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ISA-11:9 ...for the earth shall be
full of the knowledge of the LORD,
as the waters cover the sea.
1:1 <2455> <1401> <2424> <5547> <0080> <2385> <0037> <2316>
<3962> <5083> <2424> <5547> <2822>
1:2 <1656> <1515> <0026> <4129>
1:3 <0027> <4160> <3956> <4710> <1125> <2839> <4991> <0318>
<1125> <3870> <1864> <1864> <4102> <0530> <3860> <0040>
1:4 <5100> <0444> <3921> <3921> <3588> <4270> <3819> <4270>
<5124> <2917> <0765> <3346> <5485> <2316> <1519> <0766> <0720>
<3441> <2962> <2316> <2962> <2424> <5547>
1:5 <1014> <5279> <5179> <0530> <1492> <5124> <2962> <4982>
<2992> <1093> <0125> <1208> <0622> <4100>
1:6 <0032> <5083> <0746> <0620> <2398> <3613> <5083> <0126>
<1199> <5259> <2217> <2920> <3173> <2250>
1:7 <5613> <4670> <1116> <4172> <4012> <3664> <5158> <1608>
<1608> <0565> <3694> <2087> <4561> <4295> <4295> <1164> <5254>
<1349> <0166> <4442>
1:8 <3668> <2532> <3778> <1797> <3392> <4561> <0114> <2963>
<0987> <0987> <1391>
1:9 <1161> <3413> <0743> <3753> <1252> <1228> <1256> <4012>
<4983> <3475> <5111> <2018> <2018> <0988> <2920> <2036> <2962>
1:10 <3778> <0987> <0987> <3745> <3745> <1492> <3745> <1987>
<5447> <0249> <2226> <5125> <5351>
1:11 <3759> <4198> <3598> <2535> <1632> <1632> <4106> <0903>
<3408> <0622> <0485> <2879>
1:12 <3778> <4694> <5216> <0026> <4910> <4165> <1438> <0870>
<0870> <3507> <0504> <0504> <4064> <4064> <0417> <1186> <5352>
<5352> <0175> <0175> <1364> <0599> <1610> <1610>
1:13 <0066> <2949> <2281> <1890> <1438> <0152> <4107> <0792>
<3739> <5083> <2217> <4655> <0165>
1:14 <1802> <2532> <1442> <0076> <4395> <5125> <3004> <2400>
<2962> <2064> <3461> <3461> <0040>
1:15 <4160> <2920> <3956> <1827> <3956> <0763> <3956> <0763>
<2041> <3739> <0764> <0764> <3956> <4642> <3739> <0765> <0268>
<2980> <2596>
1:16 <3778> <1113> <3202> <4198> <2596> <0848> <1939> <4750>
<2980> <5246> <5246> <4283> <4383> <2296> <5484> <5622>
1:17 <0027> <3415> <4487> <3588> <4280> <4280> <0652> <2962>
<2424> <5547>
1:18 <3004> <1703> <2078> <5550> <4198> <2596> <1438> <0763>
1:19 <3778> <0592> <1438> <5591> <2192> <4151>
1:20 <0027> <2026> <1438> <5216> <0040> <0040> <4102> <4336>
<0040> <4151>
1:21 <5083> <1438> <0026> <2316> <4327> <1656> <2962> <2424>
<5547> <0166> <2222>
1:22 <3588> <1653> <1252> <1252>
1:23 <3739> <4982> <5401> <0726> <4442> <3404> <2532> <5509>
<4695> <4561>
1:24 <1161> <1410> <5442> <0679> <2476> <0299> <2714> <2714>
<1391> <0020>
1:25 <3441> <4680> <2316> <4990> <1391> <3172> <2904> <1849>
<2532> <3568> <0165> <0281>
Jude 1
1. Jude <2455-Ioudas->, the servant <1401-doulos-> of Jesus
<2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos->, and brother <0080-
adephos-> of James <2385-Iakobos->, to them that are sanctified
<0037-hagiazo-> by God <2316-theos-> the Father <3962-pater->,
and preserved <5083-tereo-> in Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-
Christos->, [and] called <2822-kletos->:
2 Mercy <1656-eleos-> unto you, and peace <1515-eirene->, and
love <0026-agape->, be multiplied <4129-plethuno->.
3. Beloved <0027-agapetos->, when I gave <4160-poieo-> all
<3956-pas-> diligence <4710-spoude-> to write <1125-grapho->
unto you of the common <2839-koinos-> salvation <4991-soteria->,
it was needful <0318-anagke-> for me to write <1125-grapho->
unto you, and exhort <3870-parakaleo-> [you] that ye should
earnestly <1864-epagonizomai-> contend <1864-epagonizomai-> for
the faith <4102-pistis-> which was once <0530-hapax-> delivered
<3860-paradidomi-> unto the saints <0040-hagios->.
4 For there are certain <5100-tis-> men <0444-anthropos-> crept
<3921-pareisduno-> in unawares <3921-pareisduno->, who <3588-ho-
> were before <4270-prographo-> of old <3819-palai-> ordained
<4270-prographo-> to this <5124-touto-> condemnation <2917-krima-
>, ungodly <0765-asebes-> men, turning <3346-metatithemi-> the
grace <5485-charis-> of our God <2316-theos-> into <1519-eis->
lasciviousness <0766-aselgeia->, and denying <0720-arneomai->
the only <3441-monos-> Lord <2962-kurios-> God <2316-theos->,
and our Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-
5 I will <1014-boo-lom-ahee-> therefore put <5279-hupomimnesko-
> you in remembrance <5179-tupos->, though ye once <0530-hapax->
knew <1492-eido-> this <5124-touto->, how that the Lord <2962-
kurios->, having saved <4982-sozo-> the people <2992-laos-> out
of the land <1093-ge-> of Egypt <0125-Aiguptos->, afterward
<1208-deuteros-> destroyed <0622-apollumi-> them that believed
<4100-pisteuo-> not.
6 And the angels <0032-aggelos-> which kept <5083-tereo-> not
their first <0746-arche-> estate, but left <0620-apoleipo->
their own <2398-idios-> habitation <3613-oiketerion->, he hath
reserved <5083-tereo-> in everlasting <0126-aidios-> chains
<1199-desmon-> under <5259-hupo-> darkness <2217-zophos-> unto
the judgment <2920-krisis-> of the great <3173-megas-> day <2250-
7 Even <5613-hos-> as Sodom <4670-Sodoma-> and Gomorrha <1116-
Gomorrha->, and the cities <4172-polis-> about <4012-peri-> them
in like <3664-homoios-> manner <5158-tropos->, giving themselves
over <1608-ekporneuo-> to fornication <1608-ekporneuo->, and
going <0565-aperchomai-> after <3694-opiso-> strange <2087-
heteros-> flesh <4561-sarx->, are set <4295-prokeimai-> forth
<4295-prokeimai-> for an example <1164-deigma->, suffering <5254-
hupecho-> the vengeance <1349-dike-> of eternal <0166-aionios->
fire <4442-pur->.
8. Likewise <3668-homoios-> also <2532-kai-> these <3778-houtos-
> [filthy] dreamers <1797-enupniazomai-> defile <3392-miaino->
the flesh <4561-sarx->, despise <0114-atheteo-> dominion <2963-
kuriotes->, and speak <0987-blasphemeo-> evil <0987-blasphemeo->
of dignities <1391-doxa->.
