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Folders |
{parent folder} |
Filename | Size | Date | |
48_GAL_.txt | 41,928 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
48_GAL___COL_.txt | 34,744 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL__02E_EXP__STRONGS_04_NUM__.txt | 115,568 | 1/02/03 | 8:27 pm |
48_GAL__02O_STRONGS_04_NUM__58_HEB__WORD.txt | 488 | 1/02/03 | 3:12 pm |
48_GAL__02O_STRONGS_04_NUM__GREEK_WORD.txt | 1,351,288 | 4/19/03 | 10:47 am |
48_GAL__02S_STRONGS_04_NUM__.txt | 1,652,548 | 4/19/03 | 10:47 am |
48_GAL__05T_TRANSLATION_PHRASES.txt | 1,512,957 | 4/19/03 | 10:47 am |
48_GAL__06C_BOOK_CONC.txt | 43,218 | 1/01/03 | 1:10 pm |
48_GAL__06D_VERSE_REF_DICT.txt | 0 | 4/19/03 | 10:47 am |
48_GAL__TXT_aaa.txt | 2,050 | 2/22/91 | 1:10 am |
48_GAL__TXT_dic.txt | 109,412 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
48_GAL__TXT_dir.txt | 709 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL__TXT_eee.txt | 12,133 | 7/01/02 | 9:49 pm |
48_GAL__TXT_fff.txt | 41,000 | 7/01/02 | 9:30 pm |
48_GAL__TXT_ggg.txt | 12,676 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
48_GAL__TXT_int.txt | 40,853 | 7/01/02 | 10:00 pm |
48_GAL__TXT_lin.txt | 28,716 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL__TXT_phr.txt | 33,388 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL__TXT_ref.txt | 36,836 | 5/14/90 | 10:40 pm |
48_GAL__TXT_ver.txt | 1,615 | 9/19/88 | 12:56 am |
48_GAL_01.TXT | 2,827 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
48_GAL_01__DIR_.txt | 255 | 9/06/96 | 1:50 am |
48_GAL_02.TXT | 3,491 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
48_GAL_03.TXT | 3,986 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
48_GAL_04.TXT | 3,718 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
48_GAL_05.TXT | 2,978 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
48_GAL_06.TXT | 2,213 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
48_GAL_A_TXT_let.txt | 43,561 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_A_TXT_nt.txt | 43,561 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_B_TXT_let.txt | 34,167 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_B_TXT_nt.txt | 34,167 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_C_TXT_let.txt | 20,778 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_C_TXT_nt.txt | 20,778 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_D_TXT_let.txt | 7,174 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_D_TXT_nt.txt | 7,174 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_E_TXT_let.txt | 5,167 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_E_TXT_nt.txt | 5,167 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_F_TXT_let.txt | 22,570 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_F_TXT_nt.txt | 22,570 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_G_TXT_let.txt | 13,486 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_G_TXT_nt.txt | 13,486 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_GRK_TXT_aaa.txt | 23,274 | 8/08/98 | 7:10 pm |
48_GAL_GRK_TXT_don.txt | 23,708 | 4/15/90 | 8:06 pm |
48_GAL_GRK_TXT_new.txt | 121,937 | 8/08/98 | 7:10 pm |
48_GAL_H_TXT_let.txt | 18,341 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_H_TXT_nt.txt | 18,341 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_I_TXT_let.txt | 33,586 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_I_TXT_nt.txt | 33,586 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_INT_KJV_STR_04_NUM__GRK_WRD.txt | 45,008 | 7/01/02 | 9:57 pm |
48_GAL_INT_TXT_aaa.txt | 47,956 | 7/13/96 | 7:52 pm |
48_GAL_INT_TXT_bbb.txt | 47,958 | 7/13/96 | 8:04 pm |
48_GAL_K_TXT_let.txt | 1,544 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_K_TXT_nt.txt | 1,544 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_L_TXT_let.txt | 13,669 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_L_TXT_nt.txt | 13,669 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_M_TXT_let.txt | 18,431 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_M_TXT_nt.txt | 18,431 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_N_TXT_let.txt | 14,937 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_N_TXT_nt.txt | 14,937 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_NUM.txt | 11,774 | 5/05/90 | 10:56 pm |
48_GAL_O_TXT_let.txt | 27,277 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_O_TXT_nt.txt | 27,277 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_P_TXT_let.txt | 9,775 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_P_TXT_nt.txt | 9,775 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_R_TXT_let.txt | 6,321 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_R_TXT_nt.txt | 6,321 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_S_TXT_let.txt | 22,818 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_S_TXT_nt.txt | 22,818 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_W_TXT_let.txt | 34,097 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
48_GAL_W_TXT_nt.txt | 34,097 | 6/06/98 | 12:07 pm |
COMPLETE_STUDY.txt | 274,754 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
GA_TXT_con.txt | 37,538 | 7/26/99 | 1:18 pm |
GA_TXT_kjv.txt | 19,188 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
GA_TXT_OUT.txt | 709 | 8/06/90 | 10:01 am |
GA_TXT_ref.txt | 18,511 | 1/08/89 | 6:50 pm |
GA_TXT_ver.txt | 2,198 | 8/06/90 | 10:01 am |
GA1.TXT | 5,772 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
GA1_TXT_bbb.txt | 19,002 | 7/01/02 | 9:49 pm |
GA1_TXT_ref.txt | 17,988 | 1/04/89 | 12:03 am |
GA2.TXT | 6,938 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
GA3.TXT | 7,999 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
GA4.TXT | 7,304 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
GA5.TXT | 5,972 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
GA6.TXT | 4,376 | 1/27/03 | 11:18 pm |
GACHAIN_TXT_80.txt | 43,802 | 7/01/02 | 9:23 pm |
GAR.TXT | 128 | 6/06/98 | 9:18 pm |
index.htm | 37,616 | 8/20/07 | 11:45 am |
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