Joel   1

 1. The word <01697> of the LORD <03068> that came <01961> to

Joel <03100> the son <01121> of Pethuel <06602>.

 2  Hear <08085> this <02063>, ye old <02205> men, and give ear

<0238>, all <03605> ye inhabitants <03427> of the land <0776>.

Hath this <02063> been <01961> in your days <03117>, or even

<0518> in the days <03117> of your fathers <01>?

 3  Tell <05608> ye your children <01121> of it, and [let] your

children <01121> [tell] their children <01121>, and their

children <01121> another <0312> generation <01755>.

 4  That which the palmerworm <01501> hath left <03499> hath the

locust <0697> eaten <0398>; and that which the locust <0697>

hath left <03499> hath the cankerworm <03218> eaten <0398>; and

that which the cankerworm <03218> hath left <03499> hath the

caterpiller <02625> eaten <0398>.

 5  Awake <06974>, ye drunkards <07910>, and weep <01058>; and

howl <03213>, all <03605> ye drinkers <08354> of wine <03196>,

because <05921> of the new wine <06071>; for it is cut <03772>

off from your mouth <06310>.

 6  For a nation <01471> is come <05927> up upon my land <0776>,

strong <06099>, and without <0369> number <04557>, whose teeth

<08127> [are] the teeth <08127> of a lion <0738>, and he hath

the cheek <04973> teeth <04973> of a great <03833> lion <03833>.

 7  He hath laid <07760> my vine <01612> waste <08047>, and

barked <07111> my fig <08384> tree: he hath made it clean bare

<02834>, and cast <07993> [it] away; the branches <08299>

thereof are made white <03835>.

 8. Lament <0421> like a virgin <01330> girded <02296> with

sackcloth <08242> for the husband <01167> of her youth <05271>.

 9  The meat offering <04503> and the drink <05262> offering is

cut <03772> off from the house <01004> of the LORD <03068>; the

priests <03548>, the LORD'S <03068> ministers <08334>, mourn


 10  The field <07704> is wasted <07703>, the land <0127>

mourneth <056>; for the corn <01715> is wasted <07703>: the new

<08492> wine <08492> is dried <03001> up, the oil <03323>

languisheth <0535>.

 11  Be ye ashamed <0954>, O ye husbandmen <0406>; howl <03213>,

O ye vinedressers <03755>, for the wheat <02406> and for the

barley <08184>; because <03588> the harvest <07105> of the field

<07704> is perished <06>.

 12  The vine <01612> is dried <03001> up, and the fig <08384>

tree languisheth <0535>; the pomegranate <07416> tree, the palm

<08558> tree also <01571>, and the apple <08598> tree, [even]

all <03605> the trees <06086> of the field <07704>, are withered

<03001>: because <03588> joy <08342> is withered <03001> away

from the sons <01121> of men <0120>.

 13  Gird <02296> yourselves, and lament <05594>, ye priests

<03548>: howl <03213>, ye ministers <08334> of the altar <04196>:

 come <0935>, lie <03885> all <03885> night in sackcloth <08242>,

 ye ministers <08334> of my God <0430>: for the meat offering

<04503> and the drink <05262> offering is withholden <04513>

from the house <01004> of your God <0430>.

 14. Sanctify <06942> ye a fast <06685>, call <07121> a solemn

<06116> assembly <06116>, gather <0622> the elders <02205> [and]

all <03605> the inhabitants <03427> of the land <0776> [into]

the house <01004> of the LORD <03068> your God <0430>, and cry

<02199> unto the LORD <03068>,

 15  Alas <0160> for the day <03117>! for the day <03117> of the

LORD <03068> [is] at <07138> hand <07138>, and as a destruction

<07701> from the Almighty <07706> shall it come <0935>.

 16  Is not the meat <0400> cut <03772> off before <05048> our

eyes <05869>, [yea], joy <08057> and gladness <01524> from the

house <01004> of our God <0430>?

 17  The seed <06507> is rotten <05685> under <08478> their

clods <04053>, the garners <0214> are laid desolate <08074>, the

barns <04460> are broken <02040> down <02040>; for the corn

<01715> is withered <03001>.

 18  How <04100> do the beasts <0929> groan <0584>! the herds

<05739> of cattle <01241> are perplexed <0943>, because <03588>

they have no <0369> pasture <04829>; yea <01571>, the flocks

<05739> of sheep <06629> are made desolate <0816>.

 19  O LORD <03068>, to thee will I cry <07121>: for the fire

<0784> hath devoured <0398> the pastures <04999> of the

wilderness <04057>, and the flame <03852> hath burned <03857>

all <03605> the trees <06086> of the field <07704>.