9 Yet <1161-de-> Michael <3413-Michael-> the archangel <0743-
archaggelos->, when <3753-hote-> contending <1252-diakrino->
with the devil <1228-diabolos-> he disputed <1256-dialegomai->
about <4012-peri-> the body <4983-soma-> of Moses <3475-Moseus->,
durst <5111-tolmao-> not bring <2018-epiphero-> against <2018-
epiphero-> him a railing <0988-blasphemia-> accusation <2920-
krisis->, but said <2036-epo->, The Lord <2962-kurios-> rebuke
<2008-epitimao-> thee.
10 But these <3778-houtos-> speak <0987-blasphemeo-> evil <0987-
blasphemeo-> of those <3745-hosos-> things which <3745-hosos->
they know <1492-eido-> not: but what <3745-hosos-> they know
<1987-epistamai-> naturally <5447-phusikos->, as brute <0249-
alogos-> beasts <2226-zoon->, in those <5125-toutois-> things
they corrupt <5351-phtheiro-> themselves.
11 Woe <3759-ouai-> unto them! for they have gone <4198-
poreuomai-> in the way <3598-hodos-> of Cain <2535-Kain->, and
ran <1632-ekcheo-> greedily <1632-ekcheo-> after the error <4106-
plane-> of Balaam <0903-Balaam-> for reward <3408-misthos->, and
perished <0622-apollumi-> in the gainsaying <0485-antilogia-> of
Core <2879-Kore->.
12 These <3778-houtos-> are spots <4694-spilas-> in your <5216-
humon-> feasts of charity <0026-agape->, when they feast <4910-
suneuocheo-> with you, feeding <4165-poimaino-> themselves <1438-
heautou-> without <0870-aphobos-> fear <0870-aphobos->: clouds
<3507-nephele-> [they are] without <0504-anudros-> water <0504-
anudros->, carried <4064-periphero-> about <4064-periphero-> of
winds <0417-anemos->; trees <1186-dendron-> whose fruit <5352-
phthinoporinos-> withereth <5352-phthinoporinos->, without <0175-
akarpos-> fruit <0175-akarpos->, twice <1364-dis-> dead <0599-
apothnesko->, plucked <1610-ekrizoo-> up by the roots <1610-
13 Raging <0066-agrios-> waves <2949-kuma-> of the sea <2281-
thalassa->, foaming <1890-epaphrizo-> out their own <1438-
heautou-> shame <0152-aischune->; wandering <4107-planetes->
stars <0792-aster->, to whom <3739-hos-> is reserved <5083-tereo-
> the blackness <2217-zophos-> of darkness <4655-skotos-> for
ever <0165-aion->.
14 And Enoch <1802-Enok-> also <2532-kai->, the seventh <1442-
hebdomos-> from Adam <0076-Adam->, prophesied <4395-propheteuo->
of these <5125-toutois->, saying <3004-lego->, Behold <2400-idou-
>, the Lord <2962-kurios-> cometh <2064-erchomai-> with ten
<3461-murias-> thousands <3461-murias-> of his saints <0040-
15. To execute <4160-poieo-> judgment <2920-krisis-> upon all
<3956-pas->, and to convince <1827-exelegcho-> all <3956-pas->
that are ungodly <0763-asebeia-> among them of all <3956-pas->
their ungodly <0763-asebeia-> deeds <2041-ergon-> which <3739-
hos-> they have ungodly <0764-asebeo-> committed <0764-asebeo->,
and of all <3956-pas-> their hard <4642-skleros-> [speeches]
which <3739-hos-> ungodly <0765-asebes-> sinners <0268-
hamartolos-> have spoken <2980-laleo-> against <2596-kata-> him.
16 These <3778-houtos-> are murmurers <1113-goggustes->,
complainers <3202-mempsimoiros->, walking <4198-poreuomai->
after <2596-kata-> their own <0848-hautou-> lusts <1939-
epithumia->; and their mouth <4750-stoma-> speaketh <2980-laleo-
> great <5246-huperogkos-> swelling <5246-huperogkos-> [words],
having men's <4283-proeuaggelizomai-> persons <4383-prosopon->
in admiration <2296-thaumazo-> because <5484-charin-> of
advantage <5622-opheleia->.
17 But, beloved <0027-agapetos->, remember <3415-mnaomai-> ye
the words <4487-rhema-> which <3588-ho-> were spoken <4280-
proereo-> before <4280-proereo-> of the apostles <0652-apostolos-
> of our Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-
18 How that they told <3004-lego-> you there should be mockers
<1703-empaiktes-> in the last <2078-eschatos-> time <5550-
chronos->, who should walk <4198-poreuomai-> after <2596-kata->
their own <1438-heautou-> ungodly <0763-asebeia-> lusts <1939-
19 These <3778-houtos-> be they who separate <0592-apodiorizo->
themselves <1438-heautou->, sensual <5591-psuchikos->, having
<2192-echo-> not the Spirit <4151-pneuma->.
20 But ye, beloved <0027-agapetos->, building <2026-epoikodomeo-
> up yourselves <1438-heautou-> on your <5216-humon-> most <0040-
hagios-> holy <0040-hagios-> faith <4102-pistis->, praying <4336-
proseuchomai-> in the Holy <0040-hagios-> Ghost <4151-pneuma->,
21 Keep <5083-tereo-> yourselves <1438-heautou-> in the love
<0026-agape-> of God <2316-theos->, looking <4327-prosdechomai->
for the mercy <1656-eleos-> of our Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus
<2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos-> unto eternal <0166-
aionios-> life <2222-zoe->.
22 And of some <3588-ho-> have compassion <1653-eleeo->, making
<1252-diakrino-> a difference <1252-diakrino->:
23 And others <3739-hos-> save <4982-sozo-> with fear <5401-
phobos->, pulling <0726-harpazo-> [them] out of the fire <4442-
pur->; hating <3404-miseo-> even <2532-kai-> the garment <5509-
chiton-> spotted <4695-spiloo-> by the flesh <4561-sarx->.
24 Now <1161-de-> unto him that is able <1410-dunamai-> to keep
<5442-phulasso-> you from falling <0679-aptaistos->, and to
present <2476-histemi-> [you] faultless <0299-amomos-> before
<2714-katenopion-> the presence <2714-katenopion-> of his glory
<1391-doxa-> with exceeding joy <0020-agalliasis->,
25 To the only <3441-monos-> wise <4680-sophos--oneidismos->
God <2316-theos-> our Saviour <4990-soter->, [be] glory <1391-
doxa-> and majesty <3172-megalosune->, dominion <2904-kratos->
and power <1849-exousia->, both <2532-kai-> now <3568-nun-> and
ever <0165-aion->. Amen <0281-amen->.
Interlinear Index Study
Jude 1
1. Jude <2455-Ioudas->, the servant <1401-doulos-> of Jesus
<2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos->, and brother <0080-
adephos-> of James <2385-Iakobos->, to them that are sanctified
<0037-hagiazo-> by God <2316-theos-> the Father <3962-pater->,
and preserved <5083-tereo-> in Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-
Christos->, [and] called <2822-kletos->:
2 Mercy <1656-eleos-> unto you, and peace <1515-eirene->, and
love <0026-agape->, be multiplied <4129-plethuno->.
3. Beloved <0027-agapetos->, when I gave <4160-poieo-> all
<3956-pas-> diligence <4710-spoude-> to write <1125-grapho->
unto you of the common <2839-koinos-> salvation <4991-soteria->,
it was needful <0318-anagke-> for me to write <1125-grapho->
unto you, and exhort <3870-parakaleo-> [you] that ye should
earnestly <1864-epagonizomai-> contend <1864-epagonizomai-> for
the faith <4102-pistis-> which was once <0530-hapax-> delivered
<3860-paradidomi-> unto the saints <0040-hagios->.
