EPH 01:01 Paul = EPH 03:01 , an = EPH 01:11 apostle = COL 01:01

of = EPH 01:01 Jesus = EPH 01:01 Christ = EPH 01:01 by = EPH 01:

05 the = EPH 01:01 will = EPH 01:05 of = EPH 01:03 God = EPH 1:2,

 to = EPH 01:01 the = EPH 01:01 saints = EPH 01:15 which = EPH

01:09 are = EPH 01:10 at = EPH 01:20 Ephesus = 1TI 01:03 , and =

EPH 01:02 to = EPH 01:02 the = EPH 01:02 faithful = EPH 06:21 in

= EPH 01:03 Christ = EPH 01:02 Jesus = EPH 01:02:

EPH 01:02 Grace = EPH 01:06 help = PHP 04:03 to = EPH 01:05 you

= EPH 01:16 , and = EPH 01:02 peace = EPH 02:14 , from = EPH 01:

02 God = EPH 01:03 our = EPH 01:03 Father = EPH 1:3, and = EPH

01:03 [from = EPH 01:20 ] the = EPH 01:03 Lord = EPH 01:03 Jesus

= EPH 01:03 Christ = EPH 01:03 .

EPH 01:03 Blessed = EPH 01:03 [be = EPH 01:04 ] the = EPH 01:04

God = EPH 01:17 and = EPH 01:04 Father = EPH 01:17 of = EPH 01:

04 our = EPH 01:14 Lord = EPH 01:15 Jesus = EPH 01:05 Christ =

EPH 01:03 , who = EPH 01:11 hath = EPH 01:04 blessed = 1TI 01:11

us = EPH 01:04 with = EPH 01:13 all = EPH 01:08 spiritual = EPH

05:19 blessings = EPH 01:03 in = EPH 01:03 heavenly = EPH 01:20

[places = EPH 01:20 ] in = EPH 01:04 Christ = EPH 01:05:

EPH 01:04 According = EPH 01:05 as = EPH 02:03 he = EPH 01:06

hath = EPH 01:06 chosen = 2TH 02:13 us = EPH 01:05 in = EPH 01:

04 him = EPH 01:04 before = EPH 01:04 the = EPH 01:04 foundation

= EPH 02:20 of = EPH 01:05 the = EPH 01:05 world = EPH 01:21 ,

that = EPH 01:10 we = EPH 01:07 should = EPH 01:12 be = EPH 01:

12 holy = EPH 01:13 and = EPH 01:08 without = EPH 02:12 blame =

2CO 08:20 before = EPH 02:10 him = EPH 01:10 in = EPH 01:06 love

= EPH 01:15 :

EPH 01:05 Having = EPH 01:09 predestinated = EPH 01:11 us = EPH

01:06 unto = EPH 01:09 the = EPH 01:05 adoption = ROM 08:15 of =

EPH 01:05 children = EPH 02:02 by = EPH 02:03 Jesus = EPH 01:15

Christ = EPH 01:10 to = EPH 01:05 himself = EPH 01:09 ,

according = EPH 01:07 to = EPH 01:06 the = EPH 01:06 good = EPH

01:09 pleasure = EPH 01:09 of = EPH 01:06 his = EPH 01:06 will =

EPH 01:09 ,

EPH 01:06 To = EPH 01:07 the = EPH 01:06 praise = EPH 01:12 of =

EPH 01:06 the = EPH 01:06 glory = EPH 01:12 of = EPH 01:07 his =

EPH 01:07 grace = EPH 01:07 , wherein = EPH 01:08 he = EPH 01:08

hath = EPH 01:08 made = EPH 01:09 us = EPH 01:08 accepted = LUK

04:24 in = EPH 01:07 the = EPH 01:07 beloved = EPH 06:21 .

EPH 01:07 In = EPH 01:08 whom = EPH 01:11 we = EPH 01:11 have =

EPH 01:11 redemption = EPH 01:14 through = EPH 02:07 his = EPH

01:07 blood = EPH 02:13 , the = EPH 01:07 forgiveness = COL 01:

14 of = EPH 01:07 sins = EPH 02:01 , according = EPH 01:09 to =

EPH 01:09 the = EPH 01:09 riches = EPH 01:18 of = EPH 01:09 his

= EPH 01:09 grace = EPH 02:05 ;

EPH 01:08 Wherein = EPH 02:02 he = EPH 01:09 hath = EPH 01:09

abounded = ROM 03:07 toward = EPH 02:07 us = EPH 01:09 in = EPH

01:09 all = EPH 01:10 wisdom = EPH 01:17 and = EPH 01:10

prudence = EPH 01:08 ;

EPH 01:09 Having = EPH 02:12 made = EPH 02:06 known = EPH 03:03

unto = EPH 01:14 us = EPH 02:04 the = EPH 01:10 mystery = EPH 03:

03 of = EPH 01:10 his = EPH 01:09 will = EPH 1:11, according =

EPH 01:11 to = EPH 01:11 his = EPH 01:11 good = EPH 02:10

pleasure = PHP 02:13 which = EPH 01:10 he = EPH 01:10 hath = EPH

01:22 purposed = EPH 03:11 in = EPH 01:10 himself = EPH 02:15 :

EPH 01:10 That = EPH 01:12 in = EPH 01:10 the = EPH 01:10

dispensation = EPH 03:02 of = EPH 01:10 the = EPH 01:11 fulness

= EPH 01:23 of = EPH 01:11 times = EPH 02:03 he = EPH 01:20

might = EPH 01:21 gather = REV 14:18 together = EPH 02:05 in =

EPH 01:10 one = EPH 02:14 all = EPH 01:11 things = EPH 01:11 in

= EPH 01:10 Christ = EPH 1:12, both = EPH 02:14 which = EPH 01:

10 are = EPH 01:10 in = EPH 01:10 heaven = EPH 3:15, and = EPH

01:15 which = EPH 01:14 are = EPH 02:05 on = EPH 04:08 earth =

EPH 3:15; [even = EPH 02:03 ] in = EPH 01:11 him = EPH 01:11 :

EPH 01:11 In = EPH 01:12 whom = EPH 01:13 also = EPH 01:13 we =

EPH 01:12 have = EPH 02:18 obtained = 1TI 01:13 an = EPH 02:21

inheritance = EPH 01:14 , being = EPH 01:18 predestinated = EPH

01:05 according = EPH 01:19 to = EPH 01:12 the = EPH 01:11

purpose = EPH 03:11 of = EPH 01:11 him = EPH 01:17 who = EPH 01:

12 worketh = EPH 02:02 all = EPH 01:15 things = EPH 01:22 after

= EPH 01:13 the = EPH 01:12 counsel = HEB 06:17 of = EPH 01:12

his = EPH 01:12 own = EPH 01:20 will = EPH 05:17 :

EPH 01:12 That = EPH 01:13 we = EPH 02:03 should = EPH 02:09 be

= EPH 01:22 to = EPH 01:16 the = EPH 01:13 praise = EPH 01:14 of

= EPH 01:13 his = EPH 01:14 glory = EPH 1:14, who = EPH 01:19

first = EPH 04:09 trusted = EPH 01:13 in = EPH 01:13 Christ =

EPH 01:17 .

EPH 01:13 In = EPH 01:13 whom = EPH 01:13 ye = EPH 01:13 also =

EPH 01:13 [trusted = 1PE 3:5], after = EPH 01:13 that = EPH 01:

13 ye = EPH 01:13 heard = EPH 01:15 the = EPH 01:13 word = EPH

05:26 of = EPH 01:13 truth = EPH 04:15 , the = EPH 01:14 gospel

= EPH 03:06 of = EPH 01:13 your = EPH 01:15 salvation = EPH 06:

17 : in = EPH 01:15 whom = EPH 02:03 also = EPH 01:15 after =

EPH 01:15 that = EPH 01:13 ye = EPH 01:13 believed = 2TH 01:10 ,

ye = EPH 01:18 were = EPH 02:01 sealed = EPH 04:30 with = EPH 02:

05 that = EPH 01:17 holy = EPH 02:21 Spirit = EPH 01:17 of = EPH

01:14 promise = EPH 02:12 ,

EPH 01:14 Which = EPH 01:20 is = EPH 01:18 the = EPH 01:14

earnest = PHP 01:20 of = EPH 01:14 our = EPH 01:17 inheritance =

EPH 01:18 until = PHP 01:05 the = EPH 01:14 redemption = EPH 04:

30 of = EPH 01:14 the = EPH 01:14 purchased = ACT 01:18

possession = ACT 05:01 , unto = EPH 01:15 the = EPH 01:15 praise

= PHP 01:11 of = EPH 01:15 his = EPH 01:18 glory = EPH 01:17 .

EPH 01:15 Wherefore = EPH 02:11 I = EPH 01:15 also = EPH 01:21 ,

after = EPH 04:24 I = EPH 03:01 heard = EPH 03:02 of = EPH 01:16

your = EPH 01:18 faith = EPH 02:08 in = EPH 01:16 the = EPH 01:

15 Lord = EPH 01:17 Jesus = EPH 01:17 , and = EPH 01:17 love =

EPH 02:04 unto = EPH 01:17 all = EPH 01:21 the = EPH 01:17

saints = EPH 01:18 ,

EPH 01:16 Cease = COL 01:09 not = EPH 01:21 to = EPH 01:19 give

= EPH 01:17 thanks = EPH 05:04 for = EPH 02:04 you = EPH 01:16 ,

making = EPH 02:15 mention = 1TH 01:02 of = EPH 01:17 you = EPH

01:17 in = EPH 01:17 my = EPH 03:04 prayers = COL 04:12 ;

EPH 01:17 That = EPH 01:18 the = EPH 01:17 God = EPH 02:04 of =

EPH 01:17 our = EPH 02:03 Lord = EPH 02:21 Jesus = EPH 02:06

Christ = EPH 01:20 , the = EPH 01:17 Father = EPH 02:18 of = EPH

01:17 glory = EPH 01:18 , may = EPH 01:18 give = EPH 04:27 unto

= EPH 02:10 you = EPH 02:01 the = EPH 01:17 spirit = EPH 02:02

of = EPH 01:17 wisdom = EPH 03:10 and = EPH 01:18 revelation =

EPH 03:03 in = EPH 01:18 the = EPH 01:18 knowledge = EPH 03:04

of = EPH 01:18 him = EPH 01:20 :

