 105:2 mat 26:30
* making
# ps 47:7,8 62:8 86:12 105:3 147:7 is 65:14 mat 15:8 jno
Ephesians 5:20 Giving thanks <2168-eucharisteo-> always
for all <3956-pas-> things unto God <2316-theos-> and the
<3962-pater-> in the name <3686-onoma-> of our Lord <2962-
kurios-> Jesus
<2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos->;-
* thanks
# ep 5:4 job 1:21 ps 34:1 is 63:7 ac 5:41 1co 1:4 phi 1:
3 4:6
# col 1:11,12 3:17 1th 3:9 5:18 2th 1:3 2:13
* in
# jno 14:13,14 15:16 16:23-26 col 3:17 he 13:15 1pe 2:5
Ephesians 5:21 Submitting <5293-hupotasso-> yourselves one
<0240-allelon-> to another <0240-allelon-> in the fear
<5401-phobos-> of
God <2316-theos->:-
* submitting
# ep 5:22,24 ge 16:9 1ch 29:24 ro 13:1-5 1co 16:16 phi 2:
3 1ti 2:11
# 3:4 he 13:17 1pe 2:13 5:5
* in
# 2ch 19:7 ne 5:9:15 pr 24:21 2co 7:1 1pe 2:17
Ephesians 5:22 Wives <1135-gune->, submit <5293-hupotasso-
> yourselves
unto your <3588-ho-> own <2398-idios-> husbands <0435-aner-
>, as unto the
Lord <2962-kurios->:-
* submit
# ep 5:24 ge 3:16 es 1:16-18,20 1co 14:34 col 3:18
# 1ti 2:11,12 tit 2:5 1pe 3:1-6
* as
# ep 6:5 col 3:22,23
Ephesians 5:23 For the husband <0435-aner-> is the head
of the wife <1135-gune->, even <2532-kai-> as Christ <5547-
Christos-> is
the head <2776-kephale-> of the church <1577-ekklesia->:
and he is the
saviour <4990-soter-> of the body <4983-soma->:-
* husband
# 1co 11:3-10
* even
# ep 1:22,23 4:15 col 1:18
* he
# ep 5:25,26 ac 20:28 1th 1:10 re 5:9
Ephesians 5:24 Therefore <0235-alla-> as the church <1577-
ekklesia-> is
subject <5293-hupotasso-> unto Christ <5547-Christos->, so
[let] the wives <1135-gune-> [be] to their own <2398-idios-
> husbands
<0435-aner-> in every <3956-pas-> thing:-
* in
# ep 5:33 ex 23:13 29:35 col 3:20,22 tit 2:7,9
Ephesians 5:25 Husbands <0435-aner->, love <0025-agapao->
<1438-heautou-> wives <1135-gune->, even <2531-kathos-> as
<5547-Christos-> also <2532-kai-> loved <0025-agapao-> the
<1577-ekklesia->, and gave <3860-paradidomi-> himself <1438-
heautou-> for
* love
# ep 5:28 ge 2:24 24:67 2sa 12:3 pr 5:18,19 col 3:19 1pe
* loved
# ep 5:2 mat 20:28 lu 22:19,20 jno 6:51 ac 20:28 ga 1:4
# 1ti 2:6 1pe 1:18-21 re 1:5 5:9
Ephesians 5:26 That he might sanctify <0037-hagiazo-> and
<2511-katharizo-> it with the washing <3067-loutron-> of
<5204-hudor-> by the word <4487-rhema->,-
* he
# jno 17:17-19 ac 26:18 1co 6:11 tit 2:14 he 9:14 10:10
1pe 1:2
# jude 1
* with
# eze 16:9 36:25 zec 13:1 jno 3:5 ac 22:16 tit 3:5-7 he
# 1pe 3:21 1jno 5:6
* by
# jno 15:8 17:7 ja 1:18 1pe 1:22,23
Ephesians 5:27 That he might present <3936-paristemi-> it
to himself
<1438-heautou-> a glorious <1741-endoxos-> church <1577-
ekklesia->, not
having <2192-echo-> spot <4696-spilos->, or <2228-e->