4 For there are certain <5100-tis-> men <0444-anthropos-> crept
<3921-pareisduno-> in unawares <3921-pareisduno->, who <3588-ho-
> were before <4270-prographo-> of old <3819-palai-> ordained
<4270-prographo-> to this <5124-touto-> condemnation <2917-krima-
>, ungodly <0765-asebes-> men, turning <3346-metatithemi-> the
grace <5485-charis-> of our God <2316-theos-> into <1519-eis->
lasciviousness <0766-aselgeia->, and denying <0720-arneomai->
the only <3441-monos-> Lord <2962-kurios-> God <2316-theos->,
and our Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-
5 I will <1014-boo-lom-ahee-> therefore put <5279-hupomimnesko-
> you in remembrance <5179-tupos->, though ye once <0530-hapax->
knew <1492-eido-> this <5124-touto->, how that the Lord <2962-
kurios->, having saved <4982-sozo-> the people <2992-laos-> out
of the land <1093-ge-> of Egypt <0125-Aiguptos->, afterward
<1208-deuteros-> destroyed <0622-apollumi-> them that believed
<4100-pisteuo-> not.
6 And the angels <0032-aggelos-> which kept <5083-tereo-> not
their first <0746-arche-> estate, but left <0620-apoleipo->
their own <2398-idios-> habitation <3613-oiketerion->, he hath
reserved <5083-tereo-> in everlasting <0126-aidios-> chains
<1199-desmon-> under <5259-hupo-> darkness <2217-zophos-> unto
the judgment <2920-krisis-> of the great <3173-megas-> day <2250-
7 Even <5613-hos-> as Sodom <4670-Sodoma-> and Gomorrha <1116-
Gomorrha->, and the cities <4172-polis-> about <4012-peri-> them
in like <3664-homoios-> manner <5158-tropos->, giving themselves
over <1608-ekporneuo-> to fornication <1608-ekporneuo->, and
going <0565-aperchomai-> after <3694-opiso-> strange <2087-
heteros-> flesh <4561-sarx->, are set <4295-prokeimai-> forth
<4295-prokeimai-> for an example <1164-deigma->, suffering <5254-
hupecho-> the vengeance <1349-dike-> of eternal <0166-aionios->
fire <4442-pur->.
8. Likewise <3668-homoios-> also <2532-kai-> these <3778-houtos-
> [filthy] dreamers <1797-enupniazomai-> defile <3392-miaino->
the flesh <4561-sarx->, despise <0114-atheteo-> dominion <2963-
kuriotes->, and speak <0987-blasphemeo-> evil <0987-blasphemeo->
of dignities <1391-doxa->.
9 Yet <1161-de-> Michael <3413-Michael-> the archangel <0743-
archaggelos->, when <3753-hote-> contending <1252-diakrino->
with the devil <1228-diabolos-> he disputed <1256-dialegomai->
about <4012-peri-> the body <4983-soma-> of Moses <3475-Moseus->,
durst <5111-tolmao-> not bring <2018-epiphero-> against <2018-
epiphero-> him a railing <0988-blasphemia-> accusation <2920-
krisis->, but said <2036-epo->, The Lord <2962-kurios-> rebuke
<2008-epitimao-> thee.
10 But these <3778-houtos-> speak <0987-blasphemeo-> evil <0987-
blasphemeo-> of those <3745-hosos-> things which <3745-hosos->
they know <1492-eido-> not: but what <3745-hosos-> they know
<1987-epistamai-> naturally <5447-phusikos->, as brute <0249-
alogos-> beasts <2226-zoon->, in those <5125-toutois-> things
they corrupt <5351-phtheiro-> themselves.
11 Woe <3759-ouai-> unto them! for they have gone <4198-
poreuomai-> in the way <3598-hodos-> of Cain <2535-Kain->, and
ran <1632-ekcheo-> greedily <1632-ekcheo-> after the error <4106-
plane-> of Balaam <0903-Balaam-> for reward <3408-misthos->, and
perished <0622-apollumi-> in the gainsaying <0485-antilogia-> of
Core <2879-Kore->.
12 These <3778-houtos-> are spots <4694-spilas-> in your <5216-
humon-> feasts of charity <0026-agape->, when they feast <4910-
suneuocheo-> with you, feeding <4165-poimaino-> themselves <1438-
heautou-> without <0870-aphobos-> fear <0870-aphobos->: clouds
<3507-nephele-> [they are] without <0504-anudros-> water <0504-
anudros->, carried <4064-periphero-> about <4064-periphero-> of
winds <0417-anemos->; trees <1186-dendron-> whose fruit <5352-
phthinoporinos-> withereth <5352-phthinoporinos->, without <0175-
akarpos-> fruit <0175-akarpos->, twice <1364-dis-> dead <0599-
apothnesko->, plucked <1610-ekrizoo-> up by the roots <1610-
13 Raging <0066-agrios-> waves <2949-kuma-> of the sea <2281-
thalassa->, foaming <1890-epaphrizo-> out their own <1438-
heautou-> shame <0152-aischune->; wandering <4107-planetes->
stars <0792-aster->, to whom <3739-hos-> is reserved <5083-tereo-
> the blackness <2217-zophos-> of darkness <4655-skotos-> for
ever <0165-aion->.
14 And Enoch <1802-Enok-> also <2532-kai->, the seventh <1442-
hebdomos-> from Adam <0076-Adam->, prophesied <4395-propheteuo->
of these <5125-toutois->, saying <3004-lego->, Behold <2400-idou-
>, the Lord <2962-kurios-> cometh <2064-erchomai-> with ten
<3461-murias-> thousands <3461-murias-> of his saints <0040-
15. To execute <4160-poieo-> judgment <2920-krisis-> upon all
<3956-pas->, and to convince <1827-exelegcho-> all <3956-pas->
that are ungodly <0763-asebeia-> among them of all <3956-pas->
their ungodly <0763-asebeia-> deeds <2041-ergon-> which <3739-
hos-> they have ungodly <0764-asebeo-> committed <0764-asebeo->,
and of all <3956-pas-> their hard <4642-skleros-> [speeches]
which <3739-hos-> ungodly <0765-asebes-> sinners <0268-
hamartolos-> have spoken <2980-laleo-> against <2596-kata-> him.
16 These <3778-houtos-> are murmurers <1113-goggustes->,
complainers <3202-mempsimoiros->, walking <4198-poreuomai->
after <2596-kata-> their own <0848-hautou-> lusts <1939-
epithumia->; and their mouth <4750-stoma-> speaketh <2980-laleo-
> great <5246-huperogkos-> swelling <5246-huperogkos-> [words],
having men's <4283-proeuaggelizomai-> persons <4383-prosopon->
in admiration <2296-thaumazo-> because <5484-charin-> of
advantage <5622-opheleia->.
17 But, beloved <0027-agapetos->, remember <3415-mnaomai-> ye
the words <4487-rhema-> which <3588-ho-> were spoken <4280-
proereo-> before <4280-proereo-> of the apostles <0652-apostolos-
> of our Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-
18 How that they told <3004-lego-> you there should be mockers
<1703-empaiktes-> in the last <2078-eschatos-> time <5550-
chronos->, who should walk <4198-poreuomai-> after <2596-kata->
their own <1438-heautou-> ungodly <0763-asebeia-> lusts <1939-
19 These <3778-houtos-> be they who separate <0592-apodiorizo->
themselves <1438-heautou->, sensual <5591-psuchikos->, having
<2192-echo-> not the Spirit <4151-pneuma->.