EPH 01:18 The = EPH 01:18 eyes = HEB 04:13 of = EPH 01:18 your =

EPH 03:13 understanding = EPH 04:18 being = EPH 02:11

enlightened = HEB 06:04 ; that = EPH 01:21 ye = EPH 02:02 may =

EPH 03:04 know = EPH 03:19 what = EPH 01:18 is = EPH 01:19 the =

EPH 01:18 hope = EPH 02:12 of = EPH 01:18 his = EPH 01:18

calling = EPH 04:04 , and = EPH 01:19 what = EPH 01:19 the = EPH

01:18 riches = EPH 02:07 of = EPH 01:18 the = EPH 01:18 glory =

EPH 03:13 of = EPH 01:19 his = EPH 01:19 inheritance = EPH 05:05

in = EPH 01:20 the = EPH 01:19 saints = EPH 02:19 ,

EPH 01:19 And = EPH 01:20 what = EPH 03:09 [is = EPH 01:21 ] the

= EPH 01:19 exceeding = EPH 02:07 greatness = EPH 01:19 of = EPH

01:19 his = EPH 01:19 power = EPH 01:19 to = EPH 01:19 us-ward

who = EPH 02:01 believe = PHP 01:29 , according = EPH 02:02 to =

EPH 01:21 the = EPH 01:20 working = EPH 03:07 of = EPH 01:23 his

= EPH 01:20 mighty = 2TH 01:07 power = EPH 01:21 ,

EPH 01:20 Which = EPH 01:21 he = EPH 01:20 wrought = 2TH 03:08

in = EPH 01:20 Christ = EPH 02:05 , when = EPH 02:05 he = EPH 02:

01 raised = EPH 02:06 him = EPH 01:20 from = EPH 02:12 the = EPH

01:20 dead = EPH 02:01 , and = EPH 01:21 set = PHP 01:17 [him =

EPH 01:22 ] at = EPH 02:12 his = EPH 01:22 own = EPH 05:22 right

= EPH 06:01 hand = PHP 04:05 in = EPH 01:21 the = EPH 01:22

heavenly = EPH 02:06 [places = EPH 2:6],

EPH 01:21 Far = EPH 02:13 above = EPH 03:20 all = EPH 01:22

principality = COL 2:10, and = EPH 01:21 power = EPH 02:02 , and

= EPH 01:21 might = EPH 02:07 , and = EPH 01:21 dominion = 1PE

04:11 , and = EPH 01:22 every = EPH 04:07 name = EPH 05:20 that

= EPH 01:21 is = EPH 01:21 named = EPH 03:15 , not = EPH 02:08

only = PHP 01:27 in = EPH 01:21 this = EPH 02:02 world = EPH 02:

02 , but = EPH 02:04 also = EPH 02:03 in = EPH 01:23 that = EPH

01:23 which = EPH 01:23 is = EPH 01:23 to = EPH 01:22 come = EPH


EPH 01:22 And = EPH 01:22 hath = EPH 02:01 put = EPH 04:22 all =

EPH 01:22 [things = EPH 01:22 ] under = PHP 02:10 his = EPH 01:

23 feet = EPH 06:15 , and = EPH 02:01 gave = EPH 04:08 him = EPH

01:23 [to = EPH 01:22 be = EPH 03:06 ] the = EPH 01:22 head =

EPH 04:15 over = EPH 04:19 all = EPH 01:23 [things = EPH 03:09 ]

to = EPH 02:02 the = EPH 01:23 church = EPH 03:10 ,

EPH 01:23 Which = EPH 02:10 is = EPH 02:04 his = EPH 02:04 body

= EPH 02:16 , the = EPH 02:02 fulness = EPH 03:19 of = EPH 02:02

him = EPH 02:18 that = EPH 02:02 filleth = EPH 01:23 all = EPH

01:23 in = EPH 02:01 all = EPH 02:03 .

EPH 02:01 And = EPH 02:01 you = EPH 02:17 [hath = EPH 02:05 he =

EPH 02:04 quickened = EPH 2:5], who = EPH 02:04 were = EPH 02:03

dead = EPH 02:05 in = EPH 02:02 trespasses = COL 02:13 and = EPH

02:03 sins = EPH 02:05:

EPH 02:02 Wherein = EPH 05:18 in = EPH 02:02 time = EPH 02:11

past = EPH 02:03 ye = EPH 02:05 walked = COL 03:07 according =

EPH 02:02 to = EPH 02:02 the = EPH 02:02 course = 2TH 03:01 of =

EPH 02:02 this = EPH 03:01 world = EPH 02:12 , according = EPH

03:07 to = EPH 02:07 the = EPH 02:02 prince = REV 01:05 of = EPH

02:02 the = EPH 02:02 power = EPH 03:07 of = EPH 02:02 the = EPH

02:02 air = 1TH 04:17 , the = EPH 02:02 spirit = EPH 02:18 that

= EPH 02:07 now = EPH 02:13 worketh = EPH 03:20 in = EPH 02:03

the = EPH 02:03 children = EPH 02:03 of = EPH 02:03 disobedience

= EPH 05:06:

EPH 02:03 Among = EPH 03:08 whom = EPH 02:21 also = EPH 02:22 we

= EPH 02:05 all = EPH 02:21 had = PHP 02:26 our = EPH 02:03

conversation = EPH 04:22 in = EPH 02:03 times = 1TH 05:01 past =

EPH 02:11 in = EPH 02:04 the = EPH 02:03 lusts = EPH 04:22 of =

EPH 02:03 our = EPH 02:14 flesh = EPH 02:03 , fulfilling = ROM

13:10 the = EPH 02:03 desires = EPH 02:03 of = EPH 02:03 the =

EPH 02:03 flesh = EPH 02:11 and = EPH 02:03 of = EPH 02:03 the =

EPH 02:03 mind = EPH 4:17; and = EPH 02:06 were = EPH 02:05 by =

EPH 02:08 nature = HEB 02:16 the = EPH 02:07 children = EPH 04:

14 of = EPH 02:07 wrath = EPH 04:26 , even = EPH 02:05 as = EPH

03:05 others = PHP 02:04 .

EPH 02:04 But = EPH 02:13 God = EPH 02:08 , who = EPH 02:11 is =

EPH 02:08 rich = 1TI 06:09 in = EPH 02:05 mercy = PHP 02:27 ,

for = EPH 02:08 his = EPH 02:07 great = EPH 05:32 love = EPH 03:

17 wherewith = EPH 04:01 he = EPH 02:07 loved = EPH 05:02 us =

EPH 02:05 ,

EPH 02:05 Even = EPH 02:15 when = EPH 03:04 we = EPH 02:10 were

= EPH 02:12 dead = EPH 05:14 in = EPH 02:06 sins = COL 01:14 ,

hath = EPH 02:06 quickened = COL 02:13 us = EPH 02:06 together =

EPH 02:06 with = EPH 02:19 Christ = EPH 02:06 , (by grace = EPH

02:07 ye = EPH 02:08 are = EPH 02:08 saved = EPH 2:8;)

EPH 02:06 And = EPH 02:06 hath = EPH 02:10 raised = COL 02:12

[us = EPH 02:06 ] up = EPH 04:08 together = EPH 02:06 , and =

EPH 02:08 made = EPH 02:11 [us = EPH 02:07 ] sit = HEB 01:13

together = EPH 02:21 in = EPH 02:06 heavenly = EPH 03:10 [places

= EPH 03:10 ] in = EPH 02:07 Christ = EPH 02:07 Jesus = EPH 02:


EPH 02:07 That = EPH 02:08 in = EPH 02:07 the = EPH 02:07 ages =

EPH 03:05 to = EPH 02:15 come = EPH 04:13 he = EPH 02:14 might =

EPH 02:16 shew = COL 02:15 the = EPH 02:08 exceeding = EPH 03:20

riches = EPH 03:08 of = EPH 02:08 his = EPH 02:07 grace = EPH 02:

08 in = EPH 02:10 [his = EPH 02:10 ] kindness = COL 03:12 toward

= PHP 02:30 us = EPH 02:14 through = EPH 02:08 Christ = EPH 02:

10 Jesus = EPH 02:10 .

EPH 02:08 For = EPH 02:10 by = EPH 02:11 grace = EPH 03:02 are =

EPH 02:10 ye = EPH 02:11 saved = 1TH 02:16 through = EPH 02:18

faith = EPH 03:12 ; and = EPH 02:12 that = EPH 02:10 not = EPH

02:09 of = EPH 02:08 yourselves = EPH 05:19 : [it = EPH 03:05 is

= EPH 2:11] the = EPH 02:11 gift = EPH 03:07 of = EPH 02:09 God

= EPH 02:10 :

EPH 02:09 Not = EPH 03:05 of = EPH 02:12 works = EPH 02:10 ,

lest = PHP 02:27 any = EPH 05:05 man = EPH 02:15 should = EPH 02:

10 boast = ROM 02:17 .

EPH 02:10 For = EPH 02:14 we = EPH 02:10 are = EPH 02:11 his =

EPH 02:15 workmanship = EPH 02:10 , created = EPH 03:09 in = EPH

02:10 Christ = EPH 02:12 Jesus = EPH 02:13 unto = EPH 02:16 good

= EPH 04:28 works = EPH 05:11 , which = EPH 02:11 God = EPH 02:

12 hath = EPH 02:14 before = PHP 03:13 ordained = 1TI 02:07 that

= EPH 02:11 we = EPH 02:18 should = EPH 03:06 walk = EPH 04:01

in = EPH 02:11 them = EPH 02:17 .

EPH 02:11 Wherefore = EPH 03:13 remember = COL 04:18 , that =

EPH 02:11 ye = EPH 02:12 [being = EPH 02:12 ] in = EPH 02:11

time = EPH 02:12 past = EPH 04:19 Gentiles = EPH 03:01 in = EPH

02:11 the = EPH 02:11 flesh = EPH 02:11 , who = EPH 02:13 are =

EPH 02:13 called = EPH 02:11 Uncircumcision = COL 02:13 by = EPH

02:11 that = EPH 02:12 which = EPH 02:17 is = EPH 02:14 called =

EPH 04:01 the = EPH 02:11 Circumcision = PHP 03:03 in = EPH 02:

12 the = EPH 02:12 flesh = EPH 02:15 made = EPH 02:13 by = EPH

02:13 hands = EPH 04:28 ;

EPH 02:12 That = EPH 02:12 at = EPH 03:13 that = EPH 02:16 time

= EPH 05:16 ye = EPH 02:13 were = EPH 02:13 without = EPH 02:12

Christ = EPH 02:13 , being = EPH 02:20 aliens = HEB 11:34 from =

EPH 02:12 the = EPH 02:12 commonwealth = EPH 02:12 of = EPH 02:

12 Israel = PHP 03:05 , and = EPH 02:12 strangers = EPH 02:19

from = EPH 03:09 the = EPH 02:12 covenants = ROM 09:04 of = EPH

02:13 promise = EPH 03:06 , having = EPH 02:15 no = EPH 02:19

hope = EPH 04:04 , and = EPH 02:14 without = EPH 03:21 God = EPH

02:16 in = EPH 02:13 the = EPH 02:13 world = EPH 03: 09:

EPH 02:13 But = EPH 02:19 now = EPH 02:19 in = EPH 02:15 Christ

= EPH 02:13 Jesus = EPH 02:20 ye = EPH 02:19 who = EPH 02:14

sometimes = EPH 05:08 were = EPH 02:17 far = EPH 04:10 off = EPH

02:17 are = EPH 02:19 made = EPH 02:14 nigh = EPH 02:17 by = EPH

02:16 the = EPH 02:14 blood = EPH 06:12 of = EPH 02:14 Christ =

EPH 02:20 .

