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ISA-11:9 ...for the earth shall be
full of the knowledge of the LORD,
as the waters cover the sea.
Matthew 1
1. The book 0976-biblos- of the generation 1078-genesis-
of Jesus 2424-Iesous- Christ 5547-Christos- , the son
5207-huios- of David 1138-Dabid- , the son 5207-huios-
of Abraham 11 .
2 Abraham 0011-Abraam- begat 1080-gennao- Isaac 2464-
Isaak- ; and Isaac 2464-Isaak- begat 1080-gennao-
Jacob 2384-Iakob- ; and Jacob 2384-Iakob- begat 1080-
gennao- Judas 2455-Ioudas- and his brethren 0080-
adephos- ;
3 And Judas 2455-Ioudas- begat 1080-gennao- Phares
5329-Phares- and Zara 2196-Zara- of Thamar 2283-Thamar-
; and Phares 5329-Phares- begat 1080-gennao- Esrom
2074-Esrom- ; and Esrom 2074-Esrom- begat 1080-gennao-
Aram 0689-Aram- ;
4 And Aram 0689-Aram- begat 1080-gennao- Aminadab
0284-Aminadab- ; and Aminadab 0284-Aminadab- begat 1080-
gennao- Naasson 3476-Naasson- ; and Naasson 3476-
Naasson- begat 1080-gennao- Salmon 4533-Salmon- ;
5 And Salmon 4533-Salmon- begat 1080-gennao- Booz
1003-Booz- of Rachab 4477-Rhachab- ; and Booz 1003-Booz-
begat 1080-gennao- Obed 5601-Obed- of Ruth 4503-
Rhouth- ; and Obed 5601-Obed- begat 1080-gennao- Jesse
2421-Iessai- ;
6 And Jesse 2421-Iessai- begat 1080-gennao- David
1138-Dabid- the king 0935-basileus- ; and David 1138-
Dabid- the king 0935-basileus- begat 1080-gennao-
Solomon 4672-Solomon- of her [that had been the wife] of
Urias 3774-Ourias- ;
7 And Solomon 4672-Solomon- begat 1080-gennao- Roboam
4497-Rhoboam- ; and Roboam 4497-Rhoboam- begat 1080-
gennao- Abia 0007-Abia- ; and Abia 0007-Abia- begat
1080-gennao- Asa 0760-Asa- ;
8 And Asa 0760-Asa- begat 1080-gennao- Josaphat 2498-
Iosaphat- ; and Josaphat 2498-Iosaphat- begat 1080-
gennao- Joram 2496-Ioram- ; and Joram 2496-Ioram-
begat 1080-gennao- Ozias 3604 ;
9 And Ozias 3604 begat 1080-gennao- Joatham 2488-
Ioatham- ; and Joatham 2488-Ioatham- begat 1080-gennao-
Achaz 0881-Achaz- ; and Achaz 0881-Achaz- begat 1080-
gennao- Ezekias 1478-Ezekias- ;
10 And Ezekias 1478-Ezekias- begat 1080-gennao-
Manasses 3128-Manasses- ; and Manasses 3128-Manasses-
begat 1080-gennao- Amon 0300-Amon- ; and Amon 0300-
Amon- begat 1080-gennao- Josias 2502-Iosias- ;
11 And Josias 2502-Iosias- begat 1080-gennao-
Jechonias 2423-Iechonias- and his brethren 0080-adephos-
, about 1909-epi- the time 1909-epi- they were
carried 3350-metoikesia- away 3350-metoikesia- to
Babylon 0897-Babulon- :
12 And after 3326-meta- they were brought 3350-
metoikesia- to Babylon 0897-Babulon- , Jechonias 2423-
Iechonias- begat 1080-gennao- Salathiel 4528-Salathiel-
; and Salathiel 4528-Salathiel- begat 1080-gennao-
Zorobabel 2216-Zorobabel- ;
13 And Zorobabel 2216-Zorobabel- begat 1080-gennao-
Abiud 10 ; and Abiud 0010-Abioud- begat 1080-gennao-
Eliakim 1662-Eliakeim- ; and Eliakim 1662-Eliakeim-
begat 1080-gennao- Azor 0107-Azor- ;
14 And Azor 0107-Azor- begat 1080-gennao- Sadoc 4524-
Sadok- ; and Sadoc 4524-Sadok- begat 1080-gennao-
Achim 0885-Acheim- ; and Achim 0885-Acheim- begat 1080-
gennao- Eliud 1664-Elioud- ;
15 And Eliud 1664-Elioud- begat 1080-gennao- Eleazar
1648-Eleazar- ; and Eleazar 1648-Eleazar- begat 1080-
gennao- Matthan 3157-Matthan- ; and Matthan 3157-
Matthan- begat 1080-gennao- Jacob 2384-Iakob- ;
16 And Jacob 2384-Iakob- begat 1080-gennao- Joseph
2501-Ioseph- the husband 0435-aner- of Mary 3137-Maria-
, of whom 3739-hos- was born 1080-gennao- Jesus 2424-
Iesous- , who 3588-ho- is called 3004-lego- Christ
5547-Christos- .
17 So 3767-oun- all 3956-pas- the generations 1074-
genea- from Abraham 0011-Abraam- to David 1138-Dabid-
[are] fourteen 1180-dekatessares- generations 1074-
genea- ; and from David 1138-Dabid- until 2193-heos-
the carrying 3350-metoikesia- away 3350-metoikesia-
into 3350-metoikesia- Babylon 0897-Babulon- [are]
fourteen 1180-dekatessares- generations 1074-genea- ; and
from the carrying 3350-metoikesia- away 3350-metoikesia-
into 3350-metoikesia- Babylon 0897-Babulon- unto
Christ 5547-Christos- [are] fourteen 1180-dekatessares-
generations 1074-genea- .
18. Now 1161-de- the birth 1083-gennesis- of Jesus
2424-Iesous- Christ 5547-Christos- was on 3779-houto-
this 3779-houto- wise 3779-houto- : When as his mother
3384-meter- Mary 3137-Maria- was espoused 3423-
mnesteuo- to Joseph 2501-Ioseph- , before 2228-e- they
came 4905-sunerchomai- together 4905-sunerchomai- , she was
found 2147-heurisko- with child 1064-gaster- of the Holy
0040-hagios- Ghost 4151-pneuma- .
19 Then 1161-de- Joseph 2501-Ioseph- her husband
0435-aner- , being 5607-on- a just 1342-dikaios- [man],
and not willing 2309-thelo- to make 3856-
paradeigmatizo- her a publick 3856-paradeigmatizo-
example 3856-paradeigmatizo- , was minded 1014-boo-lom-
ahee- to put 0630-apoluo- her away 0630-apoluo-
privily 2977-lathra- .
20 But while he thought 1760-enthumeomai- on 1760-
enthumeomai- these 5023-tauta- things, behold 2400-
idou- , the angel 0032-aggelos- of the Lord 2962-kurios-
appeared 5316-phaino- unto him in a dream 3677-onar- ,
saying 3004-lego- , Joseph 2501-Ioseph- , thou son
5207-huios- of David 1138-Dabid- , fear 5399-phobeo-
not to take 3880-paralambano- unto thee Mary 3137-Maria-
thy wife 1135-gune- : for that which is conceived 1080-
gennao- in her is of the Holy 0040-hagios- Ghost 4151-
pneuma- .
21 And she shall bring 5088-tikto- forth 5088-tikto-
a son 5207-huios- , and thou shalt call 2564-kaleo- his
name 3686-onoma- JESUS 2424-Iesous- : for he shall save
4982-sozo- his people 2992-laos- from their sins 0266-
hamartia- .
22 Now 1161-de- all 3650-holos- this 5124-touto-
was done 1096-ginomai- , that it might be fulfilled 4137-
pleroo- which 3588-ho- was spoken 4483-rheo- of the
Lord 2962-kurios- by the prophet 4396-prophetes- ,
saying 3004-lego- ,
23 Behold 2400-idou- , a virgin 3933-parthenos- shall
be with child 1064-gaster- , and shall bring 5088-tikto-
forth 5088-tikto- a son 5207-huios- , and they shall
call 2564-kaleo- his name 3686-onoma- Emmanuel 1694-
Emmanouel- , which 3739-hos- being interpreted 3177-
methermeneuo- is, God 2316-theos- with us.
24 Then 1161-de- Joseph 2501-Ioseph- being raised
1326-diegeiro- from sleep 5258-hupnos- did 4160-poieo-
as the angel 0032-aggelos- of the Lord 2962-kurios-
had bidden 4367-prostasso- him, and took 3880-
paralambano- unto him his wife 1135-gune- :
25 And knew 1097-ginosko- her not till 2193-heos- she
had brought 5088-tikto- forth 5088-tikto- her
firstborn 4416-prototokos- son 5207-huios- : and he
called 2564-kaleo- his name 3686-onoma- JESUS 2424-
Iesous- .
Matthew 2
1. Now 1161-de- when Jesus 2424-Iesous- was born 1080-
gennao- in Bethlehem 0965-Bethleem- of Judaea 2449-
Ioudaia- in the days 2250-hemera- of Herod 2264-
Herodes- the king 0935-basileus- , behold 2400-idou- ,
there came 3854-paraginomai- wise 3097-magos- men from
the east 0395-anatole- to Jerusalem 2414-Hierosoluma- ,
2 Saying 3004-lego- , Where 4226-pou- is he that is
born 5088-tikto- King 0935-basileus- of the Jews 2453-
Ioudaios- ? for we have seen 1492-eido- his star 0792-
aster- in the east 0395-anatole- , and are come 2064-
erchomai- to worship 4352-proskuneo- him.
3 When Herod 2264-Herodes- the king 0935-basileus-
had heard 0191-akouo- [these things], he was troubled
5015-tarasso- , and all 3956-pas- Jerusalem 2414-
Hierosoluma- with him.
4 And when he had gathered 4863-sunago- all 3956-pas-
the chief 0749-archiereus- priests 0749-archiereus-
and scribes 1122-grammateus- of the people 2992-laos-
together 4863-sunago- , he demanded 4441-punthanomai-
of them where 4226-pou- Christ 5547-Christos- should
be born 1080-gennao- .
5 And they said 2036-epo- unto him, In Bethlehem 0965-
Bethleem- of Judaea 2449-Ioudaia- : for thus 3779-houto-
it is written 1125-grapho- by the prophet 4396-
prophetes- ,
6 And thou Bethlehem 0965-Bethleem- , [in] the land
1093-ge- of Juda 2455-Ioudas- , art 1488-ei- not the
least 1646-elachistos- among 1722-en- the princes
2232-hegemon- of Juda 2455-Ioudas- : for out of thee
shall come 1831-exerchomai- a Governor 2233-hegeomai- ,
that shall rule 4165-poimaino- my people 2992-laos-
Israel 2474-Israel- .
7 Then 5119-tote- Herod 2264-Herodes- , when he had
privily 2977-lathra- called 2564-kaleo- the wise 3097-
magos- men, enquired 0198-akriboo- of them diligently
what 3588-ho- time 5550-chronos- the star 0792-aster-
appeared 5316-phaino- .
8 And he sent 3992-pempo- them to Bethlehem 0965-
Bethleem- , and said 2036-epo- , Go 4198-poreuomai- and
search 1833-exetazo- diligently 0199-akribos- for the
young 3813-paidion- child 3813-paidion- ; and when
1875-epan- ye have found 2147-heurisko- [him], bring
0518-apaggello- me word 0518-apaggello- again 0518-
apaggello- , that I may come 2064-erchomai- and worship
4352-proskuneo- him also 2504-kago- .
9. When they had heard 0191-akouo- the king 0935-
basileus- , they departed 4198-poreuomai- ; and, lo 2400-
idou- , the star 0792-aster- , which 3739-hos- they saw
1492-eido- in the east 0395-anatole- , went 4254-
proago- before 4254-proago- them, till 2193-heos- it
came 2064-erchomai- and stood 2476-histemi- over 1883-
epano- where 3757-hou- the young 3813-paidion- child
3813-paidion- was.
10 When they saw 1492-eido- the star 0792-aster- ,
they rejoiced 5463-chairo- with exceeding 4970-sphodra-
great 3173-megas- joy 5479-chara- .
11 And when they were come 2064-erchomai- into 1519-
eis- the house 3614-oikia- , they saw 2147-heurisko-
the young 3813-paidion- child 3813-paidion- with Mary
3137-Maria- his mother 3384-meter- , and fell 4098-
pipto- down 4098-pipto- , and worshipped 4352-proskuneo-
him: and when they had opened 0455-anoigo- their
treasures 2344-thesauros- , they presented 4374-
prosphero- unto him gifts 1435-doron- ; gold 5557-chrusos- ,
and frankincense 3030-libanos- , and myrrh 4666-smurna- .
12 And being warned 5537-chrematizo- of God in a dream
3677-onar- that they should not return 0344-anakampto-
to Herod 2264-Herodes- , they departed 0402-anachoreo-
into 1519-eis- their own country 5561-chora- another
0243-allos- way 3598-hodos- .
13. And when they were departed 0402-anachoreo- , behold
2400-idou- , the angel 0032-aggelos- of the Lord 2962-
kurios- appeareth 5316-phaino- to Joseph 2501-Ioseph-
in a dream 3677-onar- , saying 3004-lego- , Arise 1453-
egeiro- , and take 3880-paralambano- the young 3813-
paidion- child 3813-paidion- and his mother 3384-meter-
, and flee 5343-pheugo- into 1519-eis- Egypt 0125-
Aiguptos- , and be thou there 1563-ekei- until 2193-
heos- I bring 2036-epo- thee word 2036-epo- : for Herod
2264-Herodes- will 3195-mello- seek 2212-zeteo- the young
3813-paidion- child 3813-paidion- to destroy 0622-
apollumi- him.
14 When he arose 1453-egeiro- , he took 3880-
paralambano- the young 3813-paidion- child 3813-
paidion- and his mother 3384-meter- by night 3571-nux-
, and departed 0402-anachoreo- into 1519-eis- Egypt
0125-Aiguptos- :
15 And was there 1563-ekei- until 2193-heos- the
death 5054-teleute- of Herod 2264-Herodes- : that it
might be fulfilled 4137-pleroo- which 3588-ho- was
spoken 4483-rheo- of the Lord 2962-kurios- by the
prophet 4396-prophetes- , saying 3004-lego- , Out of
Egypt 0125-Aiguptos- have I called 2564-kaleo- my son
5207-huios- .
16. Then 5119-tote- Herod 2264-Herodes- , when he saw
1492-eido- that he was mocked 1702-empaizo- of the wise
3097-magos- men, was exceeding 3029-lian- wroth 2373-
thumoo- , and sent 0649-apostello- forth 0649-apostello-
, and slew 0337-anaireo- all 3956-pas- the children
3816-pais- that were in Bethlehem 0965-Bethleem- , and
in all 3956-pas- the coasts 3725-horion- thereof 0846-
autos- , from two 1332-dietes- years 1332-dietes- old
1332-dietes- and under 2736-kato- , according 2596-kata- to
the time 5550-chronos- which 3739-hos- he had
diligently enquired 0198-akriboo- of the wise 3097-
magos- men.
17 Then 5119-tote- was fulfilled 4137-pleroo- that
which 3588-ho- was spoken 4483-rheo- by Jeremy 2408-
Hieremias- the prophet 4396-prophetes- , saying 3004-
lego- ,
18 In Rama 4471-Rhama- was there a voice 5456-phone-
heard 0191-akouo- , lamentation 2355-threnos- , and
weeping 2805-klauthmos- , and great 4183-polus-
mourning 3602-odurmos- , Rachel 4478-Rhachel- weeping
2799-klaio- [for] her children 5043-teknon- , and would
2309-thelo- not be comforted 3870-parakaleo- , because
3754-hoti- they are not.
19. But when Herod 2264-Herodes- was dead 5053-teleutao-
, behold 2400-idou- , an angel 0032-aggelos- of the
Lord 2962-kurios- appeareth 5316-phaino- in a dream
3677-onar- to Joseph 2501-Ioseph- in Egypt 0125-
Aiguptos- ,
20 Saying 3004-lego- , Arise 1453-egeiro- , and take
3880-paralambano- the young 3813-paidion- child 3813-
paidion- and his mother 3384-meter- , and go 4198-
poreuomai- into 1519-eis- the land 1093-ge- of Israel
2474-Israel- : for they are dead 2348-thnesko- which
3588-ho- sought 2212-zeteo- the young 3813-paidion-
child's 3813-paidion- life 5590-psuche- .
21 And he arose 1453-egeiro- , and took 3880-
paralambano- the young 3813-paidion- child 3813-
paidion- and his mother 3384-meter- , and came 2064-
erchomai- into 1519-eis- the land 1093-ge- of Israel
2474-Israel- .
22 But when he heard 0191-akouo- that Archelaus 0745-
Archelaos- did reign 0936-basileuo- in Judaea 2449-
Ioudaia- in the room 0473-anti- of his father 3962-
pater- Herod 2264-Herodes- , he was afraid 5399-phobeo-
to go 0565-aperchomai- thither 1563-ekei- :
notwithstanding, being warned 5537-chrematizo- of God in a
dream 3677-onar- , he turned 0402-anachoreo- aside
0402-anachoreo- into 1519-eis- the parts of Galilee
1056-Galilaia- :
23 And he came 2064-erchomai- and dwelt 2730-katoikeo-
in a city 4172-polis- called 3004-lego- Nazareth
3478-Nazareth- : that it might be fulfilled 4137-pleroo-
which 3588-ho- was spoken 4483-rheo- by the prophets
4396-prophetes- , He shall be called 2564-kaleo- a
Nazarene 3480-Nazoraios- .
Matthew 3
1. In those 1565-ekeinos- days 2250-hemera- came
3854-paraginomai- John 2491-Ioannes- the Baptist 0910-
Baptistes- , preaching 2784-kerusso- in the wilderness
2048-eremos- of Judaea 2449-Ioudaia- ,
2 And saying 3004-lego- , Repent 3340-metanoeo- ye:
for the kingdom 0932-basileia- of heaven 3772-ouranos-
is at 1448-eggizo- hand 1448-eggizo- .
3 For this 3778-houtos- is he that was spoken 4483-
rheo- of by the prophet 4396-prophetes- Esaias 2268-
Hesaias- , saying 3004-lego- , The voice 5456-phone- of
one crying 0994-boao- in the wilderness 2048-eremos- ,
Prepare 2090-hetoimazo- ye the way 3598-hodos- of the
Lord 2962-kurios- , make 4160-poieo- his paths 5147-
tribos- straight 2117-euthus- .
4 And the same 0846-autos- John 2491-Ioannes- had
2192-echo- his raiment 1742-enduma- of camel's 2574-
kamelos- hair 2359-thrix- , and a leathern 1193-
dermatinos- girdle 2223-zone- about 4012-peri- his
loins 3751-osphus- ; and his meat 5160-trophe- was
locusts 0200-akris- and wild 0066-agrios- honey 3192-
meli- .
5 Then 5119-tote- went 1607-ekporeuomai- out to him
Jerusalem 2414-Hierosoluma- , and all 3956-pas- Judaea
2449-Ioudaia- , and all 3956-pas- the region 4066-
perichoros- round 4066-perichoros- about 4066-
perichoros- Jordan 2446-Iordanes- ,
6 And were baptized 0907-baptizo- of him in Jordan
2446-Iordanes- , confessing 1843-exomologeo- their sins
0266-hamartia- .
7. But when he saw 1492-eido- many 4183-polus- of the
Pharisees 5330-Pharisaios- and Sadducees 4523-
Saddoukaios- come 2064-erchomai- to his baptism 0908-
baptisma- , he said 2036-epo- unto them, O generation
1081-gennema- of vipers 2191-echidna- , who 5101-tis-
hath warned 5263-hupodeiknumi- you to flee 5343-pheugo-
from the wrath 3709-orge- to come 3195-mello- ?
8 Bring 4160-poieo- forth 4160-poieo- therefore 3767-
oun- fruits 2590-karpos- meet 0514-axios- for
repentance 3341-metanoia- :
9 And think 1380-dokeo- not to say 3004-lego- within
1722-en- yourselves 1438-heautou- , We have 2192-echo-
Abraham 0011-Abraam- to [our] father 3962-pater- : for I
say 3004-lego- unto you, that God 2316-theos- is able
1410-dunamai- of these 5130-touton- stones 3037-lithos-
to raise 1453-egeiro- up children 5043-teknon- unto
Abraham 11 .
10 And now 2236-hedista- also 2532-kai- the axe 0513-
axine- is laid 2749-keimai- unto the root 4491-rhiza-
of the trees 1186-dendron- : therefore 3767-oun- every
3956-pas- tree 1186-dendron- which bringeth 4160-poieo-
not forth 4160-poieo- good 2570-kalos- fruit 2590-
karpos- is hewn 1581-ekkopto- down 1581-ekkopto- , and
cast 0906-ballo- into 1519-eis- the fire 4442-pur- .
11 I indeed 3303-men- baptize 0907-baptizo- you with
water 5204-hudor- unto repentance 3341-metanoia- : but
he that cometh 2064-erchomai- after 3694-opiso- me is
mightier 2478-ischuros- than I, whose 3739-hos- shoes
5266-hupodema- I am 1510-eimi- not worthy 2425-hikanos-
to bear 0941-bastazo- : he shall baptize 0907-baptizo-
you with the Holy 0040-hagios- Ghost 4151-pneuma- ,
and [with] fire 4442-pur- :
12 Whose 3739-hos- fan 4425-ptuon- [is] in his hand
5495-cheir- , and he will 3195-mello- throughly
1245-diakatharizo- purge 1245-diakatharizo- his floor
0257-halon- , and gather 4863-sunago- his wheat 4621-sitos-
into 1519-eis- the garner 0596-apotheke- ; but he will
3195-mello- burn 2618-katakaio- up the chaff 0892-
achuron- with unquenchable 0762-asbestos- fire 4442-
pur- .