<4512-rhutis->, or <2228-e-> any <5100-tis-> such <5108-
toioutos-> thing;
but that it should be holy <0040-hagios-> and without <0299-
blemish <0299-amomos->:-
* he
# 2co 4:14 11:2 col 1:22,28
# jude 24
* glorious
# ps 45:13 87:3 is 60:15-20 62:3 je 33:9 he 12:22-24 re
# 21:10-26
* not
# ca 4:7 he 9:14 1pe 1:19 1pe 1:19 2pe 3:14
* but
# ep 1:4 2co 11:2 col 1:22,28 1th 5:23 jude 21 re 21:27
Ephesians 5:28 So <3779-houto-> ought <3784-opheilo-> men
<0435-aner-> to
love <0025-agapao-> their wives <1135-gune-> as their own
bodies <4983-soma->: He that loveth <0025-agapao-> his wife
loveth <0025-agapao-> himself <1438-heautou->:-
* as
# ep 5:31,33 ge 2:21-24 mat 19:5
Ephesians 5:29 For no <3762-oudeis-> man <3762-oudeis->
ever <4218-pote->
yet hated <3404-miseo-> his own <1438-heautou-> flesh <4561-
sarx->; but
nourisheth <1625-ektrepho-> and cherisheth <2282-thalpo->
it, even
<2532-kai-> as the Lord <2962-kurios-> the church <1577-
* hated
# ep 5:31 pr 11:17 ec 4:5 ro 1:31
* nourisheth
# is 40:11 eze 34:14,15,27 mat 23:37 jno 6:50-58
Ephesians 5:30 For we are members <3196-melos-> of his
body <4983-soma->,
of his flesh <4561-sarx->, and of his bones <3747-osteon->:-
# ep 1:23 ge 2:23 ro 12:5 1co 6:15 12:12-27 col 2:19
Ephesians 5:31 For this <5127-toutou-> cause <0873-
aphorizo-> shall a man
<0444-anthropos-> leave <2641-kataleipo-> his father <3962-
pater-> and
mother <3384-meter->, and shall be joined <4347-proskollao-
> unto his wife
<1135-gune->, and they two <1417-duo-> shall be one <3391-
mia-> flesh
# ge 2:24 mat 19:5 mar 10:7,8 1co 6:16
Ephesians 5:32 This <5124-touto-> is a great <3173-megas->
<3466-musterion->: but I speak <3004-lego-> concerning
<1519-eis-> Christ
<5547-Christos-> and the church <1577-ekklesia->:-
* a great
# ep 6:19 col 2:2 1ti 3:8,16
* speak
# ps 45:9-17 ca 1:8 is 54:5 62:4,5 jno 3:29 2co 11:2
# re 19:7,8 21:2
Ephesians 5:33 Nevertheless <4133-plen-> let every <1520-
heis-> one of
you in particular <1520-heis-> so <3779-houto-> love <0025-
agapao-> his
wife <1135-gune-> even <5613-hos-> as himself <1438-heautou-
>; and the
wife <1135-gune-> [see] that she reverence <5399-phobeo->
[her] husband
* let
# ep 5:25,28,29 col 3:19 1pe 3:7
* reverence
# ep 5:22 1ki 1:31 es 1:20 he 12:9 1pe 3:2-6
Ephesians 6:1 Children <5043-teknon->, obey <5219-hupakouo-
> your
<5216-humon-> parents <1118-goneus-> in the Lord <2962-
kurios->: for this
<5124-touto-> is right <1342-dikaios->:-
* 1-4 The duty of children towards their parents
5-9 of servants towards their masters
10-12 Our life is a warfare, not only against flesh and
blood, but
also spiritual enemies
13-17 The complete armour of a Christian
18-20 and how it ought to be used