20 But ye, beloved <0027-agapetos->, building <2026-epoikodomeo-
> up yourselves <1438-heautou-> on your <5216-humon-> most <0040-
hagios-> holy <0040-hagios-> faith <4102-pistis->, praying <4336-
proseuchomai-> in the Holy <0040-hagios-> Ghost <4151-pneuma->,
21 Keep <5083-tereo-> yourselves <1438-heautou-> in the love
<0026-agape-> of God <2316-theos->, looking <4327-prosdechomai->
for the mercy <1656-eleos-> of our Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus
<2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos-> unto eternal <0166-
aionios-> life <2222-zoe->.
22 And of some <3588-ho-> have compassion <1653-eleeo->, making
<1252-diakrino-> a difference <1252-diakrino->:
23 And others <3739-hos-> save <4982-sozo-> with fear <5401-
phobos->, pulling <0726-harpazo-> [them] out of the fire <4442-
pur->; hating <3404-miseo-> even <2532-kai-> the garment <5509-
chiton-> spotted <4695-spiloo-> by the flesh <4561-sarx->.
24 Now <1161-de-> unto him that is able <1410-dunamai-> to keep
<5442-phulasso-> you from falling <0679-aptaistos->, and to
present <2476-histemi-> [you] faultless <0299-amomos-> before
<2714-katenopion-> the presence <2714-katenopion-> of his glory
<1391-doxa-> with exceeding joy <0020-agalliasis->,
25 To the only <3441-monos-> wise <4680-sophos--oneidismos->
God <2316-theos-> our Saviour <4990-soter->, [be] glory <1391-
doxa-> and majesty <3172-megalosune->, dominion <2904-kratos->
and power <1849-exousia->, both <2532-kai-> now <3568-nun-> and
ever <0165-aion->. Amen <0281-amen->.
1 He exhorts them to be constant in the profession of the
4 False teachers are crept in to seduce them, for whose evil
doctrine and manners horrible punishment is prepared,
20 whereas the godly, by the assistance of the Holy Spirit,
and prayers to God, may persevere, and grow in grace, and
keep themselves, and recover others out of the snares of those
Concluding remarks on the Epistle of Jude
St. Jude, says Origen, has written an Epistle in a few lines
indeed, but full of vigorous expressions of heavenly grace.
He briefly and forcibly represents the detestable doctrines
and practices of certain false teachers, generally supposed
to be the impure Gnostics, Nicolaitans and followers of Simon
Magus; and reproves these profligate perverters of sound
principles, and patrons of lewdness with a holy indignation and
just severity; while at the same time he exhorts all sound
Christians, with genuine apostolic charity, to have tender
compassion on these deluded wretches, and to endeavour
vigorously to reclaim them from the ways of hell, and pluck
them as brands out of the fire. There is a great similarity in
sentiment and style between this Epistle and the second chapter
of the second Epistle of Peter. Both writers are nearly alike
in vehemence and holy indignation against impudence and
lewdness, and against those who insidiously undermine chastity,
purity, and sound principles.
* jude
# mat 10:3
* Lebbeus, Thaddeus
# mk 3:18
* Thaddeus
# lu 6:16 jno 14:22 acts 1:13
* the servant
# jno 12:26 acts 27:23 ro 1:1 6:22 16:18 jas 1:1
# 2pe 1:1
* them
# jno 5:16 17:17,19 acts 20:32 1co 1:2 6:11 eph 5:26
# 1th 5:23 1pe 1:2
* preserved
# jno 6:39 10:28-30 17:11,12,15 2ti 4:18 1pe 1:5
* and called
# ro 8:30 9:24 1th 2:12 2th 2:13,14 2ti 1:9
# he 3:1 1pe 2:9 5:10
* and called
# ro 1:7 1pe 1:2 2pe 1:2 re 1:4-6
* when
# Ro 15:15,16 Ga 6:11 He 13:22 1Pe 5:12 2Pe 1:12-15
# 3:1
* common
# Is 45:17-22 Ac 4:12 13:46,47 28:28 Ga 3:28 Tit 1:4
# 2Pe 1:1
* that ye
# Ne 13:25 Je 9:3 Ac 6:8-10 9:22 17:3 18:4-6,28
# Phi 1:27 1Th 2:2 1Ti 1:18 6:12 2Ti 1:13 4:7-8
# Re 2:10 12:11
* which
# De 9:10 21:9 Ac 20:27 1Co 15:3 Ga 2:5 2Pe 3:2
* the saints
# Ep 1:1 Phi 1:1 Col 1:2
* crept
# Mat 13:25 Ac 15:24 Ga 2:4 Ep 4:14 2Ti 3:6
# 2Pe 2:1:2
* who
# Ro 9:21,22 1Pe 2:8 2Pe 2:3
* ungodly
# jude 1:15 2Sa 22:5 Ps 1:1 1Pe 4:18 2Pe 2:5-7
* turning
# Ro 6:1,2 Ga 5:13 Tit 2:11,12 He 12:15,16
# 1pe 2:16 2Pe 2:10,18-22
* denying
# Ti 1:15,16 2Pe 2:1 1jno 2:22
* only
# Ps 62:2 jno 17:3 1Ti 6:15,16 Re 15:4
* put
# Ro 15:15 2Pe 1:12,13 3:1
* having
# 1Co 10:1-12
* afterward
# Nu 14:22-37 26:64,65 De 2:15,16 Ps 106:26
# He 3:16-19 4:1,2
* angels
# Jno 8:44
* first estate or principality
# Ep 6:12
* he hath
# Mt 25:41 2Pe 2:4
* unto
# Mt 8:29 He 10:27 Re 20:10
* as
# Ge 13:13 18:20 19:24-26 De 29:23 Is 1:9 13:19
# Jer 20:16 50:40 La 4:6 Eze 16:49 16:50 Ho 11:8
# 4:11 Lu 17:29
* strange
# Ge 19:5 Ro 1:26,27 1Co 6:9
* are
# Mat 11:24 2Pe 2:6
* eternal
# De 29:23 Is 33:14 Mat 25:41 Mar 9:43-49
* these
# jer 38:25-28
* defile
# 1co 3:17 1ti 1:10 2pe 2:10-12
* despise
# ge 3:5 nu 16:3 12:13, 1sa 10:27 ps 2:1-6, 12:3-4
# lu 19:14 ac 7:27,39 1th 4:8 he 13:17
* speak
# jude 1:9,10 ex 22:28 pr 30:11,17 ec 10:20
# ac 23:5 1pe 2:17
* michael
# da 10:13,21 12:1 re 12:7
* archangel
# 1th 4:16
* the body
# de 34:6
* durst
# ex 22:28 is 36:13-21 mar 15:29 lu 23:39,40
# 1pe 3:9 2pe 2:11
* the lord
# 1ch 12:17 is 37:3,4,10-20 zec 3:2
* speak
# 2pe 2:12
* in those
# ro 1:21,22
* woe
# is 3:9,11 je 13:27 eze 13:3 zec 11:17,
# mat 11:21 23:13-16 lu 11:42-47
* for