13. Then 5119-tote- cometh 3854-paraginomai- Jesus
2424-Iesous- from Galilee 1056-Galilaia- to Jordan
2446-Iordanes- unto John 2491-Ioannes- , to be baptized
0907-baptizo- of him.
14 But John 2491-Ioannes- forbad 1254-diakoluo- him,
saying 3004-lego- , I have 2192-echo- need 5532-chreia-
to be baptized 0907-baptizo- of thee, and comest 2064-
erchomai- thou to me?
15 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- answering 0611-apokrinomai-
said 2036-epo- unto him, Suffer 0863-aphiemi- [it to
be so] now 0737-arti- : for thus 3779-houto- it
becometh 4241-prepo- us to fulfil 4137-pleroo- all
3956-pas- righteousness 1343-dikaiosune- . Then 5119-
tote- he suffered 0863-aphiemi- him.
16 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- , when he was baptized 0907-
baptizo- , went 0305-anabaino- up straightway 2117-
euthus- out of the water 5204-hudor- : and, lo 2400-
idou- , the heavens 3772-ouranos- were opened 0455-
anoigo- unto him, and he saw 1492-eido- the Spirit
4151-pneuma- of God 2316-theos- descending 2597-katabaino-
like 5616-hosei- a dove 4058-peristera- , and lighting
2064-erchomai- upon him:
17 And lo 2400-idou- a voice 5456-phone- from heaven
3772-ouranos- , saying 3004-lego- , This 3778-houtos-
is my beloved 0027-agapetos- Son 5207-huios- , in whom
3739-hos- I am well 2106-eudokeo- pleased 2106-eudokeo-
Matthew 4
1. Then 5119-tote- was Jesus 2424-Iesous- led 0321-
anago- up of the Spirit 4151-pneuma- into 1519-eis-
the wilderness 2048-eremos- to be tempted 3985-peirazo-
of the devil 1228-diabolos- .
2 And when he had fasted 3522-nesteuo- forty 5062-
tessarakonta- days 2250-hemera- and forty 5062-
tessarakonta- nights 3571-nux- , he was afterward 5305-
husteron- an hungred 3983-peinao- .
3 And when the tempter 3985-peirazo- came 4334-
proserchomai- to him, he said 2036-epo- , If 1487-ei-
thou be the Son 5207-huios- of God 2316-theos- ,
command 2036-epo- that these 3778-houtos- stones 3037-
lithos- be made 1096-ginomai- bread 0740-artos- .
4 But he answered 0611-apokrinomai- and said 2036-epo-
, It is written 1125-grapho- , Man 0444-anthropos-
shall not live 2198-zao- by bread 0740-artos- alone
3441-monos- , but by every 3956-pas- word 4487-rhema-
that proceedeth 1607-ekporeuomai- out of the mouth 4750-
stoma- of God 2316-theos- .
5 Then 5119-tote- the devil 1228-diabolos- taketh
3880-paralambano- him up into 1519-eis- the holy 0040-
hagios- city 4172-polis- , and setteth 2476-histemi-
him on 1909-epi- a pinnacle 4419-pterugion- of the
temple 2411-hieron- ,
6 And saith 3004-lego- unto him, If 1487-ei- thou be
the Son 5207-huios- of God 2316-theos- , cast 0906-
ballo- thyself 4572-seautou- down 2736-kato- : for it
is written 1125-grapho- , He shall give his angels 0032-
aggelos- charge 1781-entellomai- concerning 4012-peri-
thee: and in [their] hands 5495-cheir- they shall bear
0142-airo- thee up, lest 3379-mepote- at 3379-mepote-
any 3379-mepote- time 3379-mepote- thou dash 4350-proskopto-
thy foot 4228-pous- against 4314-pros- a stone 3037-
lithos- .
7 Jesus 2424-Iesous- said 5346-phemi- unto him, It is
written 1125-grapho- again 3825-palin- , Thou shalt not
tempt 1598-ekpeirazo- the Lord 2962-kurios- thy God
2316-theos- .
8 Again 3825-palin- , the devil 1228-diabolos- taketh
3880-paralambano- him up into 1519-eis- an exceeding
3029-lian- high 5308-hupselos- mountain 3735-oros- ,
and sheweth 1166-deiknuo- him all 3956-pas- the
kingdoms 0932-basileia- of the world 2889-kosmos- , and
the glory 1391-doxa- of them;
9 And saith 3004-lego- unto him, All 3956-pas- these
5023-tauta- things will 3195-mello- I give 1325-didomi-
thee, if 1437-ean- thou wilt fall 4098-pipto- down
4098-pipto- and worship 4352-proskuneo- me.
10 Then 5119-tote- saith 3004-lego- Jesus 2424-
Iesous- unto him, Get 5217-hupago- thee hence 5217-
hupago- , Satan 4567-Satanas- : for it is written 1125-
grapho- , Thou shalt worship 4352-proskuneo- the Lord
2962-kurios- thy God 2316-theos- , and him only 3441-
monos- shalt thou serve 3000-latreuo- .
11 Then 5119-tote- the devil 1228-diabolos- leaveth
0863-aphiemi- him, and, behold 2400-idou- , angels 0032-
aggelos- came 4334-proserchomai- and ministered 1247-
diakoneo- unto him.
12. Now 1161-de- when Jesus 2424-Iesous- had heard
0191-akouo- that John 2491-Ioannes- was cast 3860-
paradidomi- into prison 3860-paradidomi- , he departed
0402-anachoreo- into 1519-eis- Galilee 1056-Galilaia- ;
13 And leaving 2641-kataleipo- Nazareth 3478-Nazareth-
, he came 2064-erchomai- and dwelt 2730-katoikeo- in
Capernaum 2584-Kapernaoum- , which 3588-ho- is upon the
sea 3864-parathalassios- coast 3864-parathalassios- ,
in the borders 3725-horion- of Zabulon 2194-Zaboulon-
and Nephthalim 3508-Nephthaleim- :
14 That it might be fulfilled 4137-pleroo- which 3588-
ho- was spoken 4483-rheo- by Esaias 2268-Hesaias- the
prophet 4396-prophetes- , saying 3004-lego- ,
15 The land 1093-ge- of Zabulon 2194-Zaboulon- , and
the land 1093-ge- of Nephthalim 3508-Nephthaleim- ,
[by] the way 3598-hodos- of the sea 2281-thalassa- ,
beyond 4008-peran- Jordan 2446-Iordanes- , Galilee
1056-Galilaia- of the Gentiles 1484-ethnos- ;
16 The people 2992-laos- which 3588-ho- sat 2521-
kathemai- in darkness 4655-skotos- saw 1492-eido-
great 3173-megas- light 5457-phos- ; and to them which
3588-ho- sat 2521-kathemai- in the region 5561-chora-
and shadow 4639-skia- of death 2288-thanatos- light
5457-phos- is sprung 0393-anatello- up.
17 From that time 5119-tote- Jesus 2424-Iesous- began
0756-archomai- to preach 2784-kerusso- , and to say
3004-lego- , Repent 3340-metanoeo- : for the kingdom
0932-basileia- of heaven 3772-ouranos- is at 1448-
eggizo- hand 1448-eggizo- .
18. And Jesus 2424-Iesous- , walking 4043-peripateo- by
the sea 2281-thalassa- of Galilee 1056-Galilaia- , saw
1492-eido- two 1417-duo- brethren 0080-adephos- ,
Simon 4613-Simon- called 3004-lego- Peter 4074-Petros-
, and Andrew 0406-Andreas- his brother 0080-adephos- ,
casting 0906-ballo- a net 0293-amphiblestron- into
1519-eis- the sea 2281-thalassa- : for they were fishers
0231-halieus- .
19 And he saith 3004-lego- unto them, Follow 3694-
opiso- me, and I will 3195-mello- make 4160-poieo-
you fishers 0231-halieus- of men 0444-anthropos- .
20 And they straightway 2112-eutheos- left 0863-
aphiemi- [their] nets 1350-diktuon- , and followed 0190-
akoloutheo- him.
21 And going 4260-probaino- on from thence 1564-
ekeithen- , he saw 1492-eido- other 0243-allos- two
1417-duo- brethren 0080-adephos- , James 2385-Iakobos-
[the son] of Zebedee 2199-Zebedaios- , and John 2491-
Ioannes- his brother 0080-adephos- , in a ship 4143-
ploion- with Zebedee 2199-Zebedaios- their father 3962-
pater- , mending 2675-katartizo- their nets 1350-
diktuon- ; and he called 2564-kaleo- them.
22 And they immediately 2112-eutheos- left 0863-
aphiemi- the ship 4143-ploion- and their father 3962-
pater- , and followed 0190-akoloutheo- him.
23. And Jesus 2424-Iesous- went 4013-periago- about
4013-periago- all 3650-holos- Galilee 1056-Galilaia- ,
teaching 1321-didasko- in their synagogues 4864-
sunagoge- , and preaching 2784-kerusso- the gospel 2098-
euaggelion- of the kingdom 0932-basileia- , and healing
2323-therapeuo- all 3956-pas- manner of sickness 3554-
nosos- and all 3956-pas- manner of disease 3119-
malakia- among 1722-en- the people 2992-laos- .
24 And his fame 0189-akoe- went 0565-aperchomai-
throughout 1519-eis- all 3650-holos- Syria 4947-Suria-
: and they brought 4374-prosphero- unto him all 3956-
pas- sick 2560-kakos- people that were taken 4912-
sunecho- with divers 4164-poikilos- diseases 3554-
nosos- and torments 0931-basanos- , and those 3588-ho- which
were possessed 1139-daimonizomai- with devils 1139-
daimonizomai- , and those which were lunatick 4583-
seleniazomai- , and those that had the palsy 3885-
paralutikos- ; and he healed 2323-therapeuo- them.
25 And there followed 0190-akoloutheo- him great 4183-
polus- multitudes 3793-ochlos- of people from Galilee
1056-Galilaia- , and [from] Decapolis 1179-Dekapolis- ,
and [from] Jerusalem 2414-Hierosoluma- , and [from]
Judaea 2449-Ioudaia- , and [from] beyond 4008-peran-
Jordan 2446-Iordanes- .
Matthew 5
1. And seeing 1492-eido- the multitudes 3793-ochlos- ,
he went 0305-anabaino- up into 1519-eis- a mountain
3735-oros- : and when he was set 2523-kathizo- , his
disciples 3101-mathetes- came 4334-proserchomai- unto
2 And he opened 0455-anoigo- his mouth 4750-stoma- ,
and taught 1321-didasko- them, saying 3004-lego- ,
3. Blessed 3107-makarios- [are] the poor 4434-ptochos-
in spirit 4151-pneuma- : for theirs 0846-autos- is the
kingdom 0932-basileia- of heaven 3772-ouranos- .
4 Blessed 3107-makarios- [are] they that mourn 3996-
pentheo- : for they shall be comforted 3870-parakaleo- .
5 Blessed 3107-makarios- [are] the meek 4239-praus- :
for they shall inherit 2816-kleronomeo- the earth 1093-
ge- .
6 Blessed 3107-makarios- [are] they which 3588-ho- do
hunger 3983-peinao- and thirst 1372-dipsao- after
righteousness 1343-dikaiosune- : for they shall be filled
5526-chortazo- .
7 Blessed 3107-makarios- [are] the merciful 1655-
eleemon- : for they shall obtain 1653-eleeo- mercy 1653-
eleeo- .
8 Blessed 3107-makarios- [are] the pure 2513-katharos-
in heart 2588-kardia- : for they shall see 3700-
optanomai- God 2316-theos- .
9 Blessed 3107-makarios- [are] the peacemakers 1518-
eirenopoios- : for they shall be called 2564-kaleo- the
children 5207-huios- of God 2316-theos- .
10 Blessed 3107-makarios- [are] they which are
persecuted 1377-dioko- for righteousness 1343-
dikaiosune- ' sake 1752-heneka- : for theirs 0846-autos-
is the kingdom 0932-basileia- of heaven 3772-ouranos- .
11 Blessed 3107-makarios- are ye, when 3752-hotan-
[men] shall revile 3679-oneidizo- you, and persecute
1377-dioko- [you], and shall say 2036-epo- all 3956-
pas- manner of evil 4487-rhema- against 2596-kata-
you falsely 5574-pseudomai- , for my sake 1752-heneka- .
12 Rejoice 5463-chairo- , and be exceeding glad 0021-
agalliao- : for great 4183-polus- [is] your 5216-humon-
reward 3408-misthos- in heaven 3772-ouranos- : for so
3779-houto- persecuted 1377-dioko- they the prophets
4396-prophetes- which 3588-ho- were before 4253-pro-
13. Ye are the salt 0217-halas- of the earth 1093-ge- :
but if 1437-ean- the salt 0217-halas- have lost 3471-
moraino- his savour 3471-moraino- , wherewith 5101-tis-
shall it be salted 0233-halizo- ? it is thenceforth
2089-eti- good 2480-ischuo- for nothing 3762-oudeis- ,
but to be cast 0906-ballo- out, and to be trodden 2662-
katapateo- under 2662-katapateo- foot 2662-katapateo-
of men 0444-anthropos- .
14 Ye are the light 5457-phos- of the world 2889-
kosmos- . A city 4172-polis- that is set 2749-keimai-
on 1883-epano- an hill 3735-oros- cannot 1410-dunamai-
be hid 2928-krupto- .
15 Neither 3761-oude- do men light 2545-kaio- a
candle 3088-luchnos- , and put 5087-tithemi- it under
5259-hupo- a bushel 3426-modios- , but on 1909-epi- a
candlestick 3087-luchnia- ; and it giveth light 2989-
lampo- unto all 3956-pas- that are in the house 3614-
oikia- .
16 Let your 5216-humon- light 5457-phos- so 3779-
houto- shine 2989-lampo- before 1715-emprosthen- men
0444-anthropos- , that they may see 1492-eido- your
5216-humon- good 2570-kalos- works 2041-ergon- , and
glorify 1392-doxazo- your 5216-humon- Father 3962-
pater- which 3588-ho- is in heaven 3772-ouranos- .
17. Think 3543-nomizo- not that I am come 2064-erchomai-
to destroy 2647-kataluo- the law 3551-nomos- , or
2228-e- the prophets 4396-prophetes- : I am not come
2064-erchomai- to destroy 2647-kataluo- , but to fulfil
4137-pleroo- .
18 For verily 0281-amen- I say 3004-lego- unto you,
Till 2193-heos- heaven 3772-ouranos- and earth 1093-
ge- pass 3928-parerchomai- , one 1520-heis- jot 2503-
iota- or 2228-e- one 3391-mia- tittle 2762-keraia-
shall in no 3364-ou me- wise pass 3928-parerchomai-
from the law 3551-nomos- , till 2193-heos- all 3956-
pas- be fulfilled 1096-ginomai- .
19 Whosoever 1437-ean- therefore 3767-oun- shall
break 3089-luo- one 3391-mia- of these 5130-touton-
least 1646-elachistos- commandments 1785-entole- , and
shall teach 1321-didasko- men 0444-anthropos- so 3779-
houto- , he shall be called 2564-kaleo- the least 1646-
elachistos- in the kingdom 0932-basileia- of heaven
3772-ouranos- : but whosoever 0302-an- shall do 4160-
poieo- and teach 1321-didasko- [them], the same 3778-
houtos- shall be called 2564-kaleo- great 3173-megas- in
the kingdom 0932-basileia- of heaven 3772-ouranos- .
20 For I say 3004-lego- unto you, That except 3362-ean
me- your 5216-humon- righteousness 1343-dikaiosune-
shall exceed 4052-perisseuo- [the righteousness 1343-
dikaiosune- ] of the scribes 1122-grammateus- and
Pharisees 5330-Pharisaios- , ye shall in no 3364-ou me-
case 3364-ou me- enter 1525-eiserchomai- into 1519-
eis- the kingdom 0932-basileia- of heaven 3772-ouranos- .
21. Ye have heard 0191-akouo- that it was said 2046-
ereo- by them of old 0744-archaios- time 0744-archaios-
, Thou shalt not kill 5407-phoneuo- ; and whosoever
0302-an- shall kill 5407-phoneuo- shall be in danger
1777-enochos- of the judgment 2920-krisis- :
22 But I say 3004-lego- unto you, That whosoever 3588-
ho- is angry 3710-orgizo- with his brother 0080-
adephos- without 1500-eike- a cause 1500-eike- shall
be in danger 1777-enochos- of the judgment 2920-krisis-
: and whosoever 0302-an- shall say 2036-epo- to his
brother 0080-adephos- , Raca 4469-rhaka- , shall be in
danger 1777-enochos- of the council 4892-sunedrion- : but
whosoever 0302-an- shall say 2036-epo- , Thou fool 3474-
moros- , shall be in danger 1777-enochos- of hell 1067-
geena- fire 4442-pur- .
23 Therefore 3767-oun- if thou bring 4374-prosphero-
thy gift 1435-doron- to the altar 2379-thusiasterion- ,
and there 1563-ekei- rememberest 3415-mnaomai- that
thy brother 0080-adephos- hath 2192-echo- ought 5100-
tis- against 2596-kata- thee;
24 Leave 0863-aphiemi- there 1563-ekei- thy gift
1435-doron- before 1715-emprosthen- the altar 2379-
thusiasterion- , and go 5217-hupago- thy way; first
4412-proton- be reconciled 1259-diallasso- to thy
brother 0080-adephos- , and then 5119-tote- come 2064-
erchomai- and offer 4374-prosphero- thy gift 1435-
doron- .
25 Agree 2132-eunoeo- with thine 4675-sou- adversary
0476-antidikos- quickly 5035-tachu- , whiles 3755-hotou-
thou art 1488-ei- in the way 3598-hodos- with him;
lest 3379-mepote- at 3379-mepote- any 3379-mepote-
time 3379-mepote- the adversary 0476-antidikos-
deliver 3860-paradidomi- thee to the judge 2923-krites-
, and the judge 2923-krites- deliver 3860-paradidomi-
thee to the officer 5257-huperetes- , and thou be cast
0906-ballo- into 1519-eis- prison 5438-phulake- .
26 Verily 0281-amen- I say 3004-lego- unto thee, Thou
shalt by no 3364-ou me- means 3361-me- come 1831-
exerchomai- out thence 1564-ekeithen- , till 2193-heos-
thou hast paid 0591-apodidomi- the uttermost 2078-
eschatos- farthing 2835-kodrantes- .
27. Ye have heard 0191-akouo- that it was said 2046-
ereo- by them of old 0744-archaios- time 0744-archaios-
, Thou shalt not commit 3431-moicheuo- adultery 3431-
moicheuo- :
28 But I say 3004-lego- unto you, That whosoever 3588-
ho- looketh 0991-blepo- on a woman 1135-gune- to lust
1937-epithumeo- after her hath committed 3431-moicheuo-
adultery 3431-moicheuo- with her already 2235-ede- in
his heart 2588-kardia- .
29 And if 1487-ei- thy right 1188-dexios- eye 3788-
ophthalmos- offend 4624-skandalizo- thee, pluck 1808-
exairo- it out, and cast 0906-ballo- [it] from thee:
for it is profitable 4851-sumphero- for thee that one
1520-heis- of thy members 3196-melos- should perish
0622-apollumi- , and not [that] thy whole 3650-holos- body
4983-soma- should be cast 0906-ballo- into 1519-eis-
hell 1067-geena- .
30 And if thy right 1188-dexios- hand 5495-cheir-
offend 4624-skandalizo- thee, cut 1581-ekkopto- it off
1581-ekkopto- , and cast 0906-ballo- [it] from thee:
for it is profitable 4851-sumphero- for thee that one
1520-heis- of thy members 3196-melos- should perish
0622-apollumi- , and not [that] thy whole 3650-holos-
body 4983-soma- should be cast 0906-ballo- into 1519-
eis- hell 1067-geena- .
31 It hath been said 2046-ereo- , Whosoever 0302-an-
shall put 0630-apoluo- away 0630-apoluo- his wife
1135-gune- , let him give 1325-didomi- her a writing of
divorcement 0647-apostasion- :
32 But I say 3004-lego- unto you, That whosoever 0302-
an- shall put 0630-apoluo- away 0630-apoluo- his wife
1135-gune- , saving 3924-parektos- for the cause 3056-
logos- of fornication 4202-porneia- , causeth 4160-
poieo- her to commit 3429-moichao- adultery 3429-
moichao- : and whosoever 1437-ean- shall marry 1060-
gameo- her that is divorced 0630-apoluo- committeth
3429-moichao- adultery 3429-moichao- .
33. Again 3825-palin- , ye have heard 0191-akouo- that
it hath been said 2046-ereo- by them of old 0744-
archaios- time 0744-archaios- , Thou shalt not forswear
1964-epiorkeo- thyself, but shalt perform 0591-apodidomi-
unto the Lord 2962-kurios- thine 4675-sou- oaths
3727-horkos- :
34 But I say 3004-lego- unto you, Swear 3660-omnuo-
not at 2527-katholou- all 3654-holos- ; neither 3383-
mete- by heaven 3772-ouranos- ; for it is God's 2316-
theos- throne 2362-thronos- :
35 Nor 3383-mete- by the earth 1093-ge- ; for it is
his footstool 5286-hupopodion- : neither 3383-mete- by
Jerusalem 2414-Hierosoluma- ; for it is the city 4172-
polis- of the great 3173-megas- King 0935-basileus- .