21-24 Tychius is commended
* obey
# ge 28:7 37:13 le 19:3 de 21:18 1sa 17:20 es 2:20 pr 1:
8 6:20 23:22
# 30:11,17 je 35:14 lu 2:51 col 3:20
* in
# ep 6:5,6 ro 16:2 1co 15:58 col 3:16,17,23,24 1pe 2:13
* for
# ne 9:13 job 33:27 ps 19:8 119:75,128 ho 14:9 ro 7:12
12:2 1ti 5:4
Ephesians 6:2 Honour <5091-timao-> thy father <3962-pater-
> and mother
<3384-meter->; (which <3748-hostis-> is the first <4413-
commandment <1785-entole-> with promise <1860-epaggelia->;)-
# ex 20:12 de 27:16 pr 20:20 je 35:18 eze 22:7 mal 1:6
mat 15:4-6
# mar 7:9-13 ro 13:7
Ephesians 6:3 That it may be well <2095-eu-> with thee,
and thou mayest
live <3118-makrochronios-> long <2118-euthutes-> on <1909-
epi-> the earth
* de 4:40 5:16 6:3,18 12:25,28 22:7 ro 3:1 ps 128:1,2 is
# je 42:6
Ephesians 6:4 And, ye fathers <3962-pater->, provoke <3949-
not your <5216-humon-> children <5043-teknon-> to wrath
but bring <1625-ektrepho-> them up in the nurture <3809-
paideia-> and
admonition <3559-nouthesia-> of the Lord <2962-kurios->:-
* ye
# ge 31:14,15 1sa 20:30-34 col 3:21
* but
# ge 18:19 ex 12:26,27 13:14,15 de 4:9 6:7,20-24 11:19-
21 jos 4:6,7
# 4:21-24 24:15 1ch 22:10-13 28:9,10,20 29:19 ps 71:17,18
# 78:4-7 pr 4:1-4 19:18 22:6,15 23:13,14 29:15,17 is 38:
19 2ti 1:5
# 3:15 he 12:7-10
Ephesians 6:5 Servants <1401-doulos->, be obedient <5219-
hupakouo-> to
them that are [your] masters <2962-kurios-> according <2596-
kata-> to the
flesh <4561-sarx->, with fear <5401-phobos-> and trembling
in singleness <0572-haplotes-> of your <5216-humon-> heart
as unto Christ <5547-Christos->;-
* be
# ge 16:9 ps 123:2 mal 1:6 mat 6:24 8:9 ac 10:7,8 col 3:
22 1ti 6:1-3
# tit 2:9,10 1pe 2:18-21
* according
# phile 16
* with
# 1co 2:3 2co 7:15 phi 2:12 1pe 3:2
* in
# ep 6:24 jos 24:14 1ch 29:17 ps 86:11 mat 6:22 ac 2:46
2co 1:12
# 11:2,3
* as
# ep 1:1-23 1co 7:22 col 3:17-24
Ephesians 6:6 Not with eyeservice <3787-ophthalmodouleia->,
menpleasers <0441-anthropareskos->; but as the servants
<1401-doulos-> of
Christ <5547-Christos->, doing <4160-poieo-> the will <2307-
thelema-> of
God <2316-theos-> from the heart <5590-psuche->;-
* eye-service
# phi 2:12 col 3:22 1th 2:4
* doing
# ep 5:17 mat 7:21 12:50 col 1:9 4:12 1th 4:8 he 10:36
# 1pe 2:15 4:2 1jno 2:17
* from
Ephesians 6:7 With good <2133-eunoia-> will <2133-eunoia->
<1398-douleuo-> service <1398-douleuo->, as to the Lord
and not to men <0444-anthropos->:-
* good
# ge 31:6,38-40 2ki 5:2,3,13
* as
# ep 6:5,6 1co 10:31
Ephesians 6:8 Knowing <1492-eido-> that whatsoever <5100-
tis-> good
<0018-agathos-> thing any <1538-hekastos-> man doeth <4160-
poieo->, the
same <3778-houtos-> shall he receive <2865-komizo-> of the
<2962-kurios->, whether <1535-eite-> [he be] bond <1401-