 20  The beasts <0929> of the field <07704> cry <06165> also

<01571> unto thee: for the rivers <0650> of waters <04325> are

dried <03001> up, and the fire <0784> hath devoured <0398> the

pastures <04999> of the wilderness <04057>.

Joel   2

 1. Blow <08628> ye the trumpet <07782> in Zion <06726>, and

sound <07321> an alarm <07321> in my holy <06944> mountain

<02022>: let all <03605> the inhabitants <03427> of the land

<0776> tremble <07264>: for the day <03117> of the LORD <03068>

cometh <0935>, for [it is] nigh <07126> at hand;

 2  A day <03117> of darkness <02822> and of gloominess <0653>,

a day <03117> of clouds <06051> and of thick darkness <06205>,

as the morning <07837> spread <06566> upon the mountains <02022>:

 a great <07227> people <05971> and a strong <06099>; there hath

not been <01961> ever <05769> the like <03644>, neither <03808>

shall be any more <03254> after <0310> it, [even] to the years

<08141> of many generations <01755>.

 3  A fire <0784> devoureth <0398> before <06440> them; and

behind <0310> them a flame <03852> burneth <03857>: the land

<0776> [is] as the garden <01588> of Eden <05731> before <06440>

them, and behind <0310> them a desolate <08077> wilderness

<04057>; yea <01571>, and nothing <03808> shall escape <06413>


 4  The appearance <04758> of them [is] as the appearance

<04758> of horses <05483>; and as horsemen <06571>, so <03651>

shall they run <07323>.

 5  Like the noise <06963> of chariots <04818> on <05921> the

tops <07218> of mountains <02022> shall they leap <07540>, like

the noise <06963> of a flame <03851> of fire <0784> that

devoureth <0398> the stubble <07179>, as a strong <06099> people

<05971> set in battle <04421> array <06186>.

 6  Before their face <06440> the people <05971> shall be much

pained <02342>: all <03605> faces <06440> shall gather <06908>

blackness <06289>.

 7  They shall run <07323> like mighty <01368> men; they shall

climb <05927> the wall <02346> like men <0582> of war <04421>;

and they shall march <03212> every <0376> one <0376> on his ways

<01870>, and they shall not break <05670> their ranks <0734>:

 8  Neither <03808> shall one <0376> thrust <01766> another

<0250>; they shall walk <03212> every <01397> one <01397> in his

path <04546>: and [when] they fall <05307> upon the sword

<07973>, they shall not be wounded <01214>.

 9  They shall run <08264> to and fro <08264> in the city

<05892>; they shall run <07323> upon the wall <02346>, they

shall climb <05927> up upon the houses <01004>; they shall enter

<0935> in at <01157> the windows <02474> like a thief <01590>.

 10  The earth <0776> shall quake <07264> before <06440> them;

the heavens <08064> shall tremble <07493>: the sun <08121> and

the moon <03394> shall be dark <06937>, and the stars <03556>

shall withdraw <0622> their shining <05051>:

 11  And the LORD <03068> shall utter <05414> his voice <06963>

before <06440> his army <02428>: for his camp <04264> [is] very

<03966> great <07227>: for [he is] strong <06099> that executeth

<06213> his word <01697>: for the day <03117> of the LORD

<03068> [is] great <01419> and very <03966> terrible <03372>;

and who <04310> can abide <03557> it?

 12. Therefore <01571> also <01571> now <06258>, saith <05002>

the LORD <03068>, turn <07725> ye [even] to me with all <03605>

your heart <03824>, and with fasting <06685>, and with weeping

<01065>, and with mourning <04553>:

 13  And rend <07167> your heart <03824>, and not your garments

<0899>, and turn <07725> unto the LORD <03068> your God <0430>:

for he [is] gracious <02587> and merciful <07349>, slow <0750>

to anger <0639>, and of great <07227> kindness <02617>, and

repenteth <05162> him of the evil <07451>.

 14  Who <04310> knoweth <03045> [if] he will return <07725> and

repent <05162>, and leave <07604> a blessing <01293> behind

<0310> him; [even] a meat offering <04503> and a drink <05262>

offering unto the LORD <03068> your God <0430>?

 15  Blow <08628> the trumpet <07782> in Zion <06726>, sanctify

<06942> a fast <06685>, call <07121> a solemn <06116> assembly


 16  Gather <0622> the people <05971>, sanctify <06942> the

congregation <06951>, assemble <06908> the elders <02205>,

gather <0622> the children <05768>, and those that suck <03243>

the breasts <07699>: let the bridegroom <02860> go <03318> forth

<03318> of his chamber <02315>, and the bride <03618> out of her

closet <02646>.