36 Neither 3383-mete- shalt thou swear 3660-omnuo- by
thy head 2776-kephale- , because 3754-hoti- thou canst
1410-dunamai- not make 4160-poieo- one 3391-mia- hair
2359-thrix- white 3022-leukos- or 2228-e- black
3189-melas- .
37 But let your 5216-humon- communication 3056-logos-
be, Yea 3483-nai- , yea 3483-nai- ; Nay 3756-ou- , nay
3756-ou- : for whatsoever 3588-ho- is more 4053-
perissos- than these 5130-touton- cometh 1511-einai-
of evil 4190-poneros- .
38. Ye have heard 0191-akouo- that it hath been said
2046-ereo- , An eye 3788-ophthalmos- for an eye 3788-
ophthalmos- , and a tooth 3599-odous- for a tooth 3599-
odous- :
39 But I say 3004-lego- unto you, That ye resist 0436-
anthistemi- not evil 4190-poneros- : but whosoever 3748-
hostis- shall smite 4474-rhapizo- thee on 1909-epi-
thy right 1188-dexios- cheek 4600-siagon- , turn 4762-
strepho- to him the other 0243-allos- also 2532-kai- .
40 And if any man will 2309-thelo- sue 2919-krino-
thee at 2919-krino- the law, and take 2983-lambano-
away thy coat 5509-chiton- , let him have [thy] cloke
2440-himation- also 2532-kai- .
41 And whosoever 3748-hostis- shall compel 0029-
aggareuo- thee to go a mile 3400-milion- , go 5217-
hupago- with him twain 1417-duo- .
42 Give 1325-didomi- to him that asketh 0154-aiteo-
thee, and from him that would 2309-thelo- borrow 1155-
daneizo- of thee turn 0654-apostrepho- not thou away
0654-apostrepho- .
43. Ye have heard 0191-akouo- that it hath been said
2046-ereo- , Thou shalt love 0025-agapao- thy neighbour
4139-plesion- , and hate 3404-miseo- thine 4675-sou-
enemy 2190-echthros- .
44 But I say 3004-lego- unto you, Love 0025-agapao-
your 5216-humon- enemies 2190-echthros- , bless 2127-
eulogeo- them that curse 2672-kataraomai- you, do 4160-
poieo- good 2573-kalos- to them that hate 3404-miseo-
you, and pray 4336-proseuchomai- for them which 3588-ho-
despitefully 1908-epereazo- use 1908-epereazo- you,
and persecute 1377-dioko- you;
45 That ye may be the children 5207-huios- of your
5216-humon- Father 3962-pater- which 3588-ho- is in
heaven 3772-ouranos- : for he maketh 0393-anatello- his
sun 2246-helios- to rise 0393-anatello- on 1909-epi-
the evil 4190-poneros- and on the good 0018-agathos- ,
and sendeth 1026-brecho- rain 1026-brecho- on 1909-
epi- the just 1342-dikaios- and on the unjust 0094-
adikos- .
46 For if 1437-ean- ye love 0025-agapao- them which
3588-ho- love 0025-agapao- you, what 5101-tis- reward
3408-misthos- have 2192-echo- ye? do 4160-poieo- not
even 2532-kai- the publicans 5052-telesphoreo- the
same 0846-autos- ?
47 And if 1437-ean- ye salute 0782-aspazomai- your
5216-humon- brethren 0080-adephos- only 3440-monon- ,
what 5101-tis- do 4160-poieo- ye more 4053-perissos-
[than others]? do 4160-poieo- not even 2532-kai- the
publicans 5052-telesphoreo- so 3779-houto- ?
48 Be ye therefore 3767-oun- perfect 5046-teleios- ,
even 5618-hosper- as your 5216-humon- Father 3962-
pater- which 3588-ho- is in heaven 3772-ouranos- is
perfect 5046-teleios- .
Matthew 6
1. Take heed 4337-prosecho- that ye do 4160-poieo- not
your 5216-humon- alms 1654-eleemosune- before 1715-
emprosthen- men 0444-anthropos- , to be seen 2300-
theaomai- of them: otherwise 1490-ei de me(ge)- ye have
2192-echo- no 3756-ou- reward 3408-misthos- of your
5216-humon- Father 3962-pater- which 3588-ho- is in
heaven 3772-ouranos- .
2 Therefore 3767-oun- when 3752-hotan- thou doest
4160-poieo- [thine] alms 1654-eleemosune- , do not sound
4537-salpizo- a trumpet 4537-salpizo- before 1715-
emprosthen- thee, as the hypocrites 5273-hupokrites- do
4160-poieo- in the synagogues 4864-sunagoge- and in
the streets 4505-rhume- , that they may have glory 1392-
doxazo- of men 0444-anthropos- . Verily 0281-amen- I
say 3004-lego- unto you, They have 0568-apecho- their reward
3408-misthos- .
3 But when thou doest 4160-poieo- alms 1654-eleemosune-
, let not thy left 0710-aristeros- hand know 1097-
ginosko- what 5101-tis- thy right 1188-dexios- hand
doeth 4160-poieo- :
4 That thine 4675-sou- alms 1654-eleemosune- may be
in secret 2927-kruptos- : and thy Father 3962-pater-
which 3588-ho- seeth 0991-blepo- in secret 2729-
katischuo- himself 0846-autos- shall reward 0591-
apodidomi- thee openly 5318-phaneros- .
5. And when 3752-hotan- thou prayest 4336-proseuchomai-
, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites 5273-hupokrites-
[are]: for they love 5368-phileo- to pray 4336-
proseuchomai- standing 2476-histemi- in the synagogues
4864-sunagoge- and in the corners 1137-gonia- of the
streets 4113-plateia- , that they may be seen 5316-phaino- of
men 0444-anthropos- . Verily 0281-amen- I say 3004-
lego- unto you, They have 0568-apecho- their reward
3408-misthos- .
6 But thou, when 3752-hotan- thou prayest 4336-
proseuchomai- , enter 1525-eiserchomai- into 1519-eis-
thy closet 5009-tameion- , and when thou hast shut 2808-
kleio- thy door 2374-thura- , pray 4336-proseuchomai-
to thy Father 3962-pater- which 3588-ho- is in secret
2729-katischuo- ; and thy Father 3962-pater- which 3588-
ho- seeth 0991-blepo- in secret 2729-katischuo- shall
reward 0591-apodidomi- thee openly 5318-phaneros- .
7 But when ye pray 4336-proseuchomai- , use not vain
repetitions 0945-battologeo- , as the heathen 1482-
ethnikos- [do]: for they think 1380-dokeo- that they
shall be heard 1522-eisakouo- for their much 4180-
polulogia- speaking 4180-polulogia- .
8 Be not ye therefore 3767-oun- like 3666-homoioo-
unto them: for your 5216-humon- Father 3962-pater-
knoweth 1492-eido- what 3739-hos- things ye have 2192-
echo- need 5532-chreia- of, before 4253-pro- ye ask
0154-aiteo- him.
9. After 3779-houto- this 3779-houto- manner 3779-
houto- therefore 3767-oun- pray 4336-proseuchomai- ye:
Our Father 3962-pater- which 3588-ho- art in heaven
3772-ouranos- , Hallowed 0037-hagiazo- be thy name 3686-
onoma- .
10 Thy kingdom 0932-basileia- come 2064-erchomai- .
Thy will 2307-thelema- be done 1096-ginomai- in earth
1093-ge- , as [it is] in heaven 3772-ouranos- .
11 Give 1325-didomi- us this 4594-semeron- day 4594-
semeron- our daily 1967-epiousios- bread 0740-artos- .
12 And forgive 0863-aphiemi- us our debts 3783-
opheilema- , as we forgive 0863-aphiemi- our debtors
3781-opheiletes- .
13 And lead 1533-eisphero- us not into 1519-eis-
temptation 3986-peirasmos- , but deliver 4506-rhoumai-
us from evil 4190-poneros- : For thine 4675-sou- is the
kingdom 0932-basileia- , and the power 1411-dunamis- ,
and the glory 1391-doxa- , for ever 0165-aion- . Amen
0281-amen- .
14 For if 1437-ean- ye forgive 0863-aphiemi- men
0444-anthropos- their trespasses 3900-paraptoma- , your
5216-humon- heavenly 3770-ouranios- Father 3962-pater-
will also 2532-kai- forgive 0863-aphiemi- you:
15 But if 1437-ean- ye forgive 0863-aphiemi- not men
0444-anthropos- their trespasses 3900-paraptoma- ,
neither 3761-oude- will your 5216-humon- Father 3962-
pater- forgive 0863-aphiemi- your 5216-humon-
trespasses 3900-paraptoma- .
16. Moreover 1161-de- when 3752-hotan- ye fast 3522-
nesteuo- , be not, as the hypocrites 5273-hupokrites- ,
of a sad 4659-skuthropos- countenance 4659-skuthropos- :
for they disfigure 0853-aphanizo- their faces 4383-
prosopon- , that they may appear 5316-phaino- unto men
0444-anthropos- to fast 3522-nesteuo- . Verily 0281-amen- I
say 3004-lego- unto you, They have 0568-apecho- their
reward 3408-misthos- .
17 But thou, when thou fastest 3522-nesteuo- , anoint
0218-aleipho- thine 4675-sou- head 2776-kephale- , and
wash 3538-nipto- thy face 4383-prosopon- ;
18 That thou appear 5316-phaino- not unto men 0444-
anthropos- to fast 3522-nesteuo- , but unto thy Father
3962-pater- which 3588-ho- is in secret 2729-katischuo-
: and thy Father 3962-pater- , which 3588-ho- seeth
0991-blepo- in secret 2729-katischuo- , shall reward
0591-apodidomi- thee openly 5318-phaneros- .
19. Lay not up for yourselves 5213-humin- treasures
2344-thesauros- upon earth 1093-ge- , where 3699-hopou-
moth 4597-ses- and rust 1035-brosis- doth corrupt
0853-aphanizo- , and where 3699-hopou- thieves 2812-
kleptes- break 1358-diorusso- through 1358-diorusso-
and steal 2813-klepto- :
20 But lay up for yourselves 5213-humin- treasures
2344-thesauros- in heaven 3772-ouranos- , where 3699-hopou-
neither 3777-oute- moth 4597-ses- nor 3777-oute-
rust 1035-brosis- doth corrupt 0853-aphanizo- , and
where 3699-hopou- thieves 2812-kleptes- do not break
1358-diorusso- through 1358-diorusso- nor 3761-oude-
steal 2813-klepto- :
21 For where 3699-hopou- your 5216-humon- treasure
2344-thesauros- is, there 1563-ekei- will your 5216-
humon- heart 2588-kardia- be also 2532-kai- .
22 The light 5460-photeinos- of the body 4983-soma-
is the eye 3788-ophthalmos- : if 1437-ean- therefore
3767-oun- thine 4675-sou- eye 3788-ophthalmos- be
single 0573-haplous- , thy whole 3650-holos- body 4983-
soma- shall be full 5460-photeinos- of light 3088-
luchnos- .
23 But if 1487-ei- thine 4675-sou- eye 3788-
ophthalmos- be evil 4190-poneros- , thy whole 3650-
holos- body 4983-soma- shall be full of darkness 4652-
skoteinos- . If 1487-ei- therefore 3767-oun- the light
5457-phos- that is in thee be darkness 4655-skotos- ,
how 4214-posos- great 4214-posos- [is] that darkness
4655-skotos- !
24 No 3762-oudeis- man 3762-oudeis- can 1410-dunamai-
serve 1398-douleuo- two 1417-duo- masters 2962-
kurios- : for either 2228-e- he will hate 3404-miseo-
the one 1520-heis- , and love 0025-agapao- the other
2087-heteros- ; or 2228-e- else he will hold 0472-
antechomai- to the one 1520-heis- , and despise 2706-
kataphroneo- the other 2087-heteros- . Ye cannot 1410-
dunamai- serve 1398-douleuo- God 2316-theos- and mammon
3126-mammonas- .
25. Therefore 5124-touto- I say 3004-lego- unto you,
Take no 3361-me- thought 3309-merimnao- for your 5216-
humon- life 5590-psuche- , what 5101-tis- ye shall eat
5315-phago- , or what 5101-tis- ye shall drink 4095-
pino- ; nor 3366-mede- yet for your 5216-humon- body
4983-soma- , what 5101-tis- ye shall put 1749-enedron-
on 1746-enduo- . Is not the life 5590-psuche- more
4119-pleion- than meat 5160-trophe- , and the body 4983-soma-
than raiment 1742-enduma- ?
26 Behold 1689-emblepo- the fowls 4071-peteinon- of
the air 3772-ouranos- : for they sow 4687-speiro- not,
neither 3761-oude- do they reap 2325-therizo- , nor
3761-oude- gather 4863-sunago- into 1519-eis- barns
0596-apotheke- ; yet your 5216-humon- heavenly 3770-
ouranios- Father 3962-pater- feedeth 5142-trepho-
them. Are ye not much 3123-mallon- better 1308-diaphero-
than they?
27 Which 5101-tis- of you by taking thought 3309-
merimnao- can 1410-dunamai- add 4369-prostithemi- one
1520-heis- cubit 4083-pechus- unto his stature 2244-
helikia- ?
28 And why 5101-tis- take ye thought 3309-merimnao-
for raiment 1742-enduma- ? Consider 2648-katamanthano-
the lilies 2918-krinon- of the field 0068-agros- , how
4459-pos- they grow 0837-auzano- ; they toil 2872-
kopiao- not, neither 3761-oude- do they spin 3514-
netho- :
29 And yet I say 3004-lego- unto you, That even 3761-
oude- Solomon 4672-Solomon- in all 3956-pas- his
glory 1391-doxa- was not arrayed 4016-periballo- like
5613-hos- one 1520-heis- of these 5130-touton- .
30 Wherefore 1161-de- , if 1487-ei- God 2316-theos-
so 3779-houto- clothe 0294-amphiennumi- the grass
5528-chortos- of the field 0068-agros- , which to day
4594-semeron- is, and to morrow 0839-aurion- is cast
0906-ballo- into 1519-eis- the oven 2823-klibanos- ,
[shall he] not much 4183-polus- more 3123-mallon-
[clothe] you, O ye of little 3640-oligopistos- faith
3640-oligopistos- ?
31 Therefore 3767-oun- take no 3361-me- thought 3309-
merimnao- , saying 3004-lego- , What 5101-tis- shall we
eat 5315-phago- ? or 2228-e- , What 5101-tis- shall we
drink 4095-pino- ? or 2228-e- , Wherewithal 5101-tis-
shall we be clothed 4016-periballo- ?
32 (For after 1934-epizeteo- all 0537-hapas- these
5023-tauta- things do the Gentiles 1484-ethnos- seek
1934-epizeteo- :) for your 5216-humon- heavenly 3770-
ouranios- Father 3962-pater- knoweth 1492-eido- that
ye have need 5535-chreizo- of all 3956-pas- these
5130-touton- things.
33 But seek 2212-zeteo- ye first 4412-proton- the
kingdom 0932-basileia- of God 2316-theos- , and his
righteousness 1343-dikaiosune- ; and all 3956-pas-
these 5023-tauta- things shall be added 4369-
prostithemi- unto you.
34 Take therefore 3767-oun- no 3361-me- thought 3309-
merimnao- for the morrow 0839-aurion- : for the morrow
0839-aurion- shall take thought 3309-merimnao- for the
things of itself 1438-heautou- . Sufficient 0713-arketos-
unto the day 2250-hemera- [is] the evil 2549-kakia-
thereof 0846-autos- .
Matthew 7
1. Judge 2919-krino- not, that ye be not judged 2919-
krino- .
2 For with what 3739-hos- judgment 2917-krima- ye
judge 2919-krino- , ye shall be judged 2919-krino- : and
with what 3739-hos- measure 3358-metron- ye mete 3354-
metreo- , it shall be measured 0488-antimetreo- to you
again 0488-antimetreo- .
3 And why 5101-tis- beholdest 0991-blepo- thou the
mote 2595-karphos- that is in thy brother's 0080-
adephos- eye 3788-ophthalmos- , but considerest 2657-
katanoeo- not the beam 1385-dokos- that is in thine
4674-sos- own eye 3788-ophthalmos- ?
4 Or 2228-e- how 4459-pos- wilt thou say 2046-ereo-
to thy brother 0080-adephos- , Let 0863-aphiemi- me
pull 1544-ekballo- out the mote 2595-karphos- out of
thine 4675-sou- eye 3788-ophthalmos- ; and, behold
2400-idou- , a beam 1385-dokos- [is] in thine 4675-sou-
own eye 3788-ophthalmos- ?
5 Thou hypocrite 5273-hupokrites- , first 4412-proton-
cast 1544-ekballo- out the beam 1385-dokos- out of
thine 4675-sou- own eye 3788-ophthalmos- ; and then
5119-tote- shalt thou see 1227-diablepo- clearly 1227-
diablepo- to cast 1544-ekballo- out the mote 2595-
karphos- out of thy brother's 0080-adephos- eye 3788-
ophthalmos- .
6 Give 1325-didomi- not that which 3588-ho- is holy
0040-hagios- unto the dogs 2965-kuon- , neither 3366-
mede- cast 0906-ballo- ye your 5216-humon- pearls
3135-margarites- before 1715-emprosthen- swine 5519-
choiros- , lest 3379-mepote- they trample 2662-
katapateo- them under 1722-en- their feet 4228-pous- ,
and turn 4762-strepho- again 4762-strepho- and rend
4486-rhegnumi- you.
7. Ask 0154-aiteo- , and it shall be given 1325-didomi-
you; seek 2212-zeteo- , and ye shall find 2147-heurisko-
; knock 2925-krouo- , and it shall be opened 0455-anoigo-
unto you:
8 For every 3956-pas- one that asketh 0154-aiteo-
receiveth 2983-lambano- ; and he that seeketh 2212-zeteo-
findeth 2147-heurisko- ; and to him that knocketh 2925-
krouo- it shall be opened 0455-anoigo- .
9 Or 2228-e- what 5101-tis- man 0444-anthropos- is
there of you, whom 3739-hos- if 1437-ean- his son
5207-huios- ask 0154-aiteo- bread 0740-artos- , will
he give 1929-epididomi- him a stone 3037-lithos- ?
10 Or 2532-kai- if 1437-ean- he ask 0154-aiteo- a
fish 2486-ichthus- , will he give 1929-epididomi- him a
serpent 3789-ophis- ?
11 If 1487-ei- ye then 3767-oun- , being 5607-on-
evil 4190-poneros- , know 1492-eido- how to give 1325-
didomi- good 0018-agathos- gifts 1435-doron- unto
your 5216-humon- children 5043-teknon- , how 4214-
posos- much 4214-posos- more 3123-mallon- shall your
5216-humon- Father 3962-pater- which 3588-ho- is in
heaven 3772-ouranos- give 1325-didomi- good 0018-
agathos- things to them that ask 0154-aiteo- him?
12. Therefore 3767-oun- all 3956-pas- things
whatsoever 0302-an- ye would 2309-thelo- that men
0444-anthropos- should do 4160-poieo- to you, do 4160-
poieo- ye even 2532-kai- so 3779-houto- to them: for
this 3778-houtos- is the law 3551-nomos- and the
prophets 4396-prophetes- .
13 Enter 1525-eiserchomai- ye in at 1223-dia- the
strait 4728-stenos- gate 4439-pule- : for wide 4116-
platus- [is] the gate 4439-pule- , and broad 2149-
euruchoros- [is] the way 3598-hodos- , that leadeth
0520-apago- to destruction 0684-apoleia- , and many
4183-polus- there be which 3588-ho- go 1525-
eiserchomai- in thereat 0846-autos- :
14 Because 3754-hoti- strait 4728-stenos- [is] the
gate 4439-pule- , and narrow 2346-thlibo- [is] the way
3598-hodos- , which 3588-ho- leadeth 0520-apago- unto
life 2222-zoe- , and few 3641-oligos- there be that
find 2147-heurisko- it.
15. Beware 4337-prosecho- of false 5578-pseudoprophetes-
prophets 5578-pseudoprophetes- , which 3748-hostis-
come 2064-erchomai- to you in sheep's 4263-probaton-
clothing 1742-enduma- , but inwardly 2081-esothen- they
are ravening 0727-harpax- wolves 3074-lukos- .
16 Ye shall know 1921-epiginosko- them by their fruits
2590-karpos- . Do men gather 4816-sullego- grapes 4718-
staphule- of thorns 0173-akantha- , or 2228-e- figs
4810-sukon- of thistles 5146-tribolos- ?
17 Even so 3779-houto- every 3956-pas- good 0018-
agathos- tree 1186-dendron- bringeth 4160-poieo-
forth 4160-poieo- good 2570-kalos- fruit 2590-karpos-
; but a corrupt 4550-sapros- tree 1186-dendron-
bringeth 4160-poieo- forth 4160-poieo- evil 4190-
poneros- fruit 2590-karpos- .
18 A good 0018-agathos- tree 1186-dendron- cannot
1410-dunamai- bring 4160-poieo- forth 4160-poieo-
evil 4190-poneros- fruit 2590-karpos- , neither 3761-
oude- [can] a corrupt 4550-sapros- tree 1186-dendron-
bring 4160-poieo- forth 4160-poieo- good 2570-kalos-
fruit 2590-karpos- .
19 Every 3956-pas- tree 1186-dendron- that bringeth
4160-poieo- not forth 4160-poieo- good 2570-kalos-
fruit 2590-karpos- is hewn 1581-ekkopto- down 1581-
ekkopto- , and cast 0906-ballo- into 1519-eis- the
fire 4442-pur- .
20 Wherefore 1065-ge- by their fruits 2590-karpos- ye
shall know 1921-epiginosko- them.
