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1:1 <2455> <1401> <2424> <5547> <0080> <2385> <0037> <2316>
<3962> <5083> <2424> <5547> <2822>
1:2 <1656> <1515> <0026> <4129>
1:3 <0027> <4160> <3956> <4710> <1125> <2839> <4991> <0318>
<1125> <3870> <1864> <1864> <4102> <0530> <3860> <0040>
1:4 <5100> <0444> <3921> <3921> <3588> <4270> <3819> <4270>
<5124> <2917> <0765> <3346> <5485> <2316> <1519> <0766> <0720>
<3441> <2962> <2316> <2962> <2424> <5547>
1:5 <1014> <5279> <5179> <0530> <1492> <5124> <2962> <4982>
<2992> <1093> <0125> <1208> <0622> <4100>
1:6 <0032> <5083> <0746> <0620> <2398> <3613> <5083> <0126>
<1199> <5259> <2217> <2920> <3173> <2250>
1:7 <5613> <4670> <1116> <4172> <4012> <3664> <5158> <1608>
<1608> <0565> <3694> <2087> <4561> <4295> <4295> <1164> <5254>
<1349> <0166> <4442>
1:8 <3668> <2532> <3778> <1797> <3392> <4561> <0114> <2963>
<0987> <0987> <1391>
1:9 <1161> <3413> <0743> <3753> <1252> <1228> <1256> <4012>
<4983> <3475> <5111> <2018> <2018> <0988> <2920> <2036> <2962>
1:10 <3778> <0987> <0987> <3745> <3745> <1492> <3745> <1987>
<5447> <0249> <2226> <5125> <5351>
1:11 <3759> <4198> <3598> <2535> <1632> <1632> <4106> <0903>
<3408> <0622> <0485> <2879>
1:12 <3778> <4694> <5216> <0026> <4910> <4165> <1438> <0870>
<0870> <3507> <0504> <0504> <4064> <4064> <0417> <1186> <5352>
<5352> <0175> <0175> <1364> <0599> <1610> <1610>
1:13 <0066> <2949> <2281> <1890> <1438> <0152> <4107> <0792>
<3739> <5083> <2217> <4655> <0165>
1:14 <1802> <2532> <1442> <0076> <4395> <5125> <3004> <2400>
<2962> <2064> <3461> <3461> <0040>
1:15 <4160> <2920> <3956> <1827> <3956> <0763> <3956> <0763>
<2041> <3739> <0764> <0764> <3956> <4642> <3739> <0765> <0268>
<2980> <2596>
1:16 <3778> <1113> <3202> <4198> <2596> <0848> <1939> <4750>
<2980> <5246> <5246> <4283> <4383> <2296> <5484> <5622>
1:17 <0027> <3415> <4487> <3588> <4280> <4280> <0652> <2962>
<2424> <5547>
1:18 <3004> <1703> <2078> <5550> <4198> <2596> <1438> <0763>
1:19 <3778> <0592> <1438> <5591> <2192> <4151>
1:20 <0027> <2026> <1438> <5216> <0040> <0040> <4102> <4336>
<0040> <4151>
1:21 <5083> <1438> <0026> <2316> <4327> <1656> <2962> <2424>
<5547> <0166> <2222>
1:22 <3588> <1653> <1252> <1252>
1:23 <3739> <4982> <5401> <0726> <4442> <3404> <2532> <5509>
<4695> <4561>
1:24 <1161> <1410> <5442> <0679> <2476> <0299> <2714> <2714>
<1391> <0020>
1:25 <3441> <4680> <2316> <4990> <1391> <3172> <2904> <1849>
<2532> <3568> <0165> <0281>
Jude 1
1. Jude <2455-Ioudas->, the servant <1401-doulos-> of Jesus
<2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos->, and brother <0080-
adephos-> of James <2385-Iakobos->, to them that are sanctified
<0037-hagiazo-> by God <2316-theos-> the Father <3962-pater->,
and preserved <5083-tereo-> in Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-
Christos->, [and] called <2822-kletos->:
2 Mercy <1656-eleos-> unto you, and peace <1515-eirene->, and
love <0026-agape->, be multiplied <4129-plethuno->.