 17  Let the priests <03548>, the ministers <08334> of the LORD

<03068>, weep <01058> between <0996> the porch <0197> and the

altar <04196>, and let them say <0559>, Spare <02347> thy people

<05971>, O LORD <03068>, and give <05414> not thine heritage

<05159> to reproach <02781>, that the heathen <01471> should

rule <04910> over them: wherefore <04100> should they say <0559>

among the people <05971>, Where <0346> [is] their God <0430>?

 18. Then will the LORD <03068> be jealous <07065> for his land

<0776>, and pity <02550> his people <05971>.

 19  Yea, the LORD <03068> will answer <06030> and say <0559>

unto his people <05971>, Behold <02005>, I will send <07971> you

corn <01715>, and wine <08492>, and oil <03323>, and ye shall be

satisfied <07646> therewith <0854>: and I will no <03808> more

<05750> make <05414> you a reproach <02781> among the heathen


 20  But I will remove <07368> far <07368> off from you the

northern <06830> [army], and will drive <05080> him into <0413>

a land <0776> barren <06723> and desolate <08077>, with his face

<06440> toward <0413> the east <06931> sea <03220>, and his

hinder <05490> part toward <0413> the utmost <0314> sea <03220>,

and his stink <0889> shall come <05927> up, and his ill <06709>

savour <06709> shall come <05927> up, because <03588> he hath

done <06213> great <01431> things.

 21  Fear <03372> not, O land <0127>; be glad <01523> and

rejoice <08055>: for the LORD <03068> will do <06213> great

<01431> things.

 22  Be not afraid <03372>, ye beasts <0929> of the field

<07704>: for the pastures <04999> of the wilderness <04057> do

spring <01876>, for the tree <06086> beareth <05375> her fruit

<06529>, the fig <08384> tree and the vine <01612> do <06213>

yield <05414> their strength <02428>.

 23  Be glad <01523> then, ye children <01121> of Zion <06726>,

and rejoice <08055> in the LORD <03068> your God <0430>: for he

hath given <05414> you the former <04175> rain <04175>

moderately <06666>, and he will cause to come <03381> down

<03381> for you the rain <01653>, the former <04175> rain

<04175>, and the latter <04456> rain <04456> in the first

<07223> [month].

 24  And the floors <01637> shall be full <04390> of wheat

<01250>, and the fats shall overflow <07783> with wine <08492>

and oil <03323>.

 25  And I will restore <07999> to you the years <08141> that

the locust <0697> hath eaten <0398>, the cankerworm <03218>, and

the caterpiller <02625>, and the palmerworm <01501>, my great

<01419> army <02428> which <0834> I sent <07971> among you.

 26  And ye shall eat <0398> in plenty <0398>, and be satisfied

<07646>, and praise <01984> the name <08034> of the LORD <03068>

your God <0430>, that hath dealt <06213> wondrously <06381> with

you: and my people <05971> shall never be ashamed <0954>.

 27  And ye shall know <03045> that I [am] in the midst <07130>

of Israel <03478>, and [that] I [am] the LORD <03068> your God

<0430>, and none <0369> else <05750>: and my people <05971>

shall never be ashamed <0954>.

 28. And it shall come <01961> to pass afterward, [that] I will

pour <08210> out my spirit <07307> upon all <03605> flesh

<01320>; and your sons <01121> and your daughters <01121> shall

prophesy <05012>, your old <02205> men shall dream <02492>

dreams <02472>, your young <0970> men shall see <07200> visions


 29  And also <01571> upon the servants <05650> and upon the

handmaids <08198> in those <01992> days <03117> will I pour

<08210> out my spirit <07307>.

 30  And I will shew <05414> wonders <04159> in the heavens

<08064> and in the earth <0776>, blood <01818>, and fire <0784>,

and pillars <08490> of smoke <06227>.

 31  The sun <08121> shall be turned <02015> into darkness

<02822>, and the moon <03394> into blood <01818>, before <06440>

the great <01419> and the terrible <03372> day <03117> of the

LORD <03068> come <0635>.

 32  And it shall come <01961> to pass, [that] whosoever <0834>

shall call <07121> on the name <08034> of the LORD <03068> shall

be delivered <04422>: for in mount <02022> Zion <06726> and in

Jerusalem <03389> shall be deliverance <06413>, as the LORD

<03068> hath said <0559>, and in the remnant <08600> whom <0834>

the LORD <03068> shall call <07121>.

Joel   3

 1. For, behold <02009>, in those <01992> days <03117>, and in

that time <06256>, when <0834> I shall bring <07725> again

<07725> the captivity <07622> of Judah <03063> and Jerusalem


 2  I will also gather <06908> all <03605> nations <01471>, and

will bring <03381> them down <03381> into <0413> the valley

<06010> of Jehoshaphat <03092>, and will plead <08199> with them

there <08033> for my people <05971> and [for] my heritage

<05159> Israel <03478>, whom <0834> they have scattered <06327>

among the nations <01471>, and parted <02505> my land <0776>.