doulos-> or
<1535-eite-> free <1658-eleutheros->:-
* whatsoever
# pr 11:18 23:18 is 3:11 mat 5:12 6:1,4 10:41,42 16:27
lu 6:35
# 14:14 ro 2:6-10 2co 5:10 col 3:24 he 10:35 11:26
* whether
# ga 3:28 col 3:11
Ephesians 6:9 And, ye masters <2962-kurios->, do <4160-
poieo-> the same
<0846-autos-> things unto them, forbearing <0447-aniemi->
<0547-apeile->: knowing <1492-eido-> that your <5216-humon-
> Master
<2962-kurios-> also <2532-kai-> is in heaven <3772-ouranos-
>; neither
<3756-ou-> is there respect <3382-meros-> of persons <4382-
with him:-
* ye
# le 19:13 25:39-46 de 15:11-16 24:14,15 ne 5:5,8,9 job
# 31:13-15 is 47:6 58:3-6 am 8:4-7 mal 3:5 col 4:1 ja 5:4
* the same
# ep 6:5-7 mat 7:12 lu 6:31 ja 2:8,13
* forbearing: or, moderating
# le 25:43 1sa 15:17 da 3:6,15 5:19,20
* knowing
# ps 140:12 ec 5:8 mat 22:8,10 24:48,51 lu 12:45,46 jno
# 1co 7:22
* your Master: Some read, both your and their Master
# 1co 1:2 phi 2:10,11
* neither
# ac 10:34 ro 2:11 col 3:25
Ephesians 6:10 Finally <3063-loipon->, my brethren <0080-
adephos->, be
strong <1743-endunamoo-> in the Lord <2962-kurios->, and in
the power
<2904-kratos-> of his might <2479-ischus->:-
* Finally
# 2co 13:11 phi 3:1 4:8 1pe 3:8
* be
# ep 1:19 3:16 de 20:3,4 31:23 jos 1:6,7,9 1sa 23:16 1ch
# 2ch 15:7 ps 138:3 is 35:3,4 40:28,31 hag 2:4 zec 8:9,13
# 1co 16:13 2co 12:9,10 phi 4:13 col 1:11 2ti 2:1 4:17
1pe 5:10
Ephesians 6:11 Put <1746-enduo-> on <1746-enduo-> the
whole armour
<3833-panoplia-> of God <2316-theos->, that ye may be able
to stand <2476-histemi-> against <4314-pros-> the wiles
of the devil <1228-diabolos->:-
* Put
# ep 4:24 ro 13:14 col 3:10
* the whole
# ep 6:13 ro 13:12 2co 6:7 10:4 1th 5:8
* able
# ep 6:13 lu 14:29-31 1co 10:13 he 7:25 jude 24
* the wiles
# ep 4:14 mar 13:22 2co 2:11 4:4 11:3,13-15 2th 2:9-11
1pe 5:8
# 2pe 2:1-3 re 2:24 12:9 13:11-15 19:20 20:2,3,7,8
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle <3823-pale-> not against
<4314-pros-> flesh
<4561-sarx-> and blood <0129-haima->, but against <4314-
principalities <0746-arche->, against <4314-pros-> powers
against <4314-pros-> the rulers <2888-kosmokrator-> of the
<4655-skotos-> of this <5127-toutou-> world <0165-aion->,
<4314-pros-> spiritual <4152-pneumatikos-> wickedness <4189-
poneria-> in
high <2032-epouranios-> [places]:-
* wrestle
# lu 13:24 1co 9:25-27 2ti 2:5 he 12:1,4
* flesh and blood: Gr: blood and flesh
# mat 16:17 1co 15:50 ga 1:16
* principalities
# ep 1:21 3:10 ro 8:38 col 2:15 1pe 3:22
* against the
# ep 2:2 job 2:2 lu 22:53 jno 12:31 14:30 16:11 ac 26:18
2co 4:4
# col 1:13
* spritual wickedness: or, wicked spirits
* high: or, heavenly
# ep 1:3
Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore <5124-touto-> take <0353-