21. Not every 3956-pas- one that saith 3004-lego- unto
me, Lord 2962-kurios- , Lord 2962-kurios- , shall enter
1525-eiserchomai- into 1519-eis- the kingdom 0932-
basileia- of heaven 3772-ouranos- ; but he that doeth
4160-poieo- the will 2307-thelema- of my Father 3962-
pater- which 3588-ho- is in heaven 3772-ouranos- .
22 Many 4183-polus- will say 2046-ereo- to me in that
day 2250-hemera- , Lord 2962-kurios- , Lord 2962-kurios-
, have we not prophesied 4395-propheteuo- in thy name
3686-onoma- ? and in thy name 3686-onoma- have cast
1544-ekballo- out devils 1140-daimonion- ? and in thy
name 3686-onoma- done 4160-poieo- many 4183-polus-
wonderful 1411-dunamis- works?
23 And then 5119-tote- will I profess 3670-homologeo-
unto them, I never 3763-oudepote- knew 1097-ginosko-
you: depart 0672-apochoreo- from me, ye that work 2038-
ergazomai- iniquity 0458-anomia- .
24 Therefore 3767-oun- whosoever 3748-hostis- heareth
0191-akouo- these 5128-toutous- sayings 3056-logos-
of mine 3450-mou- , and doeth 4160-poieo- them, I will
liken 3666-homoioo- him unto a wise 5429-phronimos-
man 0435-aner- , which 3748-hostis- built 3618-
oikodomeo- his house 3614-oikia- upon a rock 4073-
petra- :
25 And the rain 1028-broche- descended 2597-katabaino-
, and the floods 4215-potamos- came 2064-erchomai- ,
and the winds 0417-anemos- blew 4154-pneo- , and beat
4363-prospipto- upon that house 3614-oikia- ; and it
fell 4098-pipto- not: for it was founded 2311-themelioo-
upon a rock 4073-petra- .
26 And every 3956-pas- one that heareth 0191-akouo-
these 5128-toutous- sayings 3056-logos- of mine 3450-
mou- , and doeth 4160-poieo- them not, shall be likened
3666-homoioo- unto a foolish 3474-moros- man 0435-aner-
, which 3748-hostis- built 3618-oikodomeo- his house
3614-oikia- upon the sand 0285-ammos- :
27 And the rain 1028-broche- descended 2597-katabaino-
, and the floods 4215-potamos- came 2064-erchomai- ,
and the winds 0417-anemos- blew 4154-pneo- , and beat
4350-proskopto- upon that house 3614-oikia- ; and it
fell 4098-pipto- : and great 3173-megas- was the fall
4431-ptosis- of it.
28 And it came 1096-ginomai- to pass, when 3753-hote-
Jesus 2424-Iesous- had ended 4931-sunteleo- these
5128-toutous- sayings 3056-logos- , the people 3793-
ochlos- were astonished 1605-ekplesso- at 1909-epi-
his doctrine 1322-didache- :
29 For he taught 1321-didasko- them as [one] having
2192-echo- authority 1849-exousia- , and not as the
scribes 1122-grammateus- .
Matthew 8
1. When he was come 2597-katabaino- down 2597-katabaino-
from the mountain 3735-oros- , great 4183-polus-
multitudes 3793-ochlos- followed 0190-akoloutheo- him.
2 And, behold 2400-idou- , there came 2064-erchomai- a
leper 3015-lepros- and worshipped 4352-proskuneo- him,
saying 3004-lego- , Lord 2962-kurios- , if 1437-ean-
thou wilt 2309-thelo- , thou canst 1410-dunamai- make
2511-katharizo- me clean 2511-katharizo- .
3 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- put 1614-ekteino- forth
1614-ekteino- [his] hand 5495-cheir- , and touched 0680-
haptomai- him, saying 3004-lego- , I will 2309-thelo- ;
be thou clean 2511-katharizo- . And immediately 2112-
eutheos- his leprosy 3014-lepra- was cleansed 2511-
katharizo- .
4 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- saith 3004-lego- unto him,
See 3708-horao- thou tell 2036-epo- no 3367-medeis-
man 3367-medeis- ; but go 5217-hupago- thy way, shew
1166-deiknuo- thyself 4572-seautou- to the priest 2409-
hiereus- , and offer 4374-prosphero- the gift 1435-
doron- that Moses 3475-Moseus- commanded 4367-
prostasso- , for a testimony 3142-marturion- unto them.
5. And when Jesus 2424-Iesous- was entered 1525-
eiserchomai- into 1519-eis- Capernaum 2584-Kapernaoum-
, there came 4334-proserchomai- unto him a centurion
1543-hekatontarches- , beseeching 3870-parakaleo- him,
6 And saying 3004-lego- , Lord 2962-kurios- , my
servant 3816-pais- lieth 0906-ballo- at 1722-en-
home 3614-oikia- sick 3885-paralutikos- of the palsy
3885-paralutikos- , grievously 1171-deinos- tormented
0928-basanizo- .
7 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- saith 3004-lego- unto him, I
will come 2064-erchomai- and heal 2323-therapeuo- him.
8 The centurion 1543-hekatontarches- answered 0611-
apokrinomai- and said 5346-phemi- , Lord 2962-kurios- ,
I am 1510-eimi- not worthy 2425-hikanos- that thou
shouldest come 1525-eiserchomai- under 5259-hupo- my
roof 4721-stege- : but speak 2036-epo- the word 3056-
logos- only 3440-monon- , and my servant 3816-pais-
shall be healed 2390-iaomai- .
9 For I am 1510-eimi- a man 0444-anthropos- under
5259-hupo- authority 1849-exousia- , having 2192-echo-
soldiers 4757-stratiotes- under 5259-hupo- me: and I
say 3004-lego- to this 5129-toutoi- [man], Go 4198-
poreuomai- , and he goeth 4198-poreuomai- ; and to
another 0243-allos- , Come 2064-erchomai- , and he
cometh 2064-erchomai- ; and to my servant 1401-doulos- ,
Do 4160-poieo- this 5124-touto- , and he doeth 4160-
poieo- [it].
10 When Jesus 2424-Iesous- heard 0191-akouo- [it], he
marvelled 2296-thaumazo- , and said 4483-rheo- to them
that followed 0190-akoloutheo- , Verily 0281-amen- I
say 3004-lego- unto you, I have not found 2147-heurisko-
so 5118-tosoutos- great 5118-tosoutos- faith 4102-
pistis- , no 3761-oude- , not in Israel 2474-Israel- .
11 And I say 3004-lego- unto you, That many 4183-polus-
shall come 2240-heko- from the east 0395-anatole-
and west 1424-dusme- , and shall sit 0347-anaklino-
down 0347-anaklino- with Abraham 11 , and Isaac 2464-
Isaak- , and Jacob 2384-Iakob- , in the kingdom 0932-
basileia- of heaven 3772-ouranos- .
12 But the children 5207-huios- of the kingdom 0932-
basileia- shall be cast 1544-ekballo- out into 1519-
eis- outer 1857-exoteros- darkness 4655-skotos- :
there 1563-ekei- shall be weeping 2805-klauthmos- and
gnashing 1030-brugmos- of teeth 3599-odous- .
13 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- said 4483-rheo- unto the
centurion 1543-hekatontarches- , Go 5217-hupago- thy
way; and as thou hast believed 4100-pisteuo- , [so] be it
done 1096-ginomai- unto thee. And his servant 3816-pais-
was healed 2390-iaomai- in the selfsame 1565-ekeinos-
hour 5610-hora- .
14. And when Jesus 2424-Iesous- was come 2064-erchomai-
into 1519-eis- Peter's 4074-Petros- house 3614-oikia-
, he saw 1492-eido- his wife's 3994-penthera- mother
3994-penthera- laid 0906-ballo- , and sick 4445-puresso-
of a fever 4445-puresso- .
15 And he touched 0680-haptomai- her hand 5495-cheir- ,
and the fever 4446-puretos- left 0863-aphiemi- her:
and she arose 1453-egeiro- , and ministered 1247-
diakoneo- unto them.
16 When the even 3798-opsios- was come 1096-ginomai- ,
they brought 4374-prosphero- unto him many 4183-polus-
that were possessed 1139-daimonizomai- with devils 1139-
daimonizomai- : and he cast 1544-ekballo- out the
spirits 4151-pneuma- with [his] word 3056-logos- , and
healed 2323-therapeuo- all 3956-pas- that were sick
2560-kakos- :
17 That it might be fulfilled 4137-pleroo- which 3588-
ho- was spoken 4483-rheo- by Esaias 2268-Hesaias- the
prophet 4396-prophetes- , saying 3004-lego- , Himself
0846-autos- took 2983-lambano- our infirmities 0769-
astheneia- , and bare 0941-bastazo- [our] sicknesses
3554-nosos- .
18. Now 1161-de- when Jesus 2424-Iesous- saw 1492-
eido- great 4183-polus- multitudes 3793-ochlos- about
4012-peri- him, he gave 2753-keleuo- commandment 2753-
keleuo- to depart 0565-aperchomai- unto the other 4008-
peran- side 4008-peran- .
19 And a certain 1520-heis- scribe 1122-grammateus-
came 4334-proserchomai- , and said 4483-rheo- unto him,
Master 1320-didaskalos- , I will follow 0190-akoloutheo-
thee whithersoever 1437-ean- thou goest 0565-
aperchomai- .
20 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- saith 3004-lego- unto him,
The foxes 0258-alopex- have 2192-echo- holes 5454-
pholeos- , and the birds 4071-peteinon- of the air 3772-
ouranos- [have] nests 2682-kataskenosis- ; but the Son
5207-huios- of man 0444-anthropos- hath 2192-echo-
not where 4226-pou- to lay 2827-klino- [his] head
2776-kephale- .
21 And another 2087-heteros- of his disciples 3101-
mathetes- said 4483-rheo- unto him, Lord 2962-kurios- ,
suffer 2010-epitrepo- me first 4412-proton- to go
0565-aperchomai- and bury 2290-thapto- my father 3962-
pater- .
22 But Jesus 2424-Iesous- said 4483-rheo- unto him,
Follow 0190-akoloutheo- me; and let 0863-aphiemi- the
dead 3498-nekros- bury 2290-thapto- their dead 3498-
nekros- .
23. And when he was entered 1684-embaino- into 1519-eis-
a ship 4143-ploion- , his disciples 3101-mathetes-
followed 0190-akoloutheo- him.
24 And, behold 2400-idou- , there arose 1096-ginomai-
a great 3173-megas- tempest 4578-seismos- in the sea
2281-thalassa- , insomuch 5620-hoste- that the ship
4143-ploion- was covered 2572-kalupto- with the waves
2949-kuma- : but he was asleep 2518-katheudo- .
25 And his disciples 3101-mathetes- came 4334-
proserchomai- to [him], and awoke 1453-egeiro- him,
saying 3004-lego- , Lord 2962-kurios- , save 4982-sozo-
us: we perish 0622-apollumi- .
26 And he saith 3004-lego- unto them, Why 5101-tis-
are ye fearful 1169-deilos- , O ye of little 3640-
oligopistos- faith 3640-oligopistos- ? Then 5119-tote-
he arose 1453-egeiro- , and rebuked 2008-epitimao- the
winds 0417-anemos- and the sea 2281-thalassa- ; and
there was a great 3173-megas- calm 1055-galene- .
27 But the men 0444-anthropos- marvelled 2296-thaumazo-
, saying 3004-lego- , What 4217-potapos- manner 4217-
potapos- of man is this 3778-houtos- , that even 2532-
kai- the winds 0417-anemos- and the sea 2281-thalassa-
obey 5219-hupakouo- him!
28. And when he was come 2064-erchomai- to the other
4008-peran- side 4008-peran- into 1519-eis- the
country 5561-chora- of the Gergesenes 1086-Gergesenos- ,
there met 5221-hupantao- him two 1417-duo- possessed
1139-daimonizomai- with devils 1139-daimonizomai- ,
coming 1831-exerchomai- out of the tombs 3419-mnemeion-
, exceeding 3029-lian- fierce 5467-chalepos- , so 5620-
hoste- that no 3361-me- man 5100-tis- might 2480-ischuo-
pass 3928-parerchomai- by that way 3598-hodos- .
29 And, behold 2400-idou- , they cried 2896-krazo- out,
saying 3004-lego- , What 5101-tis- have we to do with
thee, Jesus 2424-Iesous- , thou Son 5207-huios- of God
2316-theos- ? art thou come 2064-erchomai- hither 5602-
hode- to torment 0928-basanizo- us before 4253-pro-
the time 2540-kairos- ?
30 And there was a good 3112-makran- way 3112-makran-
off 0575-apo- from them an herd 0034-agele- of many
4183-polus- swine 5519-choiros- feeding 1006-bosko- .
31 So 1161-de- the devils 1142-daimon- besought 3870-
parakaleo- him, saying 3004-lego- , If 1487-ei- thou
cast 1544-ekballo- us out, suffer 2010-epitrepo- us to
go 0565-aperchomai- away 0565-aperchomai- into 1519-
eis- the herd 0034-agele- of swine 5519-choiros- .
32 And he said 4483-rheo- unto them, Go 5217-hupago- .
And when they were come 1831-exerchomai- out, they went
0565-aperchomai- into 1519-eis- the herd 0034-agele-
of swine 5519-choiros- : and, behold 2400-idou- , the
whole 3956-pas- herd 0034-agele- of swine 5519-
choiros- ran 3729-hormao- violently down 2596-kata- a steep
2911-kremnos- place into 1519-eis- the sea 2281-
thalassa- , and perished 0599-apothnesko- in the waters
5204-hudor- .
33 And they that kept 1006-bosko- them fled 5343-
pheugo- , and went 0565-aperchomai- their ways into
1519-eis- the city 4172-polis- , and told 0518-
apaggello- every 3956-pas- thing, and what 3588-ho-
was befallen 4876-sunantao- to the possessed 1139-
daimonizomai- of the devils 1139-daimonizomai- .
34 And, behold 2400-idou- , the whole 3956-pas- city
4172-polis- came 1831-exerchomai- out to meet 4877-
sunantesis- Jesus 2424-Iesous- : and when they saw 1492-
eido- him, they besought 3870-parakaleo- [him] that he
would depart 3327-metabaino- out of their coasts 3725-
horion- .
Matthew 9
1. And he entered 1684-embaino- into 1519-eis- a ship
4143-ploion- , and passed 1276-diaperao- over 1276-
diaperao- , and came 2064-erchomai- into 1519-eis- his
own 2398-idios- city 4172-polis- .
2 And, behold 2400-idou- , they brought 4374-prosphero-
to him a man sick 3885-paralutikos- of the palsy 3885-
paralutikos- , lying 0906-ballo- on 1909-epi- a bed
2825-kline- : and Jesus 2424-Iesous- seeing 1492-eido-
their faith 4102-pistis- said 4483-rheo- unto the sick
3885-paralutikos- of the palsy 3885-paralutikos- ; Son
5043-teknon- , be of good cheer 2293-tharseo- ; thy sins
0266-hamartia- be forgiven 0863-aphiemi- thee.
3 And, behold 2400-idou- , certain 5100-tis- of the
scribes 1122-grammateus- said 4483-rheo- within 1722-
en- themselves 1438-heautou- , This 3778-houtos- [man]
blasphemeth 0987-blasphemeo- .
4 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- knowing 1492-eido- their
thoughts 1761-enthumesis- said 4483-rheo- , Wherefore
5101-tis- think 1760-enthumeomai- ye evil 4190-poneros-
in your 5216-humon- hearts 2588-kardia- ?
5 For whether 5101-tis- is easier 2123-eukopoteros- ,
to say 2036-epo- , [Thy] sins 0266-hamartia- be
forgiven 0863-aphiemi- thee; or 2228-e- to say 2036-
epo- , Arise 1453-egeiro- , and walk 4043-peripateo- ?
6 But that ye may know 1492-eido- that the Son 5207-
huios- of man 0444-anthropos- hath 2192-echo- power
1849-exousia- on 1909-epi- earth 1093-ge- to forgive
0863-aphiemi- sins 0266-hamartia- , (then saith 3004-
lego- he to the sick 3885-paralutikos- of the palsy
3885-paralutikos- ,) Arise 1453-egeiro- , take 0142-airo-
up thy bed 2825-kline- , and go 5217-hupago- unto
thine 4675-sou- house 3624-oikos- .
7 And he arose 1453-egeiro- , and departed 0565-
aperchomai- to his house 3624-oikos- .
8 But when the multitudes 3793-ochlos- saw 1492-eido-
[it], they marvelled 2296-thaumazo- , and glorified 1392-
doxazo- God 2316-theos- , which 3588-ho- had given
1325-didomi- such 5108-toioutos- power 1849-exousia-
unto men 0444-anthropos- .
9. And as Jesus 2424-Iesous- passed 3855-parago- forth
from thence 1564-ekeithen- , he saw 1492-eido- a man
0444-anthropos- , named 3004-lego- Matthew 3156-
Matthaios- , sitting 2521-kathemai- at 1909-epi- the
receipt 5058-telonion- of custom 5058-telonion- : and
he saith 3004-lego- unto him, Follow 0190-akoloutheo- me.
And he arose 0450-anistemi- , and followed 0190-
akoloutheo- him.
10 And it came 1096-ginomai- to pass, as Jesus 2424-
Iesous- sat 0345-anakeimai- at 0345-anakeimai- meat
in the house 3614-oikia- , behold 2400-idou- , many
4183-polus- publicans 5052-telesphoreo- and sinners
0268-hamartolos- came 2064-erchomai- and sat 4873-
sunanakeimai- down 0347-anaklino- with him and his
disciples 3101-mathetes- .
11 And when the Pharisees 5330-Pharisaios- saw 1492-
eido- [it], they said 4483-rheo- unto his disciples
3101-mathetes- , Why 1302-diati- eateth 2068-esthio-
your 5216-humon- Master 1320-didaskalos- with
publicans 5052-telesphoreo- and sinners 0268-hamartolos-
12 But when Jesus 2424-Iesous- heard 0191-akouo-
[that], he said 4483-rheo- unto them, They that be whole
2480-ischuo- need 5532-chreia- not a physician 2395-
iatros- , but they that are sick 2560-kakos- .
13 But go 4198-poreuomai- ye and learn 3129-manthano-
what 5101-tis- [that] meaneth 2076-esti- , I will 2309-
thelo- have mercy 1656-eleos- , and not sacrifice 2378-
thusia- : for I am not come 2064-erchomai- to call 2564-
kaleo- the righteous 1342-dikaios- , but sinners 0268-
hamartolos- to repentance 3341-metanoia- .
14. Then 5119-tote- came 4334-proserchomai- to him the
disciples 3101-mathetes- of John 2491-Ioannes- , saying
3004-lego- , Why 1302-diati- do we and the Pharisees
5330-Pharisaios- fast 3522-nesteuo- oft 4183-polus- ,
but thy disciples 3101-mathetes- fast 3522-nesteuo-
15 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- said 4483-rheo- unto them,
Can 1410-dunamai- the children 5207-huios- of the
bridechamber 3567-numphon- mourn 3996-pentheo- , as
long 1909-epi- as the bridegroom 3566-numphios- is
with them? but the days 2250-hemera- will come 2064-
erchomai- , when 3752-hotan- the bridegroom 3566-
numphios- shall be taken 0522-apairo- from them, and then
5119-tote- shall they fast 3522-nesteuo- .
16 No 3762-oudeis- man 3762-oudeis- putteth 1911-
epiballo- a piece 1915-epiblema- of new 0046-agnaphos-
cloth 4470-rhakos- unto an old 3820-palaios- garment
2440-himation- , for that which is put in to fill 4138-
pleroma- it up taketh 0142-airo- from the garment 2440-
himation- , and the rent 4978-schisma- is made 1096-
ginomai- worse 5501-cheiron- .
17 Neither 3761-oude- do men put 0906-ballo- new
3501-neos- wine 3631-oinos- into 1519-eis- old 3820-
palaios- bottles 0779-askos- : else 1490-ei de me(ge)-
the bottles 0779-askos- break 4486-rhegnumi- , and the
wine 3631-oinos- runneth 1632-ekcheo- out, and the
bottles 0779-askos- perish 0622-apollumi- : but they
put 0906-ballo- new 3501-neos- wine 3631-oinos- into
1519-eis- new 2537-kainos- bottles 0779-askos- , and
both 0297-amphoteros- are preserved 4933-suntereo- .
18. While he spake 2980-laleo- these 5023-tauta-
things unto them, behold 2400-idou- , there came 2064-
erchomai- a certain ruler 0758-archon- , and worshipped
4352-proskuneo- him, saying 3004-lego- , My daughter
2364-thugater- is even 0737-arti- now 0737-arti- dead
5053-teleutao- : but come 2064-erchomai- and lay 2007-
epitithemi- thy hand 5495-cheir- upon her, and she shall live
2198-zao- .
19 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- arose 1453-egeiro- , and
followed 0190-akoloutheo- him, and [so did] his
disciples 3101-mathetes- .
20 And, behold 2400-idou- , a woman 1135-gune- , which
was diseased with an issue 0131-haimorrheo- of blood
0131-haimorrheo- twelve 1427-dodeka- years 2094-etos- ,
came 4334-proserchomai- behind 3693-opisthen- [him],
and touched 0680-haptomai- the hem 2899-kraspedon- of
his garment 2440-himation- :
21 For she said 3004-lego- within 1722-en- herself
1438-heautou- , If 1437-ean- I may but touch 0680-
haptomai- his garment 2440-himation- , I shall be whole
4982-sozo- .