 3  And they have cast <03032> lots <01486> for my people

<05971>; and have given <05414> a boy <03206> for an harlot

<02181>, and sold <04376> a girl <03207> for wine <03196>, that

they might drink <08354>.

 4  Yea <01571>, and what <04100> have ye to do with me, O Tyre

<06865>, and Zidon <06721>, and all <03605> the coasts <01552>

of Palestine <06429>? will ye render <07999> me a recompence

<01576>? and if <0518> ye recompense <01580> me, swiftly <07031>

[and] speedily <04120> will I return <07725> your recompence

<01576> upon your own head <07218>;

 5  Because <0834> ye have taken <03947> my silver <03701> and

my gold <02091>, and have carried <0935> into your temples

<01964> my goodly <02896> pleasant <04261> things:

 6  The children <01121> also of Judah <03063> and the children

<01121> of Jerusalem <03389> have ye sold <04376> unto the

Grecians <03125>, that ye might remove <07368> them far <07368>

from their border <01366>.

 7  Behold <02005>, I will raise <05782> them out of the place

<04725> whither ye have sold <04376> them, and will return

<07725> your recompence <01576> upon your own head <07218>:

 8  And I will sell <04376> your sons <01121> and your daughters

<01121> into the hand <03027> of the children <01121> of Judah

<03063>, and they shall sell <04376> them to the Sabeans <07615>,

 to a people <01471> far <07350> off: for the LORD <03068> hath

spoken <01696> [it].

 9. Proclaim <07121> ye this <02063> among the Gentiles <01471>;

Prepare <06942> war <04421>, wake <05782> up the mighty <01368>

men <0582>, let all <03605> the men <0582> of war <04421> draw

near <05066>; let them come <05927> up:

 10  Beat <03807> your plowshares <0855> into swords <02719>,

and your pruninghooks <04211> into spears <07420>: let the weak

<02523> say <0559>, I [am] strong <01368>.

 11  Assemble <05789> yourselves, and come <0935>, all <03605>

ye heathen <01471>, and gather <06908> yourselves together round

<05439> about: thither cause thy mighty <01368> ones to come

<05181> down <05181>, O LORD <03068>.

 12  Let the heathen <01471> be wakened <05782>, and come

<05927> up to the valley <06010> of Jehoshaphat <03092>: for

there <08033> will I sit <03427> to judge <08199> all <03605>

the heathen <01471> round <05439> about.

 13  Put <07971> ye in the sickle <04038>, for the harvest

<07105> is ripe <01310>: come <0935>, get <03381> you down

<03381>; for the press <01660> is full <04390>, the fats <03342>

overflow <07783>; for their wickedness <07451> [is] great


 14  Multitudes <01995>, multitudes <01995> in the valley

<06010> of decision <02742>: for the day <03117> of the LORD

<03068> [is] near <07138> in the valley <06010> of decision


 15  The sun <08121> and the moon <03394> shall be darkened

<06937>, and the stars <03556> shall withdraw <0622> their

shining <05051>.

 16  The LORD <03068> also shall roar <07580> out of Zion

<06726>, and utter <05414> his voice <06963> from Jerusalem

<03389>; and the heavens <08064> and the earth <0776> shall

shake <07493>: but the LORD <03068> [will be] the hope <04268>

of his people <05971>, and the strength <04581> of the children

<01121> of Israel <03478>.

 17  So shall ye know <03045> that I [am] the LORD <03068> your

God <0430> dwelling <07931> in Zion <06726>, my holy <06944>

mountain <02022>: then shall Jerusalem <03389> be holy <06944>,

and there shall no <03808> strangers <02114> pass <05674>

through her any more <05750>.

 18. And it shall come <01961> to pass in that day <03117>,

[that] the mountains <02022> shall drop <05197> down new wine

<06071>, and the hills <01389> shall flow <03212> with milk

<02461>, and all <03605> the rivers <0650> of Judah <03063>

shall flow <03212> with waters <04325>, and a fountain <04599>

shall come <03318> forth <03318> of the house <01004> of the

LORD <03068>, and shall water <08248> the valley <05158> of

Shittim <07851>.

 19  Egypt <04714> shall be a desolation <08077>, and Edom

<0123> shall be a desolate <08077> wilderness <04057>, for the

violence <02555> [against] the children <01121> of Judah <03063>,

 because <0834> they have shed <08210> innocent <05355> blood

<01818> in their land <0776>.

 20  But Judah <03063> shall dwell <03427> for ever <05769>, and

Jerusalem <03389> from generation <01755> to generation <01755>.

 21  For I will cleanse <05352> their blood <01818> [that] I

have not cleansed <05352>: for the LORD <03068> dwelleth <07931>

in Zion <06726>.