EPH 02:14 For = EPH 02:15 he = EPH 02:16 is = EPH 03:02 our =

EPH 03:11 peace = EPH 2:15, who = EPH 03:08 hath = EPH 02:14

made = EPH 03:03 both = EPH 02:16 one = EPH 2:15, and = EPH 02:

16 hath = EPH 03:09 broken = REV 02:27 down = EPH 04:26 the =

EPH 02:15 middle = EPH 02:14 wall = REV 21:12 of = EPH 02:15

partition = EPH 02:14 [between = 1TI 02:05 us = EPH 3:20];

EPH 02:15 Having = EPH 02:16 abolished = 2TI 01:10 in = EPH 02:

15 his = EPH 03:05 flesh = EPH 05:29 the = EPH 02:15 enmity =

EPH 02:16 , [even = EPH 04:04 ] the = EPH 02:16 law = PHP 03:05

of = EPH 02:15 commandments = COL 02:22 [contained = 1PE 02:06 ]

in = EPH 02:15 ordinances = COL 02:14 ; for = EPH 02:18 to = EPH

02:17 make = EPH 03:09 in = EPH 02:16 himself = EPH 02:20 of =

EPH 02:19 twain = MAT 05:41 one = EPH 02:16 new = EPH 04:24 man

= EPH 03:16 , [so = EPH 04:20 ] making = EPH 05:19 peace = EPH

02:17 ;

EPH 02:16 And = EPH 02:17 that = EPH 02:17 he = EPH 03:03 might

= EPH 03:10 reconcile = COL 01:20 both = EPH 02:18 unto = EPH 02:

18 God = EPH 02:19 in = EPH 02:21 one = EPH 02:18 body = EPH 03:

06 by = EPH 02:18 the = EPH 02:16 cross = PHP 2:8, having = EPH

04:18 slain = HEB 11:37 the = EPH 02:18 enmity = JAM 04:04

thereby = HEB 12:11:

EPH 02:17 And = EPH 02:17 came = 1TH 01:05 and = EPH 02:17

preached = PHP 01:18 peace = EPH 04:03 to = EPH 02:17 you = EPH

03:01 which = EPH 03:02 were = EPH 02:17 afar = HEB 11:13 off =

EPH 04:22 , and = EPH 02:19 to = EPH 03:02 them = EPH 04:18 that

= EPH 03:03 were = EPH 05:08 nigh = PHP 02:27 .

EPH 02:18 For = EPH 02:22 through = EPH 02:22 him = EPH 03:12 we

= EPH 03:12 both = PHP 01:07 have = EPH 03:02 access = EPH 03:12

by = EPH 03:03 one = EPH 04:02 Spirit = EPH 02:22 unto = EPH 02:

21 the = EPH 02:19 Father = EPH 03:14 .

EPH 02:19 Now = EPH 03:05 therefore = EPH 04:01 ye = EPH 02:22

are = EPH 02:20 no = EPH 04:14 more = EPH 04:14 strangers = 1TI

05:10 and = EPH 02:19 foreigners = EPH 02:19 , but = EPH 04:07

fellowcitizens = EPH 02:19 with = EPH 03:12 the = EPH 02:19

saints = EPH 3:8, and = EPH 02:20 of = EPH 02:19 the = EPH 02:20

household = PHP 04:22 of = EPH 02:20 God = EPH 02:22 ;

EPH 02:20 And = EPH 02:20 are = EPH 02:22 built = COL 02:07 upon

= EPH 04:26 the = EPH 02:20 foundation = 1TI 06:19 of = EPH 02:

22 the = EPH 02:20 apostles = EPH 03:05 and = EPH 03:05 prophets

= EPH 03:05 , Jesus = EPH 03:01 Christ = EPH 03:01 himself = EPH

05:02 being = EPH 03:17 the = EPH 02:21 chief = 1TI 01:15 corner

= 1PE 02:06 [stone = 1PE 2:4];

EPH 02:21 In = EPH 02:21 whom = EPH 02:22 all = EPH 03:08 the =

EPH 02:21 building = HEB 09:11 fitly = EPH 04:16 framed = HEB 11:

03 together = EPH 02:22 groweth = 2TH 01:03 unto = EPH 03:03 an

= EPH 02:22 holy = EPH 03:05 temple = 2TH 02:04 in = EPH 02:22

the = EPH 02:22 Lord = EPH 03:11 :

EPH 02:22 In = EPH 03:03 whom = EPH 03:12 ye = EPH 03:02 also =

EPH 04:09 are = EPH 04:01 builded = HEB 03:03 together = EPH 04:

16 for = EPH 03:01 an = EPH 05:02 habitation = JUDE 01:06 of =

EPH 03:01 God = EPH 03:02 through = EPH 04:06 the = EPH 03:01

Spirit = EPH 03:05 .

EPH 03:01 For = EPH 03:01 this = EPH 03:08 cause = EPH 03:14 I =

EPH 03:03 Paul = PHP 1:1, the = EPH 03:02 prisoner = EPH 04:01

of = EPH 03:02 Jesus = EPH 03:09 Christ = EPH 03:04 for = EPH 03:

13 you = EPH 03:13 Gentiles = EPH 03:06 ,

EPH 03:02 If = EPH 04:21 ye = EPH 03:04 have = EPH 03:12 heard =

EPH 04:21 of = EPH 03:02 the = EPH 03:02 dispensation = COL 01:

25 of = EPH 03:02 the = EPH 03:03 grace = EPH 03:07 of = EPH 03:

04 God = EPH 03:07 which = EPH 03:05 is = EPH 03:05 given = EPH

03:07 me = EPH 03:03 to = EPH 03:07 you-ward:

EPH 03:03 How = EPH 06:21 that = EPH 03:06 by = EPH 03:05

revelation = 1PE 01:13 he = EPH 03:11 made = EPH 03:05 known =

EPH 03:05 unto = EPH 03:05 me = EPH 03:07 the = EPH 03:04

mystery = EPH 03:04 ; (as I = EPH 03:07 wrote = PHM 01:21 afore

= ROM 01:02 in = EPH 03:04 few = HEB 12:10 words = EPH 05:06 ,

EPH 03:04 Whereby = EPH 04:14 , when = EPH 04:08 ye = EPH 03:04

read = COL 04:16 , ye = EPH 03:13 may = EPH 03:17 understand =

PHP 01:12 my = EPH 03:13 knowledge = EPH 03:19 in = EPH 03:05

the = EPH 03:05 mystery = EPH 03:09 of = EPH 03:05 Christ = EPH

03:06 )

EPH 03:05 Which = EPH 03:09 in = EPH 03:06 other = EPH 04:17

ages = EPH 03:21 was = EPH 03:07 not = EPH 03:13 made = EPH 03:

07 known = EPH 03:10 unto = EPH 03:05 the = EPH 03:05 sons = PHP

02:15 of = EPH 03:06 men = EPH 03:09 , as = EPH 04:04 it = EPH

04:09 is = EPH 03:08 now = EPH 03:10 revealed = 2TH 01:07 unto =

EPH 03:07 his = EPH 03:06 holy = EPH 04:30 apostles = EPH 04:11

and = EPH 03:06 prophets = EPH 04:11 by = EPH 03:06 the = EPH 03:

06 Spirit = EPH 03:16 ;

EPH 03:06 That = EPH 03:08 the = EPH 03:06 Gentiles = EPH 03:08

should = EPH 03:08 be = EPH 03:10 fellowheirs = EPH 03:06 , and

= EPH 03:06 of = EPH 03:06 the = EPH 03:06 same = EPH 04:10 body

= EPH 04:04 , and = EPH 03:09 partakers = EPH 05:07 of = EPH 03:

07 his = EPH 03:07 promise = EPH 06:02 in = EPH 03:09 Christ =

EPH 03:08 by = EPH 03:07 the = EPH 03:07 gospel = EPH 06:15 :

EPH 03:07 Whereof = PHP 03:04 I = EPH 03:08 was = PHP 02:05 made

= EPH 05:13 a = EPH 04:13 minister = EPH 04:29 , according = EPH

03:11 to = EPH 03:09 the = EPH 03:07 gift = EPH 04:07 of = EPH

03:07 the = EPH 03:07 grace = EPH 03:08 of = EPH 03:07 God = EPH

03:09 given = EPH 03:08 unto = EPH 03:08 me = EPH 03:08 by = EPH

03:09 the = EPH 03:08 effectual = EPH 04:16 working = EPH 04:16

of = EPH 03:08 his = EPH 03:16 power = EPH 03:20 .