22 But Jesus 2424-Iesous- turned 1994-epistrepho- him
about 1994-epistrepho- , and when he saw 1492-eido- her,
he said 2036-epo- , Daughter 2364-thugater- , be of
good comfort 2293-tharseo- ; thy faith 4102-pistis-
hath made 4982-sozo- thee whole 4982-sozo- . And the
woman 1135-gune- was made 4982-sozo- whole 4982-sozo-
from that hour 5610-hora- .
23 And when Jesus 2424-Iesous- came 2064-erchomai-
into 1519-eis- the ruler's 0758-archon- house 3614-
oikia- , and saw 1492-eido- the minstrels 0834-auletes-
and the people 3793-ochlos- making 2350-thorubeo- a
noise 2350-thorubeo- ,
24 He said 3004-lego- unto them, Give 0402-anachoreo-
place 0402-anachoreo- : for the maid 2877-korasion- is
not dead 0599-apothnesko- , but sleepeth 2518-katheudo- .
And they laughed 2606-katagelao- him to scorn 2606-
katagelao- .
25 But when 3753-hote- the people 3793-ochlos- were
put 1544-ekballo- forth 1544-ekballo- , he went 1525-
eiserchomai- in, and took 2902-krateo- her by the hand
5495-cheir- , and the maid 2877-korasion- arose 1453-
egeiro- .
26 And the fame 5345-pheme- hereof 3778-houtos- went
1831-exerchomai- abroad 1831-exerchomai- into 1519-eis-
all 3650-holos- that land 1093-ge- .
27. And when Jesus 2424-Iesous- departed 3855-parago-
thence 1564-ekeithen- , two 1417-duo- blind 5185-
tuphlos- men followed 0190-akoloutheo- him, crying
2896-krazo- , and saying 3004-lego- , [Thou] Son 5207-
huios- of David 1138-Dabid- , have mercy 1653-eleeo-
on us.
28 And when he was come 2064-erchomai- into 1519-eis-
the house 3614-oikia- , the blind 5185-tuphlos- men
came 4334-proserchomai- to him: and Jesus 2424-Iesous-
saith 3004-lego- unto them, Believe 4100-pisteuo- ye
that I am able 1410-dunamai- to do 4160-poieo- this
5124-touto- ? They said 3004-lego- unto him, Yea 3483-nai- ,
Lord 2962-kurios- .
29 Then 5119-tote- touched 0680-haptomai- he their
eyes 3788-ophthalmos- , saying 3004-lego- , According
2596-kata- to your 5216-humon- faith 4102-pistis- be
it unto you.
30 And their eyes 3788-ophthalmos- were opened 0455-
anoigo- ; and Jesus 2424-Iesous- straitly charged 1690-
embrimaomai- them, saying 3004-lego- , See 3708-horao-
[that] no 3762-oudeis- man 3367-medeis- know 1097-
ginosko- [it].
31 But they, when they were departed 1831-exerchomai- ,
spread 1310-diaphemizo- abroad 1310-diaphemizo- his
fame 1310-diaphemizo- in all 3650-holos- that country
1093-ge- .
32 As they went 1831-exerchomai- out, behold 2400-idou-
, they brought 4374-prosphero- to him a dumb 2974-
kophos- man 0444-anthropos- possessed 1139-
daimonizomai- with a devil 1139-daimonizomai- .
33 And when the devil 1140-daimonion- was cast 1544-
ekballo- out, the dumb 2974-kophos- spake 2980-laleo- :
and the multitudes 3793-ochlos- marvelled 2296-
thaumazo- , saying 3004-lego- , It was never 3763-
oudepote- so 3779-houto- seen 5316-phaino- in Israel
2474-Israel- .
34 But the Pharisees 5330-Pharisaios- said 3004-lego- ,
He casteth 1544-ekballo- out devils 1140-daimonion-
through 1722-en- the prince 0758-archon- of the devils
1140-daimonion- .
35. And Jesus 2424-Iesous- went 4013-periago- about
4013-periago- all 3956-pas- the cities 4172-polis- and
villages 2968-kome- , teaching 1321-didasko- in their
synagogues 4864-sunagoge- , and preaching 2784-kerusso-
the gospel 2098-euaggelion- of the kingdom 0932-
basileia- , and healing 2323-therapeuo- every 3956-pas-
sickness 3554-nosos- and every 3956-pas- disease
3119-malakia- among 1722-en- the people 2992-laos- .
36 But when he saw 1492-eido- the multitudes 3793-
ochlos- , he was moved 4697-splagchnizomai- with
compassion 4697-splagchnizomai- on 4012-peri- them,
because 3754-hoti- they fainted 1590-ekluo- , and were
scattered 4496-rhipto- abroad 4496-rhipto- , as sheep
4263-probaton- having 2192-echo- no 3361-me- shepherd
4166-poimen- .
37 Then 5119-tote- saith 3004-lego- he unto his
disciples 3101-mathetes- , The harvest 2326-therismos-
truly 3303-men- [is] plenteous 4183-polus- , but the
labourers 2040-ergates- [are] few 3641-oligos- ;
38 Pray 1189-deomai- ye therefore 3767-oun- the Lord
2962-kurios- of the harvest 2326-therismos- , that he
will send 1544-ekballo- forth 1544-ekballo- labourers
2040-ergates- into 1519-eis- his harvest 2326-
therismos- .
Matthew 10
1. And when he had called 4341-proskaleomai- unto [him]
his twelve 1427-dodeka- disciples 3101-mathetes- , he
gave 1325-didomi- them power 1849-exousia- [against]
unclean 0169-akathartos- spirits 4151-pneuma- , to cast
1544-ekballo- them out, and to heal 2323-therapeuo-
all 3956-pas- manner of sickness 3554-nosos- and all
3956-pas- manner of disease 3119-malakia- .
2 Now 1161-de- the names 3686-onoma- of the twelve
1427-dodeka- apostles 0652-apostolos- are these 5023-
tauta- ; The first 4413-protos- , Simon 4613-Simon- ,
who 3588-ho- is called 3004-lego- Peter 4074-Petros- ,
and Andrew 0406-Andreas- his brother 0080-adephos- ;
James 2385-Iakobos- [the son] of Zebedee 2199-Zebedaios-
, and John 2491-Ioannes- his brother 0080-adephos- ;
3 Philip 5376-Philippos- , and Bartholomew 0918-
Bartholomaios- ; Thomas 2381-Thomas- , and Matthew 3156-
Matthaios- the publican 5057-telones- ; James 2385-
Iakobos- [the son] of Alphaeus 0256-Alphaios- , and
Lebbaeus 3002-Lebbaios- , whose 3588-ho- surname 1941-
epikaleomai- was Thaddaeus 2280-Thaddaios- ;
4 Simon 4613-Simon- the Canaanite 2581-Kananites- ,
and Judas 2455-Ioudas- Iscariot 2469-Iskariotes- , who
3588-ho- also 2532-kai- betrayed 3860-paradidomi- him.
5. These 5128-toutous- twelve 1427-dodeka- Jesus 2424-
Iesous- sent 0649-apostello- forth 0649-apostello- ,
and commanded 3853-paraggello- them, saying 3004-lego- ,
Go 0565-aperchomai- not into 1519-eis- the way 3598-
hodos- of the Gentiles 1484-ethnos- , and into 1519-eis-
[any] city 4172-polis- of the Samaritans 4541-
Samareites- enter 1525-eiserchomai- ye not:
6 But go 4198-poreuomai- rather 3123-mallon- to the
lost 0622-apollumi- sheep 4263-probaton- of the house
3624-oikos- of Israel 2474-Israel- .
7 And as ye go 4198-poreuomai- , preach 2784-kerusso- ,
saying 3004-lego- , The kingdom 0932-basileia- of
heaven 3772-ouranos- is at 1448-eggizo- hand 1448-
eggizo- .
8 Heal 2323-therapeuo- the sick 0770-astheneo- ,
cleanse 2511-katharizo- the lepers 3015-lepros- , raise
1453-egeiro- the dead 3498-nekros- , cast 1544-ekballo-
out devils 1140-daimonion- : freely 1432-dorean- ye
have received 2983-lambano- , freely 1432-dorean- give
1325-didomi- .
9 Provide 2532-kai- neither 3361-me- gold 5557-
chrusos- , nor 3366-mede- silver 0696-arguros- , nor
3366-mede- brass 5475-chalkos- in your 5216-humon-
purses 2223-zone- ,
10 Nor 3361-me- scrip 4082-pera- for [your] journey
3598-hodos- , neither 3366-mede- two 1417-duo- coats
5509-chiton- , neither 3366-mede- shoes 5266-hupodema- ,
nor 3366-mede- yet staves 4464-rhabdos- : for the
workman 2040-ergates- is worthy 0514-axios- of his
meat 5160-trophe- .
11 And into 1519-eis- whatsoever 0302-an- city 4172-
polis- or 2228-e- town 2968-kome- ye shall enter
1525-eiserchomai- , enquire 1833-exetazo- who 5101-tis-
in it is worthy 0514-axios- ; and there 1563-ekei-
abide 3306-meno- till 2193-heos- ye go 1831-
exerchomai- thence.
12 And when ye come 1525-eiserchomai- into 1519-eis-
an house 3614-oikia- , salute 0782-aspazomai- it.
13 And if 1437-ean- the house 3614-oikia- be worthy
0514-axios- , let your 5216-humon- peace 1515-eirene-
come 2064-erchomai- upon it: but if 1437-ean- it be
not worthy 0514-axios- , let your 5216-humon- peace
1515-eirene- return 1994-epistrepho- to you.
14 And whosoever 1437-ean- shall not receive 1209-
dechomai- you, nor 3366-mede- hear 0191-akouo- your
5216-humon- words 3056-logos- , when ye depart 1831-
exerchomai- out of that house 3614-oikia- or 2228-e-
city 4172-polis- , shake 1621-ektinasso- off 1621-
ektinasso- the dust 2868-koniortos- of your 5216-humon-
feet 4228-pous- .
15 Verily 0281-amen- I say 3004-lego- unto you, It
shall be more 0414-anektoteros- tolerable 0414-
anektoteros- for the land 1093-ge- of Sodom 4670-
Sodoma- and Gomorrha 1116-Gomorrha- in the day 2250-
hemera- of judgment 2920-krisis- , than 2228-e- for
that city 4172-polis- .
16. Behold 2400-idou- , I send you forth 0649-apostello-
as sheep 4263-probaton- in the midst 3319-mesos- of
wolves 3074-lukos- : be ye therefore 3767-oun- wise
5429-phronimos- as serpents 3789-ophis- , and harmless
0185-akeraios- as doves 4058-peristera- .
17 But beware 4337-prosecho- of men 0444-anthropos- :
for they will deliver 3860-paradidomi- you up to the
councils 4892-sunedrion- , and they will scourge 3164-
machomai- you in their synagogues 4864-sunagoge- ;
18 And ye shall be brought 0071-ago- before 1909-epi-
governors 2232-hegemon- and kings 0935-basileus- for
my sake 1752-heneka- , for a testimony 3142-marturion-
against them and the Gentiles 1484-ethnos- .
19 But when 3752-hotan- they deliver 3860-paradidomi-
you up, take no 3361-me- thought 3309-merimnao- how
4459-pos- or 2228-e- what 5101-tis- ye shall speak
2980-laleo- : for it shall be given 1325-didomi- you in
that same 1565-ekeinos- hour 5610-hora- what 5101-tis-
ye shall speak 2980-laleo- .
20 For it is not ye that speak 2980-laleo- , but the
Spirit 4151-pneuma- of your 5216-humon- Father 3962-
pater- which 3588-ho- speaketh 2980-laleo- in you.
21 And the brother 0080-adephos- shall deliver 3860-
paradidomi- up the brother 0080-adephos- to death 2288-
thanatos- , and the father 3962-pater- the child 5043-
teknon- : and the children 5043-teknon- shall rise 1881-
epanistamai- up against 1909-epi- [their] parents 1118-
goneus- , and cause 2289-thanatoo- them to be put 2289-
thanatoo- to death 2289-thanatoo- .
22 And ye shall be hated 3404-miseo- of all 3956-pas-
[men] for my name's 3686-onoma- sake: but he that
endureth 5278-hupomeno- to the end 5056-telos- shall
be saved 4982-sozo- .
23 But when 3752-hotan- they persecute 1377-dioko-
you in this 5026-taute- city 4172-polis- , flee 5343-
pheugo- ye into 1519-eis- another 0243-allos- : for
verily 0281-amen- I say 3004-lego- unto you, Ye shall
not have gone 5055-teleo- over 5055-teleo- the cities
4172-polis- of Israel 2474-Israel- , till 2193-heos-
the Son 5207-huios- of man 0444-anthropos- be come
2064-erchomai- .
24 The disciple 3101-mathetes- is not above 5228-huper-
[his] master 1320-didaskalos- , nor 3761-oude- the
servant 1401-doulos- above 5228-huper- his lord 2962-
kurios- .
25 It is enough 0713-arketos- for the disciple 3101-
mathetes- that he be as his master 1320-didaskalos- ,
and the servant 1401-doulos- as his lord 2962-kurios- .
If 1487-ei- they have called 2564-kaleo- the master
1320-didaskalos- of the house 3617-oikodespotes-
Beelzebub 0954-Beelzeboul- , how 4214-posos- much 4214-
posos- more 3123-mallon- [shall they call] them of his
household 3615-oikiakos- ?
26 Fear 5399-phobeo- them not therefore 3767-oun- :
for there is nothing 3762-oudeis- covered 2572-kalupto-
, that shall not be revealed 0601-apokalupto- ; and hid
2927-kruptos- , that shall not be known 1097-ginosko- .
27 What 3739-hos- I tell 3004-lego- you in darkness
4653-skotia- , [that] speak 2036-epo- ye in light 5457-
phos- : and what 3739-hos- ye hear 0191-akouo- in the
ear 3775-ous- , [that] preach 2784-kerusso- ye upon the
housetops 1430-doma- .
28 And fear 5399-phobeo- not them which 3588-ho- kill
0615-apokteino- the body 4983-soma- , but are not able
1410-dunamai- to kill 0615-apokteino- the soul 5590-
psuche- : but rather 3123-mallon- fear 5399-phobeo-
him which 3588-ho- is able 1410-dunamai- to destroy
0622-apollumi- both 2532-kai- soul 5590-psuche- and
body 4983-soma- in hell 1067-geena- .
29 Are not two 1417-duo- sparrows 4765-strouthion-
sold 4453-poleo- for a farthing 0787-assarion- ? and
one 1520-heis- of them shall not fall 4098-pipto- on
1909-epi- the ground 1093-ge- without 0427-aneu- your
5216-humon- Father 3962-pater- .
30 But the very 2532-kai- hairs 2359-thrix- of your
5216-humon- head 2776-kephale- are all 3956-pas-
numbered 0705-arithmeo- .
31 Fear 5399-phobeo- ye not therefore 3767-oun- , ye
are of more 1308-diaphero- value 1308-diaphero- than
many 4183-polus- sparrows 4765-strouthion- .
32 Whosoever 3748-hostis- therefore 3767-oun- shall
confess 3670-homologeo- me before 1715-emprosthen- men
0444-anthropos- , him will I confess 3670-homologeo-
also 2504-kago- before 1715-emprosthen- my Father
3962-pater- which 3588-ho- is in heaven 3772-ouranos- .
33 But whosoever 0302-an- shall deny 0720-arneomai-
me before 1715-emprosthen- men 0444-anthropos- , him
will I also 2504-kago- deny 0720-arneomai- before
1715-emprosthen- my Father 3962-pater- which 3588-ho-
is in heaven 3772-ouranos- .
34 Think 3543-nomizo- not that I am come 2064-erchomai-
to send 0906-ballo- peace 1515-eirene- on 1909-epi-
earth 1093-ge- : I came 2064-erchomai- not to send
0906-ballo- peace 1515-eirene- , but a sword 3162-
machaira- .
35 For I am come 2064-erchomai- to set 1369-dichazo-
a man 0444-anthropos- at 1369-dichazo- variance 1369-
dichazo- against 2596-kata- his father 3962-pater- ,
and the daughter 2364-thugater- against 2596-kata- her
mother 3384-meter- , and the daughter 3565-numphe- in
law 3565-numphe- against 2596-kata- her mother 3994-
penthera- in law 3994-penthera- .
36 And a man's 0444-anthropos- foes 2190-echthros-
[shall be] they of his own household 3615-oikiakos- .
37 He that loveth 5368-phileo- father 3962-pater- or
2228-e- mother 3384-meter- more 5228-huper- than
5228-huper- me is not worthy 0514-axios- of me: and he
that loveth 5368-phileo- son 5207-huios- or 2228-e-
daughter 2364-thugater- more 5228-huper- than 5228-
huper- me is not worthy 0514-axios- of me.
38 And he that taketh 2983-lambano- not his cross 4716-
stauros- , and followeth 0190-akoloutheo- after 3694-
opiso- me, is not worthy 0514-axios- of me.
39 He that findeth 2147-heurisko- his life 5590-psuche-
shall lose 0622-apollumi- it: and he that loseth 0622-
apollumi- his life 5590-psuche- for my sake 1752-
heneka- shall find 2147-heurisko- it.
40 He that receiveth 1209-dechomai- you receiveth 1209-
dechomai- me, and he that receiveth 1209-dechomai- me
receiveth 1209-dechomai- him that sent 0649-apostello-
41 He that receiveth 2983-lambano- a prophet 4396-
prophetes- in the name 3686-onoma- of a prophet 4396-
prophetes- shall receive 2983-lambano- a prophet's
4396-prophetes- reward 3408-misthos- ; and he that
receiveth 2983-lambano- a righteous 1342-dikaios- man
in the name 3686-onoma- of a righteous 1342-dikaios- man
shall receive 2983-lambano- a righteous 1342-dikaios-
man's reward 3408-misthos- .
42 And whosoever 1437-ean- shall give 4222-potizo- to
drink 4222-potizo- unto one 1520-heis- of these 5130-
touton- little 3398-mikros- ones a cup 4221-poterion-
of cold 5593-psuchros- [water] only 3440-monon- in the
name 3686-onoma- of a disciple 3101-mathetes- , verily
0281-amen- I say 3004-lego- unto you, he shall in no
3364-ou me- wise lose 0622-apollumi- his reward 3408-
misthos- .
Matthew 11
1. And it came 1096-ginomai- to pass, when 3753-hote-
Jesus 2424-Iesous- had made 5055-teleo- an end 5055-
teleo- of commanding 1299-diatasso- his twelve 1427-
dodeka- disciples 3101-mathetes- , he departed 3327-
metabaino- thence 1564-ekeithen- to teach 1321-didasko-
and to preach 2784-kerusso- in their cities 4172-
polis- .
2 Now 1161-de- when John 2491-Ioannes- had heard
0191-akouo- in the prison 1201-desmoterion- the works
2041-ergon- of Christ 5547-Christos- , he sent 3992-
pempo- two 1417-duo- of his disciples 3101-mathetes- ,
3 And said 2036-epo- unto him, Art 1488-ei- thou he
that should come 2064-erchomai- , or 2228-e- do we look
4328-prosdokao- for another 2087-heteros- ?
4 Jesus 2424-Iesous- answered 0611-apokrinomai- and
said 2036-epo- unto them, Go 4198-poreuomai- and shew
0518-apaggello- John 2491-Ioannes- again 0518-
apaggello- those things which 3739-hos- ye do hear
0191-akouo- and see 0991-blepo- :
5 The blind 5185-tuphlos- receive 0308-anablepo-
their sight 0308-anablepo- , and the lame 5560-cholos-
walk 4043-peripateo- , the lepers 3015-lepros- are
cleansed 2511-katharizo- , and the deaf 2974-kophos-
hear 0191-akouo- , the dead 3498-nekros- are raised
1453-egeiro- up, and the poor 4434-ptochos- have the gospel
2097-euaggelizo- preached 2097-euaggelizo- to them.
6 And blessed 3107-makarios- is [he], whosoever 1437-
ean- shall not be offended 4624-skandalizo- in me.
7. And as they departed 4198-poreuomai- , Jesus 2424-
Iesous- began 0756-archomai- to say 3004-lego- unto
the multitudes 3793-ochlos- concerning 4012-peri- John
2491-Ioannes- , What 5101-tis- went 1831-exerchomai-
ye out into 1519-eis- the wilderness 2048-eremos- to
see 2300-theaomai- ? A reed 2563-kalamos- shaken 4531-
saleuo- with the wind 0417-anemos- ?
8 But what 5101-tis- went 1831-exerchomai- ye out for
to see 1492-eido- ? A man 0444-anthropos- clothed 0294-
amphiennumi- in soft 3120-malakos- raiment 2440-
himation- ? behold 2400-idou- , they that wear 5409-
phoreo- soft 3120-malakos- [clothing] are in kings
0935-basileus- ' houses 3624-oikos- .
9 But what 5101-tis- went 1831-exerchomai- ye out for
to see 1492-eido- ? A prophet 4396-prophetes- ? yea
3483-nai- , I say 3004-lego- unto you, and more 4055-
perissoteros- than a prophet 4396-prophetes- .
10 For this 3778-houtos- is [he], of whom 3739-hos-
it is written 1125-grapho- , Behold 2400-idou- , I send
0649-apostello- my messenger 0032-aggelos- before 4253-
pro- thy face 4383-prosopon- , which 3739-hos- shall
prepare 2680-kataskeuazo- thy way 3598-hodos- before
1715-emprosthen- thee.
11 Verily 0281-amen- I say 3004-lego- unto you, Among
1722-en- them that are born 1084-gennetos- of women
1135-gune- there hath not risen 1453-egeiro- a greater
3187-meizon- than John 2491-Ioannes- the Baptist 0910-
Baptistes- : notwithstanding he that is least 3398-mikros-
in the kingdom 0932-basileia- of heaven 3772-ouranos-
is greater 3187-meizon- than he.