# ge 4:5-14 1jno 3:12
* ran
# nu 22:1-41 23:1-30 24:1-25 31:16 de 23:4
# jos 24:9-11 mi 6:5 2pe 2:15 re 2:14
* perished
# nu 16:1 26:9,10
* are spots
# 2pe 2:13,14
* feasts
# 1co 11:21,22
* feeding
# ps 78:29-31 is 56:10-12 eze 34:8,18
# lu 12:19,20,45 16:19 21:34 phi 3:19
# 1th 5:6-7 ja 5:5
* clouds
# pr 25:14 ho 6:4 2pe 2:17
* carried
# ep 4:14
* trees
# ps 1:3 37:2 mat 13:6 21:19,20 mar 4:6 11:21
# lu 8:6 jno 15:4-6
* twice
# 1ti 5:6 he 6:4-8 2pe 2:18-20
* plucked
# 2ch 7:20 eze 17:9 mat 15:13 mar 11:20
* raging
# ps 65:7 93:3,4 is 57:20 je 5:22,23
* foaming
# phi 3:19 2ti 3:13
* wandering
# re 8:10,11
* to whom
# 2pe 2:17 re 14:10,11 20:10 21:8
* enoch
# ge 5:18,24 1ch 1:1-3 he 11:5,6
* behold
# de 33:2 job 19:25-27 ps 50:3-5 da 7:9,10 zec 14:5 mat 16:27
# 24:30,31 25:31 1th 3:13 2th 1:7,8 re 1:7
* execute
# ps 9:7,8 37:6 50:1-6 98:9 149:9 ec 11:9 12:14 jno 5:22,23,27
# ac 17:31 ro 2:16 14:10 1co 4:5 5:13 re 22:12-15
* convince
# ro 2:5 3:19,20
* and of all
# jude 1:16 ex 16:8 1sa 2:3 ps 31:18 73:9 94:4 is 37:22-36
# da 7:20 11:36 mal 3:13-15 mat 12:31-37 re 13:5,6,11
* murmurers
# nu 14:36 16:11 de 1:27 ps 106:25 is 29:24 lu 5:30 15:2 19:7
# jno 6:41,61 1co 10:10 phi 2:14
* walking
# jude 1:18 ga 5:16,24 1th 4:5 2ti 4:3 ja 1:14,15 1pe 1:14
# 1pe 2:11 4:2 2pe 2:10 3:3
* their mouth
# jude 1:15 job 17:4,5 ps 17:10 73:9-11 2pe 2:18
* having
# le 19:15 job 32:21 34:19 ps 15:4 pr 28:21 1ti 6:5 ja 2:1-9
# 2pe 2:1-3
* remember
# mal 4:4 ac 20:35 ep 2:20 4:11 2pe 3:2 1jno 4:6
* there
# ac 20:29 1ti 4:1,2 2ti 3:1-5, 13 4:3 2pe 2:1 3:3
* who
# jude 1:16 ps 14:1-2
* who
# pr 18:1 is 65:5 eze 14:7 ho 4:14 9:10 he 10:25
* sensual
# 1co 2:14 ja 3:15
* having
# jno 3:5,6 ro 8:9 1co 6:19
* building
# ac 9:31 ro 15:2 1co 1:8 10:23 14:4,5,26 ep 4:12,16,29
# col 2:7 1th 5:11 1ti 1:4
* most
# ac 15:9 26:18 2ti 1:5 tit 1:1 ja 2:22 2pe 1:1
# 1jno 5:4 re 13:10
* praying
# zec 12:10 ro 8:15,26,27 1co 14:15 ga 4:6 ep 6:18
* keep
# jude 1:24 jno 14:21 15:9,10 ac 11:23 1jno 4:16 5:18,21
# re 12:11
* in
# ro 5:5 8:39 2th 3:5 1jno 3:16,17
* looking
# job 14:14 la 3:25,26 mat 24:42-51 lu 12:36-40
# 2ti 4:8 tit 2:13,14 he 9:28 2pe 3:12
* the mercy
# jno 1:17 1ti 1:2 2ti 1:2,16,18
* unto
# ro 5:21 6:23 1jno 5:10,11
# jude 1:4-13 eze 34:17 ga 4:20 6:1 he 6:4-8
# ja 5:19,20 1jno 5:16-18
* save
# ro 11:14 1co 5:3-5 2co 7:10-12 1ti 4:16
* pulling
# zec 3:2 1co 3:15 am 4:11
* hating
# le 13:47-59 14:47 15:17 is 64:6 la 4:14 zec 3:3-5
# 1co 5:9-11 15:33 2th 3:14 re 3:4,18
* able
# jude 1:21 jno 10:29,30 ro 8:31 14:4 16:25-27
# ep 3:20 2ti 4:18
* present
# 2co 4:14 11:2 ep 5:27 col 1:22,28 3:4 he 13:20,21
* faultless
# re 14:5
* the presence
# mat 16:27 19:28 25:31 lu 9:26 1th 4:16,17 1pe 4:13
* exceeding
# ps 21:6 43:4 mat 5:12 2co 4:17 1pe 4:13
* the only
# ps 104:24 147:5 ro 11:33 16:27 ep 1:8 3:10 1ti 1:17
* god
# ps 78:20 is 12:2 45:21 jno 4:22 1ti 2:3 tit 1:3,4
# tit 2:10,13 3:4 2pe 1:1
* be glory
# 1ch 29:11 ps 72:18,19 da 4:37 mat 6:13 ep 3:21
# 1pe 4:11 5:10,11 2pe 3:18 re 1:6 4:9-11 5:13,14
Bible Software Engineering P. O. Box 513 Caldwell Idaho 83606
Ray Hamilton Copyright © 1985 - 2002
Jude 1
1. Jude <2455>, the servant <1401> of Jesus <2424>
<5547>, and brother <80> of James <2385>, to them that
sanctified <37> by God <2316> the Father <3962>, and
preserved <5083> in Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, [and]
2 Mercy <1656> unto you, and peace <1515>, and love
be multiplied <4129>.
3. Beloved <27>, when I gave <4160> all <3956>
<4710> to write <1125> unto you of the common <2839>
salvation <4991>, it was needful <318> for me to write
<1125> unto you, and exhort <3870> [you] that ye should
earnestly <1864> contend <1864> for the faith <4102>
was once <530> delivered <3860> unto the saints <40>.
4 For there are certain <5100> men <444> crept
<3921> in
unawares <3921>, who <3588> were before <4270> of old
ordained <4270> to this <5124> condemnation <2917>,
<765> men, turning <3346> the grace <5485> of our God
into <1519> lasciviousness <766>, and denying <720>
the only
<3441> Lord <2962> God <2316>, and our Lord <2962>
<2424> Christ <5547>.
5 I will <1014> therefore put <5279> you in
<5179>, though ye once <530> knew <1492> this <5124>,
that the Lord <2962>, having saved <4982> the people
out of the land <1093> of Egypt <125>, afterward <1208>
destroyed <622> them that believed <4100> not.
6 And the angels <32> which kept <5083> not their
<746> estate, but left <620> their own <2398>
<3613>, he hath reserved <5083> in everlasting <126>
<1199> under <5259> darkness <2217> unto the judgment
of the great <3173> day <2250>.
7 Even <5613> as Sodom <4670> and Gomorrha <1116>,
and the
cities <4172> about <4012> them in like <3664> manner
<5158>, giving themselves over <1608> to fornication
and going <565> after <3694> strange <2087> flesh
are set <4295> forth <4295> for an example <1164>,
<5254> the vengeance <1349> of eternal <166> fire
8. Likewise <3668> also <2532> these <3778> [filthy]
dreamers <1797> defile <3392> the flesh <4561>, despise
<114> dominion <2963>, and speak <987> evil <987> of
dignities <1391>.