EPH 03:08 Unto = EPH 03:10 me = EPH 06:19 , who = EPH 03:09 am =

EPH 06:20 less = PHP 02:28 than = PHP 02:03 the = EPH 03:08

least = HEB 08:11 of = EPH 03:08 all = EPH 03:09 saints = EPH 03:

18 , is = EPH 03:09 this = EPH 03:14 grace = EPH 04:07 given =

EPH 4:7, that = EPH 03:10 I = EPH 03:13 should = EPH 05:27

preach = PHP 01:15 among = EPH 05:03 the = EPH 03:08 Gentiles =

EPH 04:17 the = EPH 03:09 unsearchable = ROM 11:33 riches = EPH

03:16 of = EPH 03:09 Christ = EPH 03:09 ;

EPH 03:09 And = EPH 03:10 to = EPH 03:10 make = EPH 05:13 all =

EPH 03:09 [men = EPH 4:8] see = EPH 05:15 what = EPH 03:18 [is =

EPH 03:13 ] the = EPH 03:09 fellowship = EPH 05:11 of = EPH 03:

09 the = EPH 03:09 mystery = EPH 05:32 , which = EPH 03:11 from

= EPH 04:16 the = EPH 03:09 beginning = PHP 04:15 of = EPH 03:10

the = EPH 03:10 world = EPH 03:21 hath = EPH 04:32 been = EPH 04:

21 hid = COL 01:26 in = EPH 03:10 God = EPH 03:10 , who = EPH 04:

06 created = EPH 04:24 all = EPH 03:18 things = EPH 04:10 by =

EPH 03:10 Jesus = EPH 03:11 Christ = EPH 03:11 :

EPH 03:10 To = EPH 03:11 the = EPH 03:10 intent = JOH 11:15 that

= EPH 03:13 now = EPH 03:20 unto = EPH 03:14 the = EPH 03:10

principalities = EPH 06:12 and = EPH 03:12 powers = EPH 06:12 in

= EPH 03:11 heavenly = 2TI 04:18 [places = EPH 06:12 ] might =

EPH 03:16 be = EPH 03:16 known = EPH 06:19 by = EPH 03:12 the =

EPH 03:10 church = EPH 03:21 the = EPH 03:11 manifold = 1PE 01:

06 wisdom = COL 01:09 of = EPH 03:12 God = EPH 03:19 ,

EPH 03:11 According = EPH 03:16 to = EPH 03:16 the = EPH 03:12

eternal = 1TI 01:17 purpose = EPH 06:22 which = EPH 03:13 he =

EPH 03:16 purposed = ACT 19:21 in = EPH 03:12 Christ = EPH 03:14

Jesus = EPH 03:14 our = EPH 03:14 Lord = EPH 03:14 :

EPH 03:12 In = EPH 03:15 whom = EPH 03:15 we = EPH 03:20 have =

EPH 04:19 boldness = PHP 01:20 and = EPH 03:15 access = ROM 05:

02 with = EPH 03:16 confidence = PHP 01:25 by = EPH 03:16 the =

EPH 03:14 faith = EPH 03:17 of = EPH 03:14 him = EPH 03:20 .

EPH 03:13 Wherefore = EPH 04:08 I = EPH 03:14 desire = PHP 01:23

that = EPH 03:16 ye = EPH 03:17 faint = HEB 12:03 not = EPH 04:

17 at = PHP 01:01 my = EPH 03:14 tribulations = 2TH 01:04 for =

EPH 03:14 you = EPH 03:16 , which = EPH 03:19 is = EPH 03:15

your = EPH 03:17 glory = EPH 03:16 .

EPH 03:14 For = EPH 04:12 this = EPH 04:17 cause = EPH 05:31 I =

EPH 04:01 bow = PHP 02:10 my = EPH 06:10 knees = HEB 12:12 unto

= EPH 03:20 the = EPH 03:15 Father = EPH 04:06 of = EPH 03:15

our = EPH 05:20 Lord = EPH 04:01 Jesus = EPH 03:21 Christ = EPH

03:17 ,

EPH 03:15 Of = EPH 03:16 whom = EPH 04:16 the = EPH 03:16 whole

= EPH 04:16 family = EPH 03:15 in = EPH 03:16 heaven = EPH 06:09

and = EPH 03:17 earth = EPH 04:09 is = EPH 03:18 named = EPH 05:

03 ,

EPH 03:16 That = EPH 03:17 he = EPH 04:08 would = PHP 01:12

grant = 2TI 01:18 you = EPH 4:1, according = EPH 03:20 to = EPH

03:16 the = EPH 03:16 riches = PHP 04:19 of = EPH 03:19 his =

EPH 03:16 glory = EPH 03:21 , to = EPH 03:18 be = EPH 03:18

strengthened = COL 01:11 with = EPH 03:18 might = EPH 03:19 by =

EPH 03:17 his = EPH 04:25 Spirit = EPH 04:03 in = EPH 03:17 the

= EPH 03:18 inner = ACT 16:24 man = EPH 04:13 ;

EPH 03:17 That = EPH 03:17 Christ = EPH 03:19 may = EPH 03:18

dwell = COL 01:19 in = EPH 03:17 your = EPH 04:04 hearts = EPH

06:22 by = EPH 03:21 faith = EPH 4:5; that = EPH 03:19 ye = EPH

03:19 , being = EPH 04:18 rooted = COL 02:07 and = EPH 03:18

grounded = COL 01:23 in = EPH 03:20 love = EPH 03:19 ,

EPH 03:18 May = EPH 04:15 be = EPH 03:19 able = EPH 03:20 to =

EPH 03:19 comprehend = EPH 03:18 with = EPH 03:19 all = EPH 03:

19 saints = EPH 04:12 what = EPH 04:09 [is = EPH 03:20 ] the =

EPH 03:19 breadth = REV 20:09 , and = EPH 03:18 length = REV 21:

16, and = EPH 03:18 depth = MAT 18:06 , and = EPH 03:19 height =

REV 21:16 ;

EPH 03:19 And = EPH 04:02 to = EPH 03:20 know = EPH 05:05 the =

EPH 03:19 love = EPH 04:02 of = EPH 03:19 Christ = EPH 03:21 ,

which = EPH 04:15 passeth = PHP 04:07 knowledge = EPH 04:13 ,

that = EPH 03:20 ye = EPH 04:01 might = EPH 04:10 be = EPH 03:21

filled = EPH 05:18 with = EPH 04:02 all = EPH 03:20 the = EPH 03:

20 fulness = EPH 04:13 of = EPH 04:01 God = EPH 04:06 .

EPH 03:20 Now = EPH 05:08 unto = EPH 03:21 him = EPH 03:21 that

= EPH 03:20 is = EPH 04:04 able = EPH 06:11 to = EPH 03:20 do =

EPH 06:09 exceeding = 1TI 01:14 abundantly = 1TH 02:17 above =

EPH 04:06 all = EPH 03:21 that = EPH 03:20 we = EPH 04:13 ask =

JAM 01:05 or = EPH 05:03 think = PHP 01:07 , according = EPH 04:

07 to = EPH 04:03 the = EPH 03:21 power = EPH 06:10 that = EPH

04:01 worketh = PHP 02:13 in = EPH 03:21 us = EPH 04:07 ,

EPH 03:21 Unto = EPH 04:07 him = EPH 04:15 [be = EPH 04:14 ]

glory = PHP 01:11 in = EPH 04:02 the = EPH 04:01 church = EPH 05:

23 by = EPH 04:14 Christ = EPH 04:07 Jesus = EPH 04:21

throughout = 1PE 01:01 all = EPH 04:02 ages = COL 01:26 , world

= EPH 06:12 without = EPH 05:27 end = PHP 03:19 . Amen = EPH 06:

24 .

EPH 04:01 I = EPH 04:17 therefore = EPH 04:17 , the = EPH 04:01

prisoner = 2TI 01:08 of = EPH 04:01 the = EPH 04:01 Lord = EPH

04:05 , beseech = PHP 04:02 you = EPH 04:06 that = EPH 04:09 ye

= EPH 04:01 walk = EPH 04:17 worthy = COL 01:10 of = EPH 04:03

the = EPH 04:03 vocation = EPH 04:01 wherewith = EPH 06:16 ye =

EPH 04:04 are = EPH 04:04 called = EPH 04:04 ,

EPH 04:02 With = EPH 04:02 all = EPH 04:06 lowliness = PHP 02:03

and = EPH 04:04 meekness = COL 03:12 , with = EPH 04:14

longsuffering = COL 01:11 , forbearing = EPH 06:09 one = EPH 04:

04 another = EPH 04:25 in = EPH 04:03 love = EPH 04:15 ;

EPH 04:03 Endeavouring = EPH 04:03 to = EPH 04:07 keep = PHP 04:

07 the = EPH 04:03 unity = EPH 04:13 of = EPH 04:03 the = EPH 04:

03 Spirit = EPH 04:04 in = EPH 04:04 the = EPH 04:07 bond = EPH

06:08 of = EPH 04:04 peace = EPH 06:15 .

EPH 04:04 [There = EPH 06:09 is = EPH 04:06 ] one = EPH 04:04

body = EPH 04:12 , and = EPH 04:06 one = EPH 04:04 Spirit = EPH

04:23 , even = EPH 04:15 as = EPH 04:17 ye = EPH 04:17 are = EPH

04:25 called = COL 03:15 in = EPH 04:06 one = EPH 04:05 hope =

PHP 01:20 of = EPH 04:06 your = EPH 04:23 calling = PHP 03:14 ;

EPH 04:05 One = EPH 04:05 Lord = EPH 04:17 , one = EPH 04:05

faith = EPH 04:13 , one = EPH 04:06 baptism = COL 02:12 ,

EPH 04:06 One = EPH 04:07 God = EPH 04:13 and = EPH 04:06 Father

= EPH 05:20 of = EPH 04:07 all = EPH 04:06 , who = EPH 04:19 [is

= EPH 04:07 ] above = EPH 04:10 all = EPH 04:06 , and = EPH 04:

06 through = EPH 04:18 all = EPH 04:06 , and = EPH 04:08 in =

EPH 04:13 you = EPH 04:31 all = EPH 04:10 .

EPH 04:07 But = EPH 04:09 unto = EPH 04:08 every = EPH 04:14 one

= EPH 04:25 of = EPH 04:07 us = EPH 05:02 is = EPH 04:09 given =

EPH 04:19 grace = EPH 04:29 according = EPH 04:16 to = EPH 04:14

the = EPH 04:07 measure = EPH 04:13 of = EPH 04:07 the = EPH 04:

09 gift = PHP 04:17 of = EPH 04:09 Christ = EPH 04:12 .

EPH 04:08 Wherefore = EPH 04:25 he = EPH 04:08 saith = EPH 05:14

, When = PHP 02:19 he = EPH 04:08 ascended = EPH 04:09 up = EPH

04:10 on = EPH 04:24 high = EPH 06:12 , he = EPH 04:09 led = 2TI

03:06 captivity = REV 13:10 captive = 2TI 02:26 , and = EPH 04:

11 gave = EPH 04:11 gifts = HEB 02:04 unto = EPH 04:13 men = EPH

04:14 .

EPH 04:09 (Now that = EPH 04:09 he = EPH 04:09 ascended = EPH 04:

10 , what = EPH 05:10 is = EPH 04:10 it = EPH 04:29 but = EPH 04:

15 that = EPH 04:10 he = EPH 04:10 also = EPH 04:10 descended =

EPH 04:10 first = EPH 06:02 into = EPH 04:15 the = EPH 04:09

lower = HEB 02:07 parts = REV 16:19 of = EPH 04:12 the = EPH 04:

10 earth = EPH 06:03 ?