12 And from the days 2250-hemera- of John 2491-Ioannes-
the Baptist 0910-Baptistes- until 2193-heos- now
0737-arti- the kingdom 0932-basileia- of heaven 3772-
ouranos- suffereth 0971-biazo- violence 0971-biazo- ,
and the violent 0973-biastes- take 0726-harpazo- it by
force 0726-harpazo- .
13 For all 3956-pas- the prophets 4396-prophetes- and
the law 3551-nomos- prophesied 4395-propheteuo- until
2193-heos- John 2491-Ioannes- .
14 And if 1487-ei- ye will 2309-thelo- receive 1209-
dechomai- [it], this 0846-autos- is Elias 2243-Helias-
, which 3588-ho- was for to come 2064-erchomai- .
15 He that hath 2192-echo- ears 3775-ous- to hear
0191-akouo- , let him hear 0191-akouo- .
16. But whereunto 5101-tis- shall I liken 3666-homoioo-
this 5026-taute- generation 1074-genea- ? It is like
3664-homoios- unto children 3808-paidarion- sitting
2521-kathemai- in the markets 0058-agora- , and calling
4377-prosphoneo- unto their fellows 2083-hetairos- ,
17 And saying 3004-lego- , We have piped 0832-auleo-
unto you, and ye have not danced 3738-orcheomai- ; we
have mourned 2354-threneo- unto you, and ye have not
lamented 2875-kopto- .
18 For John 2491-Ioannes- came 2064-erchomai- neither
3383-mete- eating 2068-esthio- nor 3383-mete-
drinking 4095-pino- , and they say 3004-lego- , He hath
2192-echo- a devil 1140-daimonion- .
19 The Son 5207-huios- of man 0444-anthropos- came
2064-erchomai- eating 2068-esthio- and drinking 4095-
pino- , and they say 3004-lego- , Behold 2400-idou- a
man 0444-anthropos- gluttonous 5314-phagos- , and a
winebibber 3630-oinopotes- , a friend 5384-philos- of
publicans 5052-telesphoreo- and sinners 0268-hamartolos-
. But wisdom 4678-sophia- is justified 1344-dikaioo-
of her children 5043-teknon- .
20 Then 5119-tote- began 0756-archomai- he to upbraid
3679-oneidizo- the cities 4172-polis- wherein 3739-
hos- most 4118-pleistos- of his mighty 1411-dunamis-
works were done 1096-ginomai- , because 3754-hoti- they
repented 3340-metanoeo- not:
21 Woe 3759-ouai- unto thee, Chorazin 5523-Chorazin- !
woe 3759-ouai- unto thee, Bethsaida 0966-Bethsaida- !
for if 1487-ei- the mighty 1411-dunamis- works, which
3588-ho- were done 1096-ginomai- in you, had been done
1096-ginomai- in Tyre 5184-Turos- and Sidon 4605-Sidon-
, they would have repented 3340-metanoeo- long 3819-
palai- ago 3819-palai- in sackcloth 4526-sakkos- and
ashes 4700-spodos- .
22 But I say 3004-lego- unto you, It shall be more
0414-anektoteros- tolerable 0414-anektoteros- for Tyre
5184-Turos- and Sidon 4605-Sidon- at 1722-en- the day
2250-hemera- of judgment 2920-krisis- , than 2228-e- for
23 And thou, Capernaum 2584-Kapernaoum- , which 3588-ho-
art exalted 5312-hupsoo- unto heaven 3772-ouranos- ,
shalt be brought 2601-katabibazo- down 2601-katabibazo-
to hell 0086-haides- : for if 1487-ei- the mighty
1411-dunamis- works, which 3588-ho- have been done
1096-ginomai- in thee, had been done 1096-ginomai- in
Sodom 4670-Sodoma- , it would have remained 3306-meno- until
3360-mechri- this 4594-semeron- day 4594-semeron- .
24 But I say 3004-lego- unto you, That it shall be more
0414-anektoteros- tolerable 0414-anektoteros- for the
land 1093-ge- of Sodom 4670-Sodoma- in the day 2250-
hemera- of judgment 2920-krisis- , than 2228-e- for
25. At 1722-en- that time 2540-kairos- Jesus 2424-
Iesous- answered 0611-apokrinomai- and said 2036-epo- ,
I thank 1843-exomologeo- thee, O Father 3962-pater- ,
Lord 2962-kurios- of heaven 3772-ouranos- and earth
1093-ge- , because 3754-hoti- thou hast hid 0613-
apokrupto- these 5023-tauta- things from the wise 4680-
sophos--oneidismos- and prudent 4908-sunetos- , and hast
revealed 0601-apokalupto- them unto babes 3516-nepios- .
26 Even so 3779-houto- , Father 3962-pater- : for so
3779-houto- it seemed 2107-eudokia- good 2107-eudokia-
in thy sight 1715-emprosthen- .
27 All 3956-pas- things are delivered 3860-paradidomi-
unto me of my Father 3962-pater- : and no 3762-oudeis-
man 3762-oudeis- knoweth 1921-epiginosko- the Son
5207-huios- , but the Father 3962-pater- ; neither 3761-
oude- knoweth 1921-epiginosko- any 5100-tis- man the
Father 3962-pater- , save 1508-ei me- the Son 5207-
huios- , and [he] to whomsoever 1437-ean- the Son 5207-
huios- will 1014-boo-lom-ahee- reveal 0601-apokalupto-
28 Come 1205-deute- unto me, all 3956-pas- [ye] that
labour 2872-kopiao- and are heavy laden 5412-phortizo- ,
and I will give you rest 0373-anapano- .
29 Take 0142-airo- my yoke 2218-zugos- upon you, and
learn 3129-manthano- of me; for I am 1510-eimi- meek
4235-praios- and lowly 5011-tapeinos- in heart 2588-
kardia- : and ye shall find 2147-heurisko- rest 0372-
anapausis- unto your 5216-humon- souls 5590-psuche- .
30 For my yoke 2218-zugos- [is] easy 5543-chrestos- ,
and my burden 5413-phortion- is light 1645-elaphros- .
Matthew 12
1. At 1722-en- that time 2540-kairos- Jesus 2424-
Iesous- went 4198-poreuomai- on the sabbath 4521-
sabbaton- day through 1223-dia- the corn 4702-sporimos-
; and his disciples 3101-mathetes- were an hungred
3983-peinao- , and began 0756-archomai- to pluck 5089-
tillo- the ears 4719-stachus- of corn 4719-stachus- ,
and to eat 2068-esthio- .
2 But when the Pharisees 5330-Pharisaios- saw 1492-
eido- [it], they said 2036-epo- unto him, Behold 2400-
idou- , thy disciples 3101-mathetes- do 4160-poieo-
that which 3739-hos- is not lawful 1832-exesti- to do
4160-poieo- upon the sabbath 4521-sabbaton- day.
3 But he said 2036-epo- unto them, Have ye not read
0314-anaginosko- what 5101-tis- David 1138-Dabid- did
4160-poieo- , when 3753-hote- he was an hungred 3983-
peinao- , and they that were with him;
4 How 4459-pos- he entered 1525-eiserchomai- into
1519-eis- the house 3624-oikos- of God 2316-theos- ,
and did eat 5315-phago- the shewbread 4286-prothesis- ,
which 3739-hos- was not lawful 1832-exesti- for him to
eat 5315-phago- , neither 3761-oude- for them which
were with him, but only 3441-monos- for the priests
2409-hiereus- ?
5 Or 2228-e- have ye not read 0314-anaginosko- in the
law 3551-nomos- , how that on the sabbath 4521-sabbaton-
days the priests 2409-hiereus- in the temple 2411-
hieron- profane 0953-bebeloo- the sabbath 4521-
sabbaton- , and are blameless 0338-anaitios- ?
6 But I say 3004-lego- unto you, That in this 5602-
hode- place 5602-hode- is [one] greater 3187-meizon-
than the temple 2411-hieron- .
7 But if 1487-ei- ye had known 1097-ginosko- what
5101-tis- [this] meaneth 2076-esti- , I will 2309-thelo-
have mercy 1656-eleos- , and not sacrifice 2378-thusia-
, ye would not have condemned 2613-katadikazo- the
guiltless 0338-anaitios- .
8 For the Son 5207-huios- of man 0444-anthropos- is
Lord 2962-kurios- even 2532-kai- of the sabbath 4521-
sabbaton- day.
9 And when he was departed 3327-metabaino- thence 1564-
ekeithen- , he went 2064-erchomai- into 1519-eis-
their synagogue 4864-sunagoge- :
10 And, behold 2400-idou- , there was a man 0444-
anthropos- which had 2192-echo- [his] hand 5495-cheir-
withered 3584-xeros- . And they asked 1905-eperotao-
him, saying 3004-lego- , Is it lawful 1832-exesti- to
heal 2323-therapeuo- on the sabbath 4521-sabbaton-
days? that they might accuse 2723-kategoreo- him.
11 And he said 2036-epo- unto them, What 5101-tis-
man 0444-anthropos- shall there be among 1537-ek- you,
that shall have 2192-echo- one 1520-heis- sheep 4263-
probaton- , and if 1437-ean- it fall 1706-empipto-
into 1519-eis- a pit 0999-bothunos- on the sabbath
4521-sabbaton- day, will he not lay hold 2902-krateo-
on it, and lift 1453-egeiro- [it] out?
12 How 4214-posos- much 4214-posos- then 3767-oun-
is a man 0444-anthropos- better 1308-diaphero- than a
sheep 4263-probaton- ? Wherefore 5620-hoste- it is
lawful 1832-exesti- to do 4160-poieo- well 2573-kalos-
on the sabbath 4521-sabbaton- days.
13 Then 5119-tote- saith 3004-lego- he to the man
0444-anthropos- , Stretch 1614-ekteino- forth 1614-ekteino-
thine 4675-sou- hand 5495-cheir- . And he stretched
1614-ekteino- [it] forth 1614-ekteino- ; and it was
restored 0600-apokathistemi- whole 5199-hugies- , like
5613-hos- as the other 0243-allos- .
14. Then 1161-de- the Pharisees 5330-Pharisaios- went
1831-exerchomai- out, and held 2983-lambano- a council
4824-sumboulion- against 2596-kata- him, how 3704-
hopos- they might destroy 0622-apollumi- him.
15 But when Jesus 2424-Iesous- knew 1097-ginosko-
[it], he withdrew 0402-anachoreo- himself from thence
1564-ekeithen- : and great 4183-polus- multitudes 3793-
ochlos- followed 0190-akoloutheo- him, and he healed
2323-therapeuo- them all 3956-pas- ;
16 And charged 2008-epitimao- them that they should not
make 4160-poieo- him known 5318-phaneros- :
17 That it might be fulfilled 4137-pleroo- which 3588-
ho- was spoken 4483-rheo- by Esaias 2268-Hesaias- the
prophet 4396-prophetes- , saying 3004-lego- ,
18 Behold 2400-idou- my servant 3816-pais- , whom
3739-hos- I have chosen 0140-hairetizo- ; my beloved
0027-agapetos- , in whom 3739-hos- my soul 5590-psuche-
is well 2106-eudokeo- pleased 2106-eudokeo- : I will
put 5087-tithemi- my spirit 4151-pneuma- upon him, and
he shall shew 0518-apaggello- judgment 2920-krisis- to
the Gentiles 1484-ethnos- .
19 He shall not strive 2051-erizo- , nor 3761-oude-
cry 2905-kraugazo- ; neither 3761-oude- shall any 5100-
tis- man hear 0191-akouo- his voice 5456-phone- in
the streets 4113-plateia- .
20 A bruised 4937-suntribo- reed 2563-kalamos- shall
he not break 2608-katagnumi- , and smoking 5187-tuphoo-
flax 3043-linon- shall he not quench 4570-sbennumi- ,
till 2193-heos- he send 1544-ekballo- forth 1544-
ekballo- judgment 2920-krisis- unto victory 3534-nikos-
21 And in his name 3686-onoma- shall the Gentiles 1484-
ethnos- trust 1679-elpizo- .
22. Then 5119-tote- was brought 4374-prosphero- unto
him one possessed 1139-daimonizomai- with a devil 1139-
daimonizomai- , blind 5185-tuphlos- , and dumb 2974-
kophos- : and he healed 2323-therapeuo- him, insomuch
5620-hoste- that the blind 5185-tuphlos- and dumb 2974-
kophos- both 2532-kai- spake 2980-laleo- and saw
0991-blepo- .
23 And all 3956-pas- the people 3793-ochlos- were
amazed 1839-existemi- , and said 3004-lego- , Is not
this 3778-houtos- the son 5207-huios- of David 1138-
Dabid- ?
24 But when the Pharisees 5330-Pharisaios- heard 0191-
akouo- [it], they said 2036-epo- , This 3778-houtos-
[fellow] doth not cast 1544-ekballo- out devils 1140-
daimonion- , but by Beelzebub 0954-Beelzeboul- the
prince 0758-archon- of the devils 1140-daimonion- .
25 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- knew 1492-eido- their
thoughts 1761-enthumesis- , and said 2036-epo- unto
them, Every 3956-pas- kingdom 0932-basileia- divided
3307-merizo- against 2596-kata- itself 1438-heautou-
is brought 2049-eremoo- to desolation 2049-eremoo- ;
and every 3956-pas- city 4172-polis- or 2228-e-
house 3614-oikia- divided 3307-merizo- against 2596-kata-
itself 1438-heautou- shall not stand 2476-histemi- :
26 And if 1487-ei- Satan 4567-Satanas- cast 1544-
ekballo- out Satan 4567-Satanas- , he is divided 3307-
merizo- against 1909-epi- himself 1438-heautou- ; how
4459-pos- shall then 3767-oun- his kingdom 0932-
basileia- stand 2476-histemi- ?
27 And if 1487-ei- I by Beelzebub 0954-Beelzeboul-
cast 1544-ekballo- out devils 1140-daimonion- , by whom
5101-tis- do your 5216-humon- children 5207-huios-
cast 1544-ekballo- [them] out? therefore 5124-touto-
they shall be your 5216-humon- judges 2923-krites- .
28 But if 1487-ei- I cast 1544-ekballo- out devils
1140-daimonion- by the Spirit 4151-pneuma- of God 2316-
theos- , then 0686-ara- the kingdom 0932-basileia- of
God 2316-theos- is come 5348-phthano- unto you.
29 Or 2228-e- else how 4459-pos- can 1410-dunamai-
one 5100-tis- enter 1525-eiserchomai- into 1519-eis-
a strong 2478-ischuros- man's house 3614-oikia- , and
spoil 1283-diarpazo- his goods 4632-skeuos- , except
3362-ean me- he first 4412-proton- bind 1210-deo- the
strong 2478-ischuros- man? and then 5119-tote- he will
spoil 1283-diarpazo- his house 3614-oikia- .
30 He that is not with me is against 2596-kata- me; and
he that gathereth 4863-sunago- not with me scattereth
4650-skorpizo- abroad 4650-skorpizo- .
31 Wherefore 5124-touto- I say 3004-lego- unto you,
All 3956-pas- manner of sin 0266-hamartia- and
blasphemy 0988-blasphemia- shall be forgiven 0863-
aphiemi- unto men 0444-anthropos- : but the blasphemy
0988-blasphemia- [against] the [Holy] Ghost 4151-pneuma-
shall not be forgiven 0863-aphiemi- unto men 0444-
anthropos- .
32 And whosoever 0302-an- speaketh 2036-epo- a word
3056-logos- against 2596-kata- the Son 5207-huios- of
man 0444-anthropos- , it shall be forgiven 0863-aphiemi-
him: but whosoever 0302-an- speaketh 2036-epo-
against 2596-kata- the Holy 0040-hagios- Ghost 4151-
pneuma- , it shall not be forgiven 0863-aphiemi- him,
neither 3777-oute- in this 5129-toutoi- world 0165-aion- ,
neither 3777-oute- in the [world] to come 3195-mello- .
33 Either 2228-e- make 4160-poieo- the tree 1186-
dendron- good 2570-kalos- , and his fruit 2590-karpos-
good 2570-kalos- ; or 2228-e- else make 4160-poieo-
the tree 1186-dendron- corrupt 4550-sapros- , and his
fruit 2590-karpos- corrupt 4550-sapros- : for the tree
1186-dendron- is known 1097-ginosko- by [his] fruit
2590-karpos- .
34 O generation 1081-gennema- of vipers 2191-echidna- ,
how 4459-pos- can 1410-dunamai- ye, being 5607-on-
evil 4190-poneros- , speak 2980-laleo- good 0018-
agathos- things? for out of the abundance 4051-
perisseuma- of the heart 2588-kardia- the mouth 4750-
stoma- speaketh 2980-laleo- .
35 A good 0018-agathos- man 0444-anthropos- out of
the good 0018-agathos- treasure 2344-thesauros- of the
heart 2588-kardia- bringeth 1544-ekballo- forth 1544-
ekballo- good 0018-agathos- things: and an evil 4190-
poneros- man 0444-anthropos- out of the evil 4190-
poneros- treasure 2344-thesauros- bringeth 1544-
ekballo- forth evil 4190-poneros- things.
36 But I say 3004-lego- unto you, That every 3956-pas-
idle 0692-argos- word 4487-rhema- that men 0444-
anthropos- shall speak 2980-laleo- , they shall give
0591-apodidomi- account 3056-logos- thereof 0846-autos-
in the day 2250-hemera- of judgment 2920-krisis- .
37 For by thy words 3056-logos- thou shalt be justified
1344-dikaioo- , and by thy words 3056-logos- thou shalt
be condemned 2613-katadikazo- .
38. Then 5119-tote- certain 5100-tis- of the scribes
1122-grammateus- and of the Pharisees 5330-Pharisaios-
answered 0611-apokrinomai- , saying 3004-lego- , Master
1320-didaskalos- , we would 2309-thelo- see 1492-eido-
a sign 4592-semeion- from thee.
39 But he answered 0611-apokrinomai- and said 2036-epo-
unto them, An evil 4190-poneros- and adulterous 3428-
moichalis- generation 1074-genea- seeketh 1934-
epizeteo- after 1934-epizeteo- a sign 4592-semeion- ;
and there shall no 3756-ou- sign 4592-semeion- be
given 1325-didomi- to it, but the sign 4592-semeion-
of the prophet 4396-prophetes- Jonas 2495-Ionas- :
40 For as Jonas 2495-Ionas- was three 5140-treis-
days 2250-hemera- and three 5140-treis- nights 3571-
nux- in the whale's 2785-ketos- belly 2836-koilia- ;
so 3779-houto- shall the Son 5207-huios- of man 0444-
anthropos- be three 5140-treis- days 2250-hemera- and
three 5140-treis- nights 3571-nux- in the heart 2588-
kardia- of the earth 1093-ge- .
41 The men 0435-aner- of Nineveh 3536-Nineuites-
shall rise 0450-anistemi- in judgment 2920-krisis-
with this 5026-taute- generation 1074-genea- , and
shall condemn 2632-katakrino- it: because 3754-hoti-
they repented 3340-metanoeo- at 1519-eis- the
preaching 2782-kerugma- of Jonas 2495-Ionas- ; and, behold
2400-idou- , a greater 4119-pleion- than Jonas 2495-Ionas-
[is] here 5602-hode- .
42 The queen 0938-basilissa- of the south 3558-notos-
shall rise 1453-egeiro- up in the judgment 2920-krisis-
with this 5026-taute- generation 1074-genea- , and
shall condemn 2632-katakrino- it: for she came 2064-
erchomai- from the uttermost 4009-peras- parts of the
earth 1093-ge- to hear 0191-akouo- the wisdom 4678-
sophia- of Solomon 4672-Solomon- ; and, behold 2400-
idou- , a greater 4119-pleion- than Solomon 4672-Solomon-
[is] here 5602-hode- .
43 When 3752-hotan- the unclean 0169-akathartos-
spirit 4151-pneuma- is gone 1831-exerchomai- out of a
man 0444-anthropos- , he walketh 1330-dierchomai-
through 1223-dia- dry 0504-anudros- places 5117-topos-
, seeking 2212-zeteo- rest 0372-anapausis- , and
findeth 2147-heurisko- none 3756-ou- .
44 Then 5119-tote- he saith 3004-lego- , I will return
1994-epistrepho- into 1519-eis- my house 3624-oikos-
from whence 3606-hothen- I came 1831-exerchomai- out;
and when he is come 2064-erchomai- , he findeth 2147-
heurisko- [it] empty 4980-scholazo- , swept 4563-saroo-
, and garnished 2885-kosmeo- .
45 Then 5119-tote- goeth 4198-poreuomai- he, and
taketh 3880-paralambano- with himself 1438-heautou-
seven 2033-hepta- other 2087-heteros- spirits 4151-
pneuma- more wicked 4191-poneroteros- than himself
1438-heautou- , and they enter 1525-eiserchomai- in and
dwell 2730-katoikeo- there 1563-ekei- : and the last
2078-eschatos- [state] of that man 0444-anthropos- is
worse 5501-cheiron- than the first 4413-protos- . Even so
3779-houto- shall it be also 2532-kai- unto this 5026-
taute- wicked 4190-poneros- generation 1074-genea- .
46. While he yet 2089-eti- talked 2980-laleo- to the
people 3793-ochlos- , behold 2400-idou- , [his] mother
3384-meter- and his brethren 0080-adephos- stood 2476-
histemi- without 1854-exo- , desiring 2212-zeteo- to
speak 2980-laleo- with him.