9 Yet <1161> Michael <3413> the archangel <743>, when
<3753> contending <1252> with the devil <1228> he
<1256> about <4012> the body <4983> of Moses <3475>,
<5111> not bring <2018> against <2018> him a railing
accusation <2920>, but said <2036>, The Lord <2962>
<2008> thee.
10 But these <3778> speak <987> evil <987> of those
things which <3745> they know <1492> not: but what
they know <1987> naturally <5447>, as brute <249>
<2226>, in those <5125> things they corrupt <5351>
11 Woe <3759> unto them! for they have gone <4198>
in the
way <3598> of Cain <2535>, and ran <1632> greedily
after the error <4106> of Balaam <903> for reward
and perished <622> in the gainsaying <485> of Core
12 These <3778> are spots <4694> in your <5216>
feasts of
charity <26>, when they feast <4910> with you, feeding
<4165> themselves <1438> without <870> fear <870>:
<3507> [they are] without <504> water <504>, carried
about <4064> of winds <417>; trees <1186> whose fruit
withereth <5352>, without <175> fruit <175>, twice
dead <599>, plucked <1610> up by the roots <1610>;
13 Raging <66> waves <2949> of the sea <2281>,
<1890> out their own <1438> shame <152>; wandering
stars <792>, to whom <3739> is reserved <5083> the
<2217> of darkness <4655> for ever <165>.
14 And Enoch <1802> also <2532>, the seventh <1442>
Adam <76>, prophesied <4395> of these <5125>, saying
Behold <2400>, the Lord <2962> cometh <2064> with ten
thousands <3461> of his saints <40>,
15. To execute <4160> judgment <2920> upon all <3956>,
to convince <1827> all <3956> that are ungodly <763>
them of all <3956> their ungodly <763> deeds <2041>
<3739> they have ungodly <764> committed <764>, and of
<3956> their hard <4642> [speeches] which <3739>
<765> sinners <268> have spoken <2980> against <2596>
16 These <3778> are murmurers <1113>, complainers
walking <4198> after <2596> their own <848> lusts
and their mouth <4750> speaketh <2980> great <5246>
<5246> [words], having men's <4283> persons <4383> in
admiration <2296> because <5484> of advantage <5622>.
17 But, beloved <27>, remember <3415> ye the words
which <3588> were spoken <4280> before <4280> of the
apostles <652> of our Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ
18 How that they told <3004> you there should be
<1703> in the last <2078> time <5550>, who should walk
<4198> after <2596> their own <1438> ungodly <763>
19 These <3778> be they who separate <592> themselves
<1438>, sensual <5591>, having <2192> not the Spirit
20 But ye, beloved <27>, building <2026> up
<1438> on your <5216> most <40> holy <40> faith <4102>,
praying <4336> in the Holy <40> Ghost <4151>,
21 Keep <5083> yourselves <1438> in the love <26> of
<2316>, looking <4327> for the mercy <1656> of our Lord
<2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> unto eternal <166>
22 And of some <3588> have compassion <1653>, making
<1252> a difference <1252>:
23 And others <3739> save <4982> with fear <5401>,
<726> [them] out of the fire <4442>; hating <3404> even
<2532> the garment <5509> spotted <4695> by the flesh
24 Now <1161> unto him that is able <1410> to keep
you from falling <679>, and to present <2476> [you]
faultless <299> before <2714> the presence <2714> of
glory <1391> with exceeding joy <20>,
25 To the only <3441> wise <4680> God <2316> our
<4990>, [be] glory <1391> and majesty <3172>, dominion
<2904> and power <1849>, both <2532> now <3568> and
<165>. Amen <281>.
1<2455 Ioudas > <1401 doulos > <2424 Iesous > <5547 Christos >
<0080 adephos > <2385 Iakobos > <0037 hagiazo > <2316 theos >
<3962 pater > <5083 tereo > <2424 Iesous > <5547 Christos >
<2822 kletos >
2<1656 eleos > <1515 eirene > <0026 agape > <4129 plethuno >
3<0027 agapetos > <4160 poieo > <3956 pas > <4710 spoude > <1125
grapho > <2839 koinos > <4991 soteria > <0318 anagke > <1125
grapho ><3870 parakaleo > <1864 epagonizomai > <1864
epagonizomai > <4102 pistis > <0530 hapax > <3860 paradidomi >
<0040 hagios >
4<5100 tis > <0444 anthropos > <3921 pareisduno > <3921
pareisduno > <3588 ho > <4270 prographo > <3819 palai > <4270
prographo > <5124 touto > <2917 krima > <0765 asebes > <3346
metatithemi > <5485 charis > <2316 theos > <1519 eis > <0766
aselgeia > <0720 arneomai > <3441 monos > <2962 kurios > <2316
theos > <2962 kurios > <2424 Iesous > <5547 Christos >
5<1014 boo-lom-ahee > <5279 hupomimnesko > <5179 tupos > <0530
hapax > <1492 eido > <5124 touto > <2962 kurios > <4982 sozo >
<2992 laos > <1093 ge > <0125 Aiguptos > <1208 deuteros > <0622
apollumi > <4100 pisteuo >
6<0032 aggelos > <5083 tereo > <0746 arche > <0620 apoleipo >
<2398 idios > <3613 oiketerion > <5083 tereo > <0126 aidios >
<1199 desmon > <5259 hupo > <2217 zophos > <2920 krisis > <3173
megas > <2250 hemera >
7<5613 hos > <4670 Sodoma > <1116 Gomorrha > <4172 polis > <4012
peri > <3664 homoios > <5158 tropos > <1608 ekporneuo > <1608
ekporneuo > <0565 aperchomai > <3694 opiso > <2087 heteros >
<4561 sarx > <4295 prokeimai > <4295 prokeimai ><1164 deigma >
<5254 hupecho > <1349 dike > <0166 aionios > <4442 pur >
8<3668 homoios > <2532 kai > <3778 houtos > <1797 enupniazomai >
<3392 miaino > <4561 sarx > <0114 atheteo > <2963 kuriotes >
<0987 blasphemeo > <0987 blasphemeo > <1391 doxa >
9<1161 de > <3413 Michael > <0743 archaggelos > <3753 hote >
<1252 diakrino > <1228 diabolos > <1256 dialegomai > <4012 peri
> <4983 soma > <3475 Moseus > <5111 tolmao > <2018 epiphero >
<2018 epiphero > <0988 blasphemia > <2920 krisis > <2036 epo >
<2962 kurios > <2008 epitimao >
10<3778 houtos > <0987 blasphemeo > <0987 blasphemeo > <3745
hosos > <3745 hosos > <1492 eido > <3745 hosos > <1987 epistamai
> <5447 phusikos > <0249 alogos > <2226 zoon > <5125 toutois >
<5351 phtheiro >
11<3759 ouai > <4198 poreuomai > <3598 hodos > <2535 Kain >
<1632 ekcheo > <1632 ekcheo > <4106 plane > <0903 Balaam > <3408
misthos > <0622 apollumi > <0485 antilogia > <2879 Kore >
12<3778 houtos > <4694 spilas > <5216 humon > <0026 agape >
<4910 suneuocheo > <4165 poimaino > <1438 heautou > <0870