EPH 04:10 He = EPH 04:10 that = EPH 04:10 descended = MAT 07:25

is = EPH 04:15 the = EPH 04:12 same = EPH 06:08 also = EPH 05:02

that = EPH 04:10 ascended = REV 08:04 up = EPH 04:15 far = PHP

01:23 above = EPH 06:16 all = EPH 04:10 heavens = HEB 01:10 ,

that = EPH 04:14 he = EPH 04:11 might = EPH 05:26 fill = COL 01:

24 all = EPH 04:13 things = EPH 4:15.)

EPH 04:11 And = EPH 04:11 he = EPH 04:28 gave = EPH 05:25 some =

EPH 4:11, apostles = 1TH 02:06 ; and = EPH 04:11 some = EPH 04:

11 , prophets = 1TH 02:15 ; and = EPH 04:11 some = EPH 04:11 ,

evangelists = EPH 04:11 ; and = EPH 04:11 some = PHP 1:15,

pastors = EPH 04:11 and = EPH 04:13 teachers = 1TI 01:07 ;

EPH 04:12 For = EPH 04:12 the = EPH 04:12 perfecting = 2CO 07:01

of = EPH 04:12 the = EPH 04:12 saints = EPH 05:03 , for = EPH 04:

12 the = EPH 04:12 work = EPH 04:19 of = EPH 04:12 the = EPH 04:

12 ministry = COL 04:17 , for = EPH 04:25 the = EPH 04:12

edifying = EPH 04:16 of = EPH 04:12 the = EPH 04:13 body = EPH

04:16 of = EPH 04:13 Christ = EPH 04:13 :

EPH 04:13 Till = PHP 01:10 we = EPH 04:14 all = EPH 04:15 come =

PHP 01:27 in = EPH 04:14 the = EPH 04:13 unity = EPH 04:03 of =

EPH 04:13 the = EPH 04:13 faith = EPH 6:16, and = EPH 04:14 of =

EPH 04:13 the = EPH 04:13 knowledge = PHP 01:09 of = EPH 04:13

the = EPH 04:13 Son = PHP 02:22 of = EPH 04:13 God = EPH 04:18 ,

unto = EPH 04:13 a = EPH 05:02 perfect = PHP 03:12 man = EPH 04:

22 , unto = EPH 04:16 the = EPH 04:13 measure = EPH 04:16 of =

EPH 04:13 the = EPH 04:13 stature = MAT 06:27 of = EPH 04:13 the

= EPH 04:14 fulness = COL 01:19 of = EPH 04:14 Christ = EPH 04:

15 :

EPH 04:14 That = EPH 04:16 we = EPH 04:25 [henceforth = EPH 04:

17 ] be = EPH 04:21 no = EPH 04:28 more = EPH 04:28 children =

EPH 05:01 , tossed = JAM 01:06 to = EPH 04:14 and = EPH 04:14

fro = EPH 04:14 , and = EPH 04:14 carried = HEB 13:09 about =

EPH 06:14 with = EPH 04:19 every = EPH 04:16 wind = JAM 01:06 of

= EPH 04:14 doctrine = 1TI 1:3, by = EPH 04:16 the = EPH 04:15

sleight = EPH 04:14 of = EPH 04:16 men = EPH 5:28, [and = EPH 04:

16 ] cunning = EPH 04:14 craftiness = LUK 20:23 , whereby = EPH

04:30 they = EPH 05:31 lie = COL 03:09 in = EPH 04:15 wait = 1TH

01:10 to = EPH 04:16 deceive = EPH 05:06 ;

EPH 04:15 But = EPH 04:20 speaking = EPH 04:31 the = EPH 04:15

truth = EPH 04:21 in = EPH 04:15 love = EPH 04:16 , may = EPH 04:

28 grow = 1PE 02:02 up = EPH 06:04 into = COL 01:13 him = EPH 04:

21 in = EPH 04:16 all = EPH 04:19 things = EPH 05:06 , which =

EPH 04:16 is = EPH 04:18 the = EPH 04:16 head = EPH 05:23 ,

[even = EPH 04:32 ] Christ = EPH 04:20 :

EPH 04:16 From = EPH 04:18 whom = EPH 06:22 the = EPH 04:16

whole = EPH 06:11 body = EPH 04:16 fitly = EPH 02:21 joined =

EPH 05:31 together = PHP 01:27 and = EPH 04:17 compacted = EPH

04:16 by = EPH 04:21 that = EPH 04:17 which = EPH 04:22 every =

EPH 04:16 joint = EPH 04:16 supplieth = 2CO 09:12 , according =

EPH 04:22 to = EPH 04:19 the = EPH 04:16 effectual = PHM 01:06

working = EPH 04:28 in = EPH 04:16 the = EPH 04:16 measure = REV

06:06 of = EPH 04:16 every = EPH 04:25 part = TIT 02:08 , maketh

= HEB 01:07 increase = COL 02:19 of = EPH 04:16 the = EPH 04:16

body = EPH 05:23 unto = EPH 04:19 the = EPH 04:17 edifying = EPH

04:29 of = EPH 04:17 itself = HEB 09:24 in = EPH 04:17 love =

EPH 05:02 .

EPH 04:17 This = EPH 05:05 I = EPH 05:32 say = PHP 04:04

therefore = EPH 05:01 , and = EPH 04:21 testify = 1JO 04:14 in =

EPH 04:17 the = EPH 04:17 Lord = EPH 05:08 , that = EPH 04:18 ye

= EPH 04:20 henceforth = 2TI 04:08 walk = EPH 04:17 not = EPH 04:

20 as = EPH 04:21 other = PHP 01:13 Gentiles = COL 01:27 walk =

EPH 05:02 , in = EPH 04:18 the = EPH 04:18 vanity = 2PE 02:18 of

= EPH 04:18 their = EPH 04:18 mind = EPH 04:23 ,

EPH 04:18 Having = EPH 05:27 the = EPH 04:18 understanding = EPH

05:17 darkened = REV 08:12 , being = EPH 04:19 alienated = COL

01:21 from = EPH 04:31 the = EPH 04:18 life = PHP 01:20 of = EPH

04:18 God = EPH 04:24 through = PHP 01:19 the = EPH 04:18

ignorance = 1PE 01:14 that = EPH 04:21 is = EPH 04:21 in = EPH

04:21 them = EPH 5:7, because = EPH 05:06 of = EPH 04:18 the =

EPH 04:21 blindness = ROM 11:25 of = EPH 04:23 their = EPH 05:24

heart = EPH 05:19 :

EPH 04:19 Who = EPH 05:05 being = PHP 01:06 past = 2TI 02:18

feeling = HEB 04:15 have = EPH 04:20 given = EPH 05:02

themselves = PHP 02:03 over = COL 02:15 unto = EPH 04:29

lasciviousness = 1PE 04:03 , to = EPH 04:22 work = PHP 01:06 all

= EPH 04:31 uncleanness = EPH 05:03 with = EPH 04:25 greediness

= EPH 04:19 .

EPH 04:20 But = EPH 04:28 ye = EPH 04:21 have = EPH 04:21 not =

EPH 04:26 so = EPH 04:21 learned = PHP 04:09 Christ = EPH 05:02 ;

EPH 04:21 If = PHP 01:22 so = EPH 05:24 be = EPH 04:23 that =

EPH 04:22 ye = EPH 04:22 have = EPH 04:21 heard = PHP 02:26 him

= EPH 04:21 , and = EPH 04:23 have = EPH 04:28 been = PHP 02:26

taught = COL 02:07 by = EPH 05:13 him = EPH 04:28 , as = EPH 04:

32 the = EPH 04:22 truth = EPH 04:25 is = EPH 04:22 in = EPH 04:

23 Jesus = EPH 05:20 :

EPH 04:22 That = EPH 04:24 ye = EPH 04:24 put = EPH 04:24 off =

COL 02:11 concerning = EPH 05:32 the = EPH 04:22 former = HEB 10:

32 conversation = PHP 01:27 the = EPH 04:22 old = COL 03:09 man

= EPH 04:24 , which = EPH 04:24 is = EPH 04:24 corrupt = EPH 04:

29 according = EPH 06:05 to = EPH 04:27 the = EPH 04:23

deceitful = 2CO 11:13 lusts = 1TI 06:09 ;

EPH 04:23 And = EPH 04:24 be = EPH 04:26 renewed = COL 03:10 in

= EPH 04:24 the = EPH 04:24 spirit = EPH 04:30 of = EPH 04:25

your = EPH 04:26 mind = PHP 01:27 ;

EPH 04:24 And = EPH 04:24 that = EPH 04:28 ye = EPH 04:26 put =

EPH 04:31 on = EPH 06:03 the = EPH 04:26 new = COL 02:16 man =

EPH 04:25 , which = EPH 04:28 after = PHP 01:08 God = EPH 04:30

is = EPH 04:28 created = COL 01:16 in = EPH 05:02 righteousness

= EPH 05:09 and = EPH 04:26 true = PHP 04:03 holiness = 1TH 03:

13 .

EPH 04:25 Wherefore = EPH 05:14 putting = COL 02:11 away = EPH

04:31 lying = 2TH 2:9, speak = EPH 05:12 every = EPH 05:24 man =

EPH 05:05 truth = EPH 05:09 with = EPH 04:28 his = EPH 04:28

neighbour = HEB 08:11 : for = EPH 04:32 we = EPH 05:30 are = EPH

04:30 members = EPH 05:30 one = EPH 04:32 of = EPH 04:29 another

= EPH 04:32 .

EPH 04:26 Be = EPH 04:31 ye = EPH 04:30 angry = TIT 01:07 , and

= EPH 04:30 sin = 2TH 02:03 not = EPH 04:26 : let = EPH 04:28

not = EPH 04:30 the = EPH 04:27 sun = JAM 01:11 go = PHP 02:23

down = HEB 01:03 upon = EPH 05:06 your = EPH 04:29 wrath = EPH

04:31 :

EPH 04:27 Neither = EPH 05:04 give = EPH 04:28 place = 1TH 01:08

to = EPH 04:28 the = EPH 04:28 devil = EPH 06:11 .