3. Beloved <0027-agapetos->, when I gave <4160-poieo-> all
<3956-pas-> diligence <4710-spoude-> to write <1125-grapho->
unto you of the common <2839-koinos-> salvation <4991-soteria->,
it was needful <0318-anagke-> for me to write <1125-grapho->
unto you, and exhort <3870-parakaleo-> [you] that ye should
earnestly <1864-epagonizomai-> contend <1864-epagonizomai-> for
the faith <4102-pistis-> which was once <0530-hapax-> delivered
<3860-paradidomi-> unto the saints <0040-hagios->.
4 For there are certain <5100-tis-> men <0444-anthropos-> crept
<3921-pareisduno-> in unawares <3921-pareisduno->, who <3588-ho-
> were before <4270-prographo-> of old <3819-palai-> ordained
<4270-prographo-> to this <5124-touto-> condemnation <2917-krima-
>, ungodly <0765-asebes-> men, turning <3346-metatithemi-> the
grace <5485-charis-> of our God <2316-theos-> into <1519-eis->
lasciviousness <0766-aselgeia->, and denying <0720-arneomai->
the only <3441-monos-> Lord <2962-kurios-> God <2316-theos->,
and our Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-
5 I will <1014-boo-lom-ahee-> therefore put <5279-hupomimnesko-
> you in remembrance <5179-tupos->, though ye once <0530-hapax->
knew <1492-eido-> this <5124-touto->, how that the Lord <2962-
kurios->, having saved <4982-sozo-> the people <2992-laos-> out
of the land <1093-ge-> of Egypt <0125-Aiguptos->, afterward
<1208-deuteros-> destroyed <0622-apollumi-> them that believed
<4100-pisteuo-> not.
6 And the angels <0032-aggelos-> which kept <5083-tereo-> not
their first <0746-arche-> estate, but left <0620-apoleipo->
their own <2398-idios-> habitation <3613-oiketerion->, he hath
reserved <5083-tereo-> in everlasting <0126-aidios-> chains
<1199-desmon-> under <5259-hupo-> darkness <2217-zophos-> unto
the judgment <2920-krisis-> of the great <3173-megas-> day <2250-
7 Even <5613-hos-> as Sodom <4670-Sodoma-> and Gomorrha <1116-
Gomorrha->, and the cities <4172-polis-> about <4012-peri-> them
in like <3664-homoios-> manner <5158-tropos->, giving themselves
over <1608-ekporneuo-> to fornication <1608-ekporneuo->, and
going <0565-aperchomai-> after <3694-opiso-> strange <2087-
heteros-> flesh <4561-sarx->, are set <4295-prokeimai-> forth
<4295-prokeimai-> for an example <1164-deigma->, suffering <5254-
hupecho-> the vengeance <1349-dike-> of eternal <0166-aionios->
fire <4442-pur->.
8. Likewise <3668-homoios-> also <2532-kai-> these <3778-houtos-
> [filthy] dreamers <1797-enupniazomai-> defile <3392-miaino->
the flesh <4561-sarx->, despise <0114-atheteo-> dominion <2963-
kuriotes->, and speak <0987-blasphemeo-> evil <0987-blasphemeo->
of dignities <1391-doxa->.
9 Yet <1161-de-> Michael <3413-Michael-> the archangel <0743-
archaggelos->, when <3753-hote-> contending <1252-diakrino->
with the devil <1228-diabolos-> he disputed <1256-dialegomai->
about <4012-peri-> the body <4983-soma-> of Moses <3475-Moseus->,
durst <5111-tolmao-> not bring <2018-epiphero-> against <2018-
epiphero-> him a railing <0988-blasphemia-> accusation <2920-
krisis->, but said <2036-epo->, The Lord <2962-kurios-> rebuke
<2008-epitimao-> thee.
10 But these <3778-houtos-> speak <0987-blasphemeo-> evil <0987-
blasphemeo-> of those <3745-hosos-> things which <3745-hosos->
they know <1492-eido-> not: but what <3745-hosos-> they know
<1987-epistamai-> naturally <5447-phusikos->, as brute <0249-
alogos-> beasts <2226-zoon->, in those <5125-toutois-> things
they corrupt <5351-phtheiro-> themselves.
11 Woe <3759-ouai-> unto them! for they have gone <4198-
poreuomai-> in the way <3598-hodos-> of Cain <2535-Kain->, and
ran <1632-ekcheo-> greedily <1632-ekcheo-> after the error <4106-
plane-> of Balaam <0903-Balaam-> for reward <3408-misthos->, and