aphobos > <0870 aphobos > <3507 nephele > <0504 anudros > <0504
anudros > <4064 periphero > <4064 periphero > <0417 anemos >
<1186 dendron > <5352 phthinoporinos > <5352 phthinoporinos >
<0175 akarpos > <0175 akarpos > <1364 dis > <0599 apothnesko >
<1610 ekrizoo > <1610 ekrizoo >
13<0066 agrios > <2949 kuma > <2281 thalassa > <1890 epaphrizo >
<1438 heautou > <0152 aischune > <4107 planetes > <0792 aster >
<3739 hos > <5083 tereo > <2217 zophos > <4655 skotos > <0165
aion >
14<1802 Enok > <2532 kai > <1442 hebdomos > <0076 Adam > <4395
propheteuo > <5125 toutois > <3004 lego > <2400 idou > <2962
kurios > <2064 erchomai > <3461 murias > <3461 murias > <0040
hagios >
15<4160 poieo > <2920 krisis > <3956 pas > <1827 exelegcho >
<3956 pas > <0763 asebeia > <3956 pas > <0763 asebeia > <2041
ergon > <3739 hos > <0764 asebeo > <0764 asebeo > <3956 pas >
<4642 skleros > <3739 hos > <0765 asebes > <0268 hamartolos >
<2980 laleo > <2596 kata >
16<3778 houtos > <1113 goggustes > <3202 mempsimoiros > <4198
poreuomai > <2596 kata > <0848 hautou > <1939 epithumia > <4750
stoma > <2980 laleo > <5246 huperogkos > <5246 huperogkos >
<4283 proeuaggelizomai > <4383 prosopon > <2296 thaumazo > <5484
charin > <5622 opheleia >
17<0027 agapetos > <3415 mnaomai > <4487 rhema > <3588 ho >
<4280 proereo > <4280 proereo > <0652 apostolos > <2962 kurios >
<2424 Iesous > <5547 Christos >
18<3004 lego > <1703 empaiktes > <2078 eschatos > <5550 chronos
> <4198 poreuomai > <2596 kata > <1438 heautou > <0763 asebeia >
<1939 epithumia >
19<3778 houtos > <0592 apodiorizo > <1438 heautou > <5591
psuchikos > <2192 echo > <4151 pneuma >
20<0027 agapetos > <2026 epoikodomeo > <1438 heautou > <5216
humon > <0040 hagios > <0040 hagios > <4102 pistis > <4336
proseuchomai > <0040 hagios > <4151 pneuma >
21<5083 tereo > <1438 heautou > <0026 agape > <2316 theos >
<4327 prosdechomai > <1656 eleos > <2962 kurios > <2424 Iesous >
<5547 Christos > <0166 aionios > <2222 zoe >
22<3588 ho > <1653 eleeo > <1252 diakrino > <1252 diakrino >
23<3739 hos > <4982 sozo > <5401 phobos > <0726 harpazo > <4442
pur > <3404 miseo > <2532 kai > <5509 chiton > <4695 spiloo >
<4561 sarx >
24<1161 de > <1410 dunamai > <5442 phulasso > <0679 aptaistos >
<2476 histemi > <0299 amomos > <2714 katenopion > <2714
katenopion > <1391 doxa ><0020 agalliasis >
25<3441 monos > <4680 sophos oneidismos > <2316 theos > <4990
soter > <1391 doxa > <3172 megalosune > <2904 kratos > <1849
exousia > <2532 kai > <3568 nun > <0165 aion > <0281 amen >
01 : 01 . Jude <2455 -Ioudas -> , the servant <1401 -doulos ->
of Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> , and
brother <0080 -adephos -> of James <2385 -Iakobos -> , to them
that are sanctified <0037 -hagiazo -> by God <2316 -theos -> the
Father <3962 -pater -> , and preserved <5083 -tereo -> in Jesus
<2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> , [ and ] called
<2822 -kletos -> : : 02 Mercy <1656 -eleos -> unto you , and
peace <1515 -eirene -> , and love <0026 -agape -> , be
multiplied <4129 -plethuno -> .
01 : 03 . Beloved <0027 -agapetos -> , when I gave <4160 -poieo
-> all <3956 -pas -> diligence <4710 -spoude -> to write <1125 -
grapho -> unto you of the common <2839 -koinos -> salvation
<4991 -soteria -> , it was needful <0318 -anagke -> for me to
write <1125 -grapho -> unto you , and exhort <3870 -parakaleo ->
[ you ] that ye should earnestly <1864 -epagonizomai -> contend
<1864 -epagonizomai -> for the faith <4102 -pistis -> which was
once <0530 -hapax -> delivered <3860 -paradidomi -> unto the
saints <0040 -hagios -> .
01 : 04 For there are certain <5100 -tis -> men <0444 -anthropos
-> crept <3921 -pareisduno -> in unawares <3921 -pareisduno -> ,
who <3588 -ho -> were before <4270 -prographo -> of old <3819 -
palai -> ordained <4270 -prographo -> to this <5124 -touto ->
condemnation <2917 -krima -> , ungodly <0765 -asebes -> men ,
turning <3346 -metatithemi -> the grace <5485 -charis -> of our
God <2316 -theos -> into <1519 -eis -> lasciviousness <0766 -
aselgeia -> , and denying <0720 -arneomai -> the only <3441 -
monos -> Lord <2962 -kurios -> God <2316 -theos -> , and our
Lord <2962 -kurios -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -
Christos -> .
01 : 05 I will <1014 -boo -lom -ahee -> therefore put <5279 -
hupomimnesko -> you in remembrance <5179 -tupos -> , though ye
once <0530 -hapax -> knew <1492 -eido -> this <5124 -touto -> ,
how that the Lord <2962 -kurios -> , having saved <4982 -sozo ->
the people <2992 -laos -> out of the land <1093 -ge -> of Egypt
<0125 -Aiguptos -> , afterward <1208 -deuteros -> destroyed
<0622 -apollumi -> them that believed <4100 -pisteuo -> not .
01 : 06 And the angels <0032 -aggelos -> which kept <5083 -tereo
-> not their first <0746 -arche -> estate , but left <0620 -
apoleipo -> their own <2398 -idios -> habitation <3613 -
oiketerion -> , he hath reserved <5083 -tereo -> in everlasting
<0126 -aidios -> chains <1199 -desmon -> under <5259 -hupo ->
darkness <2217 -zophos -> unto the judgment <2920 -krisis -> of
the great <3173 -megas -> day <2250 -hemera -> .
01 : 07 Even <5613 -hos -> as Sodom <4670 -Sodoma -> and
Gomorrha <1116 -Gomorrha -> , and the cities <4172 -polis ->
about <4012 -peri -> them in like <3664 -homoios -> manner <5158
-tropos -> , giving themselves over <1608 -ekporneuo -> to
fornication <1608 -ekporneuo -> , and going <0565 -aperchomai ->
after <3694 -opiso -> strange <2087 -heteros -> flesh <4561 -
sarx -> , are set <4295 -prokeimai -> forth <4295 -prokeimai ->
for an example <1164 -deigma -> , suffering <5254 -hupecho ->
the vengeance <1349 -dike -> of eternal <0166 -aionios -> fire
<4442 -pur -> .
01 : 08 . Likewise <3668 -homoios -> also <2532 -kai -> these
<3778 -houtos -> [ filthy ] dreamers <1797 -enupniazomai ->
defile <3392 -miaino -> the flesh <4561 -sarx -> , despise <0114
-atheteo -> dominion <2963 -kuriotes -> , and speak <0987 -
blasphemeo -> evil <0987 -blasphemeo -> of dignities <1391 -doxa
-> .