EPH 04:28 Let = EPH 04:28 him = EPH 04:28 that = EPH 04:28 stole

= MAT 28:13 steal = MAT 06:19 no = EPH 04:29 more = PHP 01: 09:

but = EPH 04:29 rather = EPH 05:04 let = EPH 04:29 him = EPH 04:

28 labour = PHP 01:22 , working = PHP 03:21 with = EPH 04:31

[his = EPH 5:28] hands = COL 02:11 the = EPH 04:29 thing = EPH

05:24 which = EPH 04:29 is = EPH 04:29 good = EPH 04:29 , that =

EPH 04:28 he = EPH 05:14 may = EPH 04:29 have = EPH 05:11 to =

EPH 04:28 give = EPH 05:14 to = EPH 04:29 him = EPH 06:09 that =

EPH 04:29 needeth = 2TI 02:15 .

EPH 04:29 Let = EPH 04:31 no = EPH 05:05 corrupt = 1TI 06:05

communication = COL 03:08 proceed = 2TI 03:09 out = PHP 01:12 of

= EPH 04:29 your = EPH 05:19 mouth = EPH 6:19, but = EPH 05:03

that = EPH 04:29 which = EPH 05:04 is = EPH 05:05 good = EPH 06:

07 to = EPH 04:32 the = EPH 04:29 use = 1TI 01:08 of = EPH 04:30

edifying = 1TI 01:04 , that = EPH 05:05 it = EPH 05:03 may = EPH

06:03 minister = EPH 06:21 grace = EPH 06:24 unto = EPH 04:30

the = EPH 04:30 hearers = 2TI 02:14 .

EPH 04:30 And = EPH 04:31 grieve = EPH 04:30 not = EPH 05:03 the

= EPH 04:30 holy = EPH 05:27 Spirit = EPH 05:09 of = EPH 04:30

God = EPH 04:32 , whereby = PHP 03:21 ye = EPH 04:32 are = EPH

05:04 sealed = REV 05:01 unto = EPH 05:10 the = EPH 05:05 day =

EPH 06:13 of = EPH 05:01 redemption = COL 01:14 .

EPH 04:31 Let = EPH 05:03 all = EPH 04:31 bitterness = HEB 12:15

, and = EPH 04:31 wrath = EPH 05:06 , and = EPH 04:31 anger =

COL 03:08 , and = EPH 04:31 clamour = EPH 4:31, and = EPH 04:32

evil = EPH 05:16 speaking = EPH 05:19 , be = EPH 04:32 put = EPH

06:11 away = COL 01:23 from = EPH 05:14 you = EPH 04:32 , with =

EPH 05:06 all = EPH 05:03 malice = COL 03:08:

EPH 04:32 And = EPH 05:02 be = EPH 05:01 ye = EPH 05:01 kind =

JAM 01:18 one = EPH 04:32 to = EPH 05:02 another = EPH 04:32 ,

tenderhearted = EPH 04:32 , forgiving = COL 03:13 one = EPH 05:

21 another = EPH 05:21 , even = EPH 05:12 as = EPH 05:01 God =

EPH 05:01 for = EPH 05:02 Christ's = PHP 02:21 sake = PHP 01:29

hath = EPH 05:02 forgiven = COL 02:13 you = EPH 05:03 .

EPH 05:01 Be = EPH 05:03 ye = EPH 05:05 therefore = EPH 05:07

followers = PHP 03:17 of = EPH 05:04 God = EPH 05:02 , as = EPH

05:02 dear = COL 01:07 children = EPH 05:06 ;

EPH 05:02 And = EPH 05:02 walk = EPH 05:08 in = EPH 05:05 love =

EPH 05:25 , as = EPH 05:03 Christ = EPH 05:05 also = EPH 05:25

hath = EPH 05:02 loved = EPH 05:25 us = EPH 5:2, and = EPH 05:02

hath = EPH 05:05 given = EPH 06:19 himself = EPH 05:25 for = EPH

05:02 us = PHP 03:15 an = EPH 05:05 offering = HEB 10:05 and =

EPH 05:03 a = EPH 05:02 sacrifice = PHP 02:17 to = EPH 05:12 God

= EPH 05:05 for = EPH 05:05 a = EPH 05:12 sweetsmelling = EPH 05:

02 savour = MAT 05:13 .

EPH 05:03 But = EPH 05:04 fornication = COL 03:05 , and = EPH 05:

05 all = EPH 05:09 uncleanness = COL 03:05 , or = EPH 05:27

covetousness = COL 03:05 , let = EPH 05:06 it = EPH 05:12 not =

EPH 05:04 be = EPH 05:07 once = PHP 04:16 named = MAT 09:09

among = PHP 02:15 you = EPH 5:6, as = EPH 05:08 becometh = PHP

01:27 saints = EPH 06:18 ;

EPH 05:04 Neither = EPH 06:09 filthiness = JAM 01:21 , nor = EPH

05:04 foolish = 1TI 06:09 talking = REV 04:01 , nor = EPH 05:05

jesting = EPH 05:04 , which = EPH 05:12 are = EPH 05:08 not =

EPH 05:07 convenient = PHM 01:08: but = EPH 05:08 rather = EPH

05:11 giving = EPH 05:20 of = EPH 05:05 thanks = EPH 05:20 .

EPH 05:05 For = EPH 05:06 this = EPH 05:31 ye = EPH 05:07 know =

EPH 06:21 , that = EPH 05:13 no = EPH 05:06 whoremonger = EPH 05:

05 , nor = EPH 05:05 unclean = HEB 09:13 person = HEB 1:3, nor =

COL 03:11 covetous = 1TI 03:03 man = EPH 05:06 , who = PHP 02:06

is = EPH 05:09 an = EPH 06:20 idolater = 1CO 05:11 , hath = PHP

01:06 any = EPH 05:27 inheritance = COL 01:12 in = EPH 05:08 the

= EPH 05:06 kingdom = COL 01:13 of = EPH 05:05 Christ = EPH 05:

14 and = EPH 05:09 of = EPH 05:06 God = EPH 05:06 .

EPH 05:06 Let = EPH 05:24 no = EPH 05:11 man = EPH 05:29 deceive

= 2TH 02:03 you = EPH 05:33 with = EPH 05:07 vain = PHP 02:16

words = COL 02:04: for = EPH 05:08 because = EPH 05:16 of = EPH

05:06 these = PHP 04:08 things = EPH 05:12 cometh = COL 03:06

the = EPH 05:06 wrath = EPH 06:04 of = EPH 05:06 God = EPH 05:20

upon = PHP 01:03 the = EPH 05:08 children = EPH 05:08 of = EPH

05:08 disobedience = COL 03:06 .

EPH 05:07 Be = EPH 05:17 not = EPH 05:15 ye = EPH 05:08

therefore = EPH 05:24 partakers = PHP 01:07 with = EPH 05:11

them = EPH 05:11 .

EPH 05:08 For = EPH 05:09 ye = EPH 05:08 were = PHP 03:07

sometimes = TIT 03:03 darkness = EPH 05:11 , but = EPH 05:11 now

= PHP 01:05 [are = EPH 05:12 ye = EPH 5:15] light = EPH 05:08 in

= EPH 05:09 the = EPH 05:09 Lord = EPH 05:10 : walk = EPH 05:15

as = EPH 05:15 children = EPH 06:01 of = EPH 05:09 light = EPH

05:13 :

EPH 05:09 (For = EPH 05:12 the = EPH 05:09 fruit = PHP 01:22 of

= EPH 05:11 the = EPH 05:10 Spirit = EPH 05:18 [is = EPH 05:10 ]

in = EPH 05:12 all = EPH 05:13 goodness = 2TH 01:11 and = EPH 05:

09 righteousness = EPH 06:14 and = EPH 05:11 truth = EPH 6:14;)

EPH 05:10 Proving = ACT 09:22 what = EPH 05:17 is = EPH 05:12

acceptable = PHP 04:18 unto = EPH 05:20 the = EPH 05:11 Lord =

EPH 05:17 .

EPH 05:11 And = EPH 05:14 have = EPH 06:22 no = EPH 05:29

fellowship = PHP 01:05 with = EPH 05:18 the = EPH 05:13

unfruitful = TIT 03:14 works = COL 01:21 of = EPH 05:12 darkness

= EPH 06:12 , but = EPH 05:13 rather = PHP 01:12 reprove = 2TI

04:02 [them = EPH 5:12].

EPH 05:12 For = EPH 05:13 it = EPH 05:25 is = EPH 05:13 a = EPH

05:27 shame = PHP 03:19 even = EPH 05:23 to = EPH 05:19 speak =

EPH 05:32 of = EPH 05:12 those = PHP 03:07 things = EPH 05:13

which = EPH 06:02 are = EPH 05:13 done = EPH 06:13 of = EPH 05:

17 them = EPH 06:04 in = EPH 05:19 secret = MAT 06:04 .

EPH 05:13 But = EPH 05:15 all = EPH 05:20 things = EPH 05:20

that = EPH 05:14 are = EPH 05:13 reproved = LUK 03:19 are = EPH

05:16 made = PHP 02:07 manifest = EPH 05:13 by = EPH 05:26 the =

EPH 05:14 light = EPH 05:13 : for = EPH 05:20 whatsoever = EPH

06:08 doth = COL 01:06 make = EPH 06:19 manifest = PHP 01:13 is

= EPH 05:17 light = EPH 05:14 .

EPH 05:14 Wherefore = EPH 05:17 he = EPH 05:23 saith = 1TI 05:18

, Awake = MAR 04:38 thou = EPH 06:03 that = EPH 05:15 sleepest =

MAR 14:37 , and = EPH 05:14 arise = 2PE 01:19 from = EPH 06:06

the = EPH 05:16 dead = PHP 03:11 , and = EPH 05:18 Christ = EPH

05:20 shall = EPH 05:31 give = COL 01:03 thee = EPH 06:03 light

= COL 01:12 .

EPH 05:15 See = EPH 05:33 then = PHP 01:18 that = EPH 05:26 ye =

EPH 05:17 walk = PHP 03:16 circumspectly = EPH 05:15 , not = EPH

05:17 as = EPH 05:15 fools = MAT 23:17 , but = EPH 05:17 as =

EPH 05:22 wise = 1TI 01:17 ,

EPH 05:16 Redeeming = COL 04:05 the = EPH 05:16 time = COL 03:07

, because = PHP 01:07 the = EPH 05:17 days = COL 02:16 are = EPH

05:30 evil = EPH 06:13 .

EPH 05:17 Wherefore = EPH 06:13 be = EPH 05:18 ye = EPH 06:04

not = EPH 05:18 unwise = ROM 01:14 , but = EPH 05:18

understanding = PHP 04:07 what = PHP 01:18 the = EPH 05:17 will

= EPH 06:06 of = EPH 05:20 the = EPH 05:18 Lord = EPH 05:19 [is

= EPH 5:18].