47 Then 5119-tote- one 5100-tis- said 2036-epo-
unto him, Behold 2400-idou- , thy mother 3384-meter-
and thy brethren 0080-adephos- stand 2476-histemi-
without 1854-exo- , desiring 2212-zeteo- to speak 2980-
laleo- with thee.
48 But he answered 0611-apokrinomai- and said 2036-epo-
unto him that told 2036-epo- him, Who 5101-tis- is
my mother 3384-meter- ? and who 5101-tis- are my
brethren 0080-adephos- ?
49 And he stretched 1614-ekteino- forth 1614-ekteino-
his hand 5495-cheir- toward 1909-epi- his disciples
3101-mathetes- , and said 2036-epo- , Behold 2400-idou-
my mother 3384-meter- and my brethren 0080-adephos- !
50 For whosoever 0302-an- shall do 4160-poieo- the
will 2307-thelema- of my Father 3962-pater- which
3588-ho- is in heaven 3772-ouranos- , the same 0846-
autos- is my brother 0080-adephos- , and sister 0079-
adelphe- , and mother 3384-meter- .
Matthew 13
1. The same 1565-ekeinos- day 2250-hemera- went 1831-
exerchomai- Jesus 2424-Iesous- out of the house 3614-
oikia- , and sat 2521-kathemai- by the sea 2281-
thalassa- side 3844-para- .
2 And great 4183-polus- multitudes 3793-ochlos- were
gathered 4863-sunago- together 4863-sunago- unto him,
so 5620-hoste- that he went 1684-embaino- into 1519-
eis- a ship 4143-ploion- , and sat 2521-kathemai- ; and
the whole 3956-pas- multitude 3793-ochlos- stood 2476-
histemi- on 1909-epi- the shore 0123-aigialos- .
3 And he spake 2980-laleo- many 4183-polus- things
unto them in parables 3850-parabole- , saying 3004-lego-
, Behold 2400-idou- , a sower 4687-speiro- went 1831-
exerchomai- forth 1831-exerchomai- to sow 4687-speiro-
4 And when 3588-ho- he sowed 4687-speiro- , some 3588-
ho- [seeds] fell 4098-pipto- by the way 3598-hodos-
side 3844-para- , and the fowls 4071-peteinon- came
2064-erchomai- and devoured 2719-katesthio- them up:
5 Some 0243-allos- fell 4098-pipto- upon stony 4075-
petrodes- places, where 3699-hopou- they had 2192-echo-
not much 4183-polus- earth 1093-ge- : and forthwith
2112-eutheos- they sprung 1816-exanatello- up, because
1223-dia- they had 2192-echo- no 3361-me- deepness
0899-bathos- of earth 1093-ge- :
6 And when the sun 2246-helios- was up, they were
scorched 2739-kaumatizo- ; and because 1223-dia- they
had 2192-echo- no 3361-me- root 4491-rhiza- , they
withered 3583-xeraino- away.
7 And some 0243-allos- fell 4098-pipto- among 1909-
epi- thorns 0173-akantha- ; and the thorns 0173-akantha-
sprung 0305-anabaino- up, and choked 0638-apopnigo-
8 But other 0243-allos- fell 4098-pipto- into 1909-
epi- good 2570-kalos- ground 1093-ge- , and brought
1325-didomi- forth fruit 2590-karpos- , some 3588-ho-
an hundredfold 1540-hekaton- , some 1161-de- sixtyfold
1835-hexekonta- , some 1161-de- thirtyfold 5144-
triakonta- .
9 Who 3588-ho- hath 2192-echo- ears 3775-ous- to
hear 0191-akouo- , let him hear 0191-akouo- .
10 And the disciples 3101-mathetes- came 4334-
proserchomai- , and said 2036-epo- unto him, Why 1302-
diati- speakest 2980-laleo- thou unto them in parables
3850-parabole- ?
11 He answered 0611-apokrinomai- and said 2063-
eruthros- unto them, Because 3754-hoti- it is given
1325-didomi- unto you to know 1097-ginosko- the
mysteries 3466-musterion- of the kingdom 0932-basileia-
of heaven 3772-ouranos- , but to them it is not given
1325-didomi- .
12 For whosoever 3748-hostis- hath 2192-echo- , to him
shall be given 1325-didomi- , and he shall have more
abundance 4052-perisseuo- : but whosoever 3748-hostis-
hath 2192-echo- not, from him shall be taken 0142-airo-
away 0142-airo- even 2532-kai- that he hath 2192-
echo- .
13 Therefore 5124-touto- speak 2980-laleo- I to them
in parables 3850-parabole- : because 3754-hoti- they
seeing 0991-blepo- see 0991-blepo- not; and hearing
0191-akouo- they hear 0191-akouo- not, neither 3761-
oude- do they understand 4920-suniemi- .
14 And in them is fulfilled 0378-anapleroo- the
prophecy 4394-propheteia- of Esaias 2268-Hesaias- ,
which 3588-ho- saith 3004-lego- , By hearing 0189-akoe-
ye shall hear 0191-akouo- , and shall not understand
4920-suniemi- ; and seeing 0991-blepo- ye shall see
0991-blepo- , and shall not perceive 1492-eido- :
15 For this 5127-toutou- people's 2992-laos- heart
2588-kardia- is waxed 3975-pachuno- gross 3975-pachuno-
, and [their] ears 3775-ous- are dull 0917-bareos- of
hearing 0191-akouo- , and their eyes 3788-ophthalmos-
they have closed 2576-kammuo- ; lest 3379-mepote- at
3379-mepote- any 3379-mepote- time 3379-mepote- they
should see 1492-eido- with [their] eyes 3788-ophthalmos-
, and hear 0191-akouo- with [their] ears 3775-ous- ,
and should understand 4920-suniemi- with [their] heart
2588-kardia- , and should be converted 1994-epistrepho- , and I
should heal 2390-iaomai- them.
16 But blessed 3107-makarios- [are] your 5216-humon-
eyes 3788-ophthalmos- , for they see 0991-blepo- : and
your 5216-humon- ears 3775-ous- , for they hear 0191-
akouo- .
17 For verily 0281-amen- I say 3004-lego- unto you,
That many 4183-polus- prophets 4396-prophetes- and
righteous 1342-dikaios- [men] have desired 1939-
epithumia- to see 1492-eido- [those things] which 3739-
hos- ye see 0991-blepo- , and have not seen 1492-eido-
[them]; and to hear 0191-akouo- [those things] which
3739-hos- ye hear 0191-akouo- , and have not heard 0191-akouo-
18 Hear 0191-akouo- ye therefore 3767-oun- the
parable 3850-parabole- of the sower 4687-speiro- .
19 When any 3956-pas- one heareth 0191-akouo- the
word 3056-logos- of the kingdom 0932-basileia- , and
understandeth 4920-suniemi- [it] not, then cometh 2064-
erchomai- the wicked 4190-poneros- [one], and catcheth
0726-harpazo- away 0726-harpazo- that which 3588-ho-
was sown 4687-speiro- in his heart 2588-kardia- . This
3778-houtos- is he which 3588-ho- received 4687-speiro-
seed 4687-speiro- by the way 3598-hodos- side 3844-
para- .
20 But he that received 4687-speiro- the seed 4687-
speiro- into 1909-epi- stony 4075-petrodes- places,
the same 3778-houtos- is he that heareth 0191-akouo-
the word 3056-logos- , and anon 2117-euthus- with joy
5479-chara- receiveth 2983-lambano- it;
21 Yet 1161-de- hath 2192-echo- he not root 4491-
rhiza- in himself 1438-heautou- , but dureth 2076-esti-
for a while 4340-proskairos- : for when tribulation
2347-thlipsis- or 2228-e- persecution 1375-diogmos-
ariseth 1096-ginomai- because 1223-dia- of the word
3056-logos- , by and by he is offended 4624-skandalizo- .
22 He also 1161-de- that received 4687-speiro- seed
4687-speiro- among 1519-eis- the thorns 0173-akantha-
is he that heareth 0191-akouo- the word 3056-logos- ;
and the care 3308-merimna- of this 5127-toutou- world
0165-aion- , and the deceitfulness 0539-apate- of riches
4149-ploutos- , choke 4846-sumpnigo- the word 3056-
logos- , and he becometh 1096-ginomai- unfruitful 0175-
akarpos- .
23 But he that received 4687-speiro- seed 4687-speiro-
into 1909-epi- the good 2570-kalos- ground 1093-ge-
is he that heareth 0191-akouo- the word 3056-logos- ,
and understandeth 4920-suniemi- [it]; which 3739-hos-
also 1211-de- beareth 2592-karpophoreo- fruit 2592-
karpophoreo- , and bringeth 4160-poieo- forth 4160-
poieo- , some 3303-men- an hundredfold 1540-hekaton- ,
some 1161-de- sixty 1835-hexekonta- , some 1161-de-
thirty 5144-triakonta- .
24. Another 0243-allos- parable 3850-parabole- put
3908-paratithemi- he forth 3908-paratithemi- unto them,
saying 3004-lego- , The kingdom 0932-basileia- of
heaven 3772-ouranos- is likened 3666-homoioo- unto a
man 0444-anthropos- which sowed 4687-speiro- good
2570-kalos- seed 4690-sperma- in his field 0068-agros-
25 But while 3588-ho- men 0444-anthropos- slept 2518-
katheudo- , his enemy 2190-echthros- came 2064-erchomai-
and sowed 4687-speiro- tares 2215-zizanion- among
3319-mesos- the wheat 4621-sitos- , and went 0565-
aperchomai- his way.
26 But when 3753-hote- the blade 5528-chortos- was
sprung 0985-blastano- up, and brought 4160-poieo-
forth 4160-poieo- fruit 2590-karpos- , then 5119-tote-
appeared 5316-phaino- the tares 2215-zizanion- also
2532-kai- .
27 So 1161-de- the servants 1401-doulos- of the
householder 3617-oikodespotes- came 4334-proserchomai-
and said 2063-eruthros- unto him, Sir 2962-kurios- ,
didst not thou sow 4687-speiro- good 2570-kalos- seed
4690-sperma- in thy field 0068-agros- ? from whence
4159-pothen- then 3767-oun- hath 2192-echo- it tares
2215-zizanion- ?
28 He said 2063-eruthros- unto them, An enemy 2190-
echthros- hath done 4160-poieo- this 5124-touto- . The
servants 1401-doulos- said 5346-phemi- unto him, Wilt
2309-thelo- thou then 3767-oun- that we go 0565-
aperchomai- and gather 4816-sullego- them up?
29 But he said 5346-phemi- , Nay 3756-ou- ; lest 3379-
mepote- while ye gather 4816-sullego- up the tares
2215-zizanion- , ye root 1610-ekrizoo- up also 0260-
hama- the wheat 4621-sitos- with them.
30 Let 0863-aphiemi- both 0297-amphoteros- grow 4885-
sunauxano- together 4885-sunauxano- until 3360-mechri-
the harvest 2326-therismos- : and in the time 2540-
kairos- of harvest 2326-therismos- I will say 2046-
ereo- to the reapers 2327-theristes- , Gather 4816-
sullego- ye together 4816-sullego- first 4412-proton-
the tares 2215-zizanion- , and bind 1210-deo- them in
bundles 1197-desme- to burn 2618-katakaio- them: but
gather 4863-sunago- the wheat 4621-sitos- into 1519-eis-
my barn 0596-apotheke- .
31 Another 0243-allos- parable 3850-parabole- put
3908-paratithemi- he forth 3908-paratithemi- unto them,
saying 3004-lego- , The kingdom 0932-basileia- of
heaven 3772-ouranos- is like 3664-homoios- to a grain
2848-kokkos- of mustard 4615-sinapi- seed, which 3739-
hos- a man 0444-anthropos- took 2983-lambano- , and
sowed 4687-speiro- in his field 0068-agros- :
32 Which 3739-hos- indeed 3303-men- is the least
3398-mikros- of all 3956-pas- seeds 4690-sperma- : but
when 3752-hotan- it is grown 0837-auzano- , it is the
greatest 3187-meizon- among herbs 3001-lachanon- , and
becometh 1096-ginomai- a tree 1186-dendron- , so 5620-
hoste- that the birds 4071-peteinon- of the air 3772-
ouranos- come 2064-erchomai- and lodge 2681-kataskenoo- in
the branches 2798-klados- thereof 0846-autos- .
33 Another 0243-allos- parable 3850-parabole- spake
2980-laleo- he unto them; The kingdom 0932-basileia- of
heaven 3772-ouranos- is like 3664-homoios- unto leaven
2219-zume- , which 3739-hos- a woman 1135-gune- took
2983-lambano- , and hid 1470-ekgrupto- in three 5140-
treis- measures 4568-saton- of meal 0224-aleuron- ,
till 2193-heos- the whole 3650-holos- was leavened 2220-
zumoo- .
34 All 3956-pas- these 5023-tauta- things spake 2980-
laleo- Jesus 2424-Iesous- unto the multitude 3793-
ochlos- in parables 3850-parabole- ; and without 5565-
choris- a parable 3850-parabole- spake 2980-laleo- he
not unto them:
35 That it might be fulfilled 4137-pleroo- which 3588-
ho- was spoken 4483-rheo- by the prophet 4396-
prophetes- , saying 3004-lego- , I will open 0455-anoigo-
my mouth 4750-stoma- in parables 3850-parabole- ; I
will utter 2044-ereugomai- things which have been kept
secret 2928-krupto- from the foundation 2602-katabole-
of the world 2889-kosmos- .
36 Then 5119-tote- Jesus 2424-Iesous- sent 0863-
aphiemi- the multitude 3793-ochlos- away 0863-aphiemi-
, and went 2064-erchomai- into 1519-eis- the house
3614-oikia- : and his disciples 3101-mathetes- came
4334-proserchomai- unto him, saying 3004-lego- , Declare
5419-phrazo- unto us the parable 3850-parabole- of the
tares 2215-zizanion- of the field 0068-agros- .
37 He answered 0611-apokrinomai- and said 2036-epo-
unto them, He that soweth 4687-speiro- the good 2570-
kalos- seed 4690-sperma- is the Son 5207-huios- of
man 0444-anthropos- ;
38 The field 0068-agros- is the world 2889-kosmos- ;
the good 2570-kalos- seed 4690-sperma- are the
children 5207-huios- of the kingdom 0932-basileia- ;
but the tares 2215-zizanion- are the children 5207-
huios- of the wicked 4190-poneros- [one];
39 The enemy 2190-echthros- that sowed 4687-speiro-
them is the devil 1228-diabolos- ; the harvest 2326-
therismos- is the end 4930-sunteleia- of the world
0165-aion- ; and the reapers 2327-theristes- are the
angels 0032-aggelos- .
40 As therefore 3767-oun- the tares 2215-zizanion-
are gathered 4816-sullego- and burned 2618-katakaio-
in the fire 4442-pur- ; so 3779-houto- shall it be in
the end 4930-sunteleia- of this 5127-toutou- world
0165-aion- .
41 The Son 5207-huios- of man 0444-anthropos- shall
send 0649-apostello- forth 0649-apostello- his angels
0032-aggelos- , and they shall gather 4816-sullego- out
of his kingdom 0932-basileia- all 3956-pas- things
that offend 4625-skandalon- , and them which do 4160-
poieo- iniquity 0458-anomia- ;
42 And shall cast 0906-ballo- them into 1519-eis- a
furnace 2575-kaminos- of fire 4442-pur- : there 1563-
ekei- shall be wailing 2805-klauthmos- and gnashing
1030-brugmos- of teeth 3599-odous- .
43 Then 5119-tote- shall the righteous 1342-dikaios-
shine 1584-eklampo- forth 1584-eklampo- as the sun
2246-helios- in the kingdom 0932-basileia- of their
Father 3962-pater- . Who 3588-ho- hath 2192-echo-
ears 3775-ous- to hear 0191-akouo- , let him hear 0191-
akouo- .
44. Again 3825-palin- , the kingdom 0932-basileia- of
heaven 3772-ouranos- is like 3664-homoios- unto
treasure 2344-thesauros- hid 2928-krupto- in a field
0068-agros- ; the which 3739-hos- when a man 0444-
anthropos- hath found 2147-heurisko- , he hideth 2928-
krupto- , and for joy 5479-chara- thereof 0846-autos-
goeth 5217-hupago- and selleth 4453-poleo- all 3956-
pas- that he hath 2192-echo- , and buyeth 0059-agorazo-
that field 0068-agros- .
45 Again 3825-palin- , the kingdom 0932-basileia- of
heaven 3772-ouranos- is like 3664-homoios- unto a
merchant 1713-emporos- man 0444-anthropos- , seeking
2212-zeteo- goodly 2573-kalos- pearls 3135-margarites-
46 Who 3739-hos- , when he had found 2147-heurisko-
one 1520-heis- pearl 3135-margarites- of great 4186-
polutimos- price 4186-polutimos- , went 0565-aperchomai-
and sold 4097-piprasko- all 3956-pas- that he had
2192-echo- , and bought 0059-agorazo- it.
47 Again 3825-palin- , the kingdom 0932-basileia- of
heaven 3772-ouranos- is like 3664-homoios- unto a net
4522-sagene- , that was cast 0906-ballo- into 1519-eis-
the sea 2281-thalassa- , and gathered 4863-sunago- of
every 3956-pas- kind 1085-genos- :
48 Which 3739-hos- , when 3753-hote- it was full 4137-
pleroo- , they drew 0307-anabibazo- to shore 0123-
aigialos- , and sat 2523-kathizo- down 2523-kathizo- ,
and gathered 4816-sullego- the good 2570-kalos- into
1519-eis- vessels 0030-aggeion- , but cast 0906-ballo-
the bad 4550-sapros- away 1854-exo- .
49 So 3779-houto- shall it be at 1722-en- the end
4930-sunteleia- of the world 0165-aion- : the angels
0032-aggelos- shall come 1831-exerchomai- forth 3318-
Mesopotamia- , and sever 0873-aphorizo- the wicked 4190-
poneros- from among 3319-mesos- the just 1342-dikaios- ,
50 And shall cast 0906-ballo- them into 1519-eis- the
furnace 2575-kaminos- of fire 4442-pur- : there 1563-
ekei- shall be wailing 2805-klauthmos- and gnashing
1030-brugmos- of teeth 3599-odous- .
51 Jesus 2424-Iesous- saith 3004-lego- unto them,
Have ye understood 4920-suniemi- all 3956-pas- these
5023-tauta- things? They say 3004-lego- unto him, Yea
3483-nai- , Lord 2962-kurios- .
52 Then 1161-de- said 2036-epo- he unto them,
Therefore 5124-touto- every 3956-pas- scribe 1122-
grammateus- [which is] instructed 3100-matheteuo- unto
the kingdom 0932-basileia- of heaven 3772-ouranos- is
like 3664-homoios- unto a man 0444-anthropos- [that
is] an householder 3617-oikodespotes- , which 3748-
hostis- bringeth 1544-ekballo- forth 1544-ekballo- out of
his treasure 2344-thesauros- [things] new 2537-kainos-
and old 3820-palaios- .
53. And it came 1096-ginomai- to pass, [that] when 3753-
hote- Jesus 2424-Iesous- had finished 5055-teleo-
these 5025-tautais- parables 3850-parabole- , he
departed 3332-metairo- thence 1564-ekeithen- .
54 And when he was come 2064-erchomai- into 1519-eis-
his own country 3968-patris- , he taught 1321-didasko-
them in their synagogue 4864-sunagoge- , insomuch 5620-
hoste- that they were astonished 1605-ekplesso- , and
said 3004-lego- , Whence 4159-pothen- hath this 3778-
houtos- [man] this 3778-houtos- wisdom 4678-sophia- ,
and [these 3588-ho- ] mighty 1411-dunamis- works?
55 Is not this 3778-houtos- the carpenter's 5045-
tekton- son 5207-huios- ? is not his mother 3384-meter-
called 3004-lego- Mary 3137-Maria- ? and his brethren
0080-adephos- , James 2385-Iakobos- , and Joses 2500-
Ioses- , and Simon 4613-Simon- , and Judas 2455-Ioudas- ?
56 And his sisters 0079-adelphe- , are they not all
3956-pas- with us? Whence 4159-pothen- then 3767-oun-
hath this 5129-toutoi- [man] all 3956-pas- these 5023-
tauta- things?
57 And they were offended 4624-skandalizo- in him. But
Jesus 2424-Iesous- said 2036-epo- unto them, A prophet
4396-prophetes- is not without 0820-atimos- honour
0820-atimos- , save 1508-ei me- in his own country 3968-
patris- , and in his own house 3614-oikia- .
58 And he did 4160-poieo- not many 4183-polus- mighty
1411-dunamis- works there 1563-ekei- because 1223-dia-
of their unbelief 0570-apaistia- .
Matthew 14
1. At 1722-en- that time 2540-kairos- Herod 2264-
Herodes- the tetrarch 5076-tetrarches- heard 0191-
akouo- of the fame 0189-akoe- of Jesus 2424-Iesous- ,
2 And said 2036-epo- unto his servants 3816-pais- ,
This 3778-houtos- is John 2491-Ioannes- the Baptist
0910-Baptistes- ; he is risen 1453-egeiro- from the dead
3498-nekros- ; and therefore 5124-touto- mighty 1411-
dunamis- works do shew 1754-energeo- forth 1754-
energeo- themselves in him.
3 For Herod 2264-Herodes- had laid hold 2902-krateo-
on John 2491-Ioannes- , and bound 1210-deo- him, and
put 5087-tithemi- [him] in prison 5438-phulake- for
Herodias 2266-Herodias- ' sake, his brother 0080-adephos-
Philip's 5376-Philippos- wife 1135-gune- .