01 : 09 Yet <1161 -de -> Michael <3413 -Michael -> the archangel
<0743 -archaggelos -> , when <3753 -hote -> contending <1252 -
diakrino -> with the devil <1228 -diabolos -> he disputed <1256 -
dialegomai -> about <4012 -peri -> the body <4983 -soma -> of
Moses <3475 -Moseus -> , durst <5111 -tolmao -> not bring <2018 -
epiphero -> against <2018 -epiphero -> him a railing <0988 -
blasphemia -> accusation <2920 -krisis -> , but said <2036 -epo -
> , The Lord <2962 -kurios -> rebuke <2008 -epitimao -> thee .
01 : 10 But these <3778 -houtos -> speak <0987 -blasphemeo ->
evil <0987 -blasphemeo -> of those <3745 -hosos -> things which
<3745 -hosos -> they know <1492 -eido -> not : but what <3745 -
hosos -> they know <1987 -epistamai -> naturally <5447 -phusikos
-> , as brute <0249 -alogos -> beasts <2226 -zoon -> , in those
<5125 -toutois -> things they corrupt <5351 -phtheiro ->
themselves .
01 : 11 Woe <3759 -ouai -> unto them ! for they have gone <4198
-poreuomai -> in the way <3598 -hodos -> of Cain <2535 -Kain -> ,
and ran <1632 -ekcheo -> greedily <1632 -ekcheo -> after the
error <4106 -plane -> of Balaam <0903 -Balaam -> for reward
<3408 -misthos -> , and perished <0622 -apollumi -> in the
gainsaying <0485 -antilogia -> of Core <2879 -Kore -> .
01 : 12 These <3778 -houtos -> are spots <4694 -spilas -> in
your <5216 -humon -> feasts of charity <0026 -agape -> , when
they feast <4910 -suneuocheo -> with you , feeding <4165 -
poimaino -> themselves <1438 -heautou -> without <0870 -aphobos -
> fear <0870 -aphobos -> : clouds <3507 -nephele -> [ they are
] without <0504 -anudros -> water <0504 -anudros -> , carried
<4064 -periphero -> about <4064 -periphero -> of winds <0417 -
anemos -> ; trees <1186 -dendron -> whose fruit <5352 -
phthinoporinos -> withereth <5352 -phthinoporinos -> , without
<0175 -akarpos -> fruit <0175 -akarpos -> , twice <1364 -dis ->
dead <0599 -apothnesko -> , plucked <1610 -ekrizoo -> up by the
roots <1610 -ekrizoo -> ;
01 : 13 Raging <0066 -agrios -> waves <2949 -kuma -> of the sea
<2281 -thalassa -> , foaming <1890 -epaphrizo -> out their own
<1438 -heautou -> shame <0152 -aischune -> ; wandering <4107 -
planetes -> stars <0792 -aster -> , to whom <3739 -hos -> is
reserved <5083 -tereo -> the blackness <2217 -zophos -> of
darkness <4655 -skotos -> for ever <0165 -aion -> .
01 : 14 And Enoch <1802 -Enok -> also <2532 -kai -> , the
seventh <1442 -hebdomos -> from Adam <0076 -Adam -> , prophesied
<4395 -propheteuo -> of these <5125 -toutois -> , saying <3004 -
lego -> , Behold <2400 -idou -> , the Lord <2962 -kurios ->
cometh <2064 -erchomai -> with ten <3461 -murias -> thousands
<3461 -murias -> of his saints <0040 -hagios -> ,
01 : 15 . To execute <4160 -poieo -> judgment <2920 -krisis ->
upon all <3956 -pas -> , and to convince <1827 -exelegcho -> all
<3956 -pas -> that are ungodly <0763 -asebeia -> among them of
all <3956 -pas -> their ungodly <0763 -asebeia -> deeds <2041 -
ergon -> which <3739 -hos -> they have ungodly <0764 -asebeo ->
committed <0764 -asebeo -> , and of all <3956 -pas -> their hard
<4642 -skleros -> [ speeches ] which <3739 -hos -> ungodly <0765
-asebes -> sinners <0268 -hamartolos -> have spoken <2980 -laleo
-> against <2596 -kata -> him .
01 : 16 These <3778 -houtos -> are murmurers <1113 -goggustes ->
, complainers <3202 -mempsimoiros -> , walking <4198 -poreuomai -
> after <2596 -kata -> their own <0848 -hautou -> lusts <1939 -
epithumia -> ; and their mouth <4750 -stoma -> speaketh <2980 -
laleo -> great <5246 -huperogkos -> swelling <5246 -huperogkos -
> [ words ] , having men s <4283 -proeuaggelizomai -> persons
<4383 -prosopon -> in admiration <2296 -thaumazo -> because
<5484 -charin -> of advantage <5622 -opheleia -> .
01 : 17 But , beloved <0027 -agapetos -> , remember <3415 -
mnaomai -> ye the words <4487 -rhema -> which <3588 -ho -> were
spoken <4280 -proereo -> before <4280 -proereo -> of the
apostles <0652 -apostolos -> of our Lord <2962 -kurios -> Jesus
<2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> ;
01 : 18 How that they told <3004 -lego -> you there should be
mockers <1703 -empaiktes -> in the last <2078 -eschatos -> time
<5550 -chronos -> , who should walk <4198 -poreuomai -> after
<2596 -kata -> their own <1438 -heautou -> ungodly <0763 -
asebeia -> lusts <1939 -epithumia -> .
01 : 19 These <3778 -houtos -> be they who separate <0592 -
apodiorizo -> themselves <1438 -heautou -> , sensual <5591 -
psuchikos -> , having <2192 -echo -> not the Spirit <4151 -
pneuma -> .
01 : 20 But ye , beloved <0027 -agapetos -> , building <2026 -
epoikodomeo -> up yourselves <1438 -heautou -> on your <5216 -
humon -> most <0040 -hagios -> holy <0040 -hagios -> faith <4102
-pistis -> , praying <4336 -proseuchomai -> in the Holy <0040 -
hagios -> Ghost <4151 -pneuma -> ,
01 : 21 Keep <5083 -tereo -> yourselves <1438 -heautou -> in the
love <0026 -agape -> of God <2316 -theos -> , looking <4327 -
prosdechomai -> for the mercy <1656 -eleos -> of our Lord <2962 -
kurios -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> unto
eternal <0166 -aionios -> life <2222 -zoe -> .
01 : 22 And of some <3588 -ho -> have compassion <1653 -eleeo ->
, making <1252 -diakrino -> a difference <1252 -diakrino -> :
01 : 23 And others <3739 -hos -> save <4982 -sozo -> with fear
<5401 -phobos -> , pulling <0726 -harpazo -> [ them ] out of the
fire <4442 -pur -> ; hating <3404 -miseo -> even <2532 -kai ->
the garment <5509 -chiton -> spotted <4695 -spiloo -> by the
flesh <4561 -sarx -> .
o1 : 24 Now <1161 -de -> unto him that is able <1410 -dunamai ->
to keep <5442 -phulasso -> you from falling <0679 -aptaistos -> ,
and to present <2476 -histemi -> [ you ] faultless <0299 -
amomos -> before <2714 -katenopion -> the presence <2714 -
katenopion -> of his glory <1391 -doxa -> with exceeding joy
<0020 -agalliasis -> ,
01 : 25 To the only <3441 -monos -> wise <4680 -sophos - -
oneidismos -> God <2316 -theos -> our Saviour <4990 -soter -> ,
[ be ] glory <1391 -doxa -> and majesty <3172 -megalosune -> ,
dominion <2904 -kratos -> and power <1849 -exousia -> , both
<2532 -kai -> now <3568 -nun -> and ever <0165 -aion -> . Amen
<0281 -amen -> .