EPH 05:18 And = EPH 05:19 be = EPH 05:18 not = EPH 05:27 drunk =

REV 17:02 with = EPH 05:18 wine = 1TI 03:03 , wherein = PHP 04:

10 is = EPH 05:23 excess = 1PE 04:03 ; but = EPH 05:27 be = EPH

05:24 filled = PHP 01:11 with = EPH 05:26 the = EPH 05:19 Spirit

= EPH 06:17 ;

EPH 05:19 Speaking = 1TI 04:02 to = EPH 05:19 yourselves = EPH

05:21 in = EPH 05:19 psalms = COL 03:16 and = EPH 05:19 hymns =

COL 03:16 and = EPH 05:19 spiritual = EPH 06:12 songs = COL 03:

16 , singing = COL 03:16 and = EPH 05:20 making = PHP 01:04

melody = EPH 05:19 in = EPH 05:20 your = EPH 05:22 heart = EPH

06:05 to = EPH 05:21 the = EPH 05:20 Lord = EPH 05:20 ;

EPH 05:20 Giving = PHP 04:15 thanks = COL 01:03 always = EPH 06:

18 for = EPH 05:23 all = EPH 06:13 things = EPH 06:09 unto = EPH

05:22 God = EPH 05:21 and = EPH 05:23 the = EPH 05:20 Father =

EPH 05:31 in = EPH 05:21 the = EPH 05:21 name = PHP 02:09 of =

EPH 05:21 our = EPH 06:22 Lord = EPH 05:22 Jesus = EPH 06:23

Christ = EPH 05:23 ;

EPH 05:21 Submitting = EPH 05:21 yourselves = EPH 05:22 one =

EPH 05:31 to = EPH 05:24 another = COL 03:09 in = EPH 05:24 the

= EPH 05:22 fear = EPH 06:05 of = EPH 05:23 God = EPH 6:6.

EPH 05:22 Wives = EPH 05:24 , submit = COL 03:18 yourselves =

COL 03:18 unto = EPH 05:22 your = EPH 05:25 own = EPH 05:24

husbands = EPH 05:24 , as = EPH 05:23 unto = EPH 05:24 the = EPH

05:23 Lord = EPH 05:29 .

EPH 05:23 For = EPH 05:25 the = EPH 05:23 husband = EPH 05:33 is

= EPH 05:23 the = EPH 05:23 head = EPH 05:23 of = EPH 05:23 the

= EPH 05:23 wife = EPH 05:28 , even = EPH 05:25 as = EPH 05:24

Christ = EPH 05:24 is = EPH 05:23 the = EPH 05:23 head = COL 01:

18 of = EPH 05:23 the = EPH 05:23 church = EPH 05:24 : and = EPH

05:25 he = EPH 05:26 is = EPH 05:24 the = EPH 05:23 saviour =

1TI 01:01 of = EPH 05:26 the = EPH 05:24 body = EPH 05:30 .

EPH 05:24 Therefore = EPH 06:14 as = EPH 05:25 the = EPH 05:24

church = EPH 05:25 is = EPH 05:32 subject = COL 02:20 unto = EPH

05:31 Christ = EPH 05:25 , so = EPH 05:28 [let = EPH 05:33 ] the

= EPH 05:25 wives = EPH 05:25 [be = EPH 05:27 ] to = EPH 05:27

their = EPH 05:28 own = EPH 05:28 husbands = EPH 05:25 in = EPH

05:33 every = EPH 05:33 thing = EPH 05:27 .

EPH 05:25 Husbands = COL 03:18 , love = EPH 05:28 your = EPH 06:

01 wives = EPH 5:28, even = EPH 05:29 as = EPH 05:28 Christ =

EPH 05:32 also = EPH 06:09 loved = 2TH 02:16 the = EPH 05:26

church = EPH 05:27 , and = EPH 05:26 gave = 1TH 04:02 himself =

EPH 05:27 for = EPH 05:29 it = EPH 05:26 ;

EPH 05:26 That = EPH 05:27 he = EPH 05:27 might = EPH 05:27

sanctify = 1TH 05:23 and = EPH 05:27 cleanse = JAM 04:08 it =

EPH 05:27 with = EPH 06:02 the = EPH 05:26 washing = TIT 03:05

of = EPH 05:30 water = 1TI 05:23 by = PHP 01:11 the = EPH 05:29

word = EPH 06:17 ,

EPH 05:27 That = EPH 05:27 he = EPH 05:28 might = EPH 06:10

present = COL 01:22 it = EPH 05:27 to = EPH 05:28 himself = EPH

05:28 a = EPH 05:31 glorious = PHP 03:21 church = EPH 05:29 ,

not = EPH 06:04 having = EPH 06:13 spot = 1TI 06:14 , or = EPH

05:27 wrinkle = EPH 05:27 , or = EPH 06:08 any = EPH 06:08 such

= PHP 02:29 thing = EPH 6:8; but = EPH 05:29 that = EPH 05:28 it

= EPH 05:29 should = PHP 01:12 be = EPH 05:31 holy = COL 01:22

and = EPH 05:29 without = PHP 01:10 blemish = 1PE 01:19 .

EPH 05:28 So = EPH 05:33 ought = EPH 06:20 men = EPH 06:07 to =

EPH 06:04 love = EPH 05:33 their = EPH 05:28 wives = COL 03:18

as = EPH 05:29 their = PHP 02:21 own = EPH 05:29 bodies = HEB 10:

22 . He = EPH 06:08 that = EPH 05:33 loveth = EPH 05:28 his =

EPH 05:29 wife = EPH 05:31 loveth = HEB 12:06 himself = EPH 05:

33 .

EPH 05:29 For = EPH 05:30 no = PHP 02:07 man = EPH 05:31 ever =

PHP 04:20 yet = PHP 01:09 hated = HEB 01:09 his = EPH 05:30 own

= PHP 02:04 flesh = EPH 05:30 ; but = EPH 05:32 nourisheth = EPH

05:29 and = EPH 05:30 cherisheth = 1TH 02:07 it = EPH 06:03 ,

even = EPH 05:33 as = EPH 05:33 the = EPH 05:29 Lord = EPH 06:01

the = EPH 05:32 church = EPH 05:32 :

EPH 05:30 For = EPH 05:31 we = EPH 06:12 are = EPH 06:05 members

= COL 03:05 of = EPH 05:30 his = EPH 05:30 body = PHP 01:20 , of

= EPH 05:30 his = EPH 05:30 flesh = EPH 5:31, and = EPH 05:31 of

= EPH 05:33 his = EPH 05:31 bones = HEB 11:22 .

EPH 05:31 For = EPH 06:01 this = EPH 05:32 cause = PHP 02:18

shall = EPH 05:31 a = EPH 05:32 man = EPH 06:08 leave = HEB 13:

05 his = EPH 05:31 father = EPH 06:02 and = EPH 05:31 mother =

EPH 06:02 , and = EPH 05:31 shall = EPH 05:31 be = EPH 05:31

joined = MAT 19:06 unto = EPH 06:05 his = EPH 05:33 wife = EPH

05:33 , and = EPH 05:32 they = PHP 03:18 two = PHP 01:23 shall =

EPH 06:08 be = EPH 06:03 one = EPH 05:33 flesh = EPH 06:05 .

EPH 05:32 This = EPH 06:01 is = EPH 06:01 a = EPH 06:21 great =

COL 02:01 mystery = EPH 6:19: but = EPH 06:04 I = EPH 06:19

speak = EPH 06:20 concerning = PHP 03:06 Christ = EPH 06:05 and

= EPH 05:33 the = EPH 05:33 church = PHP 03:06 .

EPH 05:33 Nevertheless = PHP 01:24 let = PHP 01:27 every = PHP

01:03 one = PHP 01:16 of = EPH 06:04 you = EPH 06:13 in = EPH 06:

01 particular = 1CO 12:27 so = PHP 01:13 love = EPH 06:23 his =

EPH 06:10 wife = EPH 05:33 even = PHP 01:07 as = EPH 06:05

himself = PHP 02:07 ; and = EPH 06:02 the = EPH 06:01 wife = 1TI

03:02 [see = PHP 1:27] that = EPH 06:03 she = 1TI 02:15

reverence = HEB 12:09 [her = 1TH 02:07 ] husband = 1TI 03:02 .

EPH 06:01 Children = EPH 06:04 , obey = COL 03:20 your = EPH 06:

04 parents = COL 03:20 in = EPH 06:04 the = EPH 06:02 Lord = EPH

06:04: for = EPH 06:12 this = EPH 06:12 is = EPH 06:02 right =

COL 03:01 .

EPH 06:02 Honour = COL 02:23 thy = 1TI 04:12 father = EPH 06:23

and = EPH 06:03 mother = 2TI 01:05 ; which = EPH 06:17 is = EPH

06:09 the = EPH 06:03 first = PHP 01:05 commandment = 1TI 01:01

with = EPH 06:03 promise = 1TI 04:08 ;

EPH 06:03 That = EPH 06:05 it = PHP 01:06 may = EPH 06:11 be =

EPH 06:05 well = PHP 04:14 with = EPH 06:05 thee = PHP 04:03 ,

and = EPH 06:04 thou = COL 04:17 mayest = 1TI 03:15 live = PHP

01:21 long = PHP 01:08 on = EPH 06:11 the = EPH 06:04 earth =

PHP 02:10 .

EPH 06:04 And = EPH 06:04 , ye = EPH 06:09 fathers = COL 03:21 ,

provoke = COL 03:21 not = EPH 06:06 your = EPH 06:05 children =

COL 03:06 to = EPH 06:05 wrath = COL 3:6: but = EPH 06:06 bring

= 1TH 04:14 them = EPH 06:05 up = COL 01:05 in = EPH 06:05 the =

EPH 06:04 nurture = EPH 06:04 and = EPH 06:05 admonition = TIT

03:10 of = EPH 06:05 the = EPH 06:05 Lord = EPH 06:07 .