4 For John 2491-Ioannes- said 3004-lego- unto him, It
is not lawful 1832-exesti- for thee to have 2192-echo-
5 And when he would 2309-thelo- have put 0615-
apokteino- him to death 0615-apokteino- , he feared
5399-phobeo- the multitude 3793-ochlos- , because 3754-
hoti- they counted 2192-echo- him as a prophet 4396-
prophetes- .
6 But when Herod's 2264-Herodes- birthday 1077-genesia-
was kept 0071-ago- , the daughter 2364-thugater- of
Herodias 2266-Herodias- danced 3738-orcheomai- before
3319-mesos- them, and pleased 0700-aresko- Herod 2264-
Herodes- .
7 Whereupon 3606-hothen- he promised 3670-homologeo-
with an oath 3727-horkos- to give 1325-didomi- her
whatsoever 1437-ean- she would ask 0154-aiteo- .
8 And she, being before 4264-probibazo- instructed
4264-probibazo- of her mother 3384-meter- , said 5346-phemi-
, Give 1325-didomi- me here 5602-hode- John 2491-
Ioannes- Baptist's 0910-Baptistes- head 2776-kephale-
in a charger 4094-pinax- .
9 And the king 0935-basileus- was sorry 3076-lupeo- :
nevertheless for the oath's 3727-horkos- sake, and them
which sat 4873-sunanakeimai- with him at 4873-
sunanakeimai- meat, he commanded 2753-keleuo- [it] to
be given 1325-didomi- [her].
10 And he sent 3992-pempo- , and beheaded 0607-
apokephalizo- John 2491-Ioannes- in the prison 5438-
phulake- .
11 And his head 2776-kephale- was brought 5342-phero-
in a charger 4094-pinax- , and given 1325-didomi- to
the damsel 2877-korasion- : and she brought 5342-phero-
[it] to her mother 3384-meter- .
12 And his disciples 3101-mathetes- came 4334-
proserchomai- , and took 0142-airo- up the body 4983-
soma- , and buried 2290-thapto- it, and went 2064-
erchomai- and told 0518-apaggello- Jesus 2424-Iesous- .
13. When Jesus 2424-Iesous- heard 0191-akouo- [of it],
he departed 0402-anachoreo- thence 1564-ekeithen- by
ship 4143-ploion- into 1519-eis- a desert 2048-eremos-
place 5117-topos- apart 2398-idios- : and when the
people 3793-ochlos- had heard 0191-akouo- [thereof],
they followed 0190-akoloutheo- him on 3979-peze- foot
3979-peze- out of the cities 4172-polis- .
14 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- went 1831-exerchomai- forth
1831-exerchomai- , and saw 1492-eido- a great 4183-
polus- multitude 3793-ochlos- , and was moved 4697-
splagchnizomai- with compassion 4697-splagchnizomai-
toward 1909-epi- them, and he healed 2323-therapeuo-
their sick 0732-arrhostos- .
15 And when it was evening 3798-opsios- , his disciples
3101-mathetes- came 4334-proserchomai- to him, saying
3004-lego- , This 3588-ho- is a desert 2048-eremos-
place 5117-topos- , and the time 5610-hora- is now
2236-hedista- past 3928-parerchomai- ; send 0630-apoluo-
the multitude 3793-ochlos- away 0630-apoluo- , that
they may go 0565-aperchomai- into 1519-eis- the
villages 2968-kome- , and buy 0059-agorazo- themselves
1438-heautou- victuals 1033-broma- .
16 But Jesus 2424-Iesous- said 2036-epo- unto them,
They need 5532-chreia- not depart 0565-aperchomai- ;
give 1325-didomi- ye them to eat 5315-phago- .
17 And they say 3004-lego- unto him, We have 2192-echo-
here 5602-hode- but five 4002-pente- loaves 0740-
artos- , and two 1417-duo- fishes 2486-ichthus- .
18 He said 2036-epo- , Bring 5342-phero- them hither
5602-hode- to me.
19 And he commanded 2753-keleuo- the multitude 3793-
ochlos- to sit 0347-anaklino- down 0347-anaklino- on
1909-epi- the grass 5528-chortos- , and took 2983-
lambano- the five 4002-pente- loaves 0740-artos- , and
the two 1417-duo- fishes 2486-ichthus- , and looking
0308-anablepo- up to heaven 3772-ouranos- , he blessed
2127-eulogeo- , and brake 2806-klao- , and gave 1325-didomi-
the loaves 0740-artos- to [his] disciples 3101-mathetes-
, and the disciples 3101-mathetes- to the multitude
3793-ochlos- .
20 And they did all 3956-pas- eat 5315-phago- , and
were filled 5526-chortazo- : and they took 0142-airo-
up of the fragments 2801-klasma- that remained 4052-
perisseuo- twelve 1427-dodeka- baskets 2894-kophinos-
full 4134-pleres- .
21 And they that had eaten 2068-esthio- were about
5616-hosei- five 4000-pentakischilioi- thousand 4000-
pentakischilioi- men 0435-aner- , beside 5565-choris-
women 1135-gune- and children 3813-paidion- .
22. And straightway 2112-eutheos- Jesus 2424-Iesous-
constrained 0315-anagkazo- his disciples 3101-mathetes-
to get 1684-embaino- into 1519-eis- a ship 4143-
ploion- , and to go 4254-proago- before 4254-proago-
him unto the other 4008-peran- side 4008-peran- , while
2193-heos- he sent 0630-apoluo- the multitudes 3793-
ochlos- away 0630-apoluo- .
23 And when he had sent 0630-apoluo- the multitudes
3793-ochlos- away 0630-apoluo- , he went 0305-anabaino-
up into 1519-eis- a mountain 3735-oros- apart 2398-
idios- to pray 4336-proseuchomai- : and when the evening
3798-opsios- was come 1096-ginomai- , he was there
1563-ekei- alone 3441-monos- .
24 But the ship 4143-ploion- was now 2236-hedista- in
the midst 3319-mesos- of the sea 2281-thalassa- ,
tossed 0928-basanizo- with waves 2949-kuma- : for the
wind 0417-anemos- was contrary 1727-enantios- .
25 And in the fourth 5067-tetartos- watch 5438-phulake-
of the night 3571-nux- Jesus 2424-Iesous- went 0565-
aperchomai- unto them, walking 4043-peripateo- on 1909-
epi- the sea 2281-thalassa- .
26 And when the disciples 3101-mathetes- saw 1492-eido-
him walking 4043-peripateo- on 1909-epi- the sea
2281-thalassa- , they were troubled 5015-tarasso- ,
saying 3004-lego- , It is a spirit 5326-phantasma- ; and
they cried 2896-krazo- out for fear 5401-phobos- .
27 But straightway 2112-eutheos- Jesus 2424-Iesous-
spake 2980-laleo- unto them, saying 3004-lego- , Be of
good cheer 2293-tharseo- ; it is I; be not afraid 5399-
phobeo- .
28 And Peter 4074-Petros- answered 0611-apokrinomai-
him and said 2036-epo- , Lord 2962-kurios- , if 1487-ei-
it be thou, bid 2753-keleuo- me come 2064-erchomai-
unto thee on 1909-epi- the water 5204-hudor- .
29 And he said 2036-epo- , Come 2064-erchomai- . And
when Peter 4074-Petros- was come 2597-katabaino- down
2597-katabaino- out of the ship 4143-ploion- , he walked
4043-peripateo- on 1909-epi- the water 5204-hudor- ,
to go 2064-erchomai- to Jesus 2424-Iesous- .
30 But when he saw 0991-blepo- the wind 0417-anemos-
boisterous 2478-ischuros- , he was afraid 5399-phobeo- ;
and beginning 0756-archomai- to sink 2670-katapontizo- ,
he cried 2896-krazo- , saying 3004-lego- , Lord 2962-
kurios- , save 4982-sozo- me.
31 And immediately 2112-eutheos- Jesus 2424-Iesous-
stretched 1614-ekteino- forth 1614-ekteino- [his] hand
5495-cheir- , and caught 1949-epilambanomai- him, and
said 3004-lego- unto him, O thou of little 3640-
oligopistos- faith 3640-oligopistos- , wherefore 5101-
tis- didst thou doubt 1365-distazo- ?
32 And when they were come 1684-embaino- into 1519-eis-
the ship 4143-ploion- , the wind 0417-anemos- ceased
2869-kopazo- .
33 Then 1161-de- they that were in the ship 4143-
ploion- came 2064-erchomai- and worshipped 4352-
proskuneo- him, saying 3004-lego- , Of a truth 0230-
alethos- thou art the Son 5207-huios- of God 2316-
theos- .
34. And when they were gone 1276-diaperao- over 1276-
diaperao- , they came 2064-erchomai- into 1519-eis-
the land 1093-ge- of Gennesaret 1082-Gennesaret- .
35 And when the men 0435-aner- of that place 5117-
topos- had knowledge 1921-epiginosko- of him, they sent
0649-apostello- out into 1519-eis- all 3650-holos-
that country 4066-perichoros- round 4066-perichoros-
about 4066-perichoros- , and brought 4374-prosphero-
unto him all 3956-pas- that were diseased 2192-echo- ;
36 And besought 3870-parakaleo- him that they might
only 3440-monon- touch 0680-haptomai- the hem 2899-
kraspedon- of his garment 2440-himation- : and as many
3745-hosos- as touched 0680-haptomai- were made 1295-
diasozo- perfectly 1295-diasozo- whole 1295-diasozo- .
Matthew 15
1. Then 5119-tote- came 4334-proserchomai- to Jesus
2424-Iesous- scribes 1122-grammateus- and Pharisees
5330-Pharisaios- , which 3588-ho- were of Jerusalem
2414-Hierosoluma- , saying 3004-lego- ,
2 Why 1302-diati- do thy disciples 3101-mathetes-
transgress 3845-parabaino- the tradition 3862-paradosis-
of the elders 4245-presbuteros- ? for they wash 3538-
nipto- not their hands 5495-cheir- when 3752-hotan-
they eat 2068-esthio- bread 0740-artos- .
3 But he answered 0611-apokrinomai- and said 2036-epo-
unto them, Why 1302-diati- do ye also 2532-kai-
transgress 3845-parabaino- the commandment 1785-entole-
of God 2316-theos- by your 5216-humon- tradition
3862-paradosis- ?
4 For God 2316-theos- commanded 1781-entellomai- ,
saying 3004-lego- , Honour 5091-timao- thy father 3962-
pater- and mother 3384-meter- : and, He that curseth
2551-kakologeo- father 3962-pater- or 2228-e- mother
3384-meter- , let him die 5053-teleutao- the death 2288-
thanatos- .
5 But ye say 3004-lego- , Whosoever 0302-an- shall say
2036-epo- to [his] father 3962-pater- or 2228-e-
[his] mother 3384-meter- , [It is] a gift 1435-doron- ,
by whatsoever 1437-ean- thou mightest be profited 5623-
opheleo- by me;
6 And honour 5091-timao- not his father 3962-pater-
or 2228-e- his mother 3384-meter- , [he shall be free].
Thus 2532-kai- have ye made 0208-akuroo- the
commandment 1785-entole- of God 2316-theos- of none
0208-akuroo- effect 0208-akuroo- by your 5216-humon-
tradition 3862-paradosis- .
7 [Ye] hypocrites 5273-hupokrites- , well 2573-kalos-
did Esaias 2268-Hesaias- prophesy 4395-propheteuo- of
you, saying 3004-lego- ,
8 This 3778-houtos- people 2992-laos- draweth nigh
1448-eggizo- unto me with their mouth 4750-stoma- , and
honoureth 5091-timao- me with [their] lips 5491-cheilos-
; but their heart 2588-kardia- is far 4206-porrho-
from me.
9 But in vain 3155-maten- they do worship 4576-sebomai-
me, teaching 1321-didasko- [for] doctrines 1319-
didaskalia- the commandments 1778-entalma- of men 0444-
anthropos- .
10. And he called 4341-proskaleomai- the multitude 3793-
ochlos- , and said 2036-epo- unto them, Hear 0191-akouo-
, and understand 4920-suniemi- :
11 Not that which goeth 1525-eiserchomai- into 1519-
eis- the mouth 4750-stoma- defileth 2840-koinoo- a
man 0444-anthropos- ; but that which cometh 1607-
ekporeuomai- out of the mouth 4750-stoma- , this 5124-
touto- defileth 2840-koinoo- a man 0444-anthropos- .
12 Then 5119-tote- came 4334-proserchomai- his
disciples 3101-mathetes- , and said 2036-epo- unto him,
Knowest 1492-eido- thou that the Pharisees 5330-
Pharisaios- were offended 4624-skandalizo- , after they
heard 0191-akouo- this 3588-ho- saying 3056-logos- ?
13 But he answered 0611-apokrinomai- and said 2036-epo-
, Every 3956-pas- plant 5451-phuteia- , which 3739-
hos- my heavenly 3770-ouranios- Father 3962-pater-
hath not planted 5452-phuteuo- , shall be rooted 1610-
ekrizoo- up.
14 Let 0863-aphiemi- them alone 0863-aphiemi- : they
be blind 5185-tuphlos- leaders 3595-hodegos- of the
blind 5185-tuphlos- . And if 1437-ean- the blind 5185-
tuphlos- lead 3594-hodegeo- the blind 5185-tuphlos- ,
both 0297-amphoteros- shall fall 4098-pipto- into
1519-eis- the ditch 0999-bothunos- .
15 Then 1161-de- answered 0611-apokrinomai- Peter
4074-Petros- and said 2036-epo- unto him, Declare 5419-
phrazo- unto us this 5026-taute- parable 3850-parabole-
16 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- said 2036-epo- , Are ye also
2532-kai- yet 0188-akmen- without 0801-asunetos-
understanding 0801-asunetos- ?
17 Do not ye yet 3768-oupo- understand 3539-noieo- ,
that whatsoever 3956-pas- entereth 1531-eisporeuomai-
in at 1519-eis- the mouth 4750-stoma- goeth 5562-
choreo- into 1519-eis- the belly 2836-koilia- , and is
cast 1544-ekballo- out into 1519-eis- the draught
0856-aphedron- ?
18 But those 3588-ho- things which 3588-ho- proceed
1607-ekporeuomai- out of the mouth 4750-stoma- come
1831-exerchomai- forth 3318-Mesopotamia- from the heart
2588-kardia- ; and they defile 2840-koinoo- the man
0444-anthropos- .
19 For out of the heart 2588-kardia- proceed 1831-
exerchomai- evil 4190-poneros- thoughts 1261-
dialogismos- , murders 5408-phonos- , adulteries 3430-
moicheia- , fornications 4202-porneia- , thefts 2829-
klope- , false 5577-pseudomarturia- witness 5577-
pseudomarturia- , blasphemies 0988-blasphemia- :
20 These 5023-tauta- are [the things] which 3588-ho-
defile 2840-koinoo- a man 0444-anthropos- : but to eat
5315-phago- with unwashen 0449-aniptos- hands 5495-
cheir- defileth 2840-koinoo- not a man 0444-anthropos-
21. Then 2532-kai- Jesus 2424-Iesous- went 1831-
exerchomai- thence 1564-ekeithen- , and departed 0402-
anachoreo- into 1519-eis- the coasts 3313-meros- of
Tyre 5184-Turos- and Sidon 4605-Sidon- .
22 And, behold 2400-idou- , a woman 1135-gune- of
Canaan 5478-Chanaanaios- came 1831-exerchomai- out of
the same 1565-ekeinos- coasts 3725-horion- , and cried
2905-kraugazo- unto him, saying 3004-lego- , Have mercy
1653-eleeo- on me, O Lord 2962-kurios- , [thou] Son
5207-huios- of David 1138-Dabid- ; my daughter 2364-
thugater- is grievously 2560-kakos- vexed 1139-
daimonizomai- with a devil 1139-daimonizomai- .
23 But he answered 0611-apokrinomai- her not a word
3056-logos- . And his disciples 3101-mathetes- came
4334-proserchomai- and besought 2065-erotao- him,
saying 3004-lego- , Send 0630-apoluo- her away 0630-
apoluo- ; for she crieth 2896-krazo- after 3693-
opisthen- us.
24 But he answered 0611-apokrinomai- and said 2036-epo-
, I am not sent 0649-apostello- but unto the lost 0622-
apollumi- sheep 4263-probaton- of the house 3624-oikos-
of Israel 2474-Israel- .
25 Then 1161-de- came 2064-erchomai- she and
worshipped 4352-proskuneo- him, saying 3004-lego- ,
Lord 2962-kurios- , help 0997-boetheo- me.
26 But he answered 0611-apokrinomai- and said 2036-epo-
, It is not meet 2570-kalos- to take 2983-lambano-
the children's 5043-teknon- bread 0740-artos- , and to
cast 0906-ballo- [it] to dogs 2952-kunarion- .
27 And she said 2036-epo- , Truth 3483-nai- , Lord
2962-kurios- : yet 1063-gar- the dogs 2952-kunarion-
eat 2068-esthio- of the crumbs 5589-psichion- which
3588-ho- fall 4098-pipto- from their masters 2962-
kurios- ' table 5132-trapeza- .
28 Then 5119-tote- Jesus 2424-Iesous- answered
0611-apokrinomai- and said 2036-epo- unto her, O woman
1135-gune- , great 3173-megas- [is] thy faith 4102-pistis- :
be it unto thee even as thou wilt 2309-thelo- . And her
daughter 2364-thugater- was made 2390-iaomai- whole
3390-metropolis- from that very 1565-ekeinos- hour
5610-hora- .
29. And Jesus 2424-Iesous- departed 3327-metabaino-
from thence 1564-ekeithen- , and came 2064-erchomai-
nigh 3844-para- unto the sea 2281-thalassa- of Galilee
1056-Galilaia- ; and went 0305-anabaino- up into 1519-
eis- a mountain 3735-oros- , and sat 2521-kathemai-
down 2521-kathemai- there 1563-ekei- .
30 And great 4183-polus- multitudes 3793-ochlos- came
4334-proserchomai- unto him, having 2192-echo- with
them [those that were] lame 5560-cholos- , blind 5185-
tuphlos- , dumb 2974-kophos- , maimed 2948-kullos- , and
many 4183-polus- others 2087-heteros- , and cast 4496-
rhipto- them down 4496-rhipto- at 3844-para- Jesus
2424-Iesous- ' feet 4228-pous- ; and he healed 2323-
therapeuo- them:
31 Insomuch 5620-hoste- that the multitude 3793-ochlos-
wondered 2296-thaumazo- , when they saw 0991-blepo-
the dumb 2974-kophos- to speak 2980-laleo- , the maimed
2948-kullos- to be whole 5199-hugies- , the lame 5560-
cholos- to walk 4043-peripateo- , and the blind 5185-
tuphlos- to see 0991-blepo- : and they glorified 1392-
doxazo- the God 2316-theos- of Israel 2474-Israel- .
32 Then 1161-de- Jesus 2424-Iesous- called 4341-
proskaleomai- his disciples 3101-mathetes- [unto him],
and said 2036-epo- , I have compassion 4697-
splagchnizomai- on 1909-epi- the multitude 3793-ochlos-
, because 3754-hoti- they continue 4357-prosmeno-
with me now 2236-hedista- three 5140-treis- days 2250-
hemera- , and have 2192-echo- nothing 5101-tis- to eat
5315-phago- : and I will 2309-thelo- not send 0630-
apoluo- them away 0630-apoluo- fasting 3523-nestis- ,
lest 3379-mepote- they faint 1590-ekluo- in the way
3598-hodos- .
33 And his disciples 3101-mathetes- say 3004-lego-
unto him, Whence 4159-pothen- should we have so 5118-
tosoutos- much 5118-tosoutos- bread 0740-artos- in
the wilderness 2047-eremia- , as to fill 5526-chortazo-
so 5118-tosoutos- great 5118-tosoutos- a multitude
3793-ochlos- ?
34 And Jesus 2424-Iesous- saith 3004-lego- unto them,
How 4214-posos- many 4214-posos- loaves 0740-artos-
have 2192-echo- ye? And they said 2036-epo- , Seven
2033-hepta- , and a few 3641-oligos- little 2485-
ichthudion- fishes 2485-ichthudion- .
35 And he commanded 2753-keleuo- the multitude 3793-
ochlos- to sit 0377-anapipto- down 0377-anapipto- on
1909-epi- the ground 1093-ge- .
36 And he took 2983-lambano- the seven 2033-hepta-
loaves 0740-artos- and the fishes 2486-ichthus- , and
gave 1325-didomi- thanks 2168-eucharisteo- , and brake
2806-klao- [them], and gave 1325-didomi- to his
disciples 3101-mathetes- , and the disciples 3101-
mathetes- to the multitude 3793-ochlos- .
37 And they did all 3956-pas- eat 5315-phago- , and
were filled 5526-chortazo- : and they took 0142-airo-
up of the broken 2801-klasma- [meat] that was left 4052-
perisseuo- seven 2033-hepta- baskets 4711-spuris-
full 4134-pleres- .
38 And they that did eat 2068-esthio- were four
5070-tetrakischilioi- thousand 5070-tetrakischilioi- men
0435-aner- , beside 5565-choris- women 1135-gune- and
children 3813-paidion- .
39 And he sent 0630-apoluo- away 0630-apoluo- the
multitude 3793-ochlos- , and took 1519-eis- ship 4143-
ploion- , and came 2064-erchomai- into 1519-eis- the
coasts 3725-horion- of Magdala 3093-Magdala- .
Matthew 16
1. The Pharisees 5330-Pharisaios- also 2532-kai- with
the Sadducees 4523-Saddoukaios- came 4334-proserchomai-
, and tempting Bible Software Engineering P. O. Box 513
Caldwell Idaho 83606 Ray
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