analambano-> unto you
the whole armour <3833-panoplia-> of God <2316-theos->,
that ye may be
able <1410-dunamai-> to withstand <0436-anthistemi-> in the
<4190-poneros-> day <2250-hemera->, and having done <2716-
all <0537-hapas->, to stand <2476-histemi->:-
* take
# ep 6:11-17 2co 10:4
* the whole [], a complete suit of armour, both
offensive and
defensive, from [], all, and [], armour
* in the
# ep 5:6,16 ec 12:1 am 6:3 lu 8:13 re 3:10
* done all: or, overcome all
* to stand
# mal 3:2 lu 21:36 col 4:12 re 6:17
Ephesians 6:14 Stand <2476-histemi-> therefore <3767-oun->,
having your
<5216-humon-> loins <3751-osphus-> girt <4024-perizonnumi->
<4024-perizonnumi-> with truth <0226-aletheuo->, and having
on <1746-enduo-> the breastplate <2382-thorax-> of
* having
# ep 5:9 is 11:5 lu 12:35 2co 6:7 1pe 1:13
* the breastplate
The [], or breastplate, consisted of two parts; one of
covered the whole region of the thorax or breast, and
the other
the back, as far down as the front part extended:
# is 59:17 1th 5:8 re 9:9,17
Ephesians 6:15
* your
# de 33:25 ca 7:1 hab 3:19 lu 15:22
* the gospel
# is 52:7 ro 10:15 2co 5:18-21
Ephesians 6:16 Above <1909-epi-> all <3956-pas->, taking
<0353-analambano-> the shield <2375-thureos-> of faith
wherewith <3739-hos-> ye shall be able <1410-dunamai-> to
<4570-sbennumi-> all <3956-pas-> the fiery <4448-puroo->
<0956-belos-> of the wicked <4190-poneros->:-
* the shield: The [] was a large oblong shield, or
scuta, like a
door,[], made of wood and coveredwith hides:
# ge 15:1 ps 56:3,4,10,11 pr 18:10 2co 1:24 4:16-18 he 6:
# 11:24-34 1pe 5:8,9 1jno 5:4:5
* to quench
# 1th 5:19
Ephesians 6:17 And take <1209-dechomai-> the helmet <4030-
of salvation <4992-soterion->, and the sword <3162-machaira-
> of the
Spirit <4151-pneuma->, which <3739-hos-> is the word <4487-
rhema-> of God
* the helmet
# 1sa 17:5,58 is 59:17 1th 5:8
* the sword
# is 49:2 he 4:12 re 1:16 2:16 19:15
* which
# mat 4:4,7,10,11 he 12:5,6 13:5,6 re 12:11
Ephesians 6:18 Praying <4336-proseuchomai-> always <2540-
kairos-> with
all <3956-pas-> prayer <4335-proseuche-> and supplication
in the Spirit <4151-pneuma->, and watching <0069-agrupneo->
<5124-touto-> with all <3956-pas-> perseverance <4343-
proskarteresis-> and
supplication <1162-deesis-> for all <3956-pas-> saints
* Praying
# ep 1:16 job 27:10 is 26:16 da 6:10 lu 3:26,37 18:1-7
# 21:36 ac 1:14 6:4 10:2 12:5 ro 12:12 phi 4:6 col 4:2
1th 5:17
# 2ti 1:3
* supplication
# 1ki 8:52,54,59 9:3 es 4:8 da 9:20 ho 12:4 1ti 2:1 he 5:
* in the
# ep 2:22 zec 12:10 ro 8:15,26,27 ga 4:6 jude 20 mat 26:
41 mar 13:33
# 14:38 lu 21:36 22:46 col 4:2 1pe 4:7
* all perseverance