EPH 06:05 Servants = EPH 06:06 , be = EPH 06:08 obedient = PHP

02:08 to = EPH 06:05 them = EPH 06:09 that = EPH 06:08 are = PHP

01:01 [your = EPH 06:05 ] masters = EPH 06:09 according = PHP 01:

20 to = EPH 06:07 the = EPH 06:06 flesh = EPH 06:12 , with = EPH

06:06 fear = PHP 01:14 and = EPH 06:07 trembling = PHP 02:12 ,

in = EPH 06:09 singleness = COL 03:22 of = EPH 06:06 your = EPH

06:09 heart = EPH 06:06 , as = EPH 06:06 unto = EPH 06:09 Christ

= EPH 06:06 ;

EPH 06:06 Not = EPH 06:07 with = EPH 06:07 eyeservice = COL 03:

22 , as = EPH 06:06 menpleasers = COL 03:22 ; but = EPH 06:12 as

= EPH 06:07 the = EPH 06:06 servants = PHP 01:01 of = EPH 06:06

Christ = EPH 06:23 , doing = EPH 06:07 the = EPH 06:06 will =

EPH 06:07 of = EPH 06:08 God = EPH 06:11 from = EPH 06:23 the =

EPH 06:07 heart = PHP 01:07 ;

EPH 06:07 With = EPH 06:09 good = EPH 06:08 will = PHP 01:06

doing = 2TH 03:13 service = PHP 02:17 , as = EPH 06:20 to = EPH

06:07 the = EPH 06:08 Lord = EPH 06:08 , and = EPH 06:09 not =

EPH 06:12 to = EPH 06:11 men = PHP 02:07:

EPH 06:08 Knowing = EPH 06:09 that = EPH 06:09 whatsoever = PHP

04:08 good = PHP 01:06 thing = PHP 01:06 any = PHP 02:01 man =

PHP 02:04 doeth = COL 03:25 , the = EPH 06:08 same = EPH 06:09

shall = EPH 06:16 he = EPH 06:08 receive = PHP 02:29 of = EPH 06:

09 the = EPH 06:09 Lord = EPH 06:10 , whether = PHP 01:18 [he =

EPH 06:22 be = EPH 06:10 ] bond = COL 03:11 or = PHP 01:18 free

= COL 03:11 .

EPH 06:09 And = EPH 06:10 , ye = EPH 06:11 masters = COL 03:22 ,

do = EPH 06:21 the = EPH 06:10 same = EPH 06:22 things = EPH 06:

21 unto = EPH 06:13 them = EPH 06:24 , forbearing = COL 03:13

threatening = EPH 06: 09: knowing = PHP 01:17 that = EPH 06:11

your = EPH 06:14 Master = COL 04:01 also = EPH 06:21 is = EPH 06:

09 in = EPH 06:10 heaven = PHP 2:10; neither = PHP 02:16 is =

EPH 06:17 there = PHP 02:01 respect = PHP 04:11 of = EPH 06:10

persons = COL 03:25 with = EPH 06:14 him = PHP 01:29 .

EPH 06:10 Finally = PHP 03:01 , my = EPH 06:19 brethren = EPH 06:

23 , be = EPH 06:11 strong = 2TH 02:11 in = EPH 06:10 the = EPH

06:10 Lord = EPH 06:21 , and = EPH 06:12 in = EPH 06:12 the =

EPH 06:11 power = PHP 03:10 of = EPH 06:11 his = PHP 01:29 might

= EPH 06:22 .

EPH 06:11 Put = COL 03:08 on = EPH 06:14 the = EPH 06:11 whole =

EPH 06:13 armour = EPH 06:13 of = EPH 06:11 God = EPH 06:13 ,

that = EPH 06:13 ye = EPH 06:13 may = EPH 06:13 be = EPH 06:13

able = EPH 06:13 to = EPH 06:13 stand = EPH 06:13 against = EPH

06:12 the = EPH 06:11 wiles = EPH 06:11 of = EPH 06:12 the = EPH

06:12 devil = 1TI 03:06 .

EPH 06:12 For = EPH 06:18 we = PHP 03:03 wrestle = EPH 06:12 not

= PHP 01:16 against = EPH 06:12 flesh = PHP 01:22 and = EPH 06:

13 blood = COL 01:14 , but = EPH 06:21 against = EPH 06:12

principalities = COL 01:16 , against = EPH 06:12 powers = COL 1:

16, against = EPH 06:12 the = EPH 06:12 rulers = MAR 05:22 of =

EPH 06:12 the = EPH 06:13 darkness = COL 01:13 of = EPH 06:13

this = PHP 01:06 world = PHP 02:15 , against = COL 02:14

spiritual = COL 01:09 wickedness = 1JO 05:19 in = EPH 06:13 high

= PHP 03:14 [places = PHP 1:13].

EPH 06:13 Wherefore = PHP 02:09 take = EPH 06:17 unto = EPH 06:

19 you = EPH 06:21 the = EPH 06:13 whole = 1TH 05:23 armour =

LUK 11:22 of = EPH 06:14 God = EPH 6:17, that = EPH 06:19 ye =

EPH 06:16 may = EPH 06:19 be = EPH 06:16 able = EPH 06:16 to =

EPH 06:13 withstand = ACT 11:17 in = EPH 06:18 the = EPH 06:14

evil = PHP 03:02 day = PHP 1:5, and = EPH 06:14 having = EPH 06:

14 done = PHP 02:03 all = EPH 06:16 , to = EPH 06:16 stand = EPH

06:14 .

EPH 06:14 Stand = PHP 01:27 therefore = PHP 02:01 , having = EPH

06:14 your = EPH 06:15 loins = HEB 07:05 girt = REV 01:13 about

= 1TI 05:13 with = EPH 06:15 truth = PHP 1:18, and = EPH 06:15

having = PHP 01:23 on = PHP 01:29 the = EPH 06:15 breastplate =

1TH 05:08 of = EPH 06:15 righteousness = PHP 01:11 ;

EPH 06:15 And = EPH 06:17 your = EPH 06:22 feet = 1TI 05:10 shod

= MAR 06:09 with = EPH 06:18 the = EPH 06:15 preparation = MAT

27:62 of = EPH 06:15 the = EPH 06:16 gospel = EPH 06:19 of = EPH

06:16 peace = EPH 06:23 ;

EPH 06:16 Above = PHP 02:09 all = EPH 06:16 , taking = 2TH 01:08

the = EPH 06:16 shield = EPH 06:16 of = EPH 06:16 faith = EPH 06:

23 , wherewith = 1TH 03:09 ye = EPH 06:21 shall = EPH 06:21 be =

EPH 06:19 able = PHP 03:21 to = EPH 06:19 quench = 1TH 05:19 all

= EPH 06:18 the = EPH 06:16 fiery = HEB 10:27 darts = EPH 06:16

of = EPH 06:17 the = EPH 06:17 wicked = COL 01:21 .

EPH 06:17 And = EPH 06:17 take = COL 04:17 the = EPH 06:17

helmet = 1TH 05:08 of = EPH 06:17 salvation = PHP 01:19 , and =

EPH 06:18 the = EPH 06:17 sword = HEB 04:12 of = EPH 06:17 the =

EPH 06:17 Spirit = EPH 06:18 , which = EPH 06:20 is = PHP 01:07

the = EPH 06:18 word = PHP 01:14 of = EPH 06:19 God = EPH 06:23 :

EPH 06:18 Praying = COL 01:03 always = PHP 01:04 with = EPH 06:

18 all = EPH 06:18 prayer = PHP 01:04 and = EPH 06:18

supplication = EPH 06:18 in = EPH 06:20 the = EPH 06:19 Spirit =

PHP 01:19 , and = EPH 06:18 watching = MAT 27:54 thereunto = 1TH

03:03 with = EPH 06:23 all = EPH 06:18 perseverance = EPH 06:18

and = EPH 06:19 supplication = PHP 04:06 for = EPH 06:19 all =

EPH 06:21 saints = PHP 01:01 ;

EPH 06:19 And = EPH 06:21 for = EPH 06:20 me = EPH 06:19 , that

= EPH 06:19 utterance = COL 04:03 may = EPH 06:19 be = EPH 06:23

given = PHP 01:29 unto = EPH 06:22 me = PHP 01:07 , that = EPH

06:20 I = EPH 06:20 may = EPH 06:20 open = COL 04:03 my = EPH 06:

21 mouth = COL 03:08 boldly = EPH 06:20 , to = EPH 06:20 make =

EPH 06:21 known = EPH 06:21 the = EPH 06:19 mystery = COL 01:26

of = PHP 01:01 the = EPH 06:21 gospel = PHP 01:05 ,

EPH 06:20 For = EPH 06:22 which = PHP 01:01 I = EPH 06:20 am =

PHP 01:17 an = PHP 01:28 ambassador = EPH 06:20 in = EPH 06:21

bonds = PHP 01:07: that = EPH 06:21 therein = PHP 01:18 I = EPH

06:20 may = EPH 06:21 speak = EPH 06:20 boldly = HEB 04:16 , as

= PHP 01:07 I = EPH 06:21 ought = COL 04:04 to = EPH 06:21 speak

= PHP 01:14 .

EPH 06:21 But = PHP 01:12 that = EPH 06:22 ye = EPH 06:22 also =

PHP 01:15 may = PHP 01:09 know = EPH 06:22 my = PHP 01:03

affairs = EPH 06:22 , [and = EPH 06:21 ] how = PHP 01:08 I = EPH

06:22 do = PHP 01:18 , Tychicus = COL 04:07 , a = PHP 01:06

beloved = PHP 02:12 brother = PHP 02:25 and = EPH 06:22 faithful

= COL 01:02 minister = COL 01:07 in = EPH 06:24 the = EPH 06:22

Lord = EPH 06:23 , shall = PHP 01:19 make = COL 01:27 known =

PHP 04:05 to = EPH 06:23 you = EPH 06:22 all = EPH 06:24 things

= PHP 01:10 :

EPH 06:22 Whom = PHP 02:15 I = PHP 01:03 have = PHP 01:07 sent =

PHP 02:28 unto = PHP 01:02 you = PHP 01:02 for = PHP 01:04 the =

EPH 06:23 same = PHP 01:30 purpose = COL 4:8, that = EPH 06:22

ye = PHP 01:07 might = EPH 06:22 know = PHP 01:19 our = EPH 06:

24 affairs = PHP 01:27 , and = EPH 06:23 [that = EPH 06:24 ] he

= PHP 01:06 might = PHP 03:04 comfort = PHP 02:01 your = PHP 01:

05 hearts = PHP 04:07 .

EPH 06:23 Peace = PHP 01:02 [be = EPH 06:24 ] to = PHP 01:01 the

= EPH 06:23 brethren = PHP 01:12 , and = EPH 06:23 love = EPH 06:

24 with = EPH 06:24 faith = PHP 1:25, from = PHP 01:02 God = PHP

01:02 the = EPH 06:23 Father = PHP 01:02 and = PHP 01:01 the =

PHP 01:01 Lord = EPH 06:24 Jesus = EPH 06:24 Christ = EPH 06:24 .