# ge 32:24-28 mat 15:25-28 lu 11:5-8 18:1-8
* supplication
# ep 6:19 1:16 3:8,18 phi 1:4 1ti 2:1 col 1:4 phile 5
Ephesians 6:19 And for me, that utterance <3056-logos->
may be given
<1325-didomi-> unto me, that I may open <0457-anoixis-> my
<4750-stoma-> boldly <3954-parrhesia->, to make <1107-
gnorizo-> known
<1107-gnorizo-> the mystery <3466-musterion-> of the gospel
* for
# ro 15:30 2co 1:11 phi 1:19 col 4:3 1th 5:25 2th 3:1
phile 22
# he 13:18
* utterance
# ac 2:4 1co 1:5 2co 8:7
* that I
# ac 4:13,29,31 9:27,29 13:46 14:3 18:26 19:8 28:31 2co
3:12 7:4
# phi 1:20 1th 2:2
* the mystery
# ep 1:9 3:3,4 1co 2:7 4:1 col 1:26,27 2:2 1ti 3:16
Ephesians 6:20 For which <3739-hos-> I am an ambassador
in bonds <0254-halusis->: that therein <0846-autos-> I may
speak boldly
<3955-parrhesiazomai->, as I ought <1163-dei-> to speak
* I am
# pr 13:17 is 33:7 2co 5:20
* bonds: or, a chain
# ep 3:1 4:1 2sa 10:2-6 ac 26:29 28:20 phi 1:7,13,14 2ti
1:16 2:9
# phile 10
* therein: or, thereof
* boldly
# ep 6:19 is 58:1 je 1:7,8,17 eze 2:4-7 mat 10:27,28 ac
5:29 28:31
# col 4:4 phi 1:20 1th 2:2 1jno 3:16 jude 3
Ephesians 6:21 But that ye also <2532-kai-> may know <1492-
eido-> my
affairs <2596-kata->, [and] how <5101-tis-> I do <4238-
prasso->, Tychicus
<5190-Tuchikos->, a beloved <0027-agapetos-> brother <0080-
adephos-> and
faithful <4103-pistos-> minister <1249-diakonos-> in the
<2962-kurios->, shall make <1107-gnorizo-> known <1107-
gnorizo-> to you
all <3956-pas-> things:-
* That
# phi 1:12 col 4:7
* Tychius
# ac 20:4 2ti 4:12 tit 3:12
* beloved
# col 4:9 phile 16 2pe 3:15
* faithful
# 1co 4:17 col 1:7 1ti 4:6 1pe 5:12
Ephesians 6:22 Whom <3739-hos-> I have sent <3992-pempo->
unto you for
the same <0846-autos-> purpose, that ye might know <1097-
ginosko-> our
affairs <4012-peri->, and [that] he might comfort <3870-
parakaleo-> your
<5216-humon-> hearts <2588-kardia->:-
# phi 2:19,25 col 4:7,8 1th 3:2 2th 2:17
Ephesians 6:23 Peace <1515-eirene-> [be] to the brethren
and love <0026-agape-> with faith <4102-pistis->, from God
the Father <3962-pater-> and the Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus
Christ <5547-Christos->:-
* Peace
# ro 1:7 1co 1:3 ge 43:23 1sa 25:6 ps 122:6-9 jno 14:27
ga 6:16
# 1pe 5:14 re 1:4
* and love
# ga 5:6 1ti 1:3 5:8 2th 1:3 1ti 1:14 phile 5-7
Ephesians 6:24 Grace <5485-charis-> [be] with all <3956-
pas-> them that
love <0025-agapao-> our Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-
Iesous-> Christ
<5547-Christos-> in sincerity <0861-aphthrsia->: Amen <0281-
* Grace
# 1co 16:23 2co 13:14 col 4:18 2ti 4:22 tit 3:15 he 13:25
* love
# jno 21:15-17 1co 16:22
* in sincerity: or, with incorruption:
# mat 22:37 2co 8:8,12 tit 2:7
* Amen
# mat 6:13 